The fusion of Europeanism and patriotism - Politics | PoFo

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This is interesting, though some white nationalists do advocate a pan-European would this be different?

Likewise, I don't see this catching on, more-so from the Left. The Left cannot conceive of a pan-European and democratic movement that is not simultaneously social-masochistic and multiculturalist.

The right, which is used to compromising, will likely support this idea, and as I said, the Left will not.....its sounds too much like white-identity for will be see as fascist neo-roman confederation concept. not a middle-ground.

The emblem is pretty cool though.

It seems that these days everybody wants to hijack the EU. Nobody is prepared to do what it takes to bring European integration forward, but everybody wants to take a slice out off it for his own ideological purpose. That's the way to destroy Europe not to make Europe.

European identity has grown for over 2,000 years. We don't have to reinvent Europe. The EU is not the opposite of the nation. Whether or not we are in love with the construct that is the nation state is totally irrelevant.

The choice is not between the EU and the nation, the choice is between the EU and imperialism.

That's why countries with a strong imperial tradition have such a hard time getting to terms with the EU.
Only a traitor could want something like this to come to pass. Europeans being slaves to the Germans for all eternity. There is no European cultural or political identity. There are Frenchmen, Russians, Swedes, Italians etc but no Europeans. The only way a pan European state could exist would be with Europeans loosing their freedom and being enslaved by someone (the Roman Empire, Napoleon's France, Hitler's Germany etc).

The right pretend to be patriots and then they come out and support this nonsense. :lol:
White nationalism will go down as the most ridiculously lazy and childish trend in western political history. "Forget the myriad different histories, languages and cultures of your countries - your skin is a sort of pinkish-grey colour. UNITE in recognition of this great mystical truth!"
It is no wonder it is so popular in the US. You would have to have no actual knowledge of white people's history and culture to even give the idea one seconds thought. Poles and Russians unite! English and Irish unite! Serbs and Bosnians Unite! You definetly have loads in common and are not at all diferent or unique and of course your interests are identical. :roll:
B0ycey wrote:You still have my support PEM even if no one else is on board on this. I have taken time to read the articles on your website and you make some great points. Keep up the good work.

I disagree with him on this, but the objections on here are dumb. I don't think he was advocating for pan-european white power, just a european identity associated with the european union. Bascially a european union with an interest akin to something like: "Make Europe Great Again."

Obviously it sounds a little bit like pan-european ethno-nationalism, but I don't think that is what he was advocating. It just seems to me that he is opposed to multiculturalism and mass-immigration while still supporting the EU in theory and seeing this notion as an alternative to a slippery-slope to nationalism and fascism.

I really don't get the vitriol from pro-EU types on here other than it seems to reveal that the whole brexit and italexit or frexit or whatever is just a pretense for covering the real issue: desired demographic replacement.

Otherwise, why else would they pounce on someone who is clearly one of their own on the "remain vote," but just disagrees on the EU's immigration policy?

It looks pretty clear to me. :eh:
Victoribus Spolia wrote:I disagree with him on this, but the objections on here are dumb. I don't think he was advocating for pan-european white power, just a european identity associated with the european union. Bascially a european union with an interest akin to something like: "Make Europe Great Again."

Obviously it sounds a little bit like pan-european ethno-nationalism, but I don't think that is what he was advocating. It just seems to me that he is opposed to multiculturalism and mass-immigration while still supporting the EU in theory and seeing this notion as an alternative to a slippery-slope to nationalism and fascism.

I really don't get the vitriol from pro-EU types on here other than it seems to reveal that the whole brexit and italexit or frexit or whatever is just a pretense for covering the real issue: desired demographic replacement.

Otherwise, why else would they pounce on someone who is clearly one of their own on the "remain vote," but just disagrees on the EU's immigration policy?

It looks pretty clear to me. :eh:

PEM has created a movement VS. He advocates a European identity and a European superstate. Things I agree with. He also understands there is a problem with unopposed mass immigration and cultural tensions that have risen from them. I am all for protecting and granting refugees asylum but not economic migrants the same privilege. So again I agree with him to some extent even on this issue. He has also written some quality posts on his website. He is not afraid to ask important questions. Questions that are dividing Europe. And yes that includes migration.

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