Are the majority of Trump supporters racists? - Page 6 - Politics | PoFo

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Are Trump supporters inherently racists?

Yes, they are hardcore racists.
No, they are not racists.
Maybe, they are subconscious racists.
They might be angry at mainstream polticians, and Trump is not.
Other(please explain)
It’s interesting to observe how people incorporate their personal unhappiness into an ideology. They then use the ideology to attack the things they perceive as the cause of their unhappiness, thus making their ideology incomprehensible. Seems like it would be easier to just let go of the hate and choose to be happy.
blackjack21 wrote:Class systems are not all about race. The British upper class and lower class are the same race. The French aristocracy and the peasants were the same race. It wasn't about racism. Is there a point where you can deal with the abstraction of class generally, and not seem to take a concrete example such as racism and misuse it in circumstances that are wholly inappropriate? You might characterize someone from the British or French nobility as "racist," but they saw themselves as superior to the proletariat of their own race as well. It had little to do with race. I understand you don't like those sentiments, but trying to shoehorn them into a conflict that predates the global slave trade is kind of pointless.

Well, BJ, that is what all that class system is about. Discrimination due to one class having to oppress another. It happens not because a race is white or black or Indian or anything? It is about the human problem of power relationships, and what system brings about a fight for power. Period. But do you see a pattern? I do. You see slavery, and what that means. Human beings owned like lawn mowers. That dies off. Then comes wage labor. Negotiate for a living wage. What might logically come after that? Once you have millions of people working in large systems distributing their labor among themselves. It is starting and off already. Various places in the world already are doing that. It is cooperative models. And they are a higher and more efficient way of coping with the wealth distribution. Nothing new there. Except the pattern is....capitalism is not the end all of anything. It never has been.
[Class systems exist in nature whether I am here to justify them or not. You seem to be of the mindset that if I were not acknowledging class systems then they would magically cease to exist. That is not so. Class systems predate me and will be here long after I am dead and gone. They also exists in other species. Chickens have a pecking order. Bees have queens, female worker bees and male drones. Perhaps you should try teaching Marxism to bee colonies and see where that gets you. Bee societies are inherently sexist and unfair.

BJ, don't start with these less than honest and weak arguments. I never said that if you did not acknowledge them they would cease to exist. I think the problem with you is that you fail to distinguish between artificially constructed socially constructed human class systems--specifically set up to serve some elitist class that is not there by their sheer genius and superiority but by their support for some rotten little corrupt system that is closed. Who are your friends and what values you hold dear. If you want to talk about why bee colonies act they way they do. Speak with a scientist about that. A biologist who specializes in the function bees have in nature. The pattern with humanity is basically this BJ. As technology and progress continues there is going to be an adaptation to the environment and the social and economic structure. So far? Any society in the past that has incredible gaps between the very wealthy and the very poor? Are going to wind up in conflict somewhere down the line. Guaranteed. But? The one holding all the aces in this story is Mother Nature. We depend on her for living. For the air we breathe and the water we drink, and the earth that feeds us. And if that becomes not accessible and not available? It will affect us all. The middle classes, the underclass, the ruling class. Because the big equalizer is our common need to survive. Always.

So did classical civilization, medieval civilization and so forth.

No, BJ, the bottom line is human life and human civilizations had to go through many phases of development. And destruction. Because these elites making bad decisions is nothing new in history. It is old. And fairly predictable. And it is usually this BJ, they are arrogant and have overweening ambitions and as such they keep exploiting the hell out of the lower classes, the land and the neighboring nations to the point of losing control. They then are in decline and have to abandon all these great projects for eternal power. And the regular folk are left holding the bag. To rebuild. But they learn along the way. Never is it exactly the same as before. We do evolve as a species, we also evolve as societies. Advanced societies should never be wasteful. It has to be intelligent and well balanced. Again, having the source of all wealth (human beings) left to live lives of squalor, without educations, without opportunities and without development because hey, it is TOO HARD to get it together and think of what is best for the ENTIRE ALL...and not cater to tiny fractions of concentrated privilege is for primitive thinking. We need to move ouf ot primitive thinking. Because if we don't? The decline of the past empires and past failed civilizations....will be revisited. And don't think your group is the exception. Because if you study all these human civilizations the pattern for the arrogant elite is tremendously consistent. They decay away and lose. Got to be wise. Especially in a nuclear age.

Once again, you are simplifying things to the point that meaningful distinctions are abolished so that you can process things in a more binary, Manichean way.

You refuse to deal with complexity in terms of human variation and human life. Do you know every culture in the world? Do you know what exists in every art form and every musical form? In every human language out there? Then why assume that the only system that is worth something and that humanity is capable of producing is capitalism for all time? You are really narrow if that is all you can have faith in. Lol. Meaningful distinctions? You won't mention a damn thing about what is the truth of the fear factor of capitalism. Got to put the fear of what? Losing your bank account? Fear is everywhere in this system. The investors get scared and they can collapse the system. That happened in 1929. That is why FDR came up with a socialist program to try to stabilize the boom or bust crap that capitalism always has in its endemic fabric. It is not my defect lack of understanding complexity. It is your attachment to a class system known to not be stable. But somehow it is the GREATEST. For you? If it doesn't work for the vast doesn't work.

Without capitalism, you don't have things like smartphones. Socialism doesn't have the track record of innovation in that area. Nationalist fascism has some, which is probably why the left that lives in hope of an international dictatorship of the proletariat fears fascism.

Innovation is about labor too. Who has to work for that? Who consumes all those things? Mass production is about the mass of humanity consuming and that mass has mass consumption. Socialism is about mass production creating enough wealth to bring people's living standards up if the organization of that wealth is spread over the vast many. Nothing new there. No way capitalism gets its elite class to billionaire status only selling to other billionaires BJ. There are only 1,000 of those in the world. So where do these smartphone companies get their profits from? A few Joes and Janes? Or BILLIONS of workers in many nations and of every religious belief, creed, and race and nationality? The masses. A socialist concept. What if they put the needs of those masses in an advanced circumstance and instead of serving a tiny elite? It served the consumers themselves? I would say that would be the great LEAP forward and it is what might happen in the near future. Not those old and inefficient hoard the wealth for a few counted people. No one who is a billionaire believes that they create the wealth due to a single individual. All great wealth in truth is group based. The ones who refuse to acknowledge that are not thinking in economic terms.

