Trump calls it like it is; the establishment can't take it - Page 676 - Politics | PoFo

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So why would blocking someone on Twitter be a violation of the first amendment? Twitter is not a government run public forum.

But seriously, lol that people are taking getting blocked on Twitter so seriously. These are the people who think they can impeach a president for legal actions admittedly handled in a ham-fisted way. You can't and if the president doesn't like your internet posts he can block you through user settings.
SpecialOlympian wrote:I'm fucking hard as a rock here bj, keep going.

Taking a little Viagra with your LSD? That's rather weird, don't you think?

SpecialOlympian wrote:I love these hot takes from the shook MAGA chuds.

I didn't even bother watching it. I just watched some op-ed outakes. There's little point in tuning in to this stuff, as we know it's all fake news.

SpecialOlympian wrote:Oh no. He took notes: the absolute most basic step of any criminal investigation.

There is no criminal investigation. There is a counter-intelligence investigation into Russia interfering in the election. The only collusion proven so far is the DNC and the media colluding to provide Hillary with debate questions, allowing Hillary and her staff to edit news stories, and working with the DNC and Soros-funded groups like Black Lives Matter to harass the Bernie Sanders campaign.

Comey Was The First To Call A Private, One-On-One Meeting With Trump

SpecialOlympian wrote:Also it's nice to see I've gotten under your skin and Hong Wu's. And that, once again, you keep going back to the election because there has been nothing to cheer for ever since the inauguration, when everything went wrong.

The entire narrative is positing a theory that Trump colluded with Russia on the election. Even long-time Democrats are disillusioned with what the Democrats are doing. Without the election, there is no story.

Dershowitz: Comey confirms that I'm right - and all the Democratic commentators are wrong
Alan Dershowitz wrote:Now that even former Director Comey has acknowledged that the Constitution would permit the president to direct the Justice Department and the FBI in this matter, let us put the issue of obstruction of justice behind us once and for all and focus on the political, moral, and other non-criminal aspects of President Trump’s conduct.

Of course, Rush's take is funnier: Pathological CNN Is Making Professor Dershowitz Go Bald

SpecialOlympian wrote:Oh god I'm jizzing everywhere I love the whole "He took notes!!! The rat!!! The snitch!!!" argument.

Really? You find this sexually arousing? Comey said he was uncomfortable meeting alone with Trump, but he called the first one on one meeting with Trump to discuss the fake news story about Trump getting urinated on by Russian prostitutes in a bed slept in by Barack and Michelle Obama. Comey was playing games, and he got called on it.

Hong Wu wrote:Apparently people are still pushing the Russian angle even after this. Mockery is honestly the only rational response at this point.

That's why people like Mark Dice have 1M subscribers. More people view his taunts of CNN, MSNBC, etc than others actually watch those networks.

James Comey’s Latest Statement Is An Indictment Of Comey, Not Trump
Other than Dershowitz pointing out the obvious--the president cannot obstruct justice--I think this article identifies Comey's game:

Sean Davis wrote:Not until after he was fired did Comey suddenly decide to inform the public of all these interactions that he said made him so uncomfortable. Comey’s similar refusal during his tenure to inform the public that the president was not being investigated is also clear evidence of the keep-my-job-at-all-costs game he was playing (if this game looks familiar, it’s the exact same one he played when he took the fall for then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s refusal to prosecute Clinton in 2016). What better way to insure yourself against being fired than to give the impression that you are overseeing a grave investigation of potential wrongdoing by your boss?

The public impression that Trump was being criminally investigated, amplified by the president’s critics in the media, was effectively Comey’s get-out-of-jail-free card. The former FBI director likely assumed that no president would be crazy enough to fire a man whom the public believed to be investigating the president. Only a madman would fire that guy, right? Everyone in Washington knows how this game is played. They all know the tune by heart.

Unfortunately for Comey, Trump had no intention of playing that game and dancing that dance. What really happened is that Trump was wise to Comey’s con and finally had enough of it. He figured out what Comey was doing — deliberately refusing to correct a factually inaccurate impression of the FBI’s ongoing investigation as a means of protecting his job — and called his bluff.

That essentially nailed it. Comey also did this with the intention of getting a special prosecutor appointed when he already knew that the president had committed no crime, and neither did Flynn. There is at this point no probable cause to believe that Trump did anything illegal. Comey leaked the memos after he was fired. Whereas, the special prosecutor can claim immunity from malicious prosecution, Comey can no longer claim sovereign, prosecutorial, or judicial immunity with respect to causing a criminal investigation to be instituted when he knew there was no probable cause. He was a private citizen, even if only for a day or two. Comey admitted this under oath before the United States Senate.

