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By OllytheBrit
Image What, no accolades for my impressions then? I don't know why I bother! Image
By benpenguin
Paradigm wrote:I thought it would have been fine if not for that pathetic noise Russell Crowe calls singing.

Really? You did't find the plot horrible?
By annatar1914
My Nominee for worst movie ever, so bad it's good category, goes to "Roadhouse" with Patrick Swayze, Sam Elliot, and Ben Gazzara.

Friend of mine spend his whole life watching MST3K and a multitude of shitty films with me, except 'Roadhouse'. I made him sit thru it. He said "Motherfucker, this is horrible exploitive schlock. Next thing you know, there going to have a Monster Truck in this Goddamned movie"..... I said, laughing; "Yep, this next scene, I kid you not.' He walked out after that.

He almost got me back, almost. Next week, he made me sit through; "Metalstorm; the destruction of Jared-Zin".
By fractalign
I just watched what I regard as the worst movie ever. It's called 2012.
I have seen more than my fair share of disaster movies and they are all outstanding for their dedication to the lowest common denominator. This one however stands head and shoulders above all others in that department. Bow down Independence Day and Deep Impact you are no longer worthy ! 2012 has been crowned the new king.

As a giant tidal waves engulf the Himalayas, the ships set sail, ALA Noah's Arc. At the very end, once everything has calmed down they head for land. Surprise surprise its Africa! Why is that a surprise ? well where do I start ? The rest of the planet is under water including the Himalayas. When they show the earth at the end just one continent remains and that is Africa. Now I am no geologist or scientist but i was under the assumption that the Asian and Indian Sub Continent had the highest mountain range in the world. If sea levels have risen 30,000 plus feet, then how is it even possible that Africa has remained above water.

The other thing that annoyed me was that If Africa was their destination then why were the helicopters carrying elephants, and girraffs to the ships before they set sail.

The other problem with these kinds flicks is that they always get big name actors in who always end up playing second fiddle to the CGI. Yeah take the money and run, I can hardly blame them. At the same time I can hardly respect them. They should just pray that being in a block buster like this does not wipe out the careers like the tidal waves did to their characters.
Anyway I could go on, there is so much that does not make sense, but unlike the creators of this cinematic sham I do not want to inflict readers with the mind numbing boredom and frustration I endured.

Five out of Five in the absolute crap stakes !
WWZ could definitely be considered the worst film which had the most promise of recent years.

I think the worst overrated film would have to be the Hurt-Locker, that was a real piece of shit.
By layman
'The love guru' was very bad in that it was a comedy with no jokes.

Its hard to pick a worst movie. If you actually pick the worst made like an ed Wood film then it ends up being a cult classic.

You need something that is bad but kinda well made.
By Decky
Yea I argee with that, anyone could make a bad film, I mean the vast majority of people if let loose with a camera and a budget would make something that wasn't much good. A film has to be ruined to qualify, it needs to have the possiblilty of not being shit that is not grasped.
By Rich
As a four series of sequels highlander 2 to 5 must surely be hard to beat.

Can anyone think of a 2 to 5 series of sequels with the sheer consistency of highlander?
By annatar1914
Rich wrote:As a four series of sequels highlander 2 to 5 must surely be hard to beat.

Can anyone think of a 2 to 5 series of sequels with the sheer consistency of highlander?

'Star Wars" episodes one, two, and three. and then the 'Return of the Jedi' monstrosity with those Goddamned Ewoks certainly comes close.

But, I may be biased, I like the Galactic Empire and the Sith, lol.
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By Heisenberg
I definitely agree with annatar1914 that the Star Wars prequels are all horrible. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was absolute shite as well.

Also, I know this isn't quite the thread for it, but the most overrated film I've ever seen was The Big Lebowski.
benpenguin wrote:Really? You did't find the plot horrible?

Well, the plot is a 19th century Victor Hugo novel and the film you're referring to is just the latest adaptation of that story, so I suppose if one takes issue with it, the issue would be with Hugo's storytelling abilities.
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By Drlee
The Postman. Also known as "Dirt World".
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By Godstud
Waterworld was OK.... but why was everyone so damned dirty, when there's so much damned water?

Postman was just boring. It wasn't really that bad.

No one can beat The Flintstones for pure vomit-inducing dreck!

Armageddon is another movie that's so bad it's good.
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By Red Barn
Kill Bill.

I hate Tarantino in general, but I really, really hated this in particular. I honestly don't understand how something that looks so good could possibly be so bad. It's almost supernatural that way.
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