What is Technocracy? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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The solving of mankind’s problems and abolition of government via technological solutions alone.

Moderator: Kolzene

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By Scrybe
I found a Technocracy FAQ, but it gave me a 404 Not Found when I clicked the link.

Anyway, can someone explain to me in layman’s terms what technocracy is and how it works?

I’ve found the Technocracy Inc.’s site, but I honestly couldn’t really understand it, and I mainly want to understand how the society, government and economy would work.
Technocracy is the art of social engineering through technology.

economy would work.
You're an energy node in a social schematic. Intelligence is a resource.
Last edited by RhetoricThug on 23 Jan 2018 00:04, edited 1 time in total.
RhetoricThug wrote:Technocracy is the art of social engineering through technology.

That's too loose and broad a definition. By this measure every single civilization; in fact all those societies since the dawn of agriculture have been technocracies and increasingly so as they became more and more complex and dependent on technology.
Igor Antunov wrote:That's too loose and broad a definition. By this measure every single civilization; in fact all those societies since the dawn of agriculture have been technocracies and increasingly so as they became more and more complex and dependent on technology.
Yep. Since the dawn of communication. Technology = Biological extension. Rapidly, we approach the final phase of the extensions of man-- the technological simulation of consciousness. What are you doing right now? Oh, that's right, you're repackaging your biological information through technology in order to communicate with other biological organisms. Technology reshapes our communication. Everything is information passing through information, systems within systems within systems, and each system is a symptom the whole system. A word is a communication tool, money is a communication tool. A bomb is a communication tool. The gestalt of perception = figure/ground information loop. Technology can be a figure or a ground. The figure informs the ground and the ground informs the figure. If you want to engineer society, program its ground (environment).

I could post a long paragraph, but I'm going to assume that you're not intelligent enough to comprehend it. Now go and play with the rest of the posters, talk about memes, Rump, and tribal dialectics.
I could post a long paragraph, but I'm going to assume that you're not intelligent enough to comprehend it.

The concepts and ideas you present are basic. This just confirmed why you're still rediscovering the wheel. :lol: You don't want to go down the rabbit hole with me, I'll do to you what Trump did to Clinton. It won't be pretty.
Igor Antunov wrote:The concepts you present are basic. This just confirmed why you're still rediscovering the wheel. :lol:
You didn't say anything here. Go play video games and rewire your mind. Our evolution is a morphological expression. Technology is a structured experience that has a biochemical consequence. I have pages of information on this stuff, go read it. Is it technological determinism? Perhaps technology is biology, and it does not exist as a separate thing. Hence media ecology.

The study of media environments, the idea that technology and techniques, modes of information and codes of communication play a leading role in human affairs.

You don't want to go down the rabbit hole with me, I'll do to you what Trump did to Clinton. It won't be pretty.
Please refrain from threatening me. Just because you're behind a computer, doesn't mean we're not people.
Last edited by RhetoricThug on 23 Jan 2018 01:21, edited 2 times in total.
Igor Antunov wrote:Oh, and you're easily offended. This has gone from taking candy from a baby to sad. I guess I will refrain. Now tell me how Spain in 2018 is a Technocracy.
Spain doesn't exist. 2018? Is it 2018, or is that a number system we use to fragment experience (based upon the observations humans can perceive)? The human process/condition is made of images and tools. As for the geobiological area called 'Spain,' I'm not sure. If humans live there, I suppose it's a technocracy. Do they use tools/tech to organize space-time in a place called Spain?

Technologists and the traditional definition of 'technocracy' wish to automate technocracy/government and take the human element out of its operation. Nonetheless, human society is a technocracy. Literacy itself is a technology. Civilization is mind over matter. Matter, or the thing-in-itself is unknowable, therefore we recreate reality in our image so we can make 'sense' out of it. Human myths for humans.
Last edited by RhetoricThug on 23 Jan 2018 01:39, edited 3 times in total.
Are we miming over matter?
Igor Antunov wrote:And you're also a nihilist. Now tell me why you are even replying to this thread if nothing matters? :excited:
What gives you that impression or image? If nothing matters, wouldn't everything matter?

Can you bring to my attention some-thing that doesn't have a purpose? Everything is a side-effect of something else. In-fact, Nihilism is a reaction. :) Alas, the paradox being- we invent purpose, but the purpose we propose has a purpose outside of our proposal. We mustn't forget that we're expressions of the proverbial 'it.' And whatever 'it' is, exists with or without us. And by merely existing, 'it' is 'it.' If 'it' wasn't 'it,' we wouldn't exist. We're a piece of 'it' and therefore technology is an extension of 'it,' reconfigured created in our image.

Technology: early 17th century: from Greek tekhnologia ‘systematic treatment,’ from tekhnē ‘art, craft’ + -logia.

Technology: The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes.

