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Private discussion areas.
If your red card is removed I'll add you.

-Dagoth Ur (Islam, Sufism)
-Paradigm (Anglo-Catholicism)
-Potemkin (Daoism-Mictlantecuhtli devotion)
-annatar1914 (Old Believer/Old Calendarist Orthodoxy)
-noemon (Old Calendarist Orthodox Hellenism)
-RhetoricThug (Mahayana Buddhism-Gnosticism-Eastern esotericism)
-Andrea_Chenier (Roman Catholicism) [Does this member even still post?]
-taxizen (Buddhism-Daoism-Sufism)
-quetzalcoatl (Daoism, Other)
-Rei Murasame (Theosophy, Shinto)
-Political Interest (Sunni Islam)
-Verv (Protestant Christianity)
-Istanbuller (Sunni Islam)
-Eauz (Shinto)
-ComradeTim (Buddhism, Taoism, Pythagoreanism, Celtic paganism, Luciferianism)
-Cromwell (Marcionite Christianity)
-Americanroyalty (Methodist Christianity)
-TheClockworkRat (Not a Daoist)

Red_Army wrote:Meh, most people find a cross dressing drug addicted communist Muslim to be a joke too, Dagoth..

I've never claimed I was anything short of heterodox. My Faith however can only be judged by Allah, certainly not by someone like you.

Also unless you mean addicted to drug use itself, I'm not addicted to anything. And I don't remember anything in the quran saying I can't wear girl clothes.
Dagoth Ur wrote:If your red card is removed I'll add you.

It won't be. He is Sithsabre, trolling again as usual.
I'm not judging your faith Dagoth. I was just fucking around. I don't care what you want to be, go for it.

I just think Gozer is as valid a belief as the random assortment of shit Tim chose.
There are probably ways to explain and condense what he's written, so I'm waiting to see what it will be as well. I'm not sure what you get when you put the first two together, but if you put the latter three together there are things which that could be.

Aleister Crowley, 'The Vision and the Voice, 9th Aethyr, The Book of Thoth', page 143–144 wrote:This is she that is set upon the Throne of Understanding. Holy, Holy, Holy is her name, not to be spoken among men. For Kore they have called her, and Malkah, and Betulah, and Persephone.

And the poets have feigned songs about her, and the prophets have spoken vain things, and the young men have dreamed vain dreams: but this is she, that immaculate, the name of whose name may not be spoken. Thought cannot pierce the glory that defendeth her, for thought is smitten dead before her presence. Memory is blank, and in the most ancient books of Magick are neither words to conjure her, nor adorations to praise her. Will bends like a reed in the tempests that sweep the borders of her kingdom, and imagination cannot figure so much as one petal of the lilies whereon she standeth in the lake of crystal, in the sea of glass.

This is she that hath bedecked her hair with seven stars, the seven breaths of God that move and thrill its excellence. And she hath tired her hair with seven combs, whereupon are written the seven secret names of God that are not known even of the Angels, or of the Archangels, or of the Leader of the armies of the Lord.

wiki: The Vision and the Voice wrote:The Vision and the Voice is the source of many of the central spiritual doctrines of Thelema, especially in the visions of Babalon and her consort Chaos (the "All-Father"), as well as an account of how an individual ego might cross the Abyss, thereby assuming the title of "Master of the Temple" and taking a place in the City of the Pyramids under the Night of Pan.

So perhaps it was just a matter of solving Tim's puzzle. That is one way to get some of those things under one roof, so maybe the combination of the last three items on his list are supposed to be that.
Dagoth Ur wrote:So Tim, either justify you assortment of adjectives or be reduced to "Assorted Beliefs".

Buddhism and Taoism are very similar philosophy's, I don't see how that's a big deal. Merge em if you want, no water off my back.

As for the rest, I'm not entirely sure as of yet what my relationship to them will be. They're fairly new interests, so it's fine if you take them off. It's one of the reasons I wanted to join the group to explore these ideas.

