Is Africa A Sh*tHole? One African Thinks So. - Page 20 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in the nations of Africa.

Moderator: PoFo Africa Mods

Forum rules: No one line posts please. This is an international political discussion forum, so please post in English only.
Suntzu wrote:The U.S. Department of State warns U.S. citizens about the risk of traveling to certain parts of Mexico due to the activities of criminal organizations in those areas. U.S. citizens have been the victims of violent crimes, including homicide, kidnapping, carjacking, and robbery in various Mexican states. This Travel Warning replaces the Travel Warning for Mexico issued December 8, 2016.

For information on security conditions in specific regions of Mexico, see our state-by-state assessments below. U.S. government personnel and their families are prohibited from personal travel to all areas to which the Department recommends “defer non-essential travel” in this Travel Warning. As a result of security precautions that U.S. government personnel must take while traveling to parts of Mexico, our response time to emergencies involving U.S. citizens may be hampered or delayed

Yucatan is not on the list. And I have traveled in many of the prohibited states. Nothing happened. You can drive through Chicago and Memphis and get killed as well by warring drug deal issues. The Drug issue is INTERNATIONAL. Check out Ohio's problems. It is epidemic. People croaking because of consumption. And warring for the drugs. How do you propose to stop the crisis? Trump is an ineffective idiot with the drug war. But I am not surprised.
The USA should concentrate on the people dropping like flies in Ohio of opiod addiction. Look at this report? Where is Trump? Didn't he say he would do something about it? He did not do much. Guess young American drug addicts in Ohio and the Midwest with a crisis in Columbus, Cleveland, Springfield, Ohio are in deep shit with this tightwad with drug rehab budgets....they are in trouble.

This is quite true. I spent last Sunday passing out Naloxone injection syringes to anyone who wanted them. I probably gave out 200 doses to street people and addicts. It is almost certain that this will save at least one addict from dying of an opiate overdose. This problem is now infinitely worse than it once was. Not only is addiction rising but the drugs are becoming much more dangerous and much less consistent. It used to be that an addict could count on relatively stable doses. Now some heroin is laced with Fentanyl and is simply deadly.

We were to have a wedding two weeks ago. A wedding of two homeless addicts. The bride OD'd and died so we got pissed and just handed the stuff out like candy. (We trained them of course but they really can't harm anyone with Narcan and it will bring people back from respiratory failure; the mechanism by which most overdoses die.) Arizona has a standing order that allows anyone to dispense certain opiate antagonists to anyone who wants it.
Yes oh ignorant @Suntzu, you can indeed treat/cure addicts.

Portugal’s Drug Experiment: Tackling Heroin Addiction By Decriminalizing Drugs And Focusing On Health
Despite getting all the credit, however, most experts can agree that decriminalization isn’t what solved Portugal’s heroin problem; rather, it was the renewed emphasis on health. The tide changed once Portuguese authorities decided to view drug addiction as a health and social issue, rather than a criminal problem.

Originally a family care doctor, Goulão spearheaded the Portuguese drug addiction program, and for the past 15 years has witnessed his small country transform from one with a heroin addict on every street corner, to one that can boast having successfully curbed high levels of drug abuse.
In Portugal, social costs have fallen since the program came into place, Hughes pointed out. 90 percent of Portugal’s anti-drug resources go towards treatment and prevention, and only 10 percent go to punishment. In other words, the health costs have gone up, though overall social costs have gone down, because the decrease in criminal justice costs offsets the increase in health costs.

What makes Portugal’s treatment program unique is that it’s run entirely by the Ministry of Health, with no input from the criminal justice system. “When you come from a health background, you want to cure someone,” Hughes said. “You understand that many times, let’s call it disease, their disease is chronic, there’s no single magic bullet and you expect to see them coming back again a few times. In the criminal justice model the primary ethos is punishment, not cure. And if you see somebody coming back to you, it’s because the punishment didn’t work, so the next time you’re gonna punish them harder.” ... ugs-382598

For all this talk about how America is so great, you guys sure don't think you can fix any of the problems it has. You're resigned to the tremendous evils and problems in your country. Sad.
This is a problem that will solve itself.

You can't cure addicts.


