Charlottesville False Flag Operation - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Theories and happenings too odd for the main forums.
blackjack21 wrote:Yeah, but there's more evidence that this whole thing may have been staged.



Geez, I do not want to think that this car crash may have been a hoax. Honestly, I don't even really want to waste my time watching this stuff anymore, but I watched the shorter video you posted.

I can't really argue with some of the oddities and the fact that none of the airbags were deployed is pretty much the smoking gun.

And this is concerning as well.

I don't know though. Hoax or not, I've seen no evidence that this Heather character was even struck by any car.

But the other thing is that this Chris Cantwell is a plant. I am 100% sure of it. He is working for someone, probably SPLC or some other outift He is just too outrageous.

And he even did an interview with an SPLC employee. First of all, they were talking together like old pals, not adversaries, and he was discussing a lot of really weird stuff, like shooting heroin and getting high by sticking ecstasy tabs in his rectum.

They already had a guy like Cantwell named Hal Turner, who had a radio interview and said crazy things and then it came out in court that he was an FBI agent.

By the way Blackjack, to embed a YouTube video, you don't need to use the url tag, just paste the video url straight into the post.
maz wrote:Geez, I do not want to think that this car crash may have been a hoax. Honestly, I don't even really want to waste my time watching this stuff anymore, but I watched the shorter video you posted.

This thread itself has gone on for 88 pages. Nobody particularly likes Nazis. So what is the point in talking about it so much? The political establishment in the United States is not popular. Neither are Nazis. People are not going to go, "Oh, gee willickers... the Nazis are bad. I'm going to vote for Marco Rubio instead of Donald Trump now. Gosh, that Mitt Romney is handsome isn't he?" Exactly what do these people want? "Oh. Trump is an inspiration to neo-Nazis! I should have voted for Hillary Clinton..." Really?

I mean think about it. BLM supporters have killed scores of police officers now. Is there any outrage on the political left? No. They leave a trail of bodies, and they are just a-okay with it. Here, we have one person dead, or so we have been told. If it is true, it is obviously an unfortunate tragedy, which apparently could have been avoided. Yet, there are too many irregularities. Pants-of-dog purports to be incensed that some right winger fired a gun, and the police did nothing. The police were ordered to do nothing by a Democrat mayor and governor, but this apparently does not upset Pants-of-dog. You got some black guy with a makeshift flame thrower. Pants-of-dog is apparently unfazed by this. Has this black guy with the makeshift flame thrower been identified and arrested? I'm guessing no, he hasn't been arrested. I'm guessing there isn't even an effort to identify him and arrest him. The fact that the political left doesn't care about that, but cares about the guy who apparently discharges a firearm is "bad" and should be arrested betrays the fact the alt right folks were met with violence and returned it after the fact. So what? What would a rational person expect to transpire? Trump was spot on. Both groups have a bunch of assholes in them, and both have some decent people who committed no crime and didn't contribute to violence. Paul Ryan is a pussy.

maz wrote:But the other thing is that this Chris Cantwell is a plant. I am 100% sure of it. He is working for someone, probably SPLC or some other outift He is just too outrageous.

Fairly obviously, so is Ford Fischer--who seems to turn up at Ferguson, Missouri and Baltimore, Maryland too. He has a keen sense for when left wing violence is going to erupt. Fischer captures the van on video. The minivan where this crash occurred had the minivan blocking the road 5 minutes before the accident, and nobody was there protesting the van. Apparently, there was no driver in the van, and two people were in the back seat of the van. Why? Who parks a van in the middle of the street, and leaves it there with two people in the back seat? Ford Fischer gets the van on video, and then gets the car on video at a separate location before the car runs into the van. You have pictures of people clinging on to the hood of the van as though it were moving and they were getting hit. This looks like acting to me. I'm guessing their next move will be that the driver will be characterized as "crazy" and will be acquitted or sent to a funny farm.

maz wrote:And he even did an interview with an SPLC employee. First of all, they were talking together like old Palestinians, not adversaries, and he was discussing a lot of really weird stuff, like shooting heroin and getting high by sticking ecstasy tabs in his rectum.

Yeah, those are all hallmarks of a leftist, not a rightist. It's too weird to be true.

maz wrote:They already had a guy like Cantwell named Hal Turner, who had a radio interview and said crazy things and then it came out in court that he was an FBI agent.

