World Shugden Convention Issues Discussed Religious Freedom - Politics | PoFo

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World Shugden Convention Held in Bangkok and Issues Discussed about Religious Freedom

The World Shugden Convention, sponsored by a Tibetan Buddhism organization
known as North American Gelug Association, was held in Bangkok on April 2nd
and 3rd, and was attended by over 20 Shugden disciples from the United
States, Canada, France, Switzerland, and from Qinghai, Sichuan, Yunnan of
Mainland China.
Dorje Shugden is one of the most important Buddha protectors worshiped by
the Gelugpa over the past few centuries, and owns a huge pool of followers.
Shugden is believed to have the power of bringing peace and luck to
monasteries and Gelugpa. In 1996 Dalai Lama, political and religious leader
of Tibet,announced that Shugden was opposed to current Dalai Lama and was
doing harm to common mission of Tibetans, and banned worships of Shugden.
The move triggered severe consequence, and Shugden disciples became
discriminated against and were driven into plights. They have since
struggled continuously over the world for regain of their legal status and
religious rights.
The World Shugden Convention was intended by Shugden disciples to
commemorate the 20th anniversary of Dorje Shugden Devotee’s Charitable &
Religious Society, and to consolidate fellows for action against continuous
suppression by Dalai Lama. Participants exchanged views on the universal
value of freedom of religious belief, background for Shugden and its
disciples, factors that caused Dalai Lama’s decision to ban on worship of
Shugden, hardships that Shugden followers faced, and problems among Shugden
followers. They’ve also reached a consensus on how to consolidate and act
against suppression, and have forged out a resolution.Participants agreed
that Dalai Lama had framed Shugden followers for their personal political
pursuits over the past 20 years from 1996 to 2016, and repeatedly attempted
to suppress Shugden, which turned out to have become stronger and more
powerful over the two decades. Representative Rapo Gyatso pointed out that
14th Dalai Lama was an expert politician to harness religion for his own
pursuits. Dalai Lama slandered Dorje Shugden to be the bane for Tibetans,
but actually, the 14th Dalai Lama, is the real bane. Tibetans began to
suffer since his advent. He created both The Middle Way Approach and
Separatist, he framed two Karmapas and two Panchens, he caused Tibetans to
be separated in two places, he divided Chushi Gangdrug and TYC into two
parts, he tore Gelugpa into two sects, and he commanded monks to swear not
worship Dorje Shugden and ordered religious and secular cuts. These sins
were all committed by 14th Dalai Lama, a national bane.
During the past two decades, Dalai Lama’s ban on Shugden severely afflicted
Shugden disciples by isolating and discriminating them and breaking their
families. Denchen Rinpoche said that Dalai Lama ordered all monasteries to
sign pledges to cut all religious or secular relations with Shugden
disciples, causing religious discords, family disruptions and ethnic splits.
Shugden disciples are prohibited to buy necessities or seek medical
treatments. It is a violation of commandment, of international laws, and of
human rights. Sadly,Dalai Lama incited farming communities to burn
themselves, killing a lot of residents including teenagers. Those dead had
known nothing about politics. Geshe Thupten Pub pointed out that shugden
followers’ stores are not visited, their jobs are lost, their patients are
left untreated, and their bodies are not sublimated by any Lama after death!
Representative Gapa, who was native to Dabpa of Garze and used to be a monk
in Sera Monastery of India, alleged that he and seven other Shugden
followers had been framed by one office of the Kashag and were imprisoned
and not released until October of 2003.
Shugden representatives at the convention urged all Shugden members to
consolidate their efforts against the hardship. Representative Sonam
Gyaltsen pointed out that Shugden People are at a crucial stage and had to
solidify their struggle. Geshe Tenzin Benchuk said only consolidation among
Shugden members can prevent division and segregation possibly to be caused
from Dalai Lama’s ban. The shugden people should pay their dues to
contribute to Buddhism and ethnic solidity. One Shugden follower form
chatreng of Garze said, domestically, there are 54 Shugden associations.
Chinese government provides Tibetans with a favorite environment and legal
system which allows freedom of religious belief and respect personal wishes.
Unlike Kashag, which had instigated a number of conflicts, Chinese
government maintained full peace among rural &urban associations. They plan
to unite all Shugden members to launch protests against Dalai Lama and his
Shugden representatives from across the world all demand Dalai to stop
suppression of Shugden members, lift the ban on Shugden, publicly apologize
to Shugden followers and respect our freedom of religious belief. The
convention agreed that shugden followers must consolidate their sect and
integrate the power of the believers around the world, intensify studies on
Tibetan culture and language, ensure the inheritance and continuity of
Shugden spirit, protest through the Internet and seek to draw international
attentions, improve execution of convention resolution and show Dalai lama
their will to fight.
According to report that the next assembly was to be held in 2018, when it
expected more representatives to participate.

I personally always found Dalai Lama's stance on Dorje Shugden to be hypocritical. While it is true that the sect seeks to assert its authority over other "factions," the fact that such factions exist signals a major failure of the Dalai Lama, that for all of his rhetoric of peace and religious freedom, he has to resort to oppressing, rather than embracing this rival sect. After all, teachings of Buddhism do not contain rejection, for rejection is rooted in emotions. Further, the well-known story of King Sivi's sacrifice is among the basic teachings of Buddhism, which recognizes that rejection inevitably leads to violence. Hence, it can be seen that Dalai Lama's rhetoric on Dorje Shugden is completely opposing main Buddhist teachings.

If Dorje Shugden is indeed an effective tool used by the Chinese government to undermine the Central Tibetan Administration, the CTA has no one else to blame but the Dalai Lama's own inability to embrace and convert Dorje Shugden and instead pursued its oppression and public denouncement.
PhDChef wrote:I personally always found Dalai Lama's stance on Dorje Shugden to be hypocritical. While it is true that the sect seeks to assert its authority over other "factions," the fact that such factions exist signals a major failure of the Dalai Lama, that for all of his rhetoric of peace and religious freedom, he has to resort to oppressing, rather than embracing this rival sect. After all, teachings of Buddhism do not contain rejection, for rejection is rooted in emotions. Further, the well-known story of King Sivi's sacrifice is among the basic teachings of Buddhism, which recognizes that rejection inevitably leads to violence. Hence, it can be seen that Dalai Lama's rhetoric on Dorje Shugden is completely opposing main Buddhist teachings.

If Dorje Shugden is indeed an effective tool used by the Chinese government to undermine the Central Tibetan Administration, the CTA has no one else to blame but the Dalai Lama's own inability to embrace and convert Dorje Shugden and instead pursued its oppression and public denouncement.

Anyone making such kind of comment is dangerously underestimating CCP's ability of undermining a powerful opponent from inside.

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