Rei Murasame wrote:There are probably ways to explain and condense what he's written, so I'm waiting to see what it will be as well. I'm not sure what you get when you put the first two together, but if you put the latter three together there are things which that could be.

So perhaps it was just a matter of solving Tim's puzzle. That is one way to get some of those things under one roof, so maybe the combination of the last three items on his list are supposed to be that.

That sounds very interesting, I'll have to look into it. Thank you. The journey begins.
Buddhism and Taoism are very similar philosophy's, I don't see how that's a big deal. Merge em if you want, no water off my back.

Already been done, Tim. The Chinese merged them about a thousand years ago, and called the result 'Ch'an Buddhism'. They exported it to Japan, where it became 'Zen Buddhism'. Syncretism ftw!
Potemkin wrote:The Chinese merged them about a thousand years ago, and called the result 'Ch'an Buddhism'. They exported it to Japan, where it became 'Zen Buddhism'.

That would explain quite a lot. <innocent whistle>

But I wouldn't say that China exported, I'd say that Japan imported. Because that sounds nicer. And also not that they merged, but more like Buddhism was given some aspects of Taoism.
Last edited by Rei Murasame on 28 Jan 2015 11:19, edited 1 time in total.
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By fuser
'Ch'an Buddhism'.

Meh, mispronunciation.

'Zen Buddhism'.

Meh, mispronunciation of mispronunciation.

Its called, "Dhyaan".
Shoo, shoo, don't you know we invented all this stuff from scratch by ourselves with no help from India whatsoever?

Quite seriously though, it is truly remarkable how India is seriously the spiritual light of the East. Half of everything leads back there if you go back far enough.
Rei Murasame wrote:Quite seriously though, it is truly remarkable how India is seriously the spiritual light of the East. Half of everything leads back there if you go back far enough.

heh some Daoists claim that their great spiritual teacher Laozi taught the buddha how to buddha.

link wrote:Lao Tzu was also connected to the Buddha. There are stories that say that he was one of the Buddha's teachers, while others claim that he was the Buddha himself or one of Buddha's incarnations.
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By fuser
Yeah, that theory is as stupid as Christ spending his "missing" years in India and New Testament is just Semitic version of Indian religious thoughts.
The Grecian civilization had contact with the Indus civilization, and we know that the Grecians traded intensely with the Egyptians. The Anatolian Hittites were also in contact with the Grecians, seeing that they were situated in Anatolia. And the Hittites traded and waged war with the Egyptians. The Hittites themselves were great assimilators of other cultural and religious beliefs.

We're talking about centuries of contact and cross-pollination prior to the inception of the Christ construct.

The Romans also had contact with the Indians during the time of the Christ construct. In as such, the scripture might have been influenced by Indian thought.
The Sabbaticus wrote:The Grecian civilization had contact with the Indus civilization, and we know that the Grecians traded intensely with the Egyptians. The Anatolian Hittites were also in contact with the Grecians, seeing that they were situated in Anatolia. And the Hittites traded and waged war with the Egyptians. The Hittites themselves were great assimilators of other cultural and religious beliefs.

We're talking about centuries of contact and cross-pollination prior to the inception of the Christ construct.

The Romans also had contact with the Indians during the time of the Christ construct. In as such, the scripture might have been influenced by Indian thought.

Yes, Buddhism was known to the Romans, as were many other religions from the East (the most prominent being Mithraism, an offshoot of Zoroastrianism). But on the whole, Christianity doesn't really bear that much similarity to Buddhism, at least no more so than it does to other religions. Both taught a message of liberation, but where the Buddha's message was primarily psychological, Christ's message was more focused on social morality. Metaphysically, Christianity borrowed from Greco-Roman philosophy, particularly the Stoics and Neoplatonists. The one similarity between Christianity and Buddhism that is quite striking is that the Mahayana doctrine of the trikaya bears a remarkable resemblance to the Christian trinity.

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