I guess that's possible. I didn't realize that the FBI staged false flag ops. I guess I'm still a bit naive.

Lexington wrote:How many people do you think saw this act of violence?

I don't know. Where was Heather Heyer in this? What was the cause of death? Why haven't we seen an autopsy report? Did she die of a head injury? Did she have collapsed lungs? Did she die from multiple intraumatic injuries? Was she hit directly by the car? Was she indirectly hit? Did she bleed out? I have seen all these videos, but I haven't been able to identify Heather Heyer in them, or how she died. A guy is being charged with murder. Isn't it odd that we don't have specific details as to how she died? Why haven't we heard from anyone who witnessed how she died? She was said to be "crossing the street." Well? Was it at a corner? Or was she in the middle of the protesters?

Two police officers died too. They were not killed by neo-Nazis or anything. Yet, they died in the line of duty, but had private funerals rather than the standard public funerals for police officers killed in the line of duty. Even that is rather odd.
blackjack21 wrote:This thread itself has gone on for 88 pages. Nobody particularly likes Nazis. So what is the point in talking about it so much? The political establishment in the United States is not popular. Neither are Nazis. People are not going to go, "Oh, gee willickers... the Nazis are bad. I'm going to vote for Marco Rubio instead of Donald Trump now. Gosh, that Mitt Romney is handsome isn't he?" Exactly what do these people want? "Oh. Trump is an inspiration to neo-Nazis! I should have voted for Hillary Clinton..." Really?

I mean think about it. BLM supporters have killed scores of police officers now. Is there any outrage on the political left?

This thread's content speaks for itself: literally insane conspiracy theories (originating from 4chan where they are posted as deliberate lies, and then picked up by idiots who spread those lies elsewhere) and denials of blatant reality. The level of autism and stupidity is simply off-the-charts and almost unbelievable.

This thread is not about BLM; there are children going hungry in the US: why aren't you discussing those hungry children in this thread?
blackjack21 wrote:I don't know. Where was Heather Heyer in this? What was the cause of death? Why haven't we seen an autopsy report? Did she die of a head injury? Did she have collapsed lungs? Did she die from multiple intraumatic injuries? Was she hit directly by the car? Was she indirectly hit? Did she bleed out? I have seen all these videos, but I haven't been able to identify Heather Heyer in them, or how she died. A guy is being charged with murder. Isn't it odd that we don't have specific details as to how she died? Why haven't we heard from anyone who witnessed how she died? She was said to be "crossing the street." Well? Was it at a corner? Or was she in the middle of the protesters?

Hundreds of people were there. They saw the car. The car came. There was a murder, a terrorist act, committed. All of these questions you raise have simple explanations that I will not bother myself with answering because:

Hundreds of people were there in a public place with men and women from the public everywhere. My friend was there. It is utterly impossible for this to have been the conspiracy you are imagining. It is embarrassing.

It is impossible for a conspiracy of this magnitude to be committed. You have chosen to believe or even suggest it because it suits your political interests. It is embarrassing.

MB wrote:About time to archive this or split it to conspiracy theories me thinks.

Yeah, we're definitely down to conspiracy theories now.
Blackjack stop quoting me. I just scroll past your giant teflon coated posts and it's annoying closing out the notification.

Also I demand proof that someone actually died before I condemn nazis. That's my problem here, the liberal media lies. Not the basic precepts and beliefs of white supremacists, I'm cool with those. You fucking libs aren't going to bully me into condemning nazis with no justification whatsoever.
Bulaba Jones wrote:This thread's content speaks for itself: literally insane conspiracy theories (originating from 4chan where they are posted as deliberate lies, and then picked up by idiots who spread those lies elsewhere) and denials of blatant reality.

Nodody is denying that these events occurred. Some of us question the sincerity of the "moral outrage" that you people seem to be engaged in. This "Unite the Right" rally was organized by James Kessler, a man who voted for Barack Obama and attended at least one Occupy Wall Street rally. That's right out of Forrest Gump reasoning: "Then, for no particular reason, I decided to stop voting for the Democrats and attending Occupy Wall Street rallies and become a white supremacist organizer." Really? We're supposed to take all of this seriously?

I did not post anything from 4chan, as I do not read it. I posted a video from YouTube. It's from SonofNewo.

