Fears of WW3 and the evacuation of 40 million Russians today. - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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No doubt the Russians are concerned that Trump might be president as well. We had the Cuban Missile Crisis and we still live in an unstable world half a century later.
Do you think we live in a more volatile world compared to 50 years ago?

VLADIMIR Putin has sparked fears of WW3 after ordering the evacuation of 40 million Russians today.
03:48, Thu, Oct 6, 2016 | UPDATED: 08:29, Thu, Oct 6, 2016
[b]The huge four-day “civil defence” drill has set alarm bells ringing in Washington and London, with tensions already high over disagreements in Syria.
Following a breakdown in communication between the USA and Russia, the Kremlin has now organised the huge emergency practice drill - either as a show of force or something more sinister
The drill will prepare Russian citizens for “large natural and man-made disasters”, according to the country’s Ministry for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disaster.
A spokesman said in a statement: “The main goal of the drill is to practice organisation of management during civil defence events and emergency and fire management, to check preparedness of management bodies and forces of civil defence on all levels to respond to natural and man-made disasters and to take civil defence measures.”They explained the scheme would be divided into three stages: awareness, planning and evacuation.The statement said: “The drill will rehearse radiation, chemical and biological protection of the personnel and population during emergencies at crucial and potentially dangerous facilities“
Fire safety, civil defence and human protection at social institutions and public buildings are also planned to be checked. Response units will deploy radiation, chemical and biological monitoring centres and sanitation posts at the emergency areas, while laboratory control networks are going to be put on standby.”
A spokesman for the US State Department said: “Extremist groups will continue to exploit the vacuums that are there in Syria to expand their operations, which could include attacks against Russian interests, perhaps even Russian cities. Russia will continue to send troops home in body bags, and will continue to lose resources, perhaps even aircraft.”
Relationships between the two superstates has now broken down completely, and this latest show of power by Mr Putin is likely to be welcomed by his American counterparts.

http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/717 ... -putin-ww3

The Russian government has launched a nationwide civil defence training exercise to ensure the country is properly prepared in the event of a nuclear, chemical and biological attack from the West.

Amid growing international tensions, particulary over Russia's conduct in Syria, [/b]the Defence Ministry-run Zvezda TV network announced last week: "Schizophrenics from America are sharpening nuclear weapons for Moscow."

Lasting three days, the exercise bing run by the Ministry for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (EMERCOM) will involve 200,000 emergency personnel and the co-operation of 40 million civilians.

Exercises such as these are held annually in Russia since 2012. It is timed to October 4, which is Civil Defense Day in Russia.

This year’s exercise is not exceptional in terms of scale. For example, the drill of 2013 involved over 60 million people.

https://www.rt.com/news/361553-russia-c ... nse-drill/

But the 40 million people are not evacuating. This is a drill for those who would be involved in coordinating such an evacuation. The Express is hysterical.
Regarding the preparation for a war, it seems that Putin is far ahead of the USA.

What's really awesome(not) about this is how Russia has updated and added nuclear bomb shelter infrastructure for much of its urban populace, and that its getting increasingly serious about preparing the society at large for militancy. Meanwhile in America......I think we deserve what the fuck we get at this point.....
What's really awesome(not) about this is how Russia has updated and added nuclear bomb shelter infrastructure for much of its urban populace, and that its getting increasingly serious about preparing the society at large for militancy. Meanwhile in America......I think we deserve what the fuck we get at this point.....

Russians understand that in order to have a strong nation, one must have a strong government to organise the population to get things done, whereas Americans claim to be 'patriotic' yet believe that their nation can be "made great again" by abolishing the government and becoming a nation of subsistence farmers armed only with rifles and handguns. History rather suggest that this will probably not be a successful policy.
Potemkin wrote:Russians understand that in order to have a strong nation, one must have a strong government to organise the population to get things done, whereas Americans claim to be 'patriotic' yet believe that their nation can be "made great again" by abolishing the government and becoming a nation of subsistence farmers armed only with rifles and handguns. History rather suggest that this will probably not be a successful policy.

