Hello - I just got up - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Please introduce yourself here.
By Paddy14
Hi everyone! I'm Paddy, and I joined yesterday. It's like a bit after 5 am here, and I just got up, but I wanted to make my first post before I caught the train down to the city. We live a long way from Sydney (like two and a half hours by train or car) and I have to be there before 8 am.

I don't know anything about politics, but I'm interested, and I have been on a games forum before, so I sort of know the rules.

Anyway, I hope we can have some good conversations and that you won't find me too boring. :D
By Paddy14
noemon wrote:Hello and welcome Paddy 14, where do you stand politically?

Thanks, I'm not totally sure, but I want society to look after people who can't look after themselves, and to be fair and not have too much inequality. Sorry, I know that sounds a bit silly to some people, but I don't really know enough to have a proper party political opinion.
Paddy14 wrote:Thanks, I'm not totally sure, but I want society to look after people who can't look after themselves, and to be fair and not have too much inequality. Sorry, I know that sounds a bit silly to some people, but I don't really know enough to have a proper party political opinion.

What is your opinion of the Grand Emperor of America, Donald J Trump?
By B0ycey
Paddy14 wrote:Thanks, I'm not totally sure, but I want society to look after people who can't look after themselves, and to be fair and not have too much inequality. Sorry, I know that sounds a bit silly to some people, but I don't really know enough to have a proper party political opinion.

You're a Socialist Paddy.
B0ycey wrote:You're a Socialist Paddy.

Nah, she could be a soft and squishy social democrat. Which is not the same thing.
B0ycey wrote:True I guess. Either way he ain't diggin' Trump.

He? I though Paddy was a she? :eek:

Though you're probably right about he/she/it's opinion of Trump..... :hmm:
By B0ycey
Victoribus Spolia wrote:He? I though Paddy was a she? :eek:

I am taking an educated guess that Paddy is a male. I don't know. But does anyone truely know anyone's sex on here?
B0ycey wrote:I am taking an educated guess that Paddy is male. I don't know. But does anyone truely know anyone's sex on here.

I'm going to say female.

and you are right, we can't know for "sure," but only based on how they identify. :lol:

Though sometimes you can tell, by mannerisms, etc.

Are you a guy @B0ycey,??

Paddy14 wrote:Thanks, I'm not totally sure, but I want society to look after people who can't look after themselves, and to be fair and not have too much inequality. Sorry, I know that sounds a bit silly to some people, but I don't really know enough to have a proper party political opinion.

On the other hand we could have a society where we purge the weak so that society becomes stronger. It worked for the ancient Spartans? <shrug>

The Spartans may have built one of the finest militaries of the ancient world, but their culture was so harsh that the word “spartan” has become synonymous with an austere way of life. Spartan society was carefully constructed around a strict moral code and sense of duty, and its people underwent extreme hardships and deprivation on their way to becoming accepted as full citizens. From adolescent military training to state-sponsored hazing, explore eight reasons why these ancient Greek warriors had a rough go of it.

Spartans had to prove their fitness even as infants.

Infanticide was a disturbingly common act in the ancient world, but in Sparta this practice was organized and managed by the state. All Spartan infants were brought before a council of inspectors and examined for physical defects, and those who weren’t up to standards were left to die. The ancient historian Plutarch claimed these “ill-born” Spartan babies were tossed into a chasm at the foot of Mount Taygetus, but most historians now dismiss this as a myth. If a Spartan baby was judged to be unfit for its future duty as a soldier, it was most likely abandoned on a nearby hillside. Left alone, the child would either die of exposure or be rescued and adopted by strangers.

Babies who passed inspection still didn’t have it easy. To test their constitutions, Spartan infants were often bathed in wine instead of water. They were also frequently ignored when they cried and commanded never to fear darkness or solitude. According to Plutarch, these “tough love” parenting techniques were so admired by foreigners that Spartan women were widely sought after for their skill as nurses and nannies.

https://www.history.com/news/history-li ... ng-spartan
By Paddy14
Well, the last time I looked, I was deffo not a girl. :D

What do I think of President Donald Trump? I don't think much about him at all - he seems popular in the USA (or they wouldn't have elected him,) but I don't think he is admired in the rest of the world, and I'm glad he's not our Head of State.

And I guess we could have a society where we 'purge the weak' to make it stronger, and that might make it great for some people - no more druggies and derros - until society decides that the people who think that way are 'the weak'. I think I may be high on that list - I'm not a druggy or derro, but I'm not earning money - and I don't think getting purged will be fun. :hmm:
Paddy14 wrote:And I guess we could have a society where we 'purge the weak' to make it stronger, and that might make it great for some people - no more druggies and derros - until society decides that the people who think that way are 'the weak'. I think I may be high on that list - I'm not a druggy or derro, but I'm not earning money - and I don't think getting purged will be fun. :hmm:

I am only semi-teasing, don't sweat it. Egalitarians crying for a state nipple to suck on are a dime a dozen and the harder they suck the more they want. Every now and again I think it is fun to appreaciate just how easy we all have it just as things are and nevermind what other pampering we could have. Hence my spartans.
By Paddy14
SolarCross wrote:I am only semi-teasing, don't sweat it. Egalitarians crying for a state nipple to suck on are a dime a dozen and the harder they suck the more they want. Every now and again I think it is fun to appreaciate just how easy we all have it just as things are and nevermind what other pampering we could have. Hence my spartans.

Hey, no worries mate - I'm interested in everyone's views, and that's how I learn stuff. That's part of the reason I decided to join a political board. :)
@Paddy14, @SolarCross, @B0ycey,

Ok new guy, we're going to conduct a psychological test to help determine your political leanings and the probability of where you may fall in the future. this is test #1: Gender issues part A.

Tell me how the following meme makes you feel:


Did you find it funny? or were you offended? why?
Isn't Paddy a nickname for Padriac? A classic Irish version of Patrick? If he is Australian and his nickname is Paddy? I would hazard a guess that Paddy14 is a young Aussie who is still figuring out his politics and he is not Right leaning. Irish background Aussie young man is my guess.

Am I right @Paddy14 ?
By Paddy14
Tainari88 wrote:Isn't Paddy a nickname for Padriac? A classic Irish version of Patrick? If he is Australian and his nickname is Paddy? I would hazard a guess that Paddy14 is a young Aussie who is still figuring out his politics and he is not Right leaning. Irish background Aussie young man is my guess.

Am I right @Paddy14 ?

Well, I guess you're right - I am Australian, and this is my first political board, but I'm not all that political (don't really know enough about politics), so I'm not totally sure what makes someone Right or Left. Like I said in my other post, I just want society to be fair, and to help those people who need help.

And yeah, thanks, Paddy is the usual nick for Padraic or Patrick. :)
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