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By Drlee
A republican president fired a republican head of the FBI
and is now furious with his republican attorney general for
stepping down and allowing his republican deputy attorney general
to assign a republican former head of the FBI to lead the
investigation into Russian collusion. So far that person has
turned over evidence to a hand-picked Republican State
Attorney General who authorized raiding the president's
republican attorney's office.

And this is somehow the fault of democrats?

Not original but not bad.
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By Zamuel
@Drlee: Yes … of course it's the Democrat's fault, because - … Hillary's Emails … :lol:

Zam :smokin:
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By One Degree
The fallacy is conflating Trump with Republicans. Assuming they are all his allies privately is far from reality.
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By Drlee
The fallacy is conflating Trump with Republicans. Assuming they are all his allies privately is far from reality.

I wish this were true. He hasn't lost a bet yet. The Republican Party is following him virtually lock-step.

He has not gotten his wall nor did he get the health care repeal but they are stonewalling the investigation against him. Very few have called his bluff on the immigration issue. The fact is that just about every one of them is acting like your garden variety sycophant.

Trump IS the republican party. He controls the fiddle and banjo republicans who are leading the party far too far to the right.

Never fear though OD. Never underestimate the power of the democrats to lose an election.
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By One Degree
Drlee wrote:I wish this were true. He hasn't lost a bet yet. The Republican Party is following him virtually lock-step.

He has not gotten his wall nor did he get the health care repeal but they are stonewalling the investigation against him. Very few have called his bluff on the immigration issue. The fact is that just about every one of them is acting like your garden variety sycophant.

Trump IS the republican party. He controls the fiddle and banjo republicans who are leading the party far too far to the right.

Never fear though OD. Never underestimate the power of the democrats to lose an election.

I must admit I often feel totally out of sync with current thinking. I don’t know if it is my age or the 25 years I spent not thinking about politics much. I find both parties acceptance of their extreme members counter intuitive. I don’t see an America that supports the religious right or the belligerent left. I see an America that wants a decent paycheck and to be left alone being described as bitter enemies over things they seldom think about in their daily lives. It all seems so ‘invented’ to me.
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By Zamuel
Drlee wrote:The Republican Party is following him virtually lock-step. - Trump IS the republican party.

In a sense, he is. But the idea that those republicans -Agree- with him is nonsense. The $$$ is backing Trump … These "Republicans" are just line dancing to keep their pockets and campaign funding full. "Screw America - Pay Me !" I have to wonder if they will stay bought after the midterms ?

Albert wrote:I wonder how many Republicans are against Trump. Will this midterm election make few of them fall?

My selected view shows all of them lying about how much they support him. They appear to have accepted his popularity and chose to use it to keep themselves in office, just like we should expect from swamp people.
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By Albert
One Degree wrote:My selected view shows all of them lying about how much they support him. They appear to have accepted his popularity and chose to use it to keep themselves in office, just like we should expect from swamp people.
There has to be at least some that do. It would be good to know the real number though.
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By Drlee
I must admit I often feel totally out of sync with current thinking. I don’t know if it is my age or the 25 years I spent not thinking about politics much. I find both parties acceptance of their extreme members counter intuitive. I don’t see an America that supports the religious right or the belligerent left. I see an America that wants a decent paycheck and to be left alone being described as bitter enemies over things they seldom think about in their daily lives. It all seems so ‘invented’ to me.

Both you and I (and most everyone here) feels this way. I could not agree more. You and I remember the John Birch Society Republicans and Dixiecrats but the mainstream always prevailed. Even Carter was a Nuclear Physicist and former naval officer. Nixon founded the EPA and proposed a national minimum wage.

I like your term "invented". It may sound trite but on the republican side we know who invented it. Rush Limbaugh and his successor, Fox News. They are so clearly propaganda paid by the wealthy that the invention is just obvious to any thinking person. At first Limbaugh was a shock jock in California. I used to listen to him when I lived there. Then he became serious. Fox News launched with its "fair and balanced" nonsense and it sold advertising. Now Fox News is so obviously scripted that they have even dropped any pretense of claiming to be objective. On the Democrat side I do not believe that they have quite the same champions. If you look at the democratic platform you will see that, if anything, they have moved slightly to the right. Obama was certainly no liberal by any stretch of the imagination. Neither was either Clinton. Bill cut welfare dramatically. Hillary was right of Obama, Hawkish and would have been a good republican candidate 30 years ago. If you look at current democratic party impetus it is the left that is pushing the demonstrations but they have yet to articulate a cogent position at all. They are content to run against Trump. I fear that this strategy will fail them in November. I mean really. Who is their leader anyway? Nobody.

In a sense, he is. But the idea that those republicans -Agree- with him is nonsense. The $$$ is backing Trump … These "Republicans" are just line dancing to keep their pockets and campaign funding full. "Screw America - Pay Me !" I have to wonder if they will stay bought after the midterms ?