Economic equality creates a massive disincentive for innovation. That's why it fails everywhere it is tried.

No BJ. I won't have to go far to blow that statement away of yours. Why do all the fortune 500 companies and many other research driven universities always encourage 'brainstorming'in groups to solve problems. Or facetiously thinking you got that game show of "Who wants to be a Millionaire?' and they have one of the life lines to make it til the end is?--you guessed it---ask the audience? Because a whole group of humans have more life experience and knowledge than just a few individuals. That never stops. The first people in space weren't Americans. Why not? Also, the new computer that generates a lot of knowledge for doctors in the medical field is about POOLING a lot of knowledge from GROUPS. Masses. Together. Never single individuals. Watson it is called. Which projects that require a lot of complexity is ever done in isolation or does it rely on the labor of the many? Many many people. And lastly many innovators and creative inventors in human history have come from humble origins? From the opposite of the elite? How many have had their ideas ripped off and marketed by the greedy and the non creative? Usually capitalistic less than original thinkers. Hmmm. Tesla. Edison. It comes to mind? The innovators are like creative artists. And the ones without the creativity tend to be the business types. Always like sharks looking for greed. That doesn't surprise me.

Bill Gates may be a prick, but that doesn't mean he is responsible for piss poor living standards in the Congo for example. It doesn't even mean that he is guilty of oppressing Microsoft employees. Intellectual property is an area where you can't create a compelling narrative of labor exploitation with subsistence wages. 19th Century industrialists could be accused of that and the accusations sustained. Today, who is exploiting African populations? Chinese communists. That is the reality of the situation. The most peculiar aspect of today's world is that the most ruthless exploitation of labor today takes place under a communist oligarchy that puts forth a fiction of a proletariat paradise.

The PRC is practicing state capitalism. And for them having the state dictate to the corporations and to exploit for the state? Is a more efficient system than having the corporations dictate to the state and buy out the entire government for their exclusive benefit. And if the USA is not careful the PRC state capitalism is going to kick the other one out....because believing those free wheeling corporations are the best thing for any gov't is for fools. But I can tell you this? If the PRC becomes a monstrosity of worker exploitation? It will pay the price for it as all nations do. You betray the people getting you to the superpower status? You will lose if you don't negotiate with them. That goes the USA or the PRC or any other nation state. Congo is an ex colony of a ruthless European power such as the Leopold dude. I don't think I cry over the loss of power of some horrific racist colonizer. Never have and never will. All that is a sad, painful and bad history. And to think people think it is ok to create it all in the name of what? Domination. It is like I said before in another thread that Harari was quoted. "The human stupidity factor is still in play."

So instead of a mortgage deduction, we could have a mortgage tax credit. However, that means you will not have the tax base for social programs.

Look, if there isn't enough money for basic things like education, and other programs because there was serious waste in wars, in tax cuts for the billionaire class and for keeping the already super wealthy happy? Don't think this is sustainable. Because it is about angry people over time. Anger is not going to help the wealthy class BJ. It will just be a huge wave of very angry people. You got pissed people now with this Trump fallout. And for me? The USA tends to get worse with people who are fairly well off but feel they are losing control and are resented. I don't care about what racist people who live in denial of all kinds of things think anymore BJ. This is not my society and won't be my society. It is about if you have a bunch of sellouts in charge who won't ever respond to the traditional voters of both major parties because they are corrupt to the core? Not much left to do but wait for it to implode. Either slowly or quickly--if not rectified with some action by the masses. It will.

It was technology that made the feudal system obsolete. It wasn't because some pamphleteer conducted some sort of "consciousness raising" exercise. Cannons could blow a wall through a castle. Rifles could blow a hole through armor and the person wearing it. Hence, the old order became obsolete militarily long before it became obsolete politically and economically. That is why I say today's so-called elite is a zombie-like walking dead. Talking about "renewable energy" worked when people didn't have the ability to criticize the media and return scientific arguments against horseshit government propaganda written by people who clearly flunked science class. Today's elite is dead, they just don't know it yet. Today, people from around the world can debate politics and rebut media propaganda. Google, Twitter, Facebook and others trying to squelch anti-establishment political movements will ultimately fail. It's a strategy form a bygone era when mass broadcast media was dominant. It isn't any longer.

Well, BJ, the issue is about racism. Why throw your vote behind a man saying racist things left and right? Lol. Because you hate the establishment? Why? Because they are not doing what they should be doing? Why? In the end....the elite think they control the world. They don't realize the world is a very big place. With a lot of variation. Of nationalities, races, diverse cultures and peoples. Capitalism markets to them all but in the end it can't control the world if it divides it into two opposing camps. The haves and the have nots. Especially when the have nots are way more numerous BJ. And if organized? Will not be interested in proposals filled with false promises of stability and security from an elite class of people who forgot where all the wealth came from in the first place.

Capitalism is not an eternal system. None of the systems before it are. We are not made to be static in thinking, in being or in acting. And again, instead of harnessing the power of the diversity and the variation to serve the needs of the many, we get stuck in this system on wanting to have huge swathes of humanity left without any hope for the future. People without hope are willing to become violent and to destabilize their own as well as foreign societies.

Those who continue with the need to be racists and the need to discriminate? Are asking for their own extinction. No such thing as living in an isolated world. The other does affect us. And we affect the other. That is what living in human society is about.

Good night Mr. Blackjack21.
Libertarian353 wrote:Then stop using the low I.Q argument to justify genocide, just say you hate Black people.

When I said I was not racist that also means I do not hate people because of the color of their skin. I take Martin Luther King Jr.'s advice to not judge people by the color or their skin, but by the content of their character. I don't even know what color skin you have, so I can only go by what you post. It is not clear to me why you think I even justify genocide by any argument. I have even said that I think the Jews deserve to have a homeland to live in peace, but some people are too propagandized to see the truth.
Tainari88 wrote:Well, BJ, that is what all that class system is about. Discrimination due to one class having to oppress another.