Kubernan = to steer

Humans (things/objects create their own space-time) artificially (artifice, artificialis, from artificium ‘handicraft’) govern space-time through technology.
Scrybe wrote:I found a Technocracy FAQ, but it gave me a 404 Not Found when I clicked the link.
Anyway, can someone explain to me in layman’s terms what technocracy is and how it works?
I’ve found the Technocracy Inc.’s site, but I honestly couldn’t really understand it, and I mainly want to understand how the society, government and economy would work.

Scrybe: You should find this site easier to understand: http://www.technocracy.ca/tiki-index.php?page=Begin You can look into Technocracy there in as little or as much detail as you like. If you have any questions about any of it, post them here on the Technocracy forum or you can PM me.

^ Furthermore, to balance your mind, check out the book- Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation, by Patrick M Wood. Minus some religious undertones, Wood thoroughly investigates the technocratic hegemony of scientific knowledge. Technocracy behaves like any other social utopia or idealistic scheme, which is to say that a small group of technical elite (scientific priests) will scientifically engineer your reality so you can live in their socioeconomic fantasy. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
Books,sites and whatever regarding what is technology aside be aware, horribly aware if you are young, that at least 800,000 jobs will equate with that of a present day typewriter engineer in the next five years because robotics and data manipulation is gonna rule. Always nothing to look forward to in a degenerate society, right?
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By Kolzene
I just want to remind everyone that this forum is for discussing the economic system devised by the Technical Alliance, not any and all interpretations of the word "technocracy", there are other forums for that. The rest is considered off-topic.
By Sivad
Can you imagine what would have happened if those cranks gained power? Whole nations would have been subject to all the old-timey quack science of the era. This is back when progressives were openly fascist calling for the euthanization of the "useless and unfit" and implementing wide scale eugenics programs that included forced sterilization. I don't even want to think what those pompous eggheads would've gotten up to. We really dodged a bullet on that one. Science worship is a major threat to all free societies.
By ness31
Well I had to google Technical Alliance and the wiki write up on it isn’t all that comprehensive.

I dunno, the idea of a system that employs technology to reduce waste can’t be that bad, although the Arts might suffer somewhat :lol: Having said that, I have complete faith that a technocratic regime would be more humane than what humans could pull off..
Technocracy is a term for people who don't understand how anything works :D

Imagine you have a nuclear physicist. If you want to create regulations for nuclear power plants, certainly you consult him. But you don't ask him whether the plant should be built in the first place. Professionals are often uniquely poorly situated to understand the appropriateness of applying their profession because they're used to using it to solve all of their problems.

To give you an example, consider that a computer programmer, a lawyer and a technician might all solve the same problem in different ways and if you asked them how to solve it, the programmer would say write some code to solve it, the lawyer would say make them do it by threatening a lawsuit, the technician might want to try and fix the thing himself. How do you decide where one profession ends and another begins? You can't. Nor can the guys in this example. They are all used to using their profession to solve things but that doesn't mean their profession is the best tool; "don't use an ax where a scalpel would suffice."

One of the conceits involved in technocracy is to assume that people always know/can determine the best way to do things. Like, maybe we should have nuclear power plants everywhere (that's what any decent nuclear physicist would probably tell you) or maybe we shouldn't. Truth is maybe none of us knows.
By Sivad
The new technocracy is 'evidenced based policy' which is technocracy lite.

I dunno, the idea of a system that employs technology to reduce waste can’t be that bad

"Although the question of Aldous Huxley’s attitude towards the state systems depicted in Brave New World (1932) remains the stuff of fierce debate, the technocratic features of that state have long been recognized by scholars, students, and general readers alike. Indeed, Brave New World is often grouped with Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949) as one of the twentieth century’s most compelling representations of ‘the threat posed by technocracy and totalitarianism to civil society’, Huxley’s grey future reminding its readers of the power of technology and the allure it holds for those who seek to use technical expertise for political goals.1 As this quotation indicates, scholars tend to interpret this future as a scenario depicting the systematic and objectionable purging of individual liberty. Evelyn Cobley, for instance, writing about Brave New World in relation to the Ford Motor Company, proposes that Huxley’s text ‘associates the assembly line with the utopian dream of the perfect society that devolves into the dystopian nightmare of the totalitarian state.’2"
https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.10 ... -44541-4_3
By ness31
I think the beauty of technocracy, if it’s done correctly, is that humans have very little to do with the governing. It’s done by their creations ;)
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By Kolzene
ness31 wrote:Well I had to google Technical Alliance and the wiki write up on it isn’t all that comprehensive.

The link I gave above will help a lot more. Here it is again so that everyone else here that is confused will know what I'm talking about: http://www.technocracy.ca/tiki-index.php?page=Begin All the rest of the ideas talked about here are off topic. None of them are even a comprehensive idea like Technocracy is. They are mostly used for complaining about specific people or policies one doesn't like.

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