Controlling the Energy We Emit - Politics | PoFo

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I used to wonder about whether or not people are capable of giving off energy. Now I am absolutely positive that it is possible.

My concern is, how do we control the positive or negative energy that we give off? I do not want to give off negative energy.

The problem is that I am often in a bad mood and very short tempered.

I get annoyed easily.
mikema63 wrote:Im not entirely sure what you mean by giving off energy. Could you explain a bit?

Well part of my problem is that I do not understand arcane sciences.

I have been told that our thoughts can effect the world around us and even harm other people.

Sometimes when someone annoys me I worry that my angry thoughts could cause them damage.

In the Soviet Union during the 1920s the NKVD discovered some people in an apartment stairing at portraits of Lenin and Stalin. They were trying to use their thoughts to assasinate them. Of course these people were prosecuted for their activities.

Tai chi and yoga are proof that metaphysical energy, unmeasrable through Western science, exists. If not for these realities I would not worry about monitoring my thoughts but now that I have seen documentary evidence of their existence it makes the issue very serious.

How do we ensure that nothing we emit from our body, whether it be thought or energy, causes harm to those around us?
Why would this energy not be measurable by Western science? Even if it were somehow immeasurable directly with current tech it would still have measurable and predictable effects.

I assume you reject studies that have tested things like prayer an positive thinking and have found no effect?

How does Tai chi prove this?

I'd certainly be willing to grant that your attitude could effect how you act and thus effect people. My suggestion would be to take a moment to calm down with meditation or something.

If you have chronic mood issues that are effecting your life I would suggest talking to someone about it.
Im not entirely sure what you mean by giving off energy. Could you explain a bit?

He's talking about vibes man. Are you giving off good or bad vibes?
Well, I would suggest learning some mood management strategies which would be helpful regardless of the veracity of "vibes".

If you really want to find some way to block this energy from doing things to other people I would first determine what sort of energy it is (call it psychic energy for example) and then research things that supposedly block psychic energy. Obviously, I don't really think this is a real thing, but if you find something to give you peace of mind whatever.

There are apparently shields meant to block such energy coming from other people but I suppose you should go for some sort of grounding system.

I suggest finding a crystal to "absorb" your negative energy or something along those lines.
Now you're talking mike.

I work with a guy that's totally into this kind of stuff. It annoys the shit out of me, because I think it's bullshit, but it seems to help some people, so more power to them.... I guess.
Well, the chances of me convincing PI that this is nonsense is slim and he seems legitimately concerned about hurting others so I don't feel the need to belabor my position if PI isn't interested in arguing about it.

If I can give PI a bit of piece of mind I suppose I can be content with that.
Political Interest wrote:......

Tai chi and yoga are proof that metaphysical energy, unmeasrable through Western science, exists. If not for these realities I would not worry about monitoring my thoughts but now that I have seen documentary evidence of their existence it makes the issue very serious.

How do we ensure that nothing we emit from our body, whether it be thought or energy, causes harm to those around us?

As Buddha said: "Do good. Avoid evil."

Now, this simple bit of advice works even if positive and negative energies do not exist, so it is good even for skeptics such as myself.
The energy we pass on to other people is quite essential, and the more aware of it we are the more essential it is. People by not believing in it and not thinking about it tend to avoid the effects of giving and taking up to a certain extent, their thoughts get lost in translation unless they are really pissed about someone or really love someone, similarly they receive less good energy if someone loves them and are unable to block bad energy that someone gives them.

Before learning how to absorb good energy, deflect bad energy(not with crystals) but with meditation and prayer as a last resort, one needs to be able to learn how to control his own mood swings, once you can master your own mood swings then you can move on to the next stage.

Typically in christianity, the fall back prayer is the padre nostro, it's a good prayer that puts your mind at ease once repeated a few times and through practice one gets better at essentially putting himself at ease.

The next stage after the padre nostro are the secret prayers of the Madonna, the evil eye prayers which are passed orally alone from male to female and vice-versa. These are used to take the evil eye away from someone and into you so that you can free them from the burden. This includes a physical test at the end of the session to double-check if the operation was a success or not, though for the healer it is quite evident regardless but it is used in case the healed is a sceptic.

The next stage after the that are the prayers of St Cyprian(difficult to find in English, that link is one of his prayers, not the particular one though), that is more powerful staff.
I had a thought once where if we could detect spirit and manipulate it, there are people out there who would be creating spirit guns, spirit bombs, spirit-powered cars, etc. So while I believe that these things exist in a way, I think they are usually hidden from most people because they aren't mature enough.
Were those people who were attempting to assasinate Lenin and Stalin by stairing at their portraits a serious threat? Could they really have managed to do some harm by looking at them and wishing ill on the two leaders?

How migh this have manifested? Could it have contributed to Lenin's early death?
Political Interest wrote:Were those people who were attempting to assasinate Lenin and Stalin by stairing at their portraits a serious threat? Could they really have managed to do some harm by looking at them and wishing ill on the two leaders?

How migh this have manifested? Could it have contributed to Lenin's early death?

Your thoughts will sooner or later be reflected in your actions. That's how mind becomes matter.

If your neighbor's dog sh*ts on your lawn every day, you may start to think of poisoning or kicking the dog until one day you actually do it.

Controlling your thought is one thing, but avoiding a negative response to external impulses is another thing. Relaxation or auto-suggestive techniques such as meditation, chanting mantras, or what have you, work until they don't work. In other words, there will come the test that breaks your precious little tranquility and blows it to smithereens. To get beyond that you'll need the full ticket.
Political Interest wrote:Were those people who were attempting to assasinate Lenin and Stalin by stairing at their portraits a serious threat? Could they really have managed to do some harm by looking at them and wishing ill on the two leaders?

How migh this have manifested? Could it have contributed to Lenin's early death?

Fanny Kaplan's pistol was the source of the negative energies that led to Lenin's early death.
It has happened to me again. I got annoyed at someone because I thought they were being rude. I have been annoyed for a few weeks now and am worried that this anger is going to harm them. This has included sulking and thinking how rude they were. Is this anything to worry about? I am not really sure what to do.
They will be fine, what's more worrying is your fixation. I mean this with all seriousness I do think you have some obsessive tendencies and should speak to someone about it.
It has happened to me again. I got annoyed at someone because I thought they were being rude. I have been annoyed for a few weeks now and am worried that this anger is going to harm them. This has included sulking and thinking how rude they were. Is this anything to worry about? I am not really sure what to do.

And this worries you? I feel like that all the damn time. :lol:
mikema63 wrote:They will be fine, what's more worrying is your fixation. I mean this with all seriousness I do think you have some obsessive tendencies and should speak to someone about it.

You are probably right. :|

Potemkin wrote:And this worries you? I feel like that all the damn time. :lol:

I probably have a mechanical brain that is getting constantly jammed. :lol:

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