Classes are not necessarily the product of oppression.

Tainari88 wrote:BJ, don't start with these less than honest and weak arguments.

What do you find less than honest? Class systems do exist in nature. They have existed long before I did, they exist now, and they will exist long after I am gone. You can argue this all day long if it suits you. It will not change reality. I suppose it gives you a sense of hope, however.

Tainari88 wrote:Any society in the past that has incredible gaps between the very wealthy and the very poor? Are going to wind up in conflict somewhere down the line. Guaranteed.

Societies have conflicts irrespective of wealth distribution. That's just one kind of conflict. For example, I support the French Gilet Jaune. Do you?

Tainari88 wrote:You refuse to deal with complexity in terms of human variation and human life.

On the contrary, I submit that these complex variations and differences preclude economic equality.

Tainari88 wrote:Then why assume that the only system that is worth something and that humanity is capable of producing is capitalism for all time? You are really narrow if that is all you can have faith in. Lol.

Microeconomics is quite simple and it is expressed in both mathematical and scientific terms, such as market forces. It does work pretty well.

Tainari88 wrote:Watson it is called.

Watson is owned by IBM--a capitalist company.

Tainari88 wrote:The PRC is practicing state capitalism. And for them having the state dictate to the corporations and to exploit for the state? Is a more efficient system than having the corporations dictate to the state and buy out the entire government for their exclusive benefit.

A huge chunk of China's economy depends on exports, and another chunk is dependent on a massive real estate speculative bubble will collapse very soon. Building entire cities that are mostly empty is a massive waste of resources. That is most definitely not efficient.

Tainari88 wrote:If the PRC becomes a monstrosity of worker exploitation? It will pay the price for it as all nations do.

It already is... Apple designs the iPhone and owns the IP. Asian workers make them for Apple for a fraction of the price at which they are sold to consumers.

Tainari88 wrote:I don't think I cry over the loss of power of some horrific racist colonizer.

Europe is not the colonizer today. It is China that is performing that role today.

Tainari88 wrote:Well, BJ, the issue is about racism. Why throw your vote behind a man saying racist things left and right?

It undermines political correctness, which is a great thing to undermine.

For what it's worth, I don't think the proponents of this thread really believe Trump is a racist or that his supporters are racist. Otherwise, the easy way to beat Trump would be to support a true racist like David Duke and split the vote, leading Trump to lose. However, I don't think that will work as a strategy principally because racism isn't the primary motivation of the Trump voter.
I believe you are right, because I know that I do not support Trump for his so-called racist comments. In fact I don't see anything racists about his comments. I think the left are so caught up on racism and the Trump derangement syndrome that they somehow believe he must be making racist comments.
Hindsite wrote:I believe you are right, because I know that I do not support Trump for his so-called racist comments. In fact I don't see anything racists about his comments. I think the left are so caught up on racism and the Trump derangement syndrome that they somehow believe he must be making racist comments.

The remarkable story is the failure of the #NeverTrump movement. The Weekly Standard is shutting down now, because the pro-Trump crowd simply isn't going to listen to the neoconservatives and their Russia bullshit anymore. Death of The Weekly Standard Signals Rebirth of the Right
For The Weekly Standard, it made sense to send thousands of Americans to their deaths defending Iraq’s borders, but they wouldn’t lift a finger to protect our own. As the real world results of their misadventures came home to roost, conservatives realized that The Weekly Standard didn’t represent them.

It's remarkable that threads like this are based on the absolute blindness of the establishment to their own demise.
Libertarian353 wrote:Well whites supremacists always said anti-racism is anti-white. If that's not blatant obvious, I don't what is.

The point is that the PC police are only ever aiming to attack white people for "racism" and they have even come up with a theory to justify this by saying that only white people can be racist in any real sense.

How do you not see that as obvious proof that in order to be racist you must be white according to the left?

How is that not itself racist?

blackjack21 wrote:Classes are not necessarily the product of oppression.

What do you find less than honest? Class systems do exist in nature. They have existed long before I did, they exist now, and they will exist long after I am gone. You can argue this all day long if it suits you. It will not change reality. I suppose it gives you a sense of hope, however.

I think you and I are thinking totally differently about class systems. You see them as what? Eternal? Always going to be there? I think you never have studied why there is a need for a change in how labor is organized over time. Study that. A good book for that is again Harari's Homo Sapiens. Why do you assume I don't understand class systems? That doesn't make sense. Unless you are either assuming I never studied human class systems? Or you want to argue that human societies fashion their class systems after animals, plants or living organisms found in nature? You got to realize that I am a socialist and as such? Human class systems for me are about how the economy develops and therefore follows the superstructure of an economy. You organize a class system based on how people are being utilized for production. You should know this automatically BJ if you studied economic class systems? May I ask you? Have you? If you have done so? Then we can skip an outline or quick overview of how humanity went from hunter gatherer, and foraging and informal bands or tribes, to agricultural societies, then large urban projects, then industrialization, then modern capitalism, socialism, and so on and so forth and save us some time? Let me know.

Societies have conflicts irrespective of wealth distribution. That's just one kind of conflict. For example, I support the French Gilet Jaune. Do you?

You get people who even love each other deeply like married couples or parents and children in conflict all the time. Conflict doesn't necessarily mean violence. I do think Mandela made that argument in court when he was being tried for terrorism against the state. But conflict has a purpose. It is to identify why and where and how and why there is a difference in needs and how to resolve it. You got one party on one side that wants something from the other party. The other party either refuses to concede or doesn't agree. How do they reach a compromise and why they reach it is what conflict resolution techniques are all about. But, in terms of economics class conflict is usually about one class of people needing something from the other class who is fearful of either losing control or losing wealth, or losing power by having to share some of it with people whom they used to not have to share power with. That is the crux of the problem with economic conflicts between socioeconomic classes Blackjack21. I am not familiar with Gilet Jaune at all. If you care to elaborate? I would appreciate that.

On the contrary, I submit that these complex variations and differences preclude economic equality.

