Come And Share Your Poetry - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Discuss literary and artistic creations, or post your own poetry, essays etc.
Forum rules: No one line posts please.
Where your balls at Decky?

Between my legs. :eh:

Is this some kind of colonial expression that means something else?
Following my lost reason to a small park in the city, I heard a young paper yeller. He must of not been more than 5 feet tall', but with a stepping stool, and hands cupped around his lips- this boy, from at least a distance, could of have been a giant. Preaching, very fluently the words of the some gospel in such a twisted manner. I wrote down his words as they were. I couldn't make sense of em', surely not when I was in awe. I bring them here, now, for you to take a gander for yourself. By what means does the convicted fella' succumb to, maybe you can figure it out?

Hear ye', souls that claim the stripes & stars their own.
Wash your hands, dirty mime.
What does it give you to embrace?
For you are deaf, dumb, and blind!
Did you rest Sunday?
You worked nine to five.
Which bill will that pay?
Ye' of little faith & Ye' of little mind.
Keep surviving, but you shan't thrive!
Your internet is far too important,
Your television as well,
Did I mention microwaves?
Nuke that nutrition until the bell.
You handicapped fool!
You'll most likely, not ever, feel alive.
Simulations, at best,
Still you are deprived.
No time to ponder,
When you struggle to stay above water.
Build yourself a boat to stay afloat, or you will drown-
Then again, you'd rather purchase one...
Money is your lifeguard,
Bow down to your savior.
Worship your false idols,
Stay away from thine neighbors,
Can't trust them strangers...
For this and much more can be found in today's paper!"

Lay it to rest
Put your butterflies to bed
Repose your head on my shoulder
Surcease time
As you resign from one reality
To another
Luminous sky
To us only relevant
Anxious minds wither away
True emotions take their place
Its what we live for I'm convinced
Opportunity seized for experience
Caught in the moment
The way its characterized
Two friends with feelings
Exchanging pantomime
Freed by interest
Chained by commitment
The future unknown
Down the path we roam

If I wrote these words
Would you decrypt this
If I use scripture
On snippets
Would it treat your deltiology
Sending convictions from my own psychology
Leading you like Moses in Deuteronomy
I won't make it
but you will
Promise land is what these words fulfill

"Estranged Friend"
Too many individuals
They doubt the word I bring
Transformation taking place
Amongst the human being
Autopsy me
Amnesty for honesty
When I die
Do those things before they bury me

Seen through the bars
Like an alcoholic's tempo
Manifest Destiny
They whisper
Only now its an echo
Eerie nonetheless
Befriend the co-workers
Do not doubt they slave
As hipsters and jokers
Collapse brotherhood, sisterhood
In the cradle we will rot

Ask not what your country can do for you
Consume, consume, consume
Thank you, and come again soon
Hear it several times
Sincere, was it once?
Automated response
Someone find a cap for this dunce

Race you to the finish
But why in such a rush?
No compassion, little reaction
Only lust, and through us we'll give up our names
In exchange for numbers
Ushering in humanity's humiliation
The congregation of nations as they plunder
So, I leave you with this ink
And wonder
When you read this estranged friend
Best will, yonder.

"Turn the Tide"
If you've lost sight, or can't see
Let me be those eyes that guide
Suppression, political aggression
People, understand you can turn the tide

Big government, big business
Both control our lives
Anxious and worried
Can't get to sleep tonight
I ought to stir up the melting pot
Show the formula they abide
Give the people fire
And a horse to ride
March into the heart of darkness
Under the glow of your leaders light
And destroy the fiend inside
Lessons from our founding fathers
People, understand you can turn the tide

Disable receptors that receive propaganda from the scepter
Impeachment of the lecher
Condemn treacherous folly with this letter
Not a Brave New World
Rather a new world for the brave
Become more self-sufficient to defend ourselves in this new age
Heed collective action
Use it for change
Understand you can turn the tide today

"The Siege of Mesopotamia"
Run from what you know
Stay until the rain gets heavy
Witness bare existence
Over those with business
Try me, but how
Im too elusive to be found
Run around all day
Only to find a coupon
Limit one per customer
Corruption and lust for her
The market of many
Blood shed, always a pity
But petty to those who invest
Ticking time bombs strapped to the chest
A Jihad to those who are blessed
Capitalism solves the rest
Invasion from the west
Invasion from the west
No rising sun
Only one that sets