You most certainly can cure addicts.

I am concerned about you. You are simply posting contrary shit to every post. It does not enhance your reputation and might lead people to wrongly suspect you are non compos mentis.
Hindsite wrote:I don't even know that woman. I don't go around saying bad things to people unless they make me angry. Most of the Black and Brown people in Augusta, GA are nice people. They are not in the habit of protesting every little thing and don't act out with violence like those in Chicago and elsewhere that we hear about on the news.

But she is Black Hindsite. Doesn't that make her INFERIOR from a shithole culture, unworthy of respect or humanity? That is what racist people believe. You are Black in a white racist mentality? You don't deserve respect Hindsite. Do you agree with that assessment. How is Jessye Norman's all Black DNA special from the Black Africans in Africa DNA? For a racist? They are all the same.

You need to confront how ugly your beliefs are Hindsite. No, did you hear Jessye Norman state she was naive thinking that the whites in Augusta when she was growing up in the 1940's and 1950's had signs barring her from doing many things and going many places. She thought surely people could not be that IGNORANT. Yes they can!! That is why she said her brother was the head of the NAACP. They PROTESTED A LOT.

Why don't you throw rotten tomatoes at her and tell her she is part of the SHITHOLE legacy of nations and she and all Africans are worthless human beings? Is it so hard?

Why do you hesitate? You should joing Suntzu and all the racists in this board and assume your responsibility for all the ignorant things you state about race in all its entirety. Don't beat around the bush....go there to where she has a beautiful center for the arts and tell all those Black and brown people how INFERIOR they are?

So you don't know Jessye Norman? She is probably the most famous person from Augusta Georgia in all its history. She is one of the Greatest Opera Sopranos the world has ever heard. She is revered all over the world @Hindsite but she is NOT WHITE.

Why not tell her your thoughts that you have written about African people being just dirt low and shithole nation. Or do people that are of African descent all of a sudden decent people if they magically change geography and leave Africa and go to Georgia like Norman's ancestors in chains working the fields of Georgia owned by white slaveowners, and then let free and become great on their own DESPITE all the efforts to keep them down by RACISTS like Suntzu and your comments.

Be a man responsible for his racism and tell Jessye Norman she is INFERIOR and her RACE is inferior to her face? Be brave. She is a respected person. You can't do it?

You are not being true to your mission of being against Latinos and Blacks. You want all of us out of here? You want to force me to leave? Hate on my sons? Hate on my culture and my language and be hateful to people like me? Then you need to be TRUE to hate. Be true to the principles of racism. The biggest one is hating people different than you. If you don't do that Hindsite? Then you have nothing left to stand on defending your statements about Africa being a shithole.

Either you are a hater or you love. You can't do both when you are a racist with other ethnic groups. You got to choose which one is a lie for you @Hindsite you can't have it both ways.
@ Tainari88

I was born in Ventura, California in 1944 and was raised in Tyler, Texas from the age of three. I did not settle in Augusta, GA until the early 1980's. So I don't know what happened in Augusta in the 1940's and 1950's. So I don't know that Black woman and I think I already told you I don't like Opera singing. It just sounds like a bunch of hollering to me, like calling hogs, but worse, because it makes glass shatter sometimes. I can't take it.

Anyway, I don't think I am anymore racist than a Latino or a Black person. I don't mind being around people with different colored skins and I don't judge people just by the color of their skin. I don't think of myself as a racist, because I don't hate people just because they are a different race than myself.

I don't know what you mean by all the ignorant things I state about race. I thought everything I said was very intelligent and beautiful. I even said I would offer you a cold bottle of Kroger water if you came to visit me and you don't even have to respect me. I am just that good a guy, because I am a Christian.

The only reason I would not want you to come back to the USA is because we already have too many far-left people here screwing things up. If you were to become a conservative, then I would love you to come back and vote Republican. There is a beautiful black woman (Harris Faulkner) on FOX news that has her head on right and if you had her views I would love you to stay here or come back here.
Hindsite wrote:Anyway, I don't think I am anymore racist than a Latino or a Black person.

Aha, you think you're slick. You're very racist by white male victims standards.