I submit that variation doesn't mean inferior/superior. No. Therefore being varied doesn't mean denial of equality. Why do you think the separate but equal legal argument did not hold water in the Brown vs The Board of Education case with Thurgood Marshall. Because by separating and claiming equality when in reality it was a way of not dealing with the others who are not the same---it is just an excuse to keep the status quo going Blackjack. [center-img][/center-img]

Microeconomics is quite simple and it is expressed in both mathematical and scientific terms, such as market forces. It does work pretty well.

Economics are about a specific part of society. If you are a Marxist it dictates everything else including superstructure of the society. If you are not? You think market forces and the invisible hand and all that other stuff is great. Works great. Nothing works great if it is into constant expansion, saturation of markets and collapse if it fails to stabilize all societies. Including the societies not doing well serving the needs of capitalist markets but unable to both provide a decent standard of living for their own people. It destabilizes them to the point of being dysfunctional. Then you get caravans of people because dysfunctional capitalist economies with zero socialist programs for stabilization of the underclass creates a migration of people. They don't have a means to survive they go to the countries that are stable. This is quite common. Syrians going to Jordan and Turkey looking for stability fleeing war and drought and a capitalist economy with NOTHING for anyone outside of those circumstances to make a living and so on an so forth. Turks in Germany, etc. Mexicans and Central Americans in California. If the market were the solution to all of humanity's woes? You would not have caravans of people coming in here. Rome used to have a lot of people from the old conquered lands and outlying provinces flocking to Rome to make a living. Because they had devastated the local economies in those places and people no longer could get a living out of the lands they used to occupy and rule. So? They went looking for better luck within the Imperial territories. That hasn't changed for thousands of years when you got the inequality crap happening everywhere.

Watson is owned by IBM--a capitalist company.

Who says capitalist companies don't use mass consumption, mass research and group based knowledge to make money? My assertion that if you don't have a few gatos in charge and profiting and instead use all that wealth to serve the majority and bring balance to the system--you will have a lot less problems. Stability. But? the stakeholders want exclusivity. That is the problem. So what is your argument?

A huge chunk of China's economy depends on exports, and another chunk is dependent on a massive real estate speculative bubble will collapse very soon. Building entire cities that are mostly empty is a massive waste of resources. That is most definitely not efficient.

Massive waste of resources BJ, are malls that used to be thriving and full of shoppers are now boarded up. Crumbling bridges, roads and infrastructure including aging airports and emails in my inbox from my old university saying to me, "Help us recruit college students because college is not as expensive as you might think. It is affordable." That is telling me many high school graduates in the USA are saying no to college. They don't want to be saddled with these enormous student loans making them having to work paying banks off for thirty years. It did not used to be that way BJ. In my parents time? They had free paid graduate educations. Not owing a dime. The reason that was possible is that the state thought educated people contribute a lot to the economy. And is worth the investment over the decades following the students graduation and employment in society. Now? Bankers decided that the ticket to middle class status for many lower class families is a great way of living off of the desperate for middle class status people and making sure they had lots of ways to grow their interest rates. Both societies make bad decisions BJ. I won't argue that. What I am saying is that I don't think refusing to deal with equal human rights for all is something not possible for human beings and therefore don't even try. If I believed that? I would be a racist. Lol. Really. I would believe men and women are not created equal. Black people are inferior to white people. Or white people are inferior to Asians because they score on an IQ test lower, and therefore should be enslaved to Asians for better qualities of life. All that I don't believe in BJ. Differences and variations are not meant to be bones of contention and supposed justifications for exploiting people for profit or for gain. It should be about bringing the many together to solve very difficult problems that require the minds, talents and perspectives of the many to solve. Use the vast experiences and differences to build a better society for all. Not just for a few. Why is a lack of cooperation between families, neighborhoods and peoples and nations so EXPENSIVE, costly, difficult and troublesome in history? Because it destroys what makes things productive and efficient and well done.....the sense of all putting their efforts to make something great, by being true to their own unique talents and being included in the satisfaction of the final result. Haven't you ever done a project with others who all used their best efforts to complement each other and the final result was something great? I have. That is what should be happening BJ. Not the other. Cooperation is the civilized way of dealing with each other. Not domination, imposition, violence, threats, invasions and force. That only brings about negativity. And rebellion. A costly thing to put down for any government or authority.

It already is... Apple designs the iPhone and owns the IP. Asian workers make them for Apple for a fraction of the price at which they are sold to consumers.

I already put in Richard Wolff's take on this. Did you hear that video? Yes or no. The problem now in this moment in history is that capitalists have now abandoned the manufacturing base of many of its former holdings in the USA, Canada and Japan etc to open them in markets that have capable and trained work forces at a fraction of the price. The USA worker was used to a certain standard of living and now they got to compete with Third World workers and Second World workers. It is eroding their standard of living and they are looking to blame someone or some group. Who is easiest?

Europe is not the colonizer today. It is China that is performing that role today.

Europe learned that overweening Imperial ambitions did not bring about eternal wealth without consequences. I wish nations would learn from the past BJ and not commit the same mistakes. But alas, greed is a human flaw and a human problem. And that is something to deal with. China is thinking about being the Middle Kingdom. That is their name. The one in the middle. The one who should be the center. Because China alone is the single nation with the most people on the planet. And it has a very old history. It sees itself as the rightful leader of the world. And they are pragmatic and not about market only. The USA is going to find itself within another 45 or so years in a beholden position. Mostly because they let corporations control their government for dollars and stopped the whole democratic sham system to serve corruption. Nothing new there in history BJ. China might wind up doing the same...or technology might change the equation. No one knows.

It undermines political correctness, which is a great thing to undermine.

For what it's worth, I don't think the proponents of this thread really believe Trump is a racist or that his supporters are racist. Otherwise, the easy way to beat Trump would be to support a true racist like David Duke and split the vote, leading Trump to lose. However, I don't think that will work as a strategy principally because racism isn't the primary motivation of the Trump voter.

Well, the liberals sure do love political correctness. And I must say it sure got enough people pissed off at them over that. If they don't believe he is a racist? Then they got a lot to learn about what is racism and what is not. Thinking some many times bankrupt, silver spoon in his mouth, never could make it in the military, lying, failed businessman who won't reveal his taxes and who is not stopping from investing in Chinese labor but claims to be a nationalist is the solution to liberal corporate crap? The USA is setting itself up for failure.

