Is Africa A Sh*tHole? One African Thinks So. - Page 21 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in the nations of Africa.

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It is sad really that Hindsite is incapable of realizing that he contradicted himself four times in one post.

He is typical of the low-brow republicans these days. They have been fed so much Fox News propaganda that they really can't understand even the rudiments of the issues and who is forwarding them.

Look at the whole "crooked Hillary" thing. Completely made up by Trump yet his intellectually challenged followers eat it up.

Perhaps you are ignorant of history because you don't seem to know the reason that all happened. The Democrats screwed Reagan and the rest of us by reneging on promised border security in exchange for the amnesty. President Trump may be falling in to that same trap with his new proposal to the Democrats for a pathway to citizenship in 12 years for 1.8 million illegal immigrants in exchange for stronger immigration policies and a wall for border security. I don't believe Republicans can trust the lying Democrats.

This did not happen. You are simply making it up. Sad really. But there is a new republican way. Lie. The people they influence with their lies are simply not smart enough to understand anyway.

But Hindsite. I really love the way that you condemn Obama for deficits in an attempt to justify Trump's needless deficits. And you even believe that we need to "rebuild" our military. :lol: Laughable. But tell me this Einstein. Trump is raising the deficit trillions and yet his military budget calls for just a few billion in increases. What did the rest of the money go for? You claim to be smart. Account for it.

The utter stupidity of Trump followers is staggering.
Drlee wrote:Look at the whole "crooked Hillary" thing. Completely made up by Trump yet his intellectually challenged followers eat it up.

Wasn't made up. But the Democrats covered for her crimes and even Obama's DOJ and FBI gave her a pass from prosecution. She should be behind bars. What was made up was the phony Trump - Russian collusion thing that never happened.

Drlee wrote:But Hindsite. I really love the way that you condemn Obama for deficits in an attempt to justify Trump's needless deficits. And you even believe that we need to "rebuild" our military. :lol: Laughable. But tell me this Einstein. Trump is raising the deficit trillions and yet his military budget calls for just a few billion in increases. What did the rest of the money go for? You claim to be smart. Account for it.

Obama increased the deficit $10 trillion over 8 years and you are making a big deal of less than $1.5 trillion over 10 years.

Panel: Tax bill would cost $1.487 trillion over 10 years

That figure means the bill falls under the $1.5 trillion threshold Republicans set in the 2018 budget plan, which could allow them to pass the bill with a simple majority in the Senate instead of the usual 60 votes. ... r-10-years
Godstud wrote:That's a bold-faced lie. Do you like lying all the time? Doesn't it get tiring?

There is no evidence that the FBI and DOJ acted in a partisan way. You are simply regurgitating the lies you have lapped up from your GOP propaganda morons.

I don't lie all the time. I make every effort to tell the truth.
I like telling the truth all the time. Praise the Lord.
Where is the source to show that you aren't lying, though? You don't have one. You listen to some asshole who doesn't know anything spout lies and then you take it as the truth. That's more foolish than being a liar, since you repeat someones lies, thinking they are the truth.

:moron: :moron: :moron:

Give me a source showing the FBi is corrupt. A real source and not an opinion piece from a moronic GOP mouthpiece, or Trumptard.
Godstud wrote:Give me a source showing the FBi is corrupt. A real source and not an opinion piece from a moronic GOP mouthpiece, or Trumptard.

Scandals: Among the many troubling revelations to have emerged regarding the FBI these days, one of the worst is finding out that an avowed Trump-hater softened language in a memo to exonerate Hillary Clinton.

Let's rewind the tape a bit. Until August 31, 2016, with the presidential election in full swing, former FBI director James Comey gave the impression that he hadn't arrived at his decision to let Clinton off the hook until after he had all the facts.

But in late August we learned that, in fact, Comey and his team began drafting his get-out-of-jail-free statement for Clinton in April — right around the time President Obama publicly declared Clinton innocent of any crimes, and well before the FBI had interviewed dozens of key witnesses, including Clinton herself.

Then, in early November, we learned that an early draft of that memo had accused Clinton of being "grossly negligent" in handling classified material because she used an unsecured private email server while Secretary of State.

