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anasawad wrote:@One Degree
That is pretty much anti science.
All scientific studies push towards the adoption to environment scenario.

Yep. I don’t think science is all that immune to currently accepted ideology. They seem to somehow support whatever is politically correct at the time. They really aren’t as objective as they would have us believe. Especially the social sciences.

Serfdom and indentured servitude were different however, at least socially. To be a slave meant something more heavier than being a serf. It carried connotations that Europe, in all it's philosophy and armchair talk, didn't want to explore nor touch. They would rather deal with a form of slavery they were familiar with, something they would consider more "civilized" than partake in unintelligent barbary. In essence, Europe practiced slavery but called it a different, more comfortable name so they don't have to think about it that much.
@One Degree

Science is merely a framework of thought, like all philosophies, that seeks to understand the nature of our existence. It is no different from other frameworks such as Hegelianism or Kantianism or, perhaps more poetically, religion. Science is only the most popular framework of thought out there and is the most successful at providing us with practical explanations about our worldly phenomena. Thus, it is as susceptible to the influence of other ideologies as any other framework of thought.
Drlee wrote:Let me interject into this blatantly racist thread that I was disappointed to learn the{sic} my fellow conservatives have lower IQs than liberls:{sic}

I always find your brain farts amusing. :lol: :muha1:
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By Drlee
I thought it was fun to troll MS. VS too. Following the link is kinda' scary though. Explains to some extent the conservative habit of eschewing higher learning and those who make it possible.
Drlee wrote:I thought it was fun to troll MS. VS too. Following the link is kinda' scary though. Explains to some extent the conservative habit of eschewing higher learning and those who make it possible.

‘Eschewing higher learning’ has nothing to do with being conservative. If you are honest, higher learning is simply intense indoctrination in the currently accepted. Being realistic is not being anti intellectual.
Being an ‘intellectual’ that disapproves of criticism is being anti intellectual. True intellectuals understand that ‘higher learning’ is used to find flaws in the higher learning. Pseudo intellectuals value ‘higher learning’ as of value by it’s self.
I usually see the difference in their willingness to consider the outlandish.
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By Drlee
‘Eschewing higher learning’ has nothing to do with being conservative.

On the contrary. The terms "liberal university or liberal professors" are dog-whistles for a great many of the fiddle and banjo republicans.

If you are honest, higher learning is simply intense indoctrination in the currently accepted.

Obviously you have never attended a university.

Being realistic is not being anti intellectual.

Realistic is , for you and most modern republican, refers to a political position sometimes inconsistent with the facts.

Being an ‘intellectual’ that disapproves of criticism is being anti intellectual. True intellectuals understand that ‘higher learning’ is used to find flaws in the higher learning. Pseudo intellectuals value ‘higher learning’ as of value by it’s self.

Gibberish. You don't know what you are talking about.

I usually see the difference in their willingness to consider the outlandish.

Higher learning is all about pushing the outside of the envelope. You have it exactly backward.

Thesis: Purdue...... It is a hypothesis, a conjecture, a theorem. The dissertation is a formal, stylized document used to argue your thesis. The thesis must be significant, original (no one has yet demonstrated it to be true), and it must extend the state of scientific knowledge.

UNSW If the thesis is for a PhD, the university requires that it make an original contribution to human knowledge: your research must discover something hitherto unknown.

Got it?
Drlee wrote:On the contrary. The terms "liberal university or liberal professors" are dog-whistles for a great many of the fiddle and banjo republicans.

Obviously you have never attended a university.

Realistic is , for you and most modern republican, refers to a political position sometimes inconsistent with the facts.

Gibberish. You don't know what you are talking about.

Higher learning is all about pushing the outside of the envelope. You have it exactly backward.

Got it?

I am well aware of what a thesis is. Lol
I fully support people learning all they can. More importantly, I encourage people to think. The latter does not necessarily follow the former. My criticism is for those who are content with just the former.
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By Drlee
My criticism is for those who are content with just the former.

Then you will have to look somewhere other than universities. Go to an NRA meeting. You will see tons of people who reject the best science and results of innumerable studies.


There is no credible evidence that black slaves were every bread for any specific trait. Further. As others have pointed out, it would not have worked anyway.

Then there is this morsel.
I think the idea that black people were bred like dogs to be superior athletes is ridiculous. I'm sure healthier, more athletic slaves were more valuable, but I don't think there was a systematic effort on the part of all slave owners to create stronger/faster/etc slaves. We know there was a ton of old feeble white men raping their slave women so that obviously flies in the face of this theory because they didn't cull all the products of this rape. All the slave breeding I've read about involved women giving birth to many children throughout their lives to be sold at profit for the slave owner. Quantity is quality when you're selling children. Slaves were almost entirely unrestricted in their choice of sexual partners (although families were regularly broken up for the profit interests of their white owners). This fantasy that slaves were bred to be supermen is just white people ashamed that blacks are naturally better athletes and there is zero evidence that it occurred.
Red_Army wrote:I think the idea that black people were bred like dogs to be superior athletes is ridiculous.

It is. Nobody made that claim, although Pants-of-dog decided to try to respond as if that were a claim made.

Red_Army wrote:I'm sure healthier, more athletic slaves were more valuable, but I don't think there was a systematic effort on the part of all slave owners to create stronger/faster/etc slaves.

The Atlantic passage alone tended to eliminate weaker stock, and the process of "seasoning" further eliminated weaker stock. So what was left were people who could survive significant labor hardship, environmental extremes and disease. That was what was left to breed. The idea that slave masters were budding Georg Mendel types or something is far-fetched as science wasn't that advanced, but selective breeding had been common among farmers/ranchers for long before the process could be understood in clear scientific terms.

Red_Army wrote:We know there was a ton of old feeble white men raping their slave women so that obviously flies in the face of this theory because they didn't cull all the products of this rape.

That wasn't the case either. Most of the slave masters were some pretty tough motherfuckers. They would gladly have used white slaves, but they simply couldn't afford it financially. Whites died in numbers too large to financially justify their importation for field labor in the South. That's why they were often doing skilled labor or house work.

Just as native American populations were wiped out by European diseases, European populations were wiped out by factors they rarely encountered in Europe--e.g., malaria, working in 35C temperatures, etc. Temperature alone... there just wasn't a lot of people working in 95F temperatures in Northern Europe, and the culture of Southern Europe mandated siestas. The whites that survived that were tough sons of bitches. So were the blacks.

Red_Army wrote:All the slave breeding I've read about involved women giving birth to many children throughout their lives to be sold at profit for the slave owner.

That is true. Masters could choose who would be the father. It was a brutal system.

Red_Army wrote:Quantity is quality when you're selling children.

Or the quality of the father--the biggest and strongest, or hardest working. Remember, a man can impregnate 100 women, and this does nothing to him physically. A woman can die in child birth with her first born, and typically does after 8th or 9th child--that was common in early America. Financially constrained women often choose the best provider as mating partners, not the one they think has a cute tush, pretty smile or nice dimples.

Red_Army wrote:Slaves were almost entirely unrestricted in their choice of sexual partners (although families were regularly broken up for the profit interests of their white owners).

Well, that is the quality over quantity ethos in effect.

Red_Army wrote:This fantasy that slaves were bred to be supermen is just white people ashamed that blacks are naturally better athletes and there is zero evidence that it occurred.

They were not bred to be supermen, obviously. They invested almost nothing in the education of blacks and even meant to prevent them from becoming literate. The environmental pressures of slavery in a somewhat desperate early America certainly sufficed as selection pressure, whether you consider it natural or a contrivance of slave masters is somewhat immaterial.

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