Racism is part of capitalism. Capitalism doesn't want to racism though for its economics. That is a contradiction. But the USA Republican and Democratic voter barely understands that problem of inherent contradiction between its radical constitution eschewing inequality but adopting an economy that has to have inequality to function.

Another lesson of history BJ are Empires brought down due to deeply unresolved internal contradictions. And I can guarantee you that the American Empire if not rectified by the masses? Will not last 2,000 years or more like the Roman Empire did.

Too amnesia prone about history. Estudia el pasado con esmero y podras entender el presente, y por consecuencia, el futuro se esclarece. Without a doubt that is the truth of it. ;)
Missus V. Spolia. wrote:The point is that the PC police are only ever aiming to attack white people for "racism"

Maybe cause they were actually racist. :eh:

Missus V. Spolia. wrote:and they have even come up with a theory to justify this by saying that only white people can be racist in any real sense.

Well I study on that topic and to be fair, minorities have no power over private and public institutions to make white persecution a reality. You're confusing minorities getting away with criminal acts which conservatives advocated for decades against hate crime laws to whites having power to racially profile a minority group negatively.

Missus V. Spolia. wrote:How do you not see that as obvious proof that in order to be racist you must be white according to the left?

Cause statistic show that whites contribute the most racism towards non-whites, also I notice you and the right ignore racism from your end and try to pass it off as "jokes".

The right also imagine anti-white racism in media that don't exist. If any minority makes jokes at our expense, you free speechers will deplatform them.

So the left although have many faults, at least has experience on the subject.

Missus V. Spolia. wrote:How is that not itself racist?

Cause you only see racism when it's against the right and can't see racism against non-whites.

Missus V. Spolia. wrote:Seriously....


The right also imagine anti-white racism in media that don't exist. If any minority makes jokes at our expense, you free speechers will deplatform them [/quote]

Your arguments are so lame they don’t deserve responses so I have reduced them to the above absurdity and will ask you what evidence you have for this?
This sounds like the sort of thing that people who watch 25 minutes of news a week would ask themselves... The sort of folks that wake up once every four years to political discussions and give 3.5 bad opinions they have held for a decade on the topic.

I voted... but I regret it now.

I think it is a question that doesn't deserve to be taken seriously or acknowledged.
Tainari88 wrote:I think you and I are thinking totally differently about class systems.

Remember, I am a techie. So "class" is as much a mathematical concept as a political one, probably even more so. In computer science, we think of abstraction as a controlled form of ignorance.

Tainari88 wrote:I think you never have studied why there is a need for a change in how labor is organized over time.

Labor organization is changing dramatically. Part of that change is the export of manufacturers from the United States and the unemployment of former manufacturing workers in the United State, who were promised that new, higher paying tech jobs would be coming their way to take the place of the manufacturing jobs. It did not happen. Now they do not believe globalist politicians anymore. So the idea of tariffs is very appealing to them. Global capitalists and global communists both hate the idea of tariffs.

Tainari88 wrote:Or you want to argue that human societies fashion their class systems after animals, plants or living organisms found in nature?

I'm saying that class systems evolve naturally and there is fuck-all politicians can do about it. Trying to help the unfortunate is fine and dandy. Accusing those who are doing well of exploiting everyone else isn't exactly true. That's why I pointed out Buffet or Gates. Gates doesn't pay rock-bottom wages, because he can't. Maybe you can say that about Bezo's warehouse operations. You can't say that about Bezo's cloud computing operations. Apple programmers make bucks. The contract manufacturers in Asia make squat.

Tainari88 wrote:You organize a class system based on how people are being utilized for production. You should know this automatically BJ if you studied economic class systems?

The political left in the United States around the 1960s thought that they could create a knowledge economy in the US and export lower-skilled jobs to the third world. It turns out, it requires a high IQ to do high tech jobs. Marshaling people into classes doesn't work quite as well as central planners like to think. Some people don't make good warriors, and others don't make good scribes. People without a strong ability to deal with abstract concepts don't do well in post secondary education. Even when you look at my field of computer science, something remarkable happened as languages evolved: women, who used to be roughly half or more of the programming population, stopped participating in computer programming in large measure after the move to C/C++ and object-oriented systems. The old computer labs at banks used to be staffed with quite a few women. Today, it's hard to get women to want to do programming.

As you leftists have enjoyed calling me "racist", I have routinely taunted you in return to provide me with the resumes of computer programming qualified blacks and Hispanics, and I will get their resumes to hiring managers that can offer them six figure incomes. I have yet to receive a single resume from the lot of you. That's not to say that such people don't exist. I work with such people, but they are quite a bit more rare than you might think.

Tainari88 wrote:I am not familiar with Gilet Jaune at all. If you care to elaborate? I would appreciate that.

They are just more working class people revolting against the establishment politicians--this time in France.
The Complicated Politics of the Gilets Jaunes Movement
The media liked pointing out how they are mostly white. In that respect, Europeans are getting a taste of what it is like to be called "racist" just like the way they used to take direction from their elites in deriding Americans in the same way they are now derided by their elites. The problem for the elites is that they have to do the dirty work of trying to shame a population into accepting a lower standard of living while they live high on the hog.

Tainari88 wrote:I submit that variation doesn't mean inferior/superior.

Neither do I. However, in economic terms that is often how things materialize.

Tainari88 wrote: Therefore being varied doesn't mean denial of equality.

Men cannot get pregnant. Women can get pregnant. That is an inequality that is imposed by nature and cannot be resolved by politics.

Tainari88 wrote:Why do you think the separate but equal legal argument did not hold water in the Brown vs The Board of Education case with Thurgood Marshall.

Why do you think it did hold water UNTIL the Brown v. Board of Education case? Brown simply imposed integrating schools. However, it did not resolve issues of race. Indulge me by taking 2 minutes of your time or less to watch this portion of an HBO Little Rock 50 years later documentary featuring Minnijean Brown, an important actor following the ruling.

