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By Cookie Monster
Bulaba Jones wrote:I wasn't trying to sound rude. But, if you browse the last 4-5 pages you basically get the gist of everything. There's still an incredible amount of wiggle room and creative freedom available because although we've largely come to a general consensus on much of our world building, the details themselves in every nation/region aren't really defined and up to individual writers.
I will have a look and at some point provide some input that matches the Dieselpunk universe.

The Sabbaticus wrote:I suppose that could be amusing. He does after all have both a left and right shoulder.
Absolutely not. No supranatural or metaphysical stuff. You can be a Boer mercenary, who moved to the German Empire to avenge the Boer Republics by fighting the British Empire anywhere the Germans deploy you.
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By Frollein
Cookie Monster wrote:I am happy as long as I get to play Potemky's sidekick.
The Sabbaticus wrote:I suppose that could be amusing. He does after all have both a left and right shoulder.
Pot, I don't now if I'd be flattered or worried in your place.
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By Potemkin
It's okay, Frollein. I'm used to being stalked by ardent admirers who want to follow me around everywhere. I usually allow them to tag along until I get bored with them, so long as they do my ironing and run errands for me.
mikema63 wrote:What? But I was just about to reveal my characters telepathy!

The name's Richard Mikema, but my buddies call me Dick for short. I wasn't always a freedom fighter, see. Used to be I settled into the routine of a private dick. Woman found strangled in an alleyway, husband "ain't got no idea what happened". Elderly man and car missing, and a tidy life insurance policy paid out to the shady son in law.

... It all started out when I was born in a pool of toxic sludge, abandoned by a world as soon as I drew my first breath. Gifted with incredible powers of telepathy and telekinesis, I have vowed to use my powers only in the service of the liberation of the international proletariat.

My friends might call me Dick, but who I really am is Captain Sludgo, fighter of crime and smasher of capitalism worldwide.

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By Cookie Monster
Potemkin wrote:It's okay, Frollein. I'm used to being stalked by ardent admirers who want to follow me around everywhere. I usually allow them to tag along until I get bored with them, so long as they do my ironing and run errands for me.
Something like this, Potemky?


mikema63 wrote:What? But I was just about to reveal my characters telepathy!

Let's make an exception for you, Prof. Xavier.
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By Potemkin
Something like this, Potemky?

Precisely Pinky-, er, I mean Cookie.
By Spear Dane
The Kingdom of the North Star

The small whirling flakes fell like mute stars on the dark ice. In the background a generator whirred, a clear affront to the sacred dance of timeless sky-fall, King Randarr Gerrson tried his best to ignore the sound.

There was something pure about falling snow in the dead of night, something spiritual. These were the moments he craved, those rare times when he felt a powerful and primal kinship to the natural world.

A new sound encroached upon his white eden and his gaze slid towards the bleak horizon. In front of him there was only ice and shadow as far as the eye could see, behind him the industrial marvels of man blazed with un-ironic hubris. Metal mountains crowned in fire surged out of frozen sea in a twisted mockery of real mountain ranges.

As his eyes adjusted he spotted what he sought in desolate distance. He pulled out his pocket watch and checked the time; his Thane was 15 minutes behind schedule.

Randarr thrust his pocket watch away and sighed. His people were getting sloppy. Their position, so precarious, had prevailed for so long that it had become almost ordinary. The shocking improbability of their survival had been ground away by the surprising mediocrity of survival. It seemed almost tautological, and less philosophically, very concerning.

He’d have to do something, drills or exercises or punishments. The noise peaked as the Ice-Skipper ground to a halt beside Randarr. His Thane in heavy leather jacket with more then a little fur trimming hopped off the sputtering machine and saluted.

“Sir,” the man began,” the raid was a success Thunder Bay wa-“

“You’re late!” Randarr cut him off.

“Only a couple of minutes.” the man said defensively.

“Only a couple minutes?!” Randarr shouted back,” Only a couple of minutes is all that secures our window between the patrols! Only a couple of minutes is the difference between you being caught, between the people here starving! Only a couple minutes is the difference between life and death.”

The man started to speak again, clearly aiming for another excuse, but stopped himself.

Randarr moved until he was less than an inch away from the man’s face the fog of their breath melding together in the frigid air. “You’re one of my best men”, Randarr growled, “ and it is upon that truth that I haven’t busted you down to Thrall already.”

Randarr took a step back and began clenching and unclenching his fist, “things have gotten too slack around here.” Randarr’s temper seemed to subside, “ We never expected to last this long.”