Anyway, you're an idiot Hindsite. I honestly would believe you would see a Black man hanging from a tree by trump folks and you would probably say he killed himself. You're deranged and you need to be put into pasture.
Hindsite wrote:@ Tainari88

I was born in Ventura, California in 1944 and was raised in Tyler, Texas from the age of three. I did not settle in Augusta, GA until the early 1980's. So I don't know what happened in Augusta in the 1940's and 1950's. So I don't know that Black woman and I think I already told you I don't like Opera singing. It just sounds like a bunch of hollering to me, like calling hogs, but worse, because it makes glass shatter sometimes. I can't take it.

Anyway, I don't think I am anymore racist than a Latino or a Black person. I don't mind being around people with different colored skins and I don't judge people just by the color of their skin. I don't think of myself as a racist, because I don't hate people just because they are a different race than myself.

I don't know what you mean by all the ignorant things I state about race. I thought everything I said was very intelligent and beautiful. I even said I would offer you a cold bottle of Kroger water if you came to visit me and you don't even have to respect me. I am just that good a guy, because I am a Christian.

The only reason I would not want you to come back to the USA is because we already have too many far-left people here screwing things up. If you were to become a conservative, then I would love you to come back and vote Republican. There is a beautiful black woman (Harris Faulkner) on FOX news that has her head on right and if you had her views I would love you to stay here or come back here.

Oh @Hindsite just when I think you can't say something do. You made me laugh very very hard. To the point that my husband came in and asked, "what happened?". So you hate opera and that is why you did not know Jessye Norman? Not because you were a racist? Lol. Hindsite, I love history a lot. If I lived in Augusta Georgia since the 1980's I would know the history of that city inside and out and everything about it.

You would accept me if I became a conservative? Do you have any idea how many people are not conservative in the USA and don't vote for conservative politics and who don't even vote? Lol. If you got rid of them all? The economy would collapse and the shithole would definitely happen overnight. My group of people? The Latin Americans in the USA? Overwhelmingly don't vote for Republicans. And they are traditional, religious and Christians overwhelmingly so. Why? Because for them the rich white people they mow the lawns for are Republicans...usually and they either can't vote because they are not citizens, or they are new citizens and don't identify with Republican values. I have talked to thousands literally of Latinos in the USA....most of them don't vote Republican because they come from a culture that is very class based. For them? Republican=Rich folk, white folk, racist folk....just gotta say 'no' to that.

In Mexican politics Obrador is a LEFTIST Mexican big time. Why do traditional Mexicans vote so left? They are POOR Hindsite. And poor people don't trust politicians in our nations who come from the wealthy and landed classes....the elite are totally not trusted in Mexico, Chile, Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Panama, etc. If you study the entire history of Latin America the vast majority of the republics of our nations? Are into one vote-one person and if the elections are not rigged or a coup not in Chile from 1973? You got the vast majority of the poor people in Latin America voting LEFT all the damn time. Why vote RIGHT when the right are like the freaks who refuse to let the DEA in that Report prosecute Big Pharma who buy off the politicians with BIG MONEY. You got lobbyists in DC giving campaign funds to keep legislators from cutting in to their profits. Even if Americans are dying like flies in Ohio? It is corruption and love of money over principle. The RIGHT in Latin America are the SAME. Bought off by big and powerful interests for profit.

The poor in Latin America, unlike the poor in the USA, don't live with any damn illusions of getting out of poverty and magically becoming rich and part of the ruling class. They just go into the voting booth @Hindsite and say, two names....Juan Morales, Right Wing Richie Rich from the Right that doesn't give a damn about my poor peasant ass.....and Raul Santiago, super Lefty is gonna promise me some basics like running water, electricity and an ID card so I can get some free health clinic stuff....and maybe he can force the richie rich Juan Morales to get something for our social and economic bottom of the barrel group something out of these elitist cabrones, that my mother mops floors for.....that is Latin American politics in a nutshell.

They don't identify with rich elitist people and they don't admire millionaires the way they do here in the USA. Where people believe a dumb ass billionaire is going to represent the interests of a janitor. They are not those kind of thinkers in politics. The Latin Americans have had to cope with poverty, dictatorships, corruption, problems and coups, revolutions, wars for internal power and external freaks salivating over taking their resources. The copper in Chile, the Bauxite in the islands, the gold, silver, turquoise and vast petroleum fields of Mexico and of Venezuela, etc. Latin America has a lot of resources.