"Declaration of Dependence"

Yield to the fence O' thee immigrants!
Stray from my gun public enemy # 1
Search for the WMDs in foreign countries
Enjoy my people, policy of the free
Liquids to depend on, narcotics are swell
We don't legalize the harmless one
Police need more people in jail
Weekdays to work
Weekends to splurge
Holidays to spend more than you've earned
Coke and Pepsi, I suppose they're both bad
What about the election every four years we had?
O' what bliss being content
Oh I tell you, I don't mind the price for rent
I'll pay my taxes, earn my keep
Pop my pills when I'm losing my sleep
I'll be a slave to your ways
I'll sleep with TV on to learn how to behave
I know you protect me from all the fears I'm told to have
Your methods of control are very suave, I might add
For a nation made to counter tyranny, you've become the tyrant
Oh the irony
Dependent on you for so much
The Declaration of Independence will wither into dust
America, America, hijacked by the few... I can never again salute you

"Valentine's Day"
Here already
Of course, I'm not ready
Ready as I'll ever be
As if to be the prey as it bleeds
My huntress, through with the chase
Has taken according to her needs
What of mine, am I left to be
Where do I find her now
I've crept the streets
Paid for the stains upon sheets
No more will I loath on the fourteenth
Truly yours
One without true love
Maybe I'll find it within this gun
Or, after

"The Mind of a Narcissist"

welcome to the mind of a narcissist. The realist is gone, replaced by counterfeit. Narcissistic, possibly sadistic, also plausible that you completely missed it. I'll admit I'm a cynic, self-aware and prepared for this world's wear and tare. The terror is always there, despite from what you hear, I glare with intellectual flare towards the ground where despair is in plain sight. i flex my muscles just to show you my might. I've witnessed the bare existence of mediocre resistance. Over the horizon where the sun sets, I'm building barracks of importance over real soldiers of fortune.
My preponderance sets its sight on your ordinance. The order is in to subjugate the subordinate. Cut off their heads and torture them, or we can befriend and victimize you with lies that hide you from the truth, or even establish a coup that roots out rebellious youth. Allowing us to invent our own couth. Deeming those unworthy to report to reformatory. of course, I'm doing it for personal glory. No need to worry about the slave, they're here to support me. Its their duty to learn how to behave. If they don't, I rage. emotions the plebeian can't understand, but I can't contain. Don't ever mention the word vain or insane! That slander indicates a malfunctioning brain. Please, standby, abide, and entertain. Enjoy your view friend, of the narcissist's parade.

"The Hamster Wheel"
Desensitizing upon arrival
Numbness expected
I myself cannot link
Your think tank sanctuary
One day will be your mortuary
Not one to be less
Exercise that freedom
Tread Air
Sport killed fun
Education killed knowledge
Food killed hunger
Death to enchantment & wonder
Morbid binding blinds
Tread Air
Societal perceptions
Forge suicidal intentions
Cutting short the observer's lesson
Stow away that blade
Unworthy you are
Continue the journey
Tread Air
No authority
No responsibility for death
Foolish Ideas
Tread Air
life called on you

"Some Men"
Eager window sills catch the morning's bellow
Ventriloquial displays are heard humming
Man put into a lull, pillows upon his pile
Running from a tranquil life, running to no arrival
Killing pace
The vermin live happier than some men
In such case, loathing is common in confinement
There is no enjoyment for them
Out of life, as it is for some men
I shake my fist
Why is it you just can't be happy
Whats wrong with being happy
My words echoed in vain
Within his hollow, remains
A man, mad with malady
Someone I do not know
Only a shell
Given time, I must let go

The sound of silence played sweetly even with retrospect. Every angle of my compass indirect

"Hallowing wet well"
The stream of life
Give me rejuvenation
Refresh my desert hardened scales
Before my mortal enemy spills my life's work
Medicine for a traveler
Well I've strayed away from my own stream
Can't be selfish in a time of need
Away well
I thirst less
I must travel during the night
My death shines bright otherwise

"The Question"
Why do I write, always fighting for something to come out right
Wrong is easier, wrong is a crowd pleaser
Tell me what it is I ought
Am I going crazy trying to gallop, but still at a trot
Is this why you tease me
To what cause
Does a flower have to wilt
Before I am satisfied and pause?