Did Comey Violate Laws In Leaking The Trump Memo?
Besides being subject to Nondisclosure Agreements, Comey falls under federal laws governing the disclosure of classified and nonclassified information. Assuming that the memos were not classified (though it seems odd that it would not be classified even on the confidential level), there is 18 U.S.C. § 641 which makes it a crime to steal, sell, or convey “any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the United States or of any department or agency thereof.”

By the way, waking up in the middle of the night (as described by Comey) is not generally the best time to decide to leak damaging memos against a sitting president. There are times when coffee and a full night’s sleep (and even conferral with counsel) is recommended. Leaking damaging memos is one of those times. Moreover, if Comey was sure of his right to release the memo, why use a law professor to avoid fingerprints?

I find Comey’s admission to be deeply troubling from a professional and ethical standpoint. Would Director Comey have approved such a rule for FBI agents? Thus, an agent can prepare a memo during office hours on an FBI computer about a meeting related to his service . . . but leak that memo to the media. The Justice Department has long defined what constitutes government documents broadly. It is not clear if Comey had the documents reviewed for classification at the confidential level or confirmed that they would be treated as entirely private property. What is clear is that he did not clear the release of the memos with anyone in the government.

Comey may be in trouble here...
Let's imagine that Hillary was innocent of any wrongdoing despite all of the hard drive smashing and so-on and Bill's meeting with Loretta Lynch was him asking her to stop the investigation because Hillary was innocent. Okay or totally wrong? If Bill was President and later fired Loretta for refusing to say there was no investigation into him and refusing to stop the investigation into Hillary (who, in this hypothetical, is innocent) would you want Bill impeached for it?

Comey's arument was that he wouldn't tell people Trump wasn't under investigation because it would create a duty to correct. This is rational to an extent; why does Comey get to make that call and not his boss? Refusing to comply with your boss' judgment call sounds like a classic way to get yourself fired.
AFAIK wrote:So if The Prez got into trouble could The Vice Prez, who got elected on the same ticket, pardon him or would he have to wait for a future admin?

Wikipedia wrote:A presidential pardon of Richard Nixon was issued on September 8, 1974, by President of the United States Gerald Ford, which granted former president Richard Nixon a full and unconditional pardon for any crimes he might have committed against the United States while president.

The actual matter is whether the president can pardon himself. If he can, then Trump will do it for sure.
Mong is pretty cool and I'm okay with it, but if I may, please call me by my preferred pronoun, Ming the Merciless, or "your grace" for short. I sexually identify as an intergalactic tyrant of dubiously Chinese origin and I expect everyone to treat me like one.

What appears to be happening is the left ignores what happened in the hearings that debunks the Russia thing, but accepts the parts that verge on obstruction of justice, particularly if the Russian thing was real which is an important threshold question in the minds of many people!

Seems like a classic case of having your cake and eating it too, to me. I could discuss the obstruction / conflict of interest issue seriously if someone who wants to talk about it would drop the Russia thing (see my earlier hypothetical).
blackjack21 wrote:I didn't even bother watching it.

It shows.

Really? You find this sexually arousing?


Comey said he was uncomfortable meeting alone with Trump, but he called the first one on one meeting with Trump to discuss the fake news story about Trump getting urinated on by Russian prostitutes in a bed slept in by Barack and Michelle Obama. Comey was playing games, and he got called on it.

Lol this is a hot take dude. Yeah, no shit he called the meeting. It's kind of his job to make the president aware of these things. Was he not supposed to tell Trump about the dossier? Was everyone supposed to pretend it did not exist?

That's why people like Mark Dice have 1M subscribers. More people view his taunts of CNN, MSNBC, etc than others actually watch those networks.

I have enjoyed watching your transformation from "generic angry Fox News grandpa" to Seth Rich conspiracy advocating wingnut. Lol Mark Dice is a satanism/illuminati conspiracy wackjob so good job funneling hot garbage directly into your brainspace when recordings of the hearings are a click away.

Comey also did this with the intention of getting a special prosecutor appointed when he already knew that the president had committed no crime,

He did commit a crime and it's awesome that Comey got a special prosecutor involved. Good job Comey!

and neither did Flynn.

He lied on his security clearance application which is a crime.

Comey may be in trouble here...

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