Sarah Haider: Islam and the Necessity of Liberal Critique - Politics | PoFo

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It's an ironic and most puzzling phenomenon, that in the 21th century, agnostics and atheists are talking about the betrayal of the Left.

Move to 4:30 to get the gist of her presentation.

Talking points:

- why the left bends over backwards to accommodate a religion more controlling and conservative than Opus Dei, Scientology and 17th century Puritanism combined
- the religion of the underdog - 'the brown man'
- Charlie Hebdo
- the meaningless term 'Islamophobia'
- the argument that criticism of Islam supposedly fosters 'right-winged bigotry'
- the recent controversy involving PEN
- why colonialism isn't an excuse
- Western Left supporting the religious Right in Islamic countries
- Islam and slavery


Presented at the American Humanist Association 74th Annual Conference, May 7-10, 2015, in Denver, Colorado. #ahacon15

Reformists in Muslim countries are routinely silenced, through persecution or violence, which has been increasing over the last few decades as Islamism gains traction. Liberals are in a unique position to make a nuanced and compassionate critique of harmful conceptions of religion- a position which we are ceding. As a result, the only visible voices are those of hate-mongers from the far-right, Islamists and outright apologists. It is of the highest priority that liberals exert pressure on both groups towards positive change.

Sarah Haider is a co-founder of Ex-Muslims of North America, a community building organization for Ex-Muslims across the non-theist spectrum, for which she currently works to reduce discrimination of those who left Islam.

7:00 - she illustrates how CNN and liberal Muslims are a bigger joke than Bush Jr. as president.

12:00 - she comments on the institutional bigotry towards ex-Muslims and humanists at British universities. Of course we've known since 2008 that British Universities are bioreactors for Islamic fundamentalism, extremism and Muslim terrorists.
Hopefully people can start to understand that I'm not making Islamo feminism up. There are feminists who will never under any circumstances criticise a Muslim. The Muslim loving Islamo feminists can be more fanatical than any Muslim even ISIS.

What was particularly moving in the presentation was a the end where she described how people like Richard Dawkins can even bring enlightenment to Egypt.

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