The bottom line for the Latinos is that a very humble minimum wage worker that can vote in USA elections very rarely thinks that a Republican talking about Latinos as rapists, murderers and criminals and having people see us as people who have NO CULTURE worthy of respect....calling our nations "shitholes"? They won't get our vote. The only pendejos who are going to go for a con man billionaire who represent the interests of the blue collar and the working class and who will champion the cause of the little guy? And who believe all that BULLSHIT? Are the Trump supporters. I have never met a Mexican who I talked about politics who are poor as dirt doing field work in some blue agave field and making $5 dollars a day in minimum wages who will vote for a billionaire and think the man represents them well in Mexican politics.

They are not that 'naive' or ignorant in politics. Only here do you get that sheer crap thinking. Not in Latin America.
@ Tainari88

Yeah, I know there are over half of the people that are in the USA that are not conservative. That is why it is usually difficult for a consevative Republican to get elected. If it was not for those that don't vote, there would probably be no conservaative Republicans elected. But then the country would definitely go to sh*t. Trump did not get the most popular votes, but won by the electorial college vote. It really took a miracle for him to win. He was our last chance to try to turn this country around. I call him the Trump of God.

Basically what you are saying is that the majority of the Latinos are prejudiced against conservative Republicans and that is why they vote for the Democrat that promise them welfare and other free things. The Democrats know that and have been promising the Blacks that for decades. That is why about 95% of Blacks that vote go for the Democrat. And that is why the Democrats don't want a border wall to prevent the inflow of more illegal immigrants, because they see them as potential voters for the Democrat Party.

I remember my grandpa telling me that he always voted for the Democrat Party because they were for the poor and the Republicans were for the rich. If you believe you will always be poor, then I can see why one would vote that way.
Tainari88 wrote:Oh @Hindsite just when I think you can't say something do. You made me laugh very very hard. To the point that my husband came in and asked, "what happened?". So you hate opera and that is why you did not know Jessye Norman? Not because you were a racist? Lol. Hindsite, I love history a lot. If I lived in Augusta Georgia since the 1980's I would know the history of that city inside and out and everything about it.

You would accept me if I became a conservative? Do you have any idea how many people are not conservative in the USA and don't vote for conservative politics and who don't even vote? Lol. If you got rid of them all? The economy would collapse and the shithole would definitely happen overnight. My group of people? The Latin Americans in the USA? Overwhelmingly don't vote for Republicans. And they are traditional, religious and Christians overwhelmingly so. Why? Because for them the rich white people they mow the lawns for are Republicans...usually and they either can't vote because they are not citizens, or they are new citizens and don't identify with Republican values. I have talked to thousands literally of Latinos in the USA....most of them don't vote Republican because they come from a culture that is very class based. For them? Republican=Rich folk, white folk, racist folk....just gotta say 'no' to that.

In Mexican politics Obrador is a LEFTIST Mexican big time. Why do traditional Mexicans vote so left? They are POOR Hindsite. And poor people don't trust politicians in our nations who come from the wealthy and landed classes....the elite are totally not trusted in Mexico, Chile, Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Panama, etc. If you study the entire history of Latin America the vast majority of the republics of our nations? Are into one vote-one person and if the elections are not rigged or a coup not in Chile from 1973? You got the vast majority of the poor people in Latin America voting LEFT all the damn time. Why vote RIGHT when the right are like the freaks who refuse to let the DEA in that Report prosecute Big Pharma who buy off the politicians with BIG MONEY. You got lobbyists in DC giving campaign funds to keep legislators from cutting in to their profits. Even if Americans are dying like flies in Ohio? It is corruption and love of money over principle. The RIGHT in Latin America are the SAME. Bought off by big and powerful interests for profit.