At some point during the editing process of that memo, "grossly negligent" became "extremely careless," which is how Comey put it in the final version.

The change was monumental. The criminal statute regarding mishandling classified material specifically cites "gross negligence" as a violation of the law, even if there is no intent involved. Had that language remained, Comey's claim that "no reasonable prosecutor" would take the Clinton email case would have been laughable.

So changing the language was obviously meant to clear the path for letting Clinton off the hook, whatever the facts might be.

This week, the other shoe in the memo story dropped, when it was reported that Peter Strzok had made that particular edit.

Strzok, for those who don't know, had been kicked off the Trump/Russia investigation this summer — a fact we also only learned about in the past few days — after it turned out that he'd been sending anti-Trump, pro-Hillary texts to an FBI colleague.

So the key person who made a material change in a memo exonerating Clinton was a big Clinton supporter and a Trump hater.

On top of this, we only recently learned that officials at the FBI were in a frenzy after learning of Bill Clinton's off-the-books tarmac meeting with then Attorney General Loretta Lynch on June 27, 2016.

But the FBI wasn't interested in finding out what was said at that highly suspicious and inappropriate confab. Nope. They wanted to know who leaked the information.

"These new FBI documents show the FBI was more concerned about a whistleblower who told the truth about the infamous Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting than the scandalous meeting itself," said Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, which uncovered the memos, adding that they "show the FBI worked to make sure no more details of the meeting would be revealed to the American people."

Now, contrast all this with the way the FBI has been pursuing — since July 2016 — claims made in the Clinton-campaign-DNC-financed "dossier" supposedly showing that Trump colluded with Russian meddling in the presidential election.

Before and after the election, the FBI has been ferociously investigating this, determined to find any shred of evidence that might support the dossier, and yet has come up empty. Now, under Special Counsel Robert Mueller, the entire focus seems to have shifted from providing any evidence of collusion to catching anyone in Trump's circle who committed unrelated crimes.

We're not conspiracy mongers here. But it's hard to see this as anything other than an effort by the Deep State first to protect Hillary's election chances at all costs, and then, when that failed, to ruin Trump's presidency — at all costs. ... mp-russia/
An opinion piece is not a source! :lol:

Jesus kiddy-fiddling Christ but the right-wing is getting stupider by the moment! Praise dog!
It is a good thing that Hindsite was in the Army. He is terrible at math. His post is absurd. Just ridiculous.

The ignorance of the right is appalling.
Libertarian353 wrote:I doubt you can care for 5 kids, considering the costs you'll have to pay for. Not to mention the heroin epidemic.

The rustbelt has its problems, no doubt, but high cost of living ain't one of them. Especially when you run a pretty self-sufficient farm.
Victoribus Spolia wrote:The rustbelt has its problems, no doubt, but high cost of living ain't one of them. Especially when you run a pretty self-sufficient farm.

Along with many school shootings, the rustbelt gave us Jeffrey Dahmer.

Dahmer used to drug black men and then drill holes in their heads to keep them enslaved so he could have sex with them.

Imagine the cops show up and laugh about what shithole people the black guys hanging around his Detroit apartment are. This is the same as the posters arguing that the countries in Africa that Dahmerian colonial powers have drilled holes into are "shitholes." Every violent military engagement by the West in Africa, every murdered Patrice Lumamba or Gaddafi, every Western mercenary-seeded civil war, is another savagely drilled hole in Africa's head.

That image of a Somalian warlord holding firearms is a tragedy on many levels, but those people are Dahmer's victims. Western money has destroyed many African societies, and this process has only accelarated as the West approaches bankruptcy on so many levels.

The real Jeffrey Dahmer (the Western business elite) enjoys the support of many normal people in rich countries because most rich countries have no community or morality - just the well-crafted propaganda of the Dahmerian state apparatus. That video 'joke' that you posted is part of that "laughing with Jeffrey Dahmer" media apparatus that I loathe.
QatzelOk wrote:Along with many school shootings, the rustbelt gave us Jeffrey Dahmer.