You can keep telling yourself that this is all politics, and that it's racism, and that white people are to blame. Listen to the children. Listen to the black children. They are defending the way it is. See, I don't agree with you or Minnijean Brown. I see the same thing, but I do not arrive at the same conclusion. Minnijean Brown says, "we are sitting here maintaining ideology, process and practice." I disagree. People naturally self-segregate. That's not what the establishment wants to see, because their hope for a one-world government as they presently envision it is not attainable if I am correct.

Tainari88 wrote:Because by separating and claiming equality when in reality it was a way of not dealing with the others who are not the same---it is just an excuse to keep the status quo going Blackjack.

Even when you eliminate politically instituted segregation, that does not mean that people will completely ignore race. Ms. Brown argues that this started with the inception of the United States. I think she is wrong. She's intelligent and articulate. I'm not saying she's a moron. I just think she is wrong.

Let's vacate the United Stats and travel to Central America in our minds. Do the Spanish integrate well with the native population of Central America? When I was touring Nicaragua, my tour guide was Spanish--fair skinned, jet black hair and blue eyes. He looked like he could have been one of my Irish cousins. The ticos and nicas look quite different from him. He could be right off the boat from Spain, but hundreds of years in country and it's no different than in the United States.

My patrilineal ancestors have been in North America since the late 1600s. Yet, I am still 99.8% European according to DNA test results. That 0.2% could be Native America, but it could also be Asian from East Germanic ancestry--the so-called Huns. I am simply not inclined to believe today's establishment politicos. I think they are wrong about many things. These things are too persistent to be able to chalk it up to ideology and people soaking up propaganda.

Tainari88 wrote:You think market forces and the invisible hand and all that other stuff is great. Works great. Nothing works great if it is into constant expansion, saturation of markets and collapse if it fails to stabilize all societies.

Market forces enforce efficient allocation of resources. Globalism is about trying to make economics supersede the nation state and its borders, language and culture. There are very real limits and serious conflicts that can erupt in trying to abolish borders, languages and culture. That is a big part of why empires in the past collapsed, and why the current globalists are in a very precarious situation now.

Tainari88 wrote:Including the societies not doing well serving the needs of capitalist markets but unable to both provide a decent standard of living for their own people. It destabilizes them to the point of being dysfunctional.

That is because high-IQ people can adapt to that degree of change, but low IQ people cannot. You cannot put an idiot through university and change that outcome, but the establishment thinks that you can. We've had 50 years of this now, and it accelerated dramatically when we admitted China into the WTO, and laid fiber to India. I distinctly remember telling my boss in 1999 that entire departments of major corporations would be outsourcing to places like India. He's a very wealthy man now, worth tens of millions. He looked at me and said, "That'll never happen." I had a lot of ideas then, and he was complaining once that I hadn't given him a million-dollar idea. He was right. I gave him a billion dollar idea, and he didn't believe it or know what to do with it, and I was too young and didn't have the educational pedigree at that point to get capital to prosecute those ideas. Since then, the level of commerce between those states has been in the trillions.

What I'm telling you now is that those tensions are going to make nations ungovernable, and the globalist system will collapse, because it depends on stable nation states and the globalists are undermining that system right now.

Tainari88 wrote:Then you get caravans of people because dysfunctional capitalist economies with zero socialist programs for stabilization of the underclass creates a migration of people. They don't have a means to survive they go to the countries that are stable.

That is where the danger arises. First, in many cases they don't speak the language, don't have the same customs, and have a dubious legal status. Yet, greater peril is on the horizon in that automation may soon put them out of work again.

Tainari88 wrote:Syrians going to Jordan and Turkey looking for stability fleeing war and drought and a capitalist economy with NOTHING for anyone outside of those circumstances to make a living and so on an so forth.

Syria is not a capitalist country by a long shot. Syria is a multicultural society with many ethnicities and religious sects. They are a prime example of why that kind of "diversity" is very dangerous.

Tainari88 wrote:Stability. But? the stakeholders want exclusivity. That is the problem. So what is your argument?

I work in open source software. The software is free. However, the skilled workers that support it are still overwhelmingly white or Asian and male. There is no more intent to discriminate in my line of work than the kids in Little Rock Central High are deliberately segregating the class room and cafeteria. It's quite natural.

Tainari88 wrote:Massive waste of resources BJ, are malls that used to be thriving and full of shoppers are now boarded up.

Old malls? Perhaps it cost $20M to build a mall originally. Maybe $100M today. It costs tens of billions to build empty cities, but China does it as a national scale accounting gimmick to say that there economy is like that of the US or Europe. It's not going to end well.

Tainari88 wrote:They don't want to be saddled with these enormous student loans making them having to work paying banks off for thirty years.

If you are going to be trained as a nurse, doctor, lawyer, computer programmer or scientist, it's worthwhile. If you are going to get a degree in women's studies, you are wasting time, and saddling yourself with debt for a degree that isn't worth the paper it is printed on. Regrettably, a lot of colleges and universities offer degrees that are essentially worthless. Even the humanities are so rife with leftist bunk that they aren't worth much either.

Tainari88 wrote:What I am saying is that I don't think refusing to deal with equal human rights for all is something not possible for human beings and therefore don't even try. If I believed that? I would be a racist.

This is my essential point. The term "racist" has little to do with race. If you want to fight for human rights in Afghanistan, have at it. I just don't want you doing it on my dime. Apathy doesn't make you racist per se. The United States, like the British Empire before it, has shared all kinds of knowledge and know how with the rest of the world. Some societies adopted and evolved. Japan, for example, is a first rate nation by any measure, but they were medieval right up to the 19th Century. Other countries fought change the entire way--Iran for example.

Tainari88 wrote:Black people are inferior to white people. Or white people are inferior to Asians because they score on an IQ test lower, and therefore should be enslaved to Asians for better qualities of life.

I am not a Marxist, so I do not have to arrive at those conclusions. People are different and may exploit their talents leading to further differences. You seem to see things only in a hierarchical manner. Mathematics does not require > < if !=. Marxists think that it does.

Tainari88 wrote:Haven't you ever done a project with others who all used their best efforts to complement each other and the final result was something great? I have. That is what should be happening BJ. Not the other. Cooperation is the civilized way of dealing with each other. Not domination, imposition, violence, threats, invasions and force. That only brings about negativity. And rebellion. A costly thing to put down for any government or authority.