All of these are from my personal compilation, not all my work is here. Some of these have been published (from my own wallet/independently), others rejected continuously for their political charge. I was told the radical political twist needs to be toned down before any serious publisher would want to print. I feel my expression comes off as very anti-American, but in all honesty, its a doom & gloom outlook that the United States could be headed in the wrong direction that makes me write with such manner. I don't believe that the art directly reflects what America was or is today. Anyways, Enjoy. - Rhetoric Thug

Excellent stuff.
Do remember... writing is usually a vent that helps most people cope with life's little dramas OR mind boggling dilemmas.
You, like most of us... had come to know how it felt to be hurt, wronged and screwed over.
America is certainly a messed up place... so of course it doesn't take much to get One's blood boiling and ink flowing.
Putting thought to paper can just as easily be as satisfying as starting a bar fight... however...
No-one gets hurt and you'll always have a memorable memoir to look back at and dwell on.
Besides... it sure beats a possible black eye from the other guy.

As far as getting published though...
Poetry by far is the toughest thing to peak a publishers interest even if poetry is the only thing they do actually print.
Since there is so much material by so many un-heard of authors... the only chance in even remotely having your manuscript read instead of it winding up in the waste basket is to be REALLY DAMN GOOD or KNOW SOMEONE who knows someone.
I believe a great writer shouldn't have to pay any costs at all to be published.
If the publisher knows they've got a hot commodity... the AUTHOR should receive a handsome advancement for their brilliance as well as the exposure and notoriety they deserve.
I too had a few poems published here and there.
Even got paid for one a while back.
Still to this day I hope that I may one day be discovered and my thick book of eye opening rhymes will have me touring the country in my own million dollar motor coach making appearances and signing autographs.
Until then... I can only hope and wish like the rest of us.
Sadly... the only thing that seems to be getting noticed nowadays is the punk rap that has the "F" word in it a million times.
How the "F" is that talent?
Beats the hell out of me.
Last edited by joeylyrics on 02 Nov 2012 16:33, edited 1 time in total.
joeylyrics wrote:Rhetoric...

Excellent stuff.
Do remember... writing is usually a vent that helps most people cope with life's little dramas OR mind boggling dilemmas.
You, like most of us... had come to know how it felt to be hurt, wronged and screwed over.
America is certainly a messed up place... so of course it doesn't take much to get One's blood boiling and ink flowing.
Putting thought to paper can just as easily be as satisfying as starting a bar fight... however...
No-one gets hurt and you'll always have a memorable memoir to look back at and dwell on.
Besides... it sure beats a possible black eye from the other guy.

As far as getting published though...
Poetry by far is the toughest thing to peak a publishers interest even if poetry is the only thing they do actually print.
Since there is so much material by so many un-heard of authors... the only chance in even remotely having your manuscript read instead of it winding up in the waste basket is to be REALLY DAMN GOOD or KNOW SOMEONE who knows someone.
I believe a great writer shouldn't have to pay any costs at all to be published.
If the publisher knows they've got a hot commodity... the AUTHOR should receive a handsome advancement for their brilliance as well as the exposure and notoriety they deserve.
I too had a few poems published here and there.
Even got paid for one a while back.
Still to this day I hope that I may one day be dicovered and my thick book of eye opening rhymes will have me touring the country in my own million dollar motor coach making appearances and signing autographs.
Until then... I can only hope and wish like the rest of us.
Sadly... the only thing that seems to be getting noticed nowadays is the punk rap that has the "F" word in it a million times.
How the "F" is that talent?
Beats the hell out of me.
Hey, it means so much to hear positive feedback. Most of the time its overdrawn special interest that doesn't give me anything to think about. I understand the hardship completely. You too, sir, have a rhythm. I believe we both have our own style. I posted this all here- not for fame- rather to contribute to a great thread you started. I know highly (in my opinion) intelligent and interesting characters dwell on this forum. I hope to read more from others and I hope those same people enjoy my contribution. Thanks for the encouragement. Most serious writers tend to get too critical on their own product and it leads to bouts of doubt/depression. Thanks Joeylyrics. Thank you.
We also share the same opinion (fuck it has to be a fact) that the mainstream publishers are not looking for substance, just a quick buck. I will continue to provoke thought just as well as you have. We are on the same side in that regard. Best wishes to your fruits of labor. I enjoyed everything you posted... thoroughly

Thanks for the kind words and your interest in creative writing.
Never feel ashamed or doubtful in the material you come to share.
Poetry is an art and everyone has their own style.
Any good writer could actually care less if their passions would piss off other people especially if it's educational as well as truthful.

