- 10 Jul 2013 03:25
I've thought about how an argument between an american rebel and libertarian would go in the 18th century.
So I've decided to write down to see how it would play out.
rebel>this tea tax is the final straw, we must free ourselves from the Briton tyrants.
libertarian>Well sir, I believe that would violate the Napoleonic Agreement Pact.
rebel>But they're taxing us without representation!
libertarian>The tax goes to the king who in turn uses the money to protect our property and allow our business to flourish. Its mutually beneficial.
rebel>Well I don't need protection from the king!
libertarian>Well I think otherwise.
So I've decided to write down to see how it would play out.
rebel>this tea tax is the final straw, we must free ourselves from the Briton tyrants.
libertarian>Well sir, I believe that would violate the Napoleonic Agreement Pact.
rebel>But they're taxing us without representation!
libertarian>The tax goes to the king who in turn uses the money to protect our property and allow our business to flourish. Its mutually beneficial.
rebel>Well I don't need protection from the king!
libertarian>Well I think otherwise.