What are your top 5 TV shows? - Page 7 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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In no particular order:

Breaking Bad
The Wire
Doctor Who (the Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker seasons)
Star Trek (TOS and the later seasons of TNG)
The Simpsons

Honourable mentions:

Game of Thrones
Blake's 7
Married With Children
Right now?
In no particular order... The Venture Brothers, Archer, Game of Thrones, Better Call Saul, and Ray Donovan.
In no particular order

Pre who shot Mr Burns The Simpson's
I'm Alan Partridge
The Day Today

honourable mentions, Garth Marenghi's Dark Place, Curb your Enthusiasm, Game of Thrones, Brass Eye, Cops, The Office, Nathan Barley.
Oops, I forgot a new one that I like: The Preacher. It's weird, and strangely compelling.
I've got to group franchises together as well. I have one show that is my unquestioned favorite, and the rest in no particular order.

1. Babylon 5
Star Trek (starting with DS9, then probably TNG, then ENT [such a great fourth season, and I liked the feeling of adventure and uncertainty in the first season], then TOS)
The Wire
Most TV for me is "Throw away." Meaning it's something I do when I have absolutely nothing else to do. There aren't any shows I specifically get excited about. I have a hard time coming up with 5. I can't deal with dramas, it's exhausting.

That said:
1 Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex
2 The League
3 Comedians in cars getting coffee
4 .. ugh,I can't think of anything the fuck else.

I like Mr. Robot, but I'm pretty sure the second season is going to suck. Because rather than focusing on the global and geopolitical consequences of what happens in season 1, they will likely focus on all the characters, and their stupid little problems.

Honorable mentions (throwaway stuff I'll watch when I'm super bored)
Family Guy
American Dad
China, IL
Criminal Minds
Random shit on youtube.
Bulaba Jones wrote:I've got to group franchises together as well. I have one show that is my unquestioned favorite, and the rest in no particular order.

1. Babylon 5
Star Trek (starting with DS9, then probably TNG, then ENT [such a great fourth season, and I liked the feeling of adventure and uncertainty in the first season], then TOS)
The Wire

Babylon 5 for all its many, many, many shortcomings does merit a high listing, especially seeing that a lot of the political machinations in that show are pretty relevant now-a-days.
Babylon 5's plot and planned-out story arc is simply incredible. It just suffered from a low special FX budget especially in the early 1-2 seasons. Compare it to the more recent "Unfinished Tales" where they actually used very, very good CGI (some of the best CGI I've ever seen; compared to bad BSG CGI for example).
Babylon 5's plot and planned-out story arc is simply incredible. It just suffered from a low special FX budget especially in the early 1-2 seasons. Compare it to the more recent "Unfinished Tales" where they actually used very, very good CGI (some of the best CGI I've ever seen; compared to bad BSG CGI for example).

J. Michael Straczynski's handling of dialogue was also rather odd. His characters have an unfortunately tendency not to converse with each other but to deliver themselves of portentous and pretentious speeches about life, fate and destiny. Compare this with the natural, flowing dialogue of George RR Martin in Game of Thrones, for example, and the artificiality of Straczynski's dialogue becomes painfully obvious. I mean, who actually speaks like that? The conception of Babylon 5 was awesome, but the execution of that plan was suboptimal.
Bulaba Jones wrote:Babylon 5's plot and planned-out story arc is simply incredible. It just suffered from a low special FX budget especially in the early 1-2 seasons. Compare it to the more recent "Unfinished Tales" where they actually used very, very good CGI (some of the best CGI I've ever seen; compared to bad BSG CGI for example).

That 'like' was an accident. :p But seriously, 'Unfinished Tales'? What are you referring to? And yeah, the budget was pretty weak, but the acting and many of the sets were as well. Garibaldi was a terrible actor for example. And Marcus? Yikes.

And the dialogue wasn't that bad. You're referring to the monologues and exchanges between diplomats? The speeches? It was heavy on the bombast for a reason.
I haven't gotten around to Babylon 5 yet, but plan to do so too. My roommate has watched it, and says that the brilliant plot manages to carry it even in the midst of bad acting and cinematography. I do remember hearing about some dispute where in the early seasons of DS9, the creator of Babylon 5 accused them of stealing their ideas. But according to my roommate, who's watched both, DS9 was simply better executed.
Don't really watch TV shows consistently, so was really hard to pick besides first 3.

But For what I have viewed I like
- Rick and Morty
- Black Books
- Jessica Jones
- True Detective
- South Park
But according to my roommate, who's watched both, DS9 was simply better executed.

I would agree with that. DS9 was a mediocre concept brilliantly executed. Babylon 5 was a brilliant concept executed in a slightly clunky way. The overall story arc carries it through the occasional rough patches here and there, and the slightly clunky writing. With DS9, the sharp writing and the clever and engaging characterisations (eg, Gul Dukat, Elim Garak, Quark &c) enable you not to care about the banality of the overall story arc.
Paradigm wrote:I haven't gotten around to Babylon 5 yet, but plan to do so too. My roommate has watched it, and says that the brilliant plot manages to carry it even in the midst of bad acting and cinematography. I do remember hearing about some dispute where in the early seasons of DS9, the creator of Babylon 5 accused them of stealing their ideas. But according to my roommate, who's watched both, DS9 was simply better executed.

JMS pitched Babylon 5 to Paramount about a year or two before DS9 showed up. There was enough bad blood in the realm of nerdom that Majel Roddenberry ended up guest-starring in an episode of Babylon 5 as a peace offering.

If you have never seen B5, I can guarantee that the first 5 episodes, including the pilot, might be difficult to get through, but the show is great and worth the trip, despite the relative slowness of the beginning.
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