He analyzes a live stream from Ford Fischer. The interesting point is that a live stream is not edited video. Yet, he captures the minivan with no rioters, the Dodge Challenger going in a different direction, and he's between the rioters and the far right people when the "accident" or "terrorist attack" or whatever you want to call it transpires. We can analyze the events, because we have unedited video evidence. That gives us a timeline.

What is it about this video that you don't agree with? Is it that you think the guy probably smells like soap? Is it because he's wears Ralph Lauren and Tommy Hilfiger polos? He even does a walkabout with his own footage.

Bulaba Jones wrote:This thread is not about BLM; there are children going hungry in the US: why aren't you discussing those hungry children in this thread?

This thread is about a State of Emergency being declared in Charlottesville, VA. BLM was there and is part of the reason the State of Emergency was declared. I'm not sure that hungry children are germane to the topic. What is interesting is that the Mayor declared a State of Emergency, while simultaneously asking the police to stand down and do nothing. That is rather peculiar, don't you think?

Lexington wrote:Hundreds of people were there. They saw the car. The car came. There was a murder, a terrorist act, committed.

There was apparently a homicide committed. If it's murder, it hasn't been established as a matter of law yet. The DNC is known for using mentally ill people in their dirty tricks campaigns. Apparently, the driver isn't quite right in the head.

Lexington wrote:Hundreds of people were there in a public place with men and women from the public everywhere. My friend was there. It is utterly impossible for this to have been the conspiracy you are imagining.

A conspiracy is just two or more people committing acts in furtherance of a crime. If we're to assume that this was the intent of the political right to kill people generally, then you have a conspiracy. If it is not a conspiracy, then this guy acted alone. You can't have it both ways. It doesn't matter if your friend was there--a communist Antifa member, BLM cop killer, white supremacist, etc?

Lexington wrote:It is impossible for a conspiracy of this magnitude to be committed.

Conspiracies by definition are of magnitude, because by definition they are not done by a single person.

Lexington wrote:You have chosen to believe or even suggest it because it suits your political interests.

I simply think that these things are staged. Creating an event called "Unite the Right" necessarily takes more than one person. Creating a counter protest also takes more than one person. As you noted, there were hundreds of people there. Why did they come to Charlottesville, VA from all around the country. I did not go to Charlottesville. I didn't know the event was going to transpire. Had I known, I still wouldn't have gone to be supportive of either side. I think they are both fucked. I don't care about either of them. I'm just curious as to why you are so interested in this?

Why would two people in the back seat of a minivan get out of the minivan by crawling up to the front seat and getting out the front doors, when they could just open the sliding door of the minivan? Don't you think that is a little weird?

Lexington wrote:It is embarrassing.

Why are you embarrassed? You seem to have a lot of feelings about this event.

Lexington wrote:Yeah, we're definitely down to conspiracy theories now.

If I were going to posit a conspiracy theory with no evidence to back it up, I would note that the driver's mother is named Samantha Bloom. Then, I would suggest that her name is Jewish, and the mayor is Jewish, and the whole thing is a big Jewish conspiracy.

The headline doesn't scream novelty, does it? "Nazi kills communist." Is that something new? Uh, no. So why do you find this surprising or shocking or whatever?

Thomas Jefferson had a child with his slave, Sally Hemmings. Is Thomas Jefferson not just a slave holder, but a rapist according to modern feminist theory? Should we keep the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, DC? Or should we tear it down? Or, should we consider that Thomas Jefferson thought that black women were attractive, and admire him for crossing racial lines in the late 18th and early 19th centuries? As far as we know, Robert E. Lee didn't rape his slaves. Is that because he was a noble gentleman, or because he was a bad racist and didn't find black women sexually attractive? Should we approve of the Declaration of Independence, knowing that it was written by a white slave holder that raped his slaves?

SpecialOlympian wrote:Blackjack stop quoting me.

Wow. You made a whole post without laughing out loud or finding anything funny.

So what's novel here? A Nazi kills a communist?
Blackjack I like how you say me enjoying LSD is somehow a mark against my character when your lifetime of sobriety has led you to believe that Puerto Rico being a protectorate instead of a state is somehow a giant legal conspiracy. Based entirely on your reading of various sovcit legal blogs.

Sounds like you're the one who needs to drop acid bro.

MB. wrote:Blackjack, are you saying this was a false flag operation?

Yes. Half of blackjack's schtick is finding the dumbest conspiracy theory possible and championing it. The other half is talking about how he wants to watch shit burn down becuase one time a bakery that incorporated as an LLC had to sell a cake to two gay men who were getting married and how complying with state anti-discrimination laws was the greatest injustice ever perpetrated.
MB wrote:Blackjack, are you saying this was a false flag operation?

