Trump calls it like it is; the establishment can't take it - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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DrSteveBrule wrote:Let's be serious here : There's no way that Trump will beat Jeb.

We don't know what's going to happen until voting starts. There's no way to know exactly how people will vote. Even polls are skewed. The interesting part about Trump is that he's addressing issues the American people care about, but the rest of the mainstream politicians--Democrats and Republicans--refuse to address. The establishment has been able to play Democrats and Republicans off on the American people. The Republicans passed TPP authority to Obama, whereas Donald Trump asks why American workers always get the shaft.

DrSteveBrule wrote:The guy will probably run independent, soaking up votes from social conservatives and working class Republicans that diverge from the views of establishment Republicans. In other words, get ready for Hillary.

That's not a lock either. Ronald Reagan won with so-called Reagan Democrats. Donald Trump has paid payroll on thousands of employees over the course of many decades. Hillary has not. She talks about working class people, but she probably doesn't know any. Trump knows iron hangers, foremen, etc. He knows designers. Etc. He's covered a lot of territory. Hillary, by contrast, has gone around more or less running against Republicans having to be bailed out by Democrats after Obama has been president for 8 years. Hillary cannot win if someone will compete against her. I'm sure John McCain would find a way to lose against her, but Donald Trump would thrash her up pretty well. That's why the establishment is terrified of him.
The Republicans passed TPP authority to Obama, whereas Donald Trump asks why American workers always get the shaft.

They always get the shaft because the republican party has them completely flummoxed. If they would vote democrat at least they would get a reasonable minimum wage and health care. Maybe they could join a union and improve their lot in life.

But the pathetically stupid believers in rich folks as job creators have themselves to blame.
blackjack21 wrote:Hillary cannot win if someone will compete against her.

But that's the issue; given two choices, which one would the American public choose?

Establishment candidate 1 - White guy
Establishment candidate 2 - Woman

The 2nd one, because its progressive feminist change for equality in America, or something like that.

I don't know if Trump will win the Republican primary, but what's really important is that we're seeing a shift in political overtones. The informed voters are getting tired of so called "moderate" choices on both sides that only serve to cater to wealthy interests and niche groups in vogue. If Trump wins (which is a possibility), things will get very interesting. We might even see the Republican party split.

Drlee wrote:They always get the shaft because the republican party has them completely flummoxed. If they would vote democrat at least they would get a reasonable minimum wage and health care. Maybe they could join a union and improve their lot in life.

But the pathetically stupid believers in rich folks as job creators have themselves to blame.

Unfortunately, both parties have failed the poor. Republicans constantly go on the offensive on welfare benefits, while Democrats are wary of fighting the large police and teacher's unions, which are notorious for failing to provide accountability.
Unfortunately, both parties have failed the poor. Republicans constantly go on the offensive on welfare benefits, while Democrats are wary of fighting the large police and teacher's unions, which are notorious for failing to provide accountability

All to true.
Istanbuller wrote:Where is Rei? Is she upset because rapists mentioned here are not muslim and even not related to Islam?

No muslim gang or rape ring?!? Shocking!
No my understanding was that Rei was very opposed to Latin immigration, but now has understandably accepted it as a lost cause.
#14579897 ... and-crime/

Looks like blackjack's unsubstantiated feels don't make up for the fact that Donald Trump is wrong, despite what conservatives have been peddling for years.

Now, that doesn't mean that they should be moving here. Instead they should be organizing as a class and taking the fight to the politicians and drug cartels of Mexico. We all know that America would intervene on that though. Too bad.

Washington Post wrote:— "There’s essentially no correlation between immigrants and violent crime." (Jörg Spenkuch, Northwestern University, 2014. Published by the university.) He did find a small correlation between immigration and property crime, but only a slight one.

— "[I]mmigrants are underrepresented in California prisons compared to their representation in the overall population. In fact, U.S.-born adult men are incarcerated at a rate over two-and-a-half times greater than that of foreign-born men." (Public Policy Institute of California, 2008.)

— "[D]ata from the census and a wide range of other empirical studies show that for every ethnic group without exception, incarceration rates among young men are lowest for immigrants, even those who are the least educated. This holds true especially for the Mexicans, Salvadorans and Guatemalans, who make up the bulk of the undocumented population." (Ruben Rumbaut, University of California, 2008. Published by the Police Foundation.)

— "Analyses of data collected from four Southwest states and the U.S. Census show that the perceived size of the undocumented immigrant population, more so than the actual size of the immigrant population and economic conditions, is positively associated with perceptions of undocumented immigrants as a criminal threat." (Xia Wang, Arizona State University, 2014. Published in Criminology.)

How did Trump get a simple point so wrong? Consider the response he offered Lemon on his most contentious assertion. Trump offers a sort of ontological rationalization for the "rapists" claim: People are being raped, ergo it's the immigrants' fault.

Anyway the establishment has been pushing hard on Hillary, but as far as I can tell the reception of her has died down a lot. Those that are politically aware favor Sanders. Especially since Clinton tends to be as fiscally conservative as the Democratic party gets. Honestly would be interesting if the race ended up Paul vs. Sanders. Those would be two fairly anti-establishment candidates for different reasons. I know if either of those can win it won't be the same old faces at least, which would be sorely desired.
Drlee wrote:They always get the shaft because the republican party has them completely flummoxed. If they would vote democrat at least they would get a reasonable minimum wage and health care. Maybe they could join a union and improve their lot in life.