Dahmer used to drug black men and then drill holes in their heads to keep them enslaved so he could have sex with them.

Imagine the cops show up and laugh about what shithole people the black guys hanging around his Detroit apartment are. This is the same as the posters arguing that the countries in Africa that Dahmerian colonial powers have drilled holes into are "shitholes." Every violent military engagement by the West in Africa, every murdered Patrice Lumamba or Gaddafi, every Western mercenary-seeded civil war, is another savagely drilled hole in Africa's head.

That image of a Somalian warlord holding firearms is a tragedy on many levels, but those people are Dahmer's victims. Western money has destroyed many African societies, and this process has only accelarated as the West approaches bankruptcy on so many levels.

The real Jeffrey Dahmer (the Western business elite) enjoys the support of many normal people in rich countries because most rich countries have no community or morality - just the well-crafted propaganda of the Dahmerian state apparatus. That video 'joke' that you posted is part of that "laughing with Jeffrey Dahmer" media apparatus that I loathe.


What does this word salad of yours even mean, does it have a point? Is that a rebuttal? I'm not sure. At all.
Victoribus Spolia wrote:WTF?

What does this word salad of yours even mean, does it have a point? Is that a rebuttal? I'm not sure. At all.

Imagine the cops show up and laugh about what shithole people the black guys hanging around his Detroit apartment are. This is the same as the posters arguing that the countries in Africa that Dahmerian colonial powers have drilled holes into are "shitholes."

The above bolded text was my point.

What kind of malevolent, racist prick would laugh at a bunch of black men who'd had holes drilled through their skulls?

And to point: what kind of malevolent, racist prick criticizes African nations for having been raped and ruined by Western commerce?


Most serial killers are American men, and this seems to suggest that Jeffrey Dahmer was just following the incredibly successful logic of the elite of the nation he grew up in.

Sick nations create sick people.
Godstud wrote:An opinion piece is not a source!

The opinion is from a reliable source.
And there are many reliable sources with the same opinion.
Praise the Lord.

Evidence suggests a massive scandal is brewing at the FBI

The reports, which feature talk among agents of a “secret society” and suddenly missing text messages, point to the existence both of a cabal dedicated to defeating Donald Trump in 2016 and of a plan to let Hillary Clinton skate free in the classified email probe.

More support for this view involves the FBI’s use of the Russian dossier on Trump that was paid for by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. It is almost certain that the FBI used the dossier to get FISA court warrants to spy on Trump associates, meaning it used the opposition research of the party in power to convince a court to let it spy on the candidate of the other party — likely without telling the court of the dossier’s political link.

Even worse, there is growing reason to believe someone in President Barack Obama’s administration turned over classified information about Trump to the Clinton campaign.

As one former federal prosecutor put it, “It doesn’t get worse than that.” That prosecutor, Joseph ­diGenova, believes Trump was correct when he claimed Obama aides wiretapped his phones at Trump Tower. ... ewing-at-t
Way to go Hindsite. A dead link. Good evidence. Why don't you make certain it is not an opinion piece and post a real link?

Did you ever get a chance to read your previous post again? It was good for a laugh.
Hindsite wrote:The opinion is from a reliable source.
That you won't link because you know it's a fucking lie. Lies are the bread and butter of Republicans, these days.

You should be proud to be called a liar. It means you're serving your god, Trump, in a manner befitting him.

Drlee wrote:Way to go Hindsite. A dead link.
Hence why I called I called it only opinion. Hindsite doesn't know what a source even is.
QatzelOk wrote:Along with many school shootings, the rustbelt gave us Jeffrey Dahmer.

Dahmer used to drug black men and then drill holes in their heads to keep them enslaved so he could have sex with them.

Imagine the cops show up and laugh about what shithole people the black guys hanging around his Detroit apartment are. This is the same as the posters arguing that the countries in Africa that Dahmerian colonial powers have drilled holes into are "shitholes." Every violent military engagement by the West in Africa, every murdered Patrice Lumamba or Gaddafi, every Western mercenary-seeded civil war, is another savagely drilled hole in Africa's head.