I don't know. What is obvious is that the media tries to tie it to Trump and find a reason to say that we shouldn't like Donald Trump. There are too many irregularities though for me to take it seriously.

Donald Trump hoped the trip would draw a line under the Russia story, which had hounded his candidacy and was now damaging his presidency. His legislative agenda, including repeal of Obamacare, was already in trouble. Looming just ahead were his reckless rhetoric about North Korea and his reaction to the violence in Charlottesville—outright support for white nationalists.

Donald Trump did not provide any support for white nationalists at all. He condemned violence on both sides. That seems to have upset the establishment. Why would Paul Ryan suddenly think that defending communists was a good thing? Why would Marco Rubio get all soft on communists and BLM cop killers and get upset with Trump for not "isolating" the neo-Nazi types and condemning them only? We've seen lots of Antifa violence, and it seems they don't get arrested to the degree they deserve. The police were told to stand down in Charlottesville. They were told to stand down in Berkeley too. Whether this is a false flag operation isn't easily proved, but it is not easily disproved either. There are a lot of weird things surrounding the story. Too many of these so-called right wingers were leftist until November of 2016, when they suddenly decided to become white supremacists and start giving Nazi salutes to Donald Trump.

We know what Donald Trump said. So we stop reading the Vanity Fair article at that sentence about Trump supporting white nationalists. We know it's not true, and we have better things to do with our time. Fake News is time consuming.

SpecialOlympian wrote:Blackjack I like how you say me enjoying LSD is somehow a mark against my character when your lifetime of sobriety has led you to believe that Puerto Rico being a protectorate instead of a state is somehow a giant legal conspiracy.

I drink alcohol. I don't think drinking alcohol is particularly good either. LSD induces psychosis, which apparently you enjoy. The purported murderer in this story is apparently mentally ill, possibly schizophrenic. People like that have to take anti-psychotics, because they are effectively in a state of mind similar to being on LSD whether they like it or not.

A conspiracy, as I've stated repeatedly, is simply two or more people... Puerto Rico and Guam are territories over which the United States is sovereign. Their citizens have been given citizenship in the United States, but not necessarily the protections of the Bill of Rights. For example, citizens of a protectorate don't necessarily have the right to keep and bear arms. So the US government can say that a citizen of the United States does not necessarily have the right to keep and bear arms. Creating a distinction between the People and a citizen of the United States has utility for people who don't like the Bill of Rights, and that includes a lot of people in the political establishment.

SpecialOlympian wrote:Based entirely on your reading of various sovcit legal blogs.

I haven't posted any sovereign citizen blogs. I posted Downes v. Bidwell. Do you have a problem with citing SCOTUS?

SpecialOlympian wrote:Sounds like you're the one who needs to drop acid bro.

How do you think that would help, other than to find virtually everything humorous?

SpecialOlympian wrote:The other half is talking about how he wants to watch shit burn down becuase one time a bakery that incorporated as an LLC had to sell a cake to two gay men who were getting married and how complying with state anti-discrimination laws was the greatest injustice ever perpetrated.

I no longer support the establishment, and don't care about their narrative. I'm anti-communist, and always have been. I don't like identify politics. Consequently, I don't like black politics, LGBTQ politics, or even white supremacist politics. I think Trump was right to condemn the violence on both sides. I think Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio are a bunch of pussies, and their sympathy for communism is reprehensible. That's why I don't support them, or Mitch McConnell either. I think John McCain is a horse's arse. I am glad Trump pardoned Joe Arpaio, and I hope he jumps into the US Senate race to defeat Jeff Flake. I also hope Kid Rock runs and wins. I think the establishment is just utterly fucked up.
Trump is the only one to blame for fucking up his messaging on this. Or possibly Bannon who was fired right afterwards. Bannon definitely did write some of Trumps speeches such as his Warsaw speech and probably the inaugural address to boot.

I will also add that the cops here use dodge chargers that are blacked out like the one used in the hit and run. Not sure if that means anything but it did seem suspicious to me since the undercover cops here do use the same car.
blackjack21 wrote:Nodody is denying that these events occurred. Some of us question the sincerity of the "moral outrage" that you people seem to be engaged in.

blackjack21 wrote:Why are you embarrassed? You seem to have a lot of feelings about this event.

