Is Africa A Sh*tHole? One African Thinks So. - Page 22 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in the nations of Africa.

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My attitude doesn't involve wishing pain and suffering on other people. You should be ashamed of your very un-Christian-like statements.

I guess worshiping trump is having the expected effect.
Godstud wrote:My attitude doesn't involve wishing pain and suffering on other people. You should be ashamed of your very un-Christian-like statements.

I guess worshiping trump is having the expected effect.

I think Hindsite voted for Trump because he thought the Liberals who were always the smug and the arrogant in his mind....from Hollywood....were not following traditional American right wing and Christian values.

How a billionaire con man with a very bad record of deception and lying a trail of failed business practices and who had to rely on his father's self made wealth by ripping off the average and middle classes in Queens is the answer to the liberal Hollywood types that in some figment of his imagination are the ones who are destroying the nation he put the uniform on to go out and fight in the military for...?

I have no idea. For me? You either realize who is lying to you or you don't. No one is a God in politics.
@Hindsite You are the one who believes in a liar, not I. Trump lies. That's imply fact. When you start to believe and support his lies, that makes you one, as well.

If you think that's insulting, well then, change. That's on you. I never wished you anything but to WAKE UP.

You don't know how I act. Judge not lest ye be judged.
Hindsite wrote:He said he would have a beer with me, but then he insults me and acts like a piece of sh*t.

He has a bad attitude

Ay Hindsite, I am going to is nearly 10:46 pm here in Denver, Colorado and I am ready to go to bed.

Think of how much you love God and start loving people. That is my only advice. For me that is a very great thing to do if you find yourself falling into discrimination and prejudiced thoughts. I read your posts carefully for a lot of what I call subliminal said in one of them that you got over the 'feelings' of not liking Black people in the military. The military forces people to work together and to find a common cause to rally around, and to cooperate. After all these people are going to have to defend each other. And you have a lot of rules to obey and set aside your problems if you want to complete a mission.

You struggled with race prejudice most of your life...probably you were taught racism from your early 'imprints' Hindsite.

From very early on someone and somebody close to you emotionally transmitted something about 'blacks and............fill in the blank, people as not to be trusted.

I read you were born in Ventura California and moved to Texas and now live in Georgia. Basically Hindsite? You were raised in many ways traditionally American and with a lot of fears of many of these 'untrustworthy' races, nations, etc. But you got to get is complicated.

People follow imprints. Early ones. My first impressions of African looking people? Completely loving and completely positive. And that has only been reinforced over my lifetime....thousands of times. So much so, that for me? I only felt love and acceptance and so on for African looking people. Complete and absolute comfort at all times with the African looking people. It is strange but the people who stood up for me or spoke up and defending my in bad situations in my life? All mostly African people. African women most of all.

I think one has to realize we are all limited by our own experiences.

Good night, Buenas noches Hindsite,

Out in Augusta, (I know opera is not your thing.....) Do you like Patsy Cline? I think she sang beautifully----I especially like this one song of hers...."I Fall to Pieces" and "Sweet Dreams of You"

Try to have sweet dreams Hindsite....buenas noches.

Tainari88 wrote:Do you like Patsy Cline? I think she sang beautifully----I especially like this one song of hers...."I Fall to Pieces" and "Sweet Dreams of You"

Yes, Patsy Cline was my favorite female singer as a teenager and before I joined the Army. I remember hearing "I Fall to Pieces" the first time from the radio of my stepfather's plumbing truck. I worked with him every summer vacation during my high school years.

Melania Trump moved to tears during worship song

Tainari88 wrote: I think you (Hindsite) and Godstud don't have good chemistry. Lol.
@Godstud you must realize, Thailand, Taiwan, India, China, Japan, Malaysia, is all the SAME. To a racist mind? No one is an individual. Only people without any reality. That is the problem. :roll:

A lack of curiosity about the world and its geography is not necessarily a "sign" of racism. It's more a sign that someone is very localist, country peasant, and here-and-now. For the localist peasant, the world is centered at the rocking chair on the patio, overlooking the road. All the places you name are far from that road, so they blur into a non-distinct blur.

These are not necessarily bad traits, though Hindsite sure isn't the most thoughful spokesmodel for country bumpkins.

Don't confuse simple-minded country folk with cunning race-science promoters. You don't do justice to either when you confound these two very different things, is all I'm saying. Rich people can all afford to travel, yet it is rich-person media that fabricates racism for financial gain.