The poor in Latin America, unlike the poor in the USA, don't live with any damn illusions of getting out of poverty and magically becoming rich and part of the ruling class. They just go into the voting booth @Hindsite and say, two names....Juan Morales, Right Wing Richie Rich from the Right that doesn't give a damn about my poor peasant ass.....and Raul Santiago, super Lefty is gonna promise me some basics like running water, electricity and an ID card so I can get some free health clinic stuff....and maybe he can force the richie rich Juan Morales to get something for our social and economic bottom of the barrel group something out of these elitist cabrones, that my mother mops floors for.....that is Latin American politics in a nutshell.

They don't identify with rich elitist people and they don't admire millionaires the way they do here in the USA. Where people believe a dumb ass billionaire is going to represent the interests of a janitor. They are not those kind of thinkers in politics. The Latin Americans have had to cope with poverty, dictatorships, corruption, problems and coups, revolutions, wars for internal power and external freaks salivating over taking their resources. The copper in Chile, the Bauxite in the islands, the gold, silver, turquoise and vast petroleum fields of Mexico and of Venezuela, etc. Latin America has a lot of resources.

The bottom line for the Latinos is that a very humble minimum wage worker that can vote in USA elections very rarely thinks that a Republican talking about Latinos as rapists, murderers and criminals and having people see us as people who have NO CULTURE worthy of respect....calling our nations "shitholes"? They won't get our vote. The only pendejos who are going to go for a con man billionaire who represent the interests of the blue collar and the working class and who will champion the cause of the little guy? And who believe all that BULLSHIT? Are the Trump supporters. I have never met a Mexican who I talked about politics who are poor as dirt doing field work in some blue agave field and making $5 dollars a day in minimum wages who will vote for a billionaire and think the man represents them well in Mexican politics.

They are not that 'naive' or ignorant in politics. Only here do you get that sheer crap thinking. Not in Latin America.

So how's that workin' out for Mexico. Mexico is a beautiful country, rich in natural resources. The only problem is the people. About a third of the population is Indian. Many don't even speak Spanish. They are the Negroes of Mexico. Everyone looks down on them and exploits them. Then there are the Mestizos, a little Spanish and a lot Indian. There lot is mostly dependent on the shade of their skin, lighter is better. They are maybe 60% the population. The last 10% are basically White/European. They rule Mexico for their benefit.

Mexicans have voted on the system. Any Mexican who can walk, run or swim is in the U.S. The sad part is that when they came here, instead of embracing our system, they are trying to make the U.S. more like Mexico. It has certainly worked in South Texas.
The only reason I would not want you to come back to the USA is because we already have too many far-left people here screwing things up.

Who are they? Certainly not Democrats. The largest welfare cuts in history came under Bill Clinton. The largest number of illegal aliens deported under Barak Obama. Conservative Ronald Reagan gave amnesty to millions of illegal aliens. Why do you refuse to study history? Your ignorance of it is making you look foolish.

If you were to become a conservative, then I would love you to come back and vote Republican.

Why? Why would a conservative vote republican? I am a conservative Christian and I voted for Hillary. Trump is not conservative. Conservatives believe in a balanced budget but Trump has enacted a tax cut that will create the highest deficits in the history of the country. This is not even in dispute. The republicans admit it. Trump is not a practicing Christian. He has never routinely attended church and admits it. Many of his fellow candidates did yet you did not vote for them. Trump is not a conservative because he does not believe in freedom of the press and has said so time and again. He does not believe in free trade and has taken steps to limit it. He does not believe in states rights and has taken steps to limit that too. And not by the democratic process as conservatives would believe he ought to but by executive order. He has taken steps to control local law enforcement flying in the face of states rights. If you have any belief in the libertarian wing of the republican party he has stepped all over libertarian principles.

I believe in an all loving and forgiving God but if you believe that He is responsible for the Trump presidency you have to believe that he has forgiven a great deal of sin in order to give us a president who continues to lie every day.

There is a beautiful black woman (Harris Faulkner) on FOX news that has her head on right and if you had her views I would love you to stay here or come back here.

Yes. And this is at the heart of Republican ( see I don't say conserviave) fear. They are oh-so afraid of brown people. Why? Because they vote democrat. Never mind that the democratic party is the party of personal freedom over governmental regulation or societal pressure. There was a time when the republicans were the anti-racism party but no more. Why would you expect any citizen to vote against his own self-interest? That would be a "socialist" idea. Are you a socialist?