You are denying it. You are "just asking questions".

And you're goddamn right I am morally outraged. I have a friend in Charlottesville who was there. He is a Jew. He is a Jew, my friend, who had to watch Nazi flags being paraded in an American city. Torches being carried in an imitation of a Nazi rally in a cruel fucking joke.

I am morally outraged on his behalf.

I am embarrassed for you and this foolishness.

Now you can pick out each and every little detail that doesn't seem right but you add it up to a conspiracy that not only includes my friend but hundreds of people that were there but thousands of people in the media and everyone related this. It is impossible.
A conspiracy does seem unlikely especially since the driver is already in court facing murder charges ... der-charge

James Fields, 20 years old, faces second degree murder charges with no bail on offer.

Why did he decide to ruin his life that instant a few weeks ago?

His court appointed lawyers have apparently filed for postponement until December ... postponed/

The authorities are apparently executing search warrants on his property now
I'm proud that I was deeply involved in the British anti poll tax campaign. Within that campaign I would definitely have been considered an extremist, one of a small radical minority. Oh dear :lol: lefties might be able to fool the general public, but they can't fool me. I know how the game works, I know the lefts tactics. Millions opposed the poll tax, one hundred maybe two hundred thousand people joined the big march. There was mayhem across the country involving many, many people, but I can tell you for an absolute fact that a mere ten thousand people organised and shaped that campaign and that probably as few as two or three thousand people really created the violence, property damage, law breaking and disorder which spread across the country.

You only need a small minority committed to violence, they can create a partisan situation where violence quickly escalates and "moderate" participants on both sides become, enraged, radicalised and commit acts that they never intended to from the start. It only takes a minority to escalate things. Particularly in confrontations with the police, the radical activists will not tend to be at the front, they will be behind throwing missiles and making chants designed to enrage the police / opposition. Chanting the names of police officers killed in the line of duty can be particularly effective.

So no one's saying that the majority of the leftists turned up intending to personally take part in beating the statue defenders off the street. But they and the authorities were complicit with leftist violence.
Lexington wrote:You are denying it. You are "just asking questions".

I think it happened. I am just questioning why it happened, and why you think this is some moral outrage. I've posted links analyzing what happened on a minute by minute basis with respect to the car attack.

Lexington wrote:And you're goddamn right I am morally outraged. I have a friend in Charlottesville who was there. He is a Jew. He is a Jew, my friend, who had to watch Nazi flags being paraded in an American city. Torches being carried in an imitation of a Nazi rally in a cruel fucking joke.

And your point is? America is about freedom of speech. The ACLU fought for their right to do this. Are you embarrassed of the ACLU? You'll note that I did not go to court on their behalf, but the ACLU did. Walking around with tiki torches is not a crime. It is just goofy.

This is sort of trivial compared to other stories that nobody cares about. For example, 82 people were shot in Chicago on the Fourth of July weekend, and 14 of the shootings were fatal. Nobody seems to really care about that, because most of the people are black. Do black lives really matter? BLM folks are asking for restraint from the police, and all it has done is leave shooters on the streets to kill lots of people. Why are we supposed to believe you care about the danger of Nazis when only one person has been killed, and yet you don't seem to care about black-on-black violence in Chicago? 82 people shot and 14 of them killed in 1 weekend. Things weren't so bad this weekend. Only 32 people got shot in Chicago this weekend, and only 7 of them died. Are you morally outraged about that, or is black-on-black crime just a-okay with you?

Lexington wrote:I am morally outraged on his behalf.

So you don't support the right of Americans to affiliate with the Nazi party?

Lexington wrote:I am embarrassed for you and this foolishness.


MB wrote:A conspiracy does seem unlikely especially since the driver is already in court facing murder charges ... der-charge

James Fields, 20 years old, faces second degree murder charges with no bail on offer.

If he was directed by the Nazis to kill someone, then it is a conspiracy. If not, he acted alone. Then, it is not a conspiracy. So why get all upset about a nutjub who goes and kills another nutjob?

I can give you a weekend where 14 people are killed in black on black violence, with a full 82 being shot among the 14 killed. Nobody cares, because the media has decided to ignore black-on-black violence. Only 32 people were shot this last weekend in Chicago, and only 7 of them died. Yet, that's 7 times as many people who died in Charlottesville, and more than were injured there.
skinster wrote:...Nazis...white supremacists...