And therein lies the difference between real Russian conservatism and American faux liberal conservatism.

American conservatives want to limit the state and uphold the rights of the individual while Russian conservatives believe individuals must work for the greater good of the motherland. The two conservatisms originated in competely different cultural contexts.
And therein lies the difference between real Russian conservatism and American faux liberal conservatism.

I would call it "liberal faux conservatism" rather than "faux liberal conservatism", PI. It is their conservatism which is fake, not their liberalism. :)

American conservatives want to limit the state and uphold the rights of the individual while Russian conservatives believe individuals must work for the greater good of the motherland. The two conservatisms originated in competely different cultural contexts.

Indeed. But Americans, lacking a sense of history, are completely oblivious to this difference. They can only perceive that sort of conservatism - real conservatism as opposed to faux conservatism - as being either nonsensical or even malevolent. Fundamentally, there is no such thing as American conservatism - only various shades of liberalism.
This is breaking news on the BBC and the pattern we get is of brinkmanship between the West and Russia.

Russia has deployed nuclear-capable Iskander missiles in its Kaliningrad region, bordering Poland and Lithuania.
Linas Linkevicius, foreign minister of Nato-member Lithuania, said that the aim of the move was to "seek concessions from the West".

The US and Nato have seen disagreements with Russia intensify in recent times, particularly over Syria and Crimea.
Russia's defence ministry said the new deployment was part of military exercises and had happened before.
Are Russia's military advances a problem for Nato?
Nato and Russia - in search of dialogue
Kaliningrad is a Russian enclave sandwiched between Poland and Lithuania.
The Iskander system has a range of up to 700km (440 miles) and could reach the German capital, Berlin.
Polish Defence Minister Antoni Macierewicz called Russia's activities "very alarming".
And a US intelligence official told Reuters the move could be to express displeasure at Nato. Nato is boosting its eastern flank by deploying four battalions in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia next year.

But Russian defence ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said the deployment was "not exceptional".
Iskanders were sent to Kaliningrad during military drills last year.
Russia's annexation of Crimea and its support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad continue to test relations with Western powers.
Finland, Sweden, Estonia and Latvia are among nations reporting recent air-space violations by Russia's military.
Decky wrote:Then raise the workers’ bomb on high,
Beneath its cloud we’ll gladly die,
For though it sends us all to hell,
It kills the ruling class as well.

I was going to post that poem down the line.

Buildup of Russian military.
By Jack Stubbs and Maria Tsvetkova | MOSCOW
Russia has built up its forces in Syria since a ceasefire collapsed in late September, sending in troops, planes and advanced missile systems, a Reuters analysis of publicly available tracking data shows.

The data points to a doubling of supply runs by air and sea compared to the nearly two-week period preceding the truce. It appears to be Russia's biggest military deployment to Syria since President Vladimir Putin said in March he would pull out some of his country's forces.

The increased manpower probably includes specialists to put into operation a newly delivered S-300 surface-to-air missile system, military analysts said.

The S-300 system will improve Russia's ability to control air space in Syria, where Moscow's forces support the government of President Bashar al-Assad, and could be aimed at deterring tougher U.S. action, they said.

"The S-300 basically gives Russia the ability to declare a no-fly zone over Syria," said Justin Bronk, a research fellow at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) in London.

"It also makes any U.S. attempt to do so impossible. Russia can just say: 'We're going to continue to fly and anything that tries to threaten our aircraft will be seen as hostile and destroyed'."

Russia's Defence Ministry did not respond to written questions. A senior air force official, speaking on condition of anonymity, dismissed talk of an increase in supply shipments.

But data collated by Turkish bloggers for their online Bosphorus Naval News project, and reviewed by Reuters, shows reinforcements sent via Russia's "Syrian Express" shipping route from the Black Sea increased throughout September and have peaked in the last week.