And then there is this nonsense about government handouts. You are a retired soldier you say. You get a government pension every month and you get essentially free government single payer insurance. You just don't want others to have it yet you know how good it is. You only want the government to pay for insurance for people over 65 yet you want people under 65 to pay for it. You get two government pensions. One pension you got after only 20 years of work (I do too) and it is right and proper you do get it. The country owes it to you. But you vote against requiring industry to offer even the slightest pension or insurance coverage.

Arizona is a very red state. Conservative to the core. It is the home state of Barry Goldwater, the most conservative presidential candidate in US history. Yut we have universal health care for the poor by constitutional right. And that is OK because one of the first laws passed by the founders gave universal health care to some citizens. Very conservative Richard Nixon founded the EPA and proposed universal health care and a minimum annual wage. The Earned Income Tax Credit for poor people, one of the largest welfare programs in history, was signed into law by Ronald Reagan. George W. Bush passed the largest unfunded social welfare program in history.

You actually need to study and learn what the difference is between a republican and a conservative. On many important points, especially a balanced budget and individual rights to privacy and personal freedom the democrats are far more conservative than republicans. And so are the blacks and Hispanics who support the democrats.

Republicans are not very smart as a group these days. It is sad really. Back in the day it was the libertarian thinking man's party.
QatzelOk wrote:While you play videogames in your parents' basement

was married at 19 bro, have 5 going-on 6 kids now,

QatzelOk wrote:your countrymen are always blowing up some defenceless country for the good graces of your bankster elite.

Sweet. 'Murica. Hell Yeah.

QatzelOk wrote:I don't find this funny because I understand how racism is constructed by bankster mass media.

Its hysterical.
Suntzu wrote:So how's that workin' out for Mexico. Mexico is a beautiful country, rich in natural resources. The only problem is the people. About a third of the population is Indian. Many don't even speak Spanish. They are the Negroes of Mexico. Everyone looks down on them and exploits them. Then there are the Mestizos, a little Spanish and a lot Indian. There lot is mostly dependent on the shade of their skin, lighter is better. They are maybe 60% the population. The last 10% are basically White/European. They rule Mexico for their benefit.

Mexicans have voted on the system. Any Mexican who can walk, run or swim is in the U.S. The sad part is that when they came here, instead of embracing our system, they are trying to make the U.S. more like Mexico. It has certainly worked in South Texas.

How in the world is the presence of cultures a 'problem' for Mexico? Only a brainless supporter of the empire and its ideology could think that less culture is more.

Likewise, you have ignored the long history of Mexico being attacked, and reduced in size, and having its politics hi-jacked by USA money and militarism. This is the most important contributing factor to "shitholeness" along with the presence of savage car culture (which exists in most parts of the world).

Hey, I grew up in a North American shihole that had a gutted out downtown, isolated and bored suburban dead-heads, and a disturbing lack of community. Accusing other more traditional societies of being "shit" is all about projection. "Somewhere out there must be shittier than my lonely, carpet-burn existence in front of the television or Internet!"

The shittiest shit-hole of all is "lack of community," and North America and Europe have that in spades.
Drlee wrote:Who are they? Certainly not Democrats. The largest welfare cuts in history came under Bill Clinton. The largest number of illegal aliens deported under Barak Obama. Conservative Ronald Reagan gave amnesty to millions of illegal aliens. Why do you refuse to study history? Your ignorance of it is making you look foolish.

perhaps you are ignorant of history because you don't seem to know the reason that all happened. The Democrats screwed Reagan and the rest of us by reneging on promised border security in exchange for the amnesty. President Trump may be falling in to that same trap with his new proposal to the Democrats for a pathway to citizenship in 12 years for 1.8 million illegal immigrants in exchange for stronger immigration policies and a wall for border security. I don't believe Republicans can trust the lying Democrats.

Drlee wrote:Why? Why would a conservative vote republican? I am a conservative Christian and I voted for Hillary.

Then you are a fake Christian to vote for a crook like Hillary, who also supports the murder of babies in the mother's womb.

Drlee wrote:Trump is not conservative. Conservatives believe in a balanced budget but Trump has enacted a tax cut that will create the highest deficits in the history of the country.

