Firearm Control - Politics | PoFo

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Are you pro or anti gun control?

I support firearm restriction
I support unrestricted firearm ownership
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By Albert

Are you for firearm regulation or freedom of arms ownership?

To avoid people posting in the Other option about how they do not support strict arms regulations but still in essence support firearms ownership. Restriction or unrestriction in this poll are not meant in absolute sense but in principle. Meaning, restricted firearm market is where most of general population will not be able to purchase firearms. Only people who are in careers where firearms are required to fulfill their roles will be able to carry firearms and so on.

Likewise unrestricted market is what we have akin to modern day USA. Where most people are able to own and purchase firearms unrestricted in principle, even with some regulations in place.
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By Zamuel
Albert wrote:Are you for firearm regulation or freedom of arms ownership?

You really should clarify ... Restriction and Regulation are two very different things. Restriction is forbidden by the constitution. Regulation barely clears the bar on legality, because it focuses on the "Fitness" of an individual to "responsibly" bear arms. It is not "unrestricted," it selectively applies restriction. I read your "definition," but didn't find it particularly helpful. It's biased to make "unrestricted" sound like "selling guns to crazy guys."

I support regulation. It applies legislated standards, and should provide a system that reviews those standards on an individual basis.

I would hold that blanket "restriction" is unconstitutional. Instituting it would require an amendment and that's a whole nuther can of worms.

To this end, it has long been recognized that we have plenty of regulatory law already ... We just don't enforce it. More unenforced laws won't help.

Zam 8)
I support firearm restriction

They are not toys to be used and played around with by the general population. Anyone who wants to use guns should join the military or police.

There should also be special venues for enthusiasts such as gun clubs run out of military bases where members are vetted and where the weapons cannot be taken home.
By Decky

Unrestricted ownership of firearms for the working class, total restriction of firearms for social parasites (aristocrats, the landlord class, bankers, zionists etc).

Real political power comes from the barrel of a long rifle.
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By One Degree
Ofcourse gun ownership must be forbidden. Just think how quickly slavery would have ended had they been allowed to have guns.
We now have the ‘European Firearms Directive of 2016’ and a push in the US for control. I am sure this is a mere coincidence that populism is on the rise.
Only a fool believes the people should give up their guns.
Decky wrote:Unrestricted ownership of firearms for the working class, total restriction of firearms for social parasites (aristocrats, the landlord class, bankers, zionists etc).

Real political power comes from the barrel of a long rifle.

This sounds like Maoism.

I did not expect this of you, Mr Decky.
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By Zamuel
Political Interest wrote:This sounds like Maoism. I did not expect this of you, Mr Decky.

Ok … No more soup for you!


Zam :lol:
By Decky
Political Interest wrote:This sounds like Maoism.

I did not expect this of you, Mr Decky.

It is actually a Stalin quote.

"The only real power comes out of a long rifle."
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By Rancid
True Communists are pro-guns.

Anyway, as a gun owner, I'm ok with limiting who can buy guns, and the type of guns that are available. At the same time, if there was some sort of sweeping gun ban that happens in America, I would not fight it. I would turn my guns in, but I would like some sort of repayment for it.

I figure, if guns were totally banned, and some sort of civil war broke out. I'm very sure peopel could still get a hold of guns through the black market, just like people can get illegal drugs.
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By Albert
Usually getting hold of weapon stockpiles in military barracks or some other military hubs how rebels get weapons. Police stations is other options.

The whole premise that firearms will somehow secure successful overthrow of a tyrant is not necessary true, as you need organization to be able to challenge a military, especially modern one. On top of that you need political organization, know what you doing to take power and rule afterwards. If you have just whole bunch of guys freaking out with guns and rioting against authority it will lead nowhere but to more sever destruction if those guys did not have weapons. At that point a state military would usually come and sweep up the unorganized rabble with minimal losses, with aftermath of pointless destruction and death.
I support unrestricted firearm ownership

Albert wrote:The whole premise that firearms will somehow secure successful overthrow of a tyrant is not necessary true, as you need organization to be able to challenge a military, especially modern one. On top of that you need political organization, know what you doing to take power and rule afterwards. If you have just whole bunch of guys freaking out with guns and rioting against authority it will lead nowhere but to more sever destruction if those guys did not have weapons. At that point a state military would usually come and sweep up the unorganized rabble with minimal losses, with aftermath of pointless destruction and death.

Good points. On the other hand, an armed population does make it more expensive to put down opposition or a rebellion. For truly ruthless leaders it may not matter too much, but anything less than that may well cause the leadership to pause and ponder whether there are better, less expensive options. Also worth considering is the situation where the military recruits predominantly from populations which are most likely to own guns, as the troops would then be often fighting their own communities.
Guns, Guns, Guns!

People should be able to defend themselves.
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By Heisenberg
I support unrestricted firearm ownership

If you can't shoot the TV when England score some bullshit last-minute try against Wales in the Six Nations, how free are you really?
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By Hong Wu
The only thing I don't like about east Asia is they don't let you own guns. Makes me sad :| I almsot bought some nunchucks but then I was like, this is dumb.

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