Of course they will. We live in a country where one set of brothers is allowed to spend a billion dollars buying elections. If divided equally, that is 1.5 million dollars for every House and Senate campaign.

My selected view shows all of them lying about how much they support him. They appear to have accepted his popularity and chose to use it to keep themselves in office, just like we should expect from swamp people.

Some at least. It is hard to go back on a shattered belief that one held so strongly but he still has a very loyal base. The key will be women. Though I believe that the democrats will fuck this up by allowing the far left to get to loud, the key is what those republican women do in the face of the nonsense Trump is pulling. If they abandon him they will abandon the down ticket republicans too and it will be a route. If they stick with the party the legislature will be secure and Trump will win a second term. And although my opinion is that he hates the job and wants to quit I believe he will have to run again just to avoid the consequences of a major loss.
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By One Degree
@Drlee said...
And although my opinion is that he hates the job and wants to quit I believe he will have to run again just to avoid the consequences of a major loss.

I think this is very true. It may also account for his personality. ‘Flippant’ rather than any real attempt to deceive.
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By Drlee
I believe that his lies are the result of three things.

First he has always done it. His public persona was one of the assertive self-made billionaire but that was just a front. He has always been the classic promoter.

Secondly, he has surrounded himself with completely unqualified people. It is almost as if he scuttled his own cabinet lest he face people who will quickly figure out that he really has no depth of knowledge on these subjects.

Third and most important is that esoteric knowledge of any subject other than self-promotion has never been part of his life. He was the public face of a construction company for all intent and purpose. He had nothing to do with its daily running but his brand sold stuff. Consequently, what we see of Trump as POTUS is nothing more than a brand. The public face of a concoction designed to appeal to a well defined demographic.

Mainstream conservatives are so enamored with their tribe that they just can't let go of him. They can't see that the party forwarding a classically conservative agenda is the Democratic Party. Look at the facts. They want lower deficits while the republicans are deliberately sending it to unprecedented levels in peacetime. The Democrats are forwarding free-trade, a conservative mainstay, while Trump is engaging in needless trade wars. The Democrats are tough on Russia and N. Korea while Trump is sucking up to them. Trump is sucking up to Israel while the democrats are taking a more conservative view on the subject. I could go on but you get the point. Conservatives simply can't be objective. Perhaps more to the point they are proving that the so-called conservative of today is big-hat-no-cows. They have the right to call themselves whatever they like but one thing is clear. They are running from conservative-libertarian ideals in favor of a label they do not understand.
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By One Degree
They understand the most important. They want control of their own communities. Democrats threaten that. Whether Republicans will deliver is something we need to wait and see.
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By Drlee
They understand the most important. They want control of their own communities. Democrats threaten that. Whether Republicans will deliver is something we need to wait and see.

Tell me specifically how democrats threaten their control of their communities?
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By One Degree
Drlee wrote:Tell me specifically how democrats threaten their control of their communities?

Centralized government and programs. Taking over of educaion which is probably the biggest concern even though it does not get much attention. There are a lot of people upset over minor things on a national level that were very important on a local level. For instance there were some volunteer lunch programs that were fantastic, but did not meet federal guidelines. They had to replace mom’s pot roast with cardboard pizza.
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By Zamuel
One Degree wrote:Centralized government and programs. Taking over of educaion which is probably the biggest concern even though it does not get much attention. There are a lot of people upset over minor things on a national level that were very important on a local level. For instance there were some volunteer lunch programs that were fantastic, but did not meet federal guidelines. They had to replace mom’s pot roast with cardboard pizza.

What one degree is trying to say, but doesn't know how to, is that local level corruption is a lot harder to get away with when there are honest democrats running things. - There is no such thing as an honest republican.

Zam 8)
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By Hong Wu
The problem here is assuming that turnover in the administration is a sign of upcoming impeachment or evidence of ineffective governance.
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By Zamuel
Hong Wu wrote:The problem here is assuming that turnover in the administration is a sign of upcoming impeachment or evidence of ineffective governance.

I'd agree this should not be an assumption. Should the democrats control the house, it will probably be attempted, but is likely to fail.

Zam 8)
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By One Degree
As I have said previously, Mueller is dragging things out to effect the elections. The investigation is nonsense but the sporadic charges are timed to keep interest up to upset the elections. This is why he won’t go to trial with the Russians and has postponed sentencing for Flynn 3 times.
The timing is the obvious corruption.
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By Godstud
Wrong, as usual. You expect criminal investigations to take a few weeks, whereas Watergate took almost 2 years to investigate.

So what if it affects the elections. It should. The Republican ranks are chock full of criminals that trump put there. Only the idiots cannot see that, because they've been blinded/deafened by Trump's empty rhetoric.

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