The data shows 10 Russian navy ships have gone through the Bosphorus en route to Syria since late September, compared with five in the 13-day period before the truce -- from Aug. 27 to Sept. 7.

That number includes The Mirazh, a small missile ship which a Reuters correspondent saw heading through the Bosphorus toward the Mediterranean on Friday.

Two other Russian missile ships were deployed to the Mediterranean on Wednesday.

Some of the ships that have been sent to Syria were so heavily laden the load line was barely visible above the water, and have docked at Russia's Tartus naval base in the Western Syrian province of Latakia. Reuters has not been able to establish what cargo they were carrying.

Troops and equipment are also returning to Syria by air, according to tracking data on website FlightRadar24.com.

Russian military cargo planes flew to Russia's Hmeymim airbase in Syria six times in the first six days of October -- compared to 12 a month in September and August, a Reuters analysis of the data shows.


Russia sent its air force to support the Syrian Army a year ago when Moscow feared Assad was on the point of succumbing to rebel offensives. U.S.-led forces also carry out air strikes in Syria, targeting Islamic State positions.

Aerial bombardments in the past two weeks, mainly against rebel-held areas in the Syrian city of Aleppo, have been among the heaviest of the civil war, which has killed more then 300,000 people in 5-1/2 years.

Since the collapse of the ceasefire in September, acrimony between the United States and Russia has grown and Washington has suspended talks with Moscow on implementing the truce.

U.S. officials told Reuters on Sept. 28 that Washington had started considering tougher responses to the assault on Aleppo, including the possibility of air strikes on an Assad air base.

"They are thinking: 'We're going to have to do something about this, so better to bring in more supplies now ... before it potentially becomes too touchy'."

The FlightRadar24.com data shows Ilyushin Il-76 and Antonov An-124 cargo planes operated by the Russian military have been flying to Syria multiple times each month. It offers no indication of what the aircraft are carrying.

But the Il-76 and An-124 transporters can carry up to 50 and 150 tonnes of equipment respectively and have previously been used to airlift heavy vehicles and helicopters to Syria.

State-operated passenger planes have also made between six and eight flights from Moscow to Latakia each month. Western officials say they have been used to fly in troops, support workers and engineers.

Twice in early October, a Russian military Ilyushin plane flew to Syria from Armenia. Officials in Yerevan said the planes carried humanitarian aid from Armenia, a Russian ally.

Russia's Izvestia newspaper reported last week that a group of Su-24 and Su-34 warplanes had arrived at the Hmeymim base in Syria, returning Russia's fixed-wing numbers in the country to near the level before the drawdown was announced in March.

(Additional reporting by Hasmik Mkrtchyan in Yerevan and Murad Sezer in Istanbul, Writing by Jack Stubbs, Editing by Christian Lowe and Timothy Heritage)

Last edited by anarchist23 on 08 Oct 2016 18:32, edited 2 times in total.
anarchist23 wrote:This is breaking news on the BBC and the pattern we get is of brinkmanship between the West and Russia.

Responding to the official concerns, its hard to take these seriously, they knew this was going to happen when they put European Missile Defense ahead of everything else.

Well wait until the media realize that Iskander is in Syria as well!

Rancid wrote:Ugh, I don't want a WW3. That would totally fuck up my plans.

Yes. It would fuck up the whole of humanity. It's not yet a Cold War but its getting that way. If you have lived through a Cold War you would understand it's a scary situation.

Fears of a third global war were further stoked on Thursday after Russia launched from a submarine in the Barents Sea the Topol missile, the fastest in the world, as part of a series of ballistics test. However, on the same day, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered all officials with relatives living overseas to fly them back to Russia because of heightened tensions on the prospect of World War III.

