Attempted execution by cop of black male, Levar Jones - Politics | PoFo

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The war on black men continues in America. Why do white Americans treat jihadis with more respect than they do with innocent black men going on their business? Does a seatbelt violation justify an execution and potential catastrophe due to a bullet hitting the fuel dispenser? Don't give me talk about how he was too fast in producing his driver licence. That is not a reason to execute someone unless you actually see the gun.

Luckily, the policeman was a poor shooter and has been dismissed but will probably be acquitted like they mostly do due to a police worshipper in the jury.
This is culturally ingrained and perpetuated through crime statistics and popular culture. Eventually they'll be able to effectively implement technological solutions to ameliorate the consequences of these 'misunderstandings'.


The cops don't routinely cary guns in Britain. But the armed response units do and they regularly fuck up and kill or maim some innocent guy. Then the cops receive a Not Guilty.(surprise, surprise ) The cops have their culture, shoot first and ask the questions later.

The Sabbaticus wrote:This is culturally ingrained and perpetuated through crime statistics and popular culture. Eventually they'll be able to effectively implement technological solutions to ameliorate the consequences of these 'misunderstandings'.

These problems exist in other countries too, including yours, so why don't we hear as many police shootings from other countries? America allows any trigger-happy idiot with a badge to use lethal force and get away with it, whereas in other industralised countries, there is much more oversight concerning shootings.
It would be interesting to note if there are similar incidents where the cops were black as well. Would they have acted in a similar manner? What I've read on the subject, these police officers would have probably conducted themselves in a similar manner.

Absolutely, it is the institution that shapes the individuals within not the other way round, having black people in the police doesn't make them less racist just as having women in parliament doesn't make it any less a chauvinistic institution.

It's one of the greatest fallacies in liberalism.
Quantum wrote:These problems exist in other countries too, including yours, so why don't we hear as many police shootings from other countries?

Probably because in terms of sheer numbers America has a bigger problem with crime, particularly violent crime, than all other western nations combined. Their law enforcement face much more danger in an average day than, say, a cop in Canada or Switzerland.

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