As I move on to 5G and telco, I look back on my years in mass storage. I like that I participated in supporting the large hadron supercollider at CERN. I've supported a lot of healthcare projects too. I'm richer for supporting banks and stock exchanges. I am not blind to other realities though. Spy agencies and militaries also use our technology. In the consumer market, it can be innocuous like people uploading pictures of their cat. It can be clandestine, like people pirating music and movies. It can also be seedy, like streaming pornography. Cooperation and competition are two sides of the same coin.

Tainari88 wrote:I already put in Richard Wolff's take on this. Did you hear that video? Yes or no.


Tainari88 wrote:The problem now in this moment in history is that capitalists have now abandoned the manufacturing base of many of its former holdings in the USA, Canada and Japan etc to open them in markets that have capable and trained work forces at a fraction of the price. The USA worker was used to a certain standard of living and now they got to compete with Third World workers and Second World workers. It is eroding their standard of living and they are looking to blame someone or some group. Who is easiest?

They weren't really after comparative advantage, because the absolute advantage was so huge. As that dries up, they pick up and move elsewhere. Japan was a cheap manufacturing shop following WWII as well. Not anymore.

Tainari88 wrote:Europe learned that overweening Imperial ambitions did not bring about eternal wealth without consequences.

Immigrants are learning what colonizers in already populated countries found out: you can bring in a smallish number of talented people and trade for comparative advantage. You cannot bring in a huge population, displace a large local population and arrive at nirvana. How well have Germany and France assimilated immigrant populations from Africa and the Middle East? It's been 60 years since the collapse of empire. How are the European populations doing in South Africa or Kenya? How did the dark-skinned Indian populations fare among the dark-skinned Africans in Tanzania? How did the Tutsis and Hutus get along in Rwanda? The white/black narrative is compelling for the Marxists and their media acolytes, but it is hardly a measure of all conflict.

Tainari88 wrote:It sees itself as the rightful leader of the world.

Perhaps they do, but China has never lead the world. China had an ocean going navy in the distant past, but they scuttled it themselves. No Europeans did that to them. Asians are an insular people. That doesn't make them bad, but that is a persistent characteristic. Watch some of SerpentZA's videos. He will point out that the Chinese will refer to anyone who isn't Chinese as "foreigner" in China. The interesting thing is that they will do the same thing in San Francisco, where they are the minority. Maybe they haven't been forced to read Martin Luther King speeches and cry at their exclusive nature and swear to be more open-minded and inviting in the future, and all they need is a little prodding and political correctness. I am not betting on that being successful.

Tainari88 wrote:Well, the liberals sure do love political correctness. And I must say it sure got enough people pissed off at them over that. If they don't believe he is a racist? Then they got a lot to learn about what is racism and what is not.

Well, then I guess the Gilet Jaunes do too--or maybe it's the elite that has got something to learn... like we're not buying their bullshit anymore.
Verv wrote:This sounds like the sort of thing that people who watch 25 minutes of news a week would ask themselves... The sort of folks that wake up once every four years to political discussions and give 3.5 bad opinions they have held for a decade on the topic.

I voted... but I regret it now.

I think it is a question that doesn't deserve to be taken seriously or acknowledged.

Verv, I asked this question for a reason. Why support someone who says very racist things, sexist things, and even has to be prodded to denounce White Supremacist groups? If they are disgruntled with the establishment? Can't they find someone BETTER to be a disruptor? Because the billionaire businessman who is a total con artist is not the answer to working people's woes, middle class income shrinking, or to racial resentment people in comfortable positions but who resent political correctness from hypocritical liberals.

Do you think I think Trump an alright guy? He is a racist. Straight up racist. I don't make excuses for why he says this or that. Why don't the people in the USA just admit what they need to admit. This nation is not united at all and all those liberal experiments from the 60's has not solved the underlying problems with income inequality and segregated education systems, segregated neighborhoods and segregated lives. Just admit that there is a failure of that and start to begin again. Doing something better.

What are the extremes going to get you? What happened in Charlottesville in 2017. That is what it will get you. Do we want to see dead young women in the street being run over by a man who hates Black people so much that he winds up killing a white woman defending Blacks people's dignity as human beings? How is that going to solve a damn problem in the world?

If there is a huge chunk of the population that racist comments from the beginning of his campaign doesn't disqualify him for them? Then? What else is there to talk about? Historically Obama won the elections. And he won the popular vote. He won two terms. Trump so far is not even done in his first term and did not win the popular vote. So? That means that the nation is going to be fighting a lot. Because it is not clearly an all white only racist thinking nation anymore.

Are the racist ones going to accept that in the future they won't be in charge? White cultural identity or white cultural norms are not or might not be the majority in about 75 years time? The USA won't be about Europeans anymore. It will be about Americans always. But not of European extraction? Is that so bad? Who cares. If race is not what defines this nation. It is supposedly American constitutional principles.

It you have to be white to be American? A civil war will come. Guaranteed. Because the demographics are not going to favor the white only movement. It never will. Capitalism won't favor it Verv. Capitalism will sell to all people of every type. No matter what. But what is an issue in my perspective is that class is something that will bring conflict unless people learn to stop thinking not socializing and not dealing with many different people and wanting to be insulated from anyone who makes them uncomfortable is not a solution.

It never will be. Again, though, people have a right to their dignity as humans. If a racist says you are not human by being Latino, Black. Asian or because you are not Christian of religious belief? Then who the hell can make friends with them? I won't. Would you? If someone spits in your face and says you are not human and are not equal to them? Where is the room for communication? Dialog? Respect? No room for that. They declare war on you.

You can do what Dr. King did. Or Gandhi. But both of them had their heads blown off. That doesn't bode well for non violence if that is the result of the leadership of non violence. Humans need to mature out of the primitive crap. Racism is primitive crap Verv. It always has been.
Why is Pres. Trump explicitly racist? We hear a lot about that, but it is never substantiated. It is always inferred.

... And that is why we believe your position is fundamentally absurd: it takes an extremely broad, all encompassing view of what is "racist," one that is clearly designed to paint all of your enemies and opponents as racists, and then demands that everyone respects it as a legitimate definition of what makes racism.