That image of a Somalian warlord holding firearms is a tragedy on many levels, but those people are Dahmer's victims. Western money has destroyed many African societies, and this process has only accelarated as the West approaches bankruptcy on so many levels.

The real Jeffrey Dahmer (the Western business elite) enjoys the support of many normal people in rich countries because most rich countries have no community or morality - just the well-crafted propaganda of the Dahmerian state apparatus. That video 'joke' that you posted is part of that "laughing with Jeffrey Dahmer" media apparatus that I loathe.

Well Q, your words always make perfect sense to me. I find it a very fun way of putting your thoughts. I would almost suggest you are Jungian in word imagery. You are archetypal. I had to do a lot of that when one studies ancient symbols and great civilizations. Dreams and art are about using that kind of wording and phrasing.

You say things in unique ways. Ways I understand very well. It brings me happiness to read it even it is hard to think about because of the devastation it implies.

I wonder about again, multimedia and graphic or drawn images, music and your words....something artistic. It would be so lovely Q....think about it!! ;)
Hindsite wrote:But I know that Taiwan must be a big sh*thole after the earthquake.
You deserve all the sh*t that can be pile on you.
What earthquake? I am not in Taiwan. F**king :moron: :lol:

That's a real Christian attitude to have, too. I'll bet you think the people who suffered from the earthquake deserve it, as well. nice.
Hindsite wrote:But I know that Taiwan must be a big sh*thole after the earthquake.
You deserve all the sh*t that can be pile on you.

I think you and Godstud don't have good chemistry. Lol.

When that happens one has to give up the hope of good chemistry.

Because otherwise the stream of stool in words flows back and forth down the Godstud and Hindsite river via keying in and typing in words....

@Godstud you must realize, Thailand, Taiwan, India, China, Japan, Malaysia, is all the SAME. To a racist mind? No one is an individual. Only people without any reality. That is the problem. :roll:

I have had to deal with people who being a Puerto Rican is the same as being a Mexican or a Colombian or a Guatemalan, Dominican etc. No distinction at all. Everyone the same. I try to explain @Godstud that if I used the same criteria that they use on the Latinos? You would have Irish, Welsh, English, Scottish, Germans, Swedes, Nigerians, Aussies, Kiwis, Canadians, Americans, and every nation on Earth that speaks some English or a German related language as ALL THE SAME. Shit they say....A Nigerian, an Irishman, A New Yorker, an Aussie or a Canadian are all THE SAME. And they are all beneath your own culture and language and ethnicity. They are all piled into one shithole of look alike WHITE people who are totally devoid of uniqueness or personality. Just a big ole pile of pale skinned, blue eyed, blond or red haired savages with inferior hearts, minds and souls to be systemically dehumanized, put down and hated on with virulence and arrogance. That is what all that racist stuff does Godstud. It happens to me with the prejudices against Latin Americans in the minds of ignorant racists in this nation. I am not surprised. It is the reality Godstud.

I love the many nations of Africa, because African genes flow in my blood. If some far off African had not existed? One of many of my many ancestors? I would not exist. Many people don't realize that we rely on all the continents in the world and their many ethnicities to exist.

I wonder if Sampson from the bible was African? He has been hinted at being Black. He was considered a very faithful and respected the Bible....

I don't see your Jesus Hindsite, excluding a huge chunk of humanity from love and acceptance because of how they look on the outside....when Jesus did not even exclude the Roman non believers and Philistines and Gentiles who were directly responsible for torturing him and participating in his crucifixion.

You either see fellow human equals with eternal souls or you don't.

Africans for me? Are part of my blood, my heritage, my culture, and even everyday words I use in my particular type of Spanish....African people have been my friends, my neighbors, my professors, my mentors, my supporters, my educators, my very rich life....I see an African face and I see not only human being....I see beauty, the every detail of beauty. And my gaze reflects that and my tone of voice reflects that. It is extraordinary how lovely that is. When one can see everyone with a lot of love.

Try might surprise yourself.
Last edited by Tainari88 on 07 Feb 2018 05:35, edited 2 times in total.
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