Poetry had always helped me in getting an in depth message across explaining situations and scenarios to myself in order to ease my own troubled mind.
Never intended to accumulate so many over so many eye opening years.
Although I was a tad confused on your behalf though.
You at first stated that you had obtained your material from a street performer...
Then you claimed they were your own.
Although I really doubt you took the time to write down all of his/her words... I can only wonder if YOU were the performing artist?
Either way... thank you for sharing your enlightening and entertaining work.
Do present more when you get the chance.

joeylyrics wrote:You at first stated that you had obtained your material from a street performer...
Then you claimed they were your own.
Although I really doubt you took the time to write down all of his/her words... I can only wonder if YOU were the performing artist?


Haha, no need for the confusion. Its the way I typically start off my readings. I decided to put that intro in for PoFo because of the immense compilation.
I did NOT write or obtain any of these poems from a town crier :lol:

When I do public readings at our local library or universities- I like to engage the audience to forget that these poems are coming from just one artist. I want them to envision a plethora of depth- while trying to let them know, poetry, art, can be stumbled upon or made at any moment by anyone.
Sure, my work is coming only from my head, but I feel that the message and topics that are woven into a single poem are of shared interest. Its my way (using the intro that confused you) to say- Look, people influence me so I hope I can influence you. Basically encouragement and acknowledgment that poetry is not an elitist/Ivory tower degree endeavor.

Hope that clears things up.

By the way- where did Igor go? I enjoyed that poem.
"Cold, Dark Cave" ©1/14 j.a.b

Go and find a cold dark cave...
Or dig yourself a shallow grave.
Armageddon's on its way...
There won't be one safe place to stay.
Comets falling from the sky.
Chemtrails burning throats and eyes.
Corrupted crooks who live to lie...
You'll need yourself a place to hide.

Vengeful riots fill the streets.
Countless scared and need to eat.
Martial law will then step in to round up all who isn't Muslim.
They'll drag us to them FEMA camps.
Stuff us in them plastic caskets.
They'll knock down all our nations borders...
Welcome in their New World Order.
They'll take away our rights and guns.
Fence us in so we can't run.
This modern Hitler's here to stay...
Time to find that cold, dark cave.

Greed had taken over man.
Selfishness helped ruin this land.
I'll try to hide and not be seen...
Don't want no microchip in me.
Drinking on the job
I should do it more often
Time travels faster

Dangerous machinery
Not as bad as they all say
Maybe Joey went and found that cold dark cave...
Or the Bilderbergs decided he should join the grave.
Perhaps for all his talk of the safety of rifle clamps
He was one of the first to be sent to the FEMA camps.
Enjoyed your poetry Rhetoric, your style is very clever.

I wrote this today, as it stands it's untitled.

You’ll miss me when I’m gone.
I brokered a deal with tomorrow
and now you will not find me.

I stapled together everything I’ve
written and put it in your mailbox.

It was much less impressive than
I had imagined but it will have to do.

Inside my house you will find
everything in order, divided
to all my closest allies and friends.

The staccato to legato
le realisme
avec des cubes
ce n’es pas

Found mistakes everywhere
as I cleaned myself out

but I glossed over them
and slid through home plate
while the outfielder distracted
himself on the monarch
butterfly passing overhead.

Jumping off the Hoover Dam
my heart stopped before it hit

the water.

Then as it did everything stopped
and I heard the winds tell me
everything will be alright

sweet lies.
The question

Asking me, Asking You
Asking who knows what to do

Standing in the desert, staring at the sun
Eyes that shine with darkness, Hands that grasp the gun
Home is where the head lies, upon shifting bloody sands
And dreams of some one, someone to lead me to the promised land

I am not a poet, and I am not a thief
I am just a lonely lonely man, to whom God has given grief
I don't need an explanation, I don't want to understand
I just need someone, someone to lead me to the promised land.

Asking me, Asking you
Just asking

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