Apparently, I'm a Democrat, as I just found out in the mail yesterday. If the Republicans were half as good at voter fraud as the Democrats, they might be half as successful. I register independent, somebody puts me down as a Democrat. Then, I get the questionairre--what scares you most, repealing ObamaCare or Ted Cruz? Etc. The Republican party is just pathetic. FWIW, it was Clinton who signed NAFTA, GATT, and gave Most Favored Nation status to China. So there you have it Drlee: I'm a registered Democrat. I didn't register as a Democrat. I'm just a registered Democrat. Voter fraud anyone? There's no democracy in this country. It's a complete sham.

DrSteveBrule wrote:I don't know if Trump will win the Republican primary, but what's really important is that we're seeing a shift in political overtones.

Well he's bringing up the #1 issue for many Americans--immigration. It's a third rail for inside the beltway politicians, but it gives you instant celebrity with the masses. So by not folding, Trump now has the murder of a San Francisco native murdered utterly senselessly by a illegal immigrant. So the establishment is back on its heels again.

DrSteveBrule wrote:The informed voters are getting tired of so called "moderate" choices on both sides that only serve to cater to wealthy interests and niche groups in vogue. If Trump wins (which is a possibility), things will get very interesting. We might even see the Republican party split.

Right. And if Bernie Sanders wins, then you have the establishment has to come up with the third party candidacy.

Istanbuller wrote:Where is Rei? Is she upset because rapists mentioned here are not muslim and even not related to Islam?

She's probably face palming at the prospect that Jeb Bush could lose to a billionaire with a ridiculous hairdo.

kobe wrote:Looks like blackjack's unsubstantiated feels don't make up for the fact that Donald Trump is wrong, despite what conservatives have been peddling for years.

I already cited it. My point is that it doesn't work now. Illegal immigration IS CRIME. Do you really need an explanation of what "illegal" means?
There's a difference between illegal and criminal: An act might not be legal but not have any actual criminal penalties associated with it.

Undocumented migrants aren't legal residents and can technically be deported, and even face a period of refused re-entry... But being an illegal immigrant is not a crime: The Federal Governmen has not chosen to declare it a crime, and the States are barred from doing so because immigration and naturalization are a matter reserved to the Federal Government.
Apparently, I'm a Democrat, as I just found out in the mail yesterday. If the Republicans were half as good at voter fraud as the Democrats, they might be half as successful.

What a load of shit. If you have been the victim of an error you should rectify it.
blackjack wrote:I already cited it. My point is that it doesn't work now. Illegal immigration IS CRIME. Do you really need an explanation of what "illegal" means?

Nah, it's actually not a crime. Crime is something you can be put in jail for. You clearly want to deport them, not detain them. Therefore although it is illegal, it is not a criminal offense. Furthermore, you said that Trump called it like it is. Well, Trump didn't say that illegal immigration is a crime, he said illegal immigrants are more likely to commit violent crime such as rape. That is clearly false.
God people. Let me set this record straight.

Improper entry IS A CRIME!. It is a misdemeanor punishable by 6 months in prison and a $250.00 fine for first offense.

8 U.S.C. § 1325 : US Code - Section 1325: Improper entry by alien.

Entering the US after having been deported is a felony. The minimum penalty is 2 years in prison. If the alien was deported or removed after having committed certain offences the penalty is 10 years in prison.

8 U.S.C. § 1326 : US Code - Section 1326: Reentry of removed aliens

Can we please get the facts before we pontificate?
Drlee wrote:The minimum penalty is 2 years in prison.

Which frequently doesn't actually happen because our prisons are stuffed full. Mostly on stupid drug charges.

I would suggest that the people doing the complaining about this try to actually get on welfare with no social security number/record, though.
KlassWar wrote:Undocumented migrants aren't legal residents and can technically be deported, and even face a period of refused re-entry... But being an illegal immigrant is not a crime: The Federal Governmen has not chosen to declare it a crime, and the States are barred from doing so because immigration and naturalization are a matter reserved to the Federal Government.

You are wrong. It's a misdemeanor on the first offence and a felony on the second offense. Marriage fraud is a felony.

kobe wrote:Nah, it's actually not a crime. Crime is something you can be put in jail for. You clearly want to deport them, not detain them. Therefore although it is illegal, it is not a criminal offense.

Tomorrow, at 8 a.m. PST, I will be onboarding a new employee--from the Czech Republic. If what you've said is what passes for logic among millenials, you can look forward to a future of unrepayable college debt and unemployment. See 8 U.S. Code § 1325 - Improper entry by alien. If this is the sort of education you are paying for, clearly you are wasting your time and your money.

Drlee wrote:What a load of shit. If you have been the victim of an error you should rectify it.

I'm not the victim of an error Drlee. I registered independent. Someone changed my voter registration wilfully. This is not an accident as you well know. My DNC Membership number is 313007300111. My registration number was XXG7946B. My simple point is that I am not, nor have I ever been, a member of the Democratic Party. I am, however, registered as a Democrat by someone other than myself, the likely purpose of which is voter fraud. It's time to stop pretending America is a wonderful democracy of one person, one vote, and all that rubbish. It's just not true.

Drlee wrote:God people. Let me set this record straight.

Improper entry IS A CRIME!. It is a misdemeanor punishable by 6 months in prison and a $250.00 fine for first offense.

You are to be commended. It's quite disillusioning to see that people actually believe what they are saying.
blackjack21 wrote:Someone changed my voter registration wilfully. This is not an accident as you well know. My DNC Membership number is 313007300111. My registration number was XXG7946B. My simple point is that I am not, nor have I ever been, a member of the Democratic Party. I am, however, registered as a Democrat by someone other than myself, the likely purpose of which is voter fraud.
So report it, and put a stop to it.
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