On Wednesday, the We Are Anonymous hacker group claimed Pentagon admitted World War III is imminent, amid worsening relations between Moscow and Washington over the Syria crisis. A row over Russia’s role in the Syrian conflict over Kremlin moving nuclear-capable missiles near the Polish border caused Putin to cancel a planned visit to France, Daily Mail reports.

Russia launched three missiles, the second was fired from an island in Russia’s north-west and the warhead hit a simulated target. The third missile, a nuclear-capable rocket, was short from a Pacific Fleet submarine in the Sea of Okhotsk, north of Japan and it hit a simulated target on a Kamchatka peninsula firing range, Express reports.

The RS-12M Topol, a single-warhead intercontinental ballistic missile that entered service in 1985, has a maximum range of 10,000 kilometres or 6,125 miles. It could carry a nuclear warhead with a yield of up to 550 kilotons.

Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shogi insists those are only normal combat training maneouvres and accuses the west of portraying Russia’s military exercises as threats to global peace and misrepresented as alarming signals of World War III. “The ideas of a military war, a new cold war or an arms race are being circulated. Of course, it is not true,” he says.

Besides stoking fears of war because of its military exercise, the US accuses Russia of meddling in the November presidential election which Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov dismisses as a baseless accusation.

Moscow cites American aggression as the reason why it moved nuclear-capable Iskandar missile near NATO territory in Europe, causing NATO officials to also openly warn of the possible use of nuclear weapons, CNN reports.

Even former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev agrees the world is at a dangerous point because of the rising tensions between the two super powers.

http://www.ibtimes.com.au/world-war-iii ... global-war

The west is sleepwalking into a catastrophe of momentous proportions.
As the West is focusing on the threat from the Russians, China seems to be preparing for war and its citizens are been told to prepare..

The Chinese defense minister has warned a tense situation in the South China Sea poses the threat of a direct confrontation over a group of disputed islands.

Chang Wanquan made the statement while inspecting military installations in China's eastern coastal Zhejiang Province, state news agency Xinhua reported.

The Chinese military, law enforcement and citizens must be ready for mobilization in the event of a 'people's war at sea,' he added.

Chang’s statement comes amid unprecedented tensions over the disputed islands in the South China Sea, where Beijing has been building airstrips and military installations on reclaimed reefs and islands in waters also claimed by a number of other Asian states.

The US Navy has dispatched warships and military planes to the immediate proximity of the disputed islands, claiming it has done so to ensure the principles of freedom of navigation in international waters.

Washington has also been involved in a number of military drills in the region.

Reuters. Tensions are high amongst Asian nations over the disputed islands
But the Chinese have slammed the naval and aerial displays by the US as provocations, and reinforced installation on the islands with anti-ship missile and air-defense complexes.

On Tuesday, China’s Supreme Court issued a regulation reaffirming the jurisdiction of national courts over the country’s territory, including the 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone.

http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news ... ar-8563244
The four-day exercise launched on Tuesday includes 200,000 rescue professionals. Almost 50,000 vehicles are part of the drill.

“Our priority during the drill is to train evacuation of the civilian population from potentially-risky areas,” Emergencies Minister Vladimir Puchkov, who oversees all civil defense in Russia, told Interfax.

The drill is meant to test coordination between federal, regional and local authorities, feasibility of contingency plans for emergencies, the state of civil defense infrastructure like shelters and emergency supply stockpiles, and other aspects of the system. Emergency services are expected to “prepare suggestions on how to improve our potential,” the minister said.

https://www.rt.com/news/361553-russia-c ... nse-drill/

It was only an annual drill for 200,000 emergency workers who participated in the four-day drill. The Western media's sensationalism is appalling. It's not like 40 million people nationwide actually evacuated to Siberia but more than 500,000 employees of government institutions and companies were evacuated as a part of the drill. Many university students also conducted studies and training such as radiation and chemical monitoring. In all educational institutions of the Russian Federation, an open lesson on child protection was attended by about 36,000 organisations and more than 15 million members.
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