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Any other minor ideologies.
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By Husky
Help in giving my ideology a name would be appreciated.


Any action of the government must respect principles of fiscal responsibility and public accountability. The government should be run by qualified, accountable officials who are continuously scrutinized and evaluated by the public. In an ideal case, this government would consist of scientists, engineers, skilled lawyers, and other qualifications enabling one to show insight into the running of a country. I support a vibrant multi-party democracy, although I feel the current left-right paradigm the U.S sees is two sides of a coin called the 'Business Party'. The problem is that science and reasoning is totally absent from the political mainstream and large companies have become the main topic of focus for the government. The entire approach towards politics should be reformed, in that the government should be designed to promote stability and actually look out for its citizens.


I support a mixed economy, with a worldclass infrastructure system of railways, telecommunications and roads funded by the government. Moderate regulation in the banking and finance industry is necessary, and I believe in some fiscally conservative policies and aims, such as a balanced budget, a commitment to reducing the budget deficit, and a reforming of healthcare and welfare. Regarding welfare: I believe some form of social security spending is necessary, such as unemployment, pension and disability payments. This should be funded through a universal land value tax. A negative income tax should also be implemented for poverty. Taxes on income and consumer goods and services should be just enough to fund a small government, a lean military (completely slashing the current military size & budget - including overseas bases) and a well organized set of public services. Which leads me to healthcare: universal healthcare system modelled on Northern Europe. I believe in bolstering trade agreements with foreign countries and boosting American exports. Back home, there should be increased spending in STEM programs and worker training, in order to make Americans more competitive, something sorely lacking in the last few decades. Technology should be embraced, absolutely embraced, on all fronts. Incorporating new technologies such as 3D printing and quantum computing into government to make government more efficient - and possibly starting government programs interested in such developments.


I am very much in favour of heavy investment in renewable energy sources and relieving U.S dependency on foreign oil. This could be a great path to greater national security as well as job creation. We should also look at becoming energy-sufficient as a long term goal. We should set goals concerning what % of our energy will come from wind, solar and hydro power by a set date.


I am fine with immigration of skilled workers, especially in STEM and IT systems. I am generally anti illegal immigration believing it is detrimental in terms of its knock off economic and social effects. I support the legalization of marijuana and would like it to be taxed and regulated by government, saving the government hundreds of millions in incarceration costs and also bolstering government revenue. I think government has no business in regulating certain social issues (abortion, gay marriage) so I am in favour of all those positions. What a man does behind closed doors and in his life is no business of the government. I am very anti government spying on civilians and drone strikes in general. The U.S should withdraw from all its occupancy areas and stop drone strikes. I would probably support the defunding of the NSA too. I very much take a libertarian approach socially. I would decriminalize hard drugs and use funds generated from taxes on weed to fund rehabilitation programs. When it comes to education, I support the school voucher system immensely, feeling our education needs major reform. I would also support state investment in STEM university programs. I support gun control.


The aim of our foreign policy should be to harbour allies in terms of trade agreements and cooperation in the advancement of science. Science is the answer to our problems. I am anti the U.S meddling in the world's affairs, so I would only support foreign policy strengthening our interests. I would cut all foreign aid, except medical aid to Africa. The U.S should position itself as a place of stability and prosperity, running on a platform of science & reason.
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By Varax
You sound like a left-liberal, very similar to a typical European social democrat.

You recognize that both the Democrats and Republicans are essentially two sides of the same coin as "business parties" and say you want a multiparty system that allows for more "science and reasoning" to be taken into account. Well, how exactly? What electoral system or other mechanisms would you support to make that a reality? It's not going to happen with our first-past-the-post you favor proportional representation instead or something else? I'm not sure that in itself would have the effect you desire though, it would allow for a break up of the the two-party system at least. It would still be dominated by "business parties" as is the nature of the liberal system.

Some of your positions resemble what I'd term a "soft-technocrat" though you seem to fall short of it in a few key areas. I find your willingness to embrace scientific advancement, infrastructure overhaul and skill based immigration to be sensible short-term objectives at least.
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By Husky
Alpha I think you raise an excellent point when you ask how I want a government run solely by professionals to be implemented. I have to be honest, I am not entirely sure on the best method. I haven't put enough thought into an idea about reforming the democratic system to favour professionals.

I'm not sure if a 2 party system will ever be conducive to the form of governance I want, but within a pragmatic, realist framework the 2 party system seems unavoidable. What were your thoughts on implementing a system of meritocracy and professionals governance outside of the current paradigm?

When you say 'soft-technocrat', can you elaborate a bit? I have only read a bit about technocracy, but in principle I agree with tons of it. Embracing science, looking for paths to post-scarcity - I just don't see how feasible it would be to implement. There's no doubt I have advancement at the centre of my beliefs - I'm just not sure on the best path to get there. Can we overhaul the current system? Is the form of liberal democracy we have unavoidable from this point onwards?
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