But you're correct that Godstud and Hindsite have shithole chemistry. :lol:

Suntzu wrote:...a serial philanderer...

This is another moonshine-and-banjo-music comment, but it's not racist. Just extremely vernacular.
QatzelOk wrote:A lack of curiosity about the world and its geography is not necessarily a "sign" of racism. It's more a sign that someone is very localist, country peasant, and here-and-now. For the localist peasant, the world is centered at the rocking chair on the patio, overlooking the road. All the places you name are far from that road, so they blur into a non-distinct blur.

These are not necessarily bad traits, though Hindsite sure isn't the most thoughful spokesmodel for country bumpkins.

Don't confuse simple-minded country folk with cunning race-science promoters. You don't do justice to either when you confound these two very different things, is all I'm saying. Rich people can all afford to travel, yet it is rich-person media that fabricates racism for financial gain.

But you're correct that Godstud and Hindsite have shithole chemistry. :lol:

This is another moonshine-and-banjo-music comment, but it's not racist. Just extremely vernacular.

QatzelOk, one of the things I most liked about my mother was she was born a rural person from a small town. She told me when I asked her over many years about who she identified with on a very deep level...were country people. Rural, farm people. Both my maternal grandparents were rural Puerto Rican farmers, who as many people during the Great Depression lost their land or could not work their land anymore. They went to the city and in the city American companies came looking for sweatshop garment district labor in New York City for the clothing factories. New York City in the 1940's and 1950's was the clothing manufacturing capital of the USA. So being poor and being promised well paid work in New York City in the Great grandparents went to New York City. With their children in tow. Instead of well paid labor they got very badly paid labor and without much English and no education to speak of but rudimentary educations my maternal grandparents stayed in New York working very very hard for many many years. Saved enough to go back to the island and retire and live in Puerto Rico again. They never trusted the words of another American recruiter. My mother grew up in heavy poverty, in ghettos and being spit on and discriminated against for being Puerto Rican because my grandmother being frugal and saving every penny decided it was time to move out of the Bronx ghetto and buy a middle class home in White Plains, New York. They were the first Puerto Ricans to attend the local high school. That was horrible. According to my mother, they threw shit on her and spit on her almost daily and called her a roach. She was a very good student. Straight A's in a Regents track (college track high school diploma), but the racism was is a long story. But she identified as a rural Puerto Rican a country person. She said rural people from all over the world share similar values....such as love of their land, love of their country, and love of their families, and being traditional.

In that? She understood rural people. Puerto Rican rural people are Caribbean people. So we are a mixed race society for a very very long time. If Hindsite were a traditional Puerto Rican and a typical Puerto Rican? He would be one 1/8th African, 1/4th Spanish and some Native Taino and this or that, a big mixture of races. That is the norm for EVERYONE in PR. Not the states. You got mestizaje here but it is not the vast majority Q. Not like it is in Cuba or in PR.

Never had Jim Crow segregation laws and the slavery that existed in Puerto Rico was a very different sort than the one practiced in the USA in the Southern states. There were never any laws against interracial marriage, etc. We got a different history than the USA has. So? Our rural history is not the same as in the states....but? That love of the land, love of the country, and love of the family is the same in many nations of Asia, the Americas, Africa, Europe, etc. it is the same.

Hindsite is from the USA's history and as such the racism is endemic in this country. Legal for hundreds of years. So? It is in there in the way people interact.
skinster wrote:It seems she was moved to tears because right before, Trump leans into her and I guess she probably didn't want him to touch her.

To another Christian, her tears indicate that she understands the meaning of the worship song and weeps for the sacrifice Christ made to save us and that our Lord and Savior deserves worship and praise. That can't be said for people like you.
skinster wrote:You can just watch the video again to see that I'm right.

This isn't the first time Melania looks very much like she doesn't want to be near her husband. Not that I give a shit about her, she made her bed...

I don't see what you claim you see.
I only see Melania showing the actions of a compassionate Christian.
She seems to present herself more like a Christian than Trump. Even though Trump is in Church with her, he shows no emotions as he listens to the song of praise for our Lord and Savior.
skinster wrote:At 3:10 of the video, he moves towards her and touches her arm with his, she closes her eyes as though she doesn't want it to happen, puts her head down and a bit after tears fall. The end.

I looked, but did not see it. I think you are imagining something that did not happen.
Anyway, no wife comes to tears from just her husband brushing his arm against her.
Hindsite wrote:Anyway, no wife comes to tears from just her husband brushing his arm against her
. She does if he cheated on her and now she hates him.
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