Randarr motioned to the blazing Oil Rigs behind him. “Surrounded by Reds, who we play against the Blues, all while for some obscure reason the Whites consider us an outpost of theirs. But we’re independent, we’re free, and almost all the oil beneath the Great Lakes belongs to us.”

He leveled his eyes as his tardy Thane, “Our reprieve will not last, the situation on the mainland will not remain fluid forever and when someone finally does make a move for us, when they attempt to consolidate us back into their wretched society and force us to swear oaths to their corrupt vision, we have to be ready.”

The Thane shrugged, “Randarr, King, listen I know this, we all know this, it’s cold and late and I understand what you are trying to-“

Once more Randarr cut him off, “If you knew this then you’d show up on time” he almost shouted between his teeth,” And I will remind you every time I think you aren’t taking it seriously. Because, unlike you, I cannot afford to be complacent, too many people depend on me.”

Randarr spit and turned away from the unhappy Thane, “Now go. Take your pillage to the depot and get some rest. I trust we won’t have this conversation again.”

“Aye my liege” The man’s sullen voice was swallowed up as the Ice-Skipper’s engines roared to life.

The Ice-Skipper slid off towards brightly lit buildings and Randarr checked his pocket watch again. Once more Randarr sighed into the black. Two more Ice-Skippers were late. He was really going to have to do more then just make speeches at his men.

He reached out and caught a gliding snowflake on his gloved hand, he knew what he would do, out here on the frozen waves of Lake Superior the cold taught its own lessons. He would merely provide it an opportunity to teach and his men would learn.

For learn they must.
Interesting! I'm guessing this is set among Scandinavian immigrants in the Minnesota/Michigan area, ruled over by a warlord (China had plenty; different, but same idea) who has declared himself a king? It would be pretty cool irony if some of the neo-pagan romanticism of an idealized German/Norse culture that was promoted in Nazi Germany was adopted here (obviously without the Nazism/Fascism) by these Scandinavian-Americans who had to survive years in the frozen north with no central government and roving bands of militants.

After all, if America did collapse in the real world suddenly, and civil services broke down, surely somewhere in all that land there would be a group of neo-pagans embracing the Norse gods, no matter how big or small.
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By Frollein
As long as they have tanks and robots...
Sounds like the Ice-Skipper is analogous to a combination of a motorized boat and motorized snowsled. I'm guessing that group of people are too impoverished and way up north to have their own tanks and mechanized vehicles/weapons of war, but they would probably run into British military tanks/Reds that requisitioned tanks, etc.

It's entirely on Spear Dane, but that's what I'm imagining/extrapolating based on what he wrote and the hints in there. Of course I could be totally wrong, maybe they've got some tanks, too.
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By Lexington
So now that we've moved to the Literature forum officially...

Like others have said we could include [Diesel] to tag related threads in this forum (and kind of advertise a little).

I think it would be helpful to break out the worldbuilding stuff into a new thread, and keep the vignettes/stories/character backgrounds separate. The story thread would still have discussion/critique of the stories/character backgrounds posted.

I'd be willing to set up a wiki for this too as a supplement to the stories/discussions here. That might be a more organized way to collaborate on the (at this point) rather detailed backstory we have. On the other hand it might violate forum rules about third party advertising. I don't think it would since it originates and supplements stuff here, but I dunno.
By mikema63
Is it just me or is it weird that spear dane's second post on PoFo ever was a vignette in Gorky park?

Anyway, my main question for expansion is this outposts relationship with the reds. They must be getting very cheap or free oil out of this deal or they'd just kill you.
mikema63 wrote:Is it just me or is it weird that spear dane's second post on PoFo ever was a vignette in Gorky park?

Anyway, my main question for expansion is this outposts relationship with the reds. They must be getting very cheap or free oil out of this deal or they'd just kill you.

He joined specifically to participate in the RP.
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By Frollein
Since we have agreed that we are all looking for the super-secret Tesla superweapon that the evil Brits are developing, I'd like to start the game until the weekend. I suggest that we transfer our vignettes to the [Diesel] *name to be announced* thread until then, because they nicely establish the characters and the atmosphere - they lead into the actual story.

I'm still looking for a cool codename for the superweapon, which will simulaneously be our game-thread title. Someone suggested an analogy to the Manhattan Project and I looked at the map of Scotland (because I figured that it was developed in some lonely location, and what is lonlier in Britain than the highlands at least in our Diesel universe) but decided that I'll let our British player handle that one. It needs to be sufficiently out of the way and it should be pronouncable, so no fancy Celtic village names .
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