What about Commies and non-White supremacists?

Why are non-whites fleeing from their own cointries and neighborhoods, that become shit holes as soon as they got rid of whites?

Why do non-whites seek the proximity of whites? Why are they not able to create their own functioning countries and neighbourhoods?

Why were Commies never able to create decent conditions in countries they were in charge of? Why were their countries like big prisons in times of peace?

People could not escape from these Gulag-Commie-Countries, they were literally prisoners. People, who tried to escape from Commie-Countries after WWII were shot!!!

On the other hand, Polish Jews refused to go home to Poland in October 1938, they preferred the Third Reich to their native Poland!!!

As we see, people sometimes vote with their feet...

You ignored this important point, and that speaks values.

Who needs whom?

It is idiotic to call somebody a "supremacist", if he just wants to preserve his own extended family and heritage, his neighborhood, speak if he just wants to be let alone in his white country and does not mind if non-whites live in their own countries without any "white supremacists".

And why do Commies not just move to Commie- Countries, like North Korea?

Why do they always try to destroy still functioning countries?

skinster wrote:Ha at "well dressed people", they're still white supremacists and belong in the dustbin of history.

You de-facto say that you want white people dead! What do you expect after that?


Why did prosperous African countries become shit holes, after they got rid of "white supremacists", and why is the population of these shit holes fleeing into the vicinity of "white supremacists", speak into white countries?

skinster can try locate an island for you and other whites to live together on where you can all cry about your feelings. That would work well for everyone. :D

Well, that is what white pioneers did in the past, they located free land, sparsely populated by a bunch of savages, or even empty landscapes, and transformed the wilderness into prosperous western White countries!!!

From your primitive perspective all founders of all Western countries were " white supremacists", because they loved their countries and their own people, who were whites.

White people have to hate their own heritage, their own history, their own people, if they want to avoid the stupid Commie - Label "white supremacist".

But let us imagine there is still a big uninhabited island and white people abandon the western countries and move to this island.

What will happen in say 100 years?

My prediction:

This " White-Island" will become a prosperous nation, and the former Western countries will become shit holes, and the population of all these shit holes will try to flee from these shit holes, that are free of any whites, into the vicinity of "white supremacists".

Lexington wrote:And you're goddamn right I am morally outraged. I have a friend in Charlottesville who was there. He is a Jew. He is a Jew, my friend, who had to watch Nazi flags being paraded in an American city. Torches being carried in an imitation of a Nazi rally in a cruel fucking joke.

I am morally outraged on his behalf.

OK your friend is a double-Jew of some sort...or are you making a special point of saying you have a Jewish friend? And...OH MY GAWD...he HAD to watch people with swastika flags and chanting anti-Jew stuff. Wait...he didn't HAVE to watch. The internet is chalk full of anti-Jew stuff. Is he forced to read it? Perhaps you're just a little overly sensitive, or maybe a little disingenuous?

Lexington wrote:I am embarrassed for you and this foolishness.

Now you can pick out each and every little detail that doesn't seem right but you add it up to a conspiracy that not only includes my friend but hundreds of people that were there but thousands of people in the media and everyone related this. It is impossible.

Well...not that I agree with this theory, but..."thousands of people in the media"? I smelling fish? I mean, you can't get more than 10 media people to agree on anything. But thousands are all on the same page? Yup...that's fish I smell...

Look Lexington, and the rest of you "morality soldiers", it is a sad fact that racism exists and is a little amplified these days. It's also a sad fact that black people in America have been dealt a shitty general. Do the racists have the "right" to gather peacefully and have their say? Yes. A judge already determined that. Do the Antifa/BLM people have the same rights? Yes. Does ANYBODY have the right to incite a violent riot? NO!

I know the argument..."The Nazis started this by being there and shouting such awfully hurtful things about your friend friend." But that's just not the case, is it...
No Lexington, it's been established that the Antifa/BLM know, the "good guys"...left their designated place of protest, to pick a fight with the Nazi "bad white guys". Hence breaking the law, and acting out in opposition to the Constitution of the United States of America, by denying AMERICAN people...however unpalatable...their rights as guaranteed by your Constitution of the United States of America.

Then...they tuck their tails under their asses and hide behind a flag of moral superiority and outrage, instead of "manning up" and taking responsibility for their part in the death of a young women.

THAT...Lexington and the rest of you faux morality unadulterated horseshit.
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