Most of the things he has done have been conservative, more than we could expect from Hillary. Balanced budgets are best under normal circumstances, but we faced a crisis after 8 years of Obama's policies that added $10 trillion to the national debt, doubling our total national debt. We must also rebuild our military due to the international dangers that has emerged. The tax cut is part of a stimulus to the nations economy so we will eventually be in a position to start balancing the budget and paying down that large national debt that keeps growing because of interest.

Drlee wrote:Trump is not a practicing Christian. He has never routinely attended church and admits it.

And you think Bill and Hillary are practicing Christian and routinely attend church? I don't think so. Anyway, I don't routinely attend church at my age either. So that is not a big thing to me as long as he continues to try to do what we elected him for.

Drlee wrote: Trump is not a conservative because he does not believe in freedom of the press and has said so time and again. He does not believe in free trade and has taken steps to limit it. He does not believe in states rights and has taken steps to limit that too. And not by the democratic process as conservatives would believe he ought to but by executive order. He has taken steps to control local law enforcement flying in the face of states rights. If you have any belief in the libertarian wing of the republican party he has stepped all over libertarian principles.

That is bullsh*t. I don't believe in the freedom of the press to publish lies either. Trump believes in free trade as long as it is fair trade to the USA. Are you referring to state's rights to ignore Federal laws? If so, then I am against that too. You seem to have been just fine with Obama's executive orders. Obama even violated the U.S. Constitution with one of his executive orders, which was overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court. Were you fine with that one?

Drlee wrote: I believe in an all loving and forgiving God but if you believe that He is responsible for the Trump presidency you have to believe that he has forgiven a great deal of sin in order to give us a president who continues to lie every day.

Your opinion seems to be a lie to me. Trump is strong on hyperbole, not outright lies as you claim.

Drlee wrote: Are you a socialist?

No. I consider myself mainly a capitalist, but a compassionate capitalist.

Drlee wrote:And then there is this nonsense about government handouts. You are a retired soldier you say. You get a government pension every month and you get essentially free government single payer insurance.

I served for 20 years for little pay under a government contract to receive a pension and medical benefits. That is not a handout.

Drlee wrote:You only want the government to pay for insurance for people over 65 yet you want people under 65 to pay for it. You get two government pensions. One pension you got after only 20 years of work (I do too) and it is right and proper you do get it. The country owes it to you. But you vote against requiring industry to offer even the slightest pension or insurance coverage.

I believe that is up to the employer and employees to determine in an agreed upon contract. It is not for the government to intrude into every aspect of our lives. Isn't that what socialist governments do?

Drlee wrote:Richard Nixon founded the EPA and proposed universal health care and a minimum annual wage. The Earned Income Tax Credit for poor people, one of the largest welfare programs in history, was signed into law by Ronald Reagan. George W. Bush passed the largest unfunded social welfare program in history.

That is fine with me, if the Congress and the President agrees to pass such things into law.

Drlee wrote:You actually need to study and learn what the difference is between a republican and a conservative. On many important points, especially a balanced budget and individual rights to privacy and personal freedom the democrats are far more conservative than republicans. And so are the blacks and Hispanics who support the democrats.

I am sure I know the difference. I believe you have the distorted view point, not me. Praise the Lord.
Victoribus Spolia wrote:Sweet. 'Murica. Hell Yeah.

Here's the rewards of that "Sweet . 'Murica. Hell Yeah." has giving the countrymen: ... er-states/ ... 6O20140227 ... itary-pay/ ... ump-207781 ... index.html ... 1698112049
Victoribus Spolia wrote:Its hysterical.

Opioids deaths are high, whites are decreasing in high rates. White quality of life is lowering. Babies are dying due to the flu, and minorities are increasing in Southern areas. Are you sure hating Blacks was worth it?

I doubt you can care for 5 kids, considering the costs you'll have to pay for. Not to mention the heroin epidemic.
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No one would be arrested if protesters did not dis[…]

Nope! Yep! Who claimed they were? What predat[…]

Russia-Ukraine War 2022

It seems a critical moment in the conflict just ha[…]

The Crimean Tatar people's steadfast struggle agai[…]