No dice.

Oh, and I am not sure why you are throwing around Capitalism in the second half of your post. Very juicy. I nearly bit. But I will pass and let us just focus on the issue at hand.
blackjack21 wrote:Remember, I am a techie. So "class" is as much a mathematical concept as a political one, probably even more so. In computer science, we think of abstraction as a controlled form of ignorance.

Labor organization is changing dramatically. Part of that change is the export of manufacturers from the United States and the unemployment of former manufacturing workers in the United State, who were promised that new, higher paying tech jobs would be coming their way to take the place of the manufacturing jobs. It did not happen. Now they do not believe globalist politicians anymore. So the idea of tariffs is very appealing to them. Global capitalists and global communists both hate the idea of tariffs.

Firstly, I want to thank you for such a long and thorough post. I liked it. I disagree a lot. But, I liked it. I study and keep studying ancient human civilizations. I also study urban environments Blackjack. I study societies and human behavior a lot. So? Classes of humans have to do with not some natural thing that just develops on its own. There is way too many variations of human social and economic classes in thousands of cultures all over the world to say that one way of class system is natural to the species as a whole. So? One has to explain the variation.

Variation can be observed in nature. In everything. You can go back to Darwin's masterwork or you can study Malthus'peas. You know Darwin did not want to open Malthus' work that he sent to Darwin since Malthus was a cleric and religious and Darwin expected another rant from a religious fanatic discarding his carefully thought out scientific observations of evolution according to the natural observations.

Homo Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari is a fascinating book. A bestseller as well. It has to do with his great laying out of why humans developed the way they did in human history. Technology comes from which species Blackjack21? Yes, humans. Humans get all their materials for building their technology from where? Nature. If they had no access to nature? Would they be able to get all the metals, glass, silica, lead, etc and make it happen? No. So nothing outside of nature exists for production. Humans are dependent on nature. So are all living organisms on Earth. But what distinguishes us from primates are just a small percentage of DNA variation. Yet that small percentage gains us interesting things. Don't ever confuse how humans respond to ever increasing advances in technology Blackjack with not being vulnerable to a collapse of human civilizations. Because almost all of our technology is vulnerable to some catastrophe. Hurricanes can knock out cell phone reception, it can contaminate our water, it can disable our electrical grid. How powerful and mighty are we without the techy stuff? Just ourselves and nature? Look at your hands typing things out there for a second for me BJ? Put your palm up and observe how your hand in a relaxed state curls and the fingers are not lying flat. That is not relaxed. Why do they curl? You can say.....Some gene code. Yes that is right. But? It adapted to something outside of our technology. The curl is when we were arboreal creatures and slept in the trees for protection. We needed to have the curl in the hand ready to grasp the branch and break a fall that might kill us if we weren't fast. Here we are...a species that has this ancient adaptation still....present. Yet many of us no longer sleep in trees. Does that mean that the trees did not shape our biology? How can we deny the evidence right in front of our eyes? That keyboard was made to adapt to something that responded thousands of years ago to a tree life. Oh, how wondrous is that technology that has adapted to us--but how arrogant are we to think the tree is less of an influence on us than the computer we type on is adapted to our hands? Which has the last say BJ? Who will? Technology or the tree. I would say the tree is still there...coding our living cells. We think we code and that makes us great. Hmmm. Our relationship to living things makes us powerful. The Technology is just a side effect of a very powerful force. Don't you agree? The technology has rules. Can it survive without electricity? Can it be dumped in water and come out working? Can it be shot into space and not be vulnerable to space debris, or flying objects and be destroyed and black out a bunch of reception here? It can't. It has limits. Human beings have limits too. Limited choices. Again thinking that one class of people exploiting other classes of people and holding on to power with excuses of that it is self segregation and that it is natural when nature doesn't do that. It doesn't. How does one know this? A basic zoologist will tell you? A Liger and Mule can exist in nature. But they are dead ends. It means they are a mating of two different species that once shared some genetic code that still makes them able to produce offspring, but it doesn't produce fertile offspring. It produces infertile offspring. That means that it is a dead end as a species. And doesn't have a future. Together. No future together. At all. How about Africans and Caucasians? They can have offspring that are fertile. Both are the SAME species. SAME genus. One adapted to a land in the north that has less sunlight and needs light colored eyes to help with night vision for survival. And the other one adapted to a hot climate with a lot of exposure to light and developed protection from the sunlight. But together? They are so similar and so equal in origin that they produce fertile offspring together. Therefore? For scientific purposes they are not a separate species. At all. And in many parts of the world Blackjack, many many tribes, nations and ethnicities have mixed race people as the NORM. Not the exception. The USA norm of segregation is socially constructed to serve a social purpose in the USA's history. Not the entire planet's. It varies. The social construction of societies vary a lot. Why? Because the Homo Sapiens were not meant to be isolated in only one area of the world. They adapted to many geographies and landscapes, areas and topographies. Not just the tropics. Our origins are the tropics but we fanned out. So? All of us with all our variations are known master adapters. Shape shifters sort of speak of adaptability. That also applies to our socioeconomics. A working class guy can become a ruling class guy within one lifetime. His climb is not if you are working class only you die that way. Not in socially mobile societies. So how real is all this social stratification Blackjack21? How natural is it really to stratify people and pidgeon hole people? It is pretty made up crap BJ.
I'm saying that class systems evolve naturally and there is fuck-all politicians can do about it. Trying to help the unfortunate is fine and dandy. Accusing those who are doing well of exploiting everyone else isn't exactly true. That's why I pointed out Buffet or Gates. Gates doesn't pay rock-bottom wages, because he can't.Maybe you can say that about Bezo's warehouse operations. You can't say that about Bezo's cloud computing operations. Apple programmers make bucks. The contract manufacturers in Asia make squat.

Class systems again evolve due to how the HUMAN controlled society and the means of production and the economic system is set up. It is controlled by humans. Not nature. If you are unsure about this BJ, read my explanation above (example, what comes first the curl in the hand for the tree branch grab or the keyboard designed to adapt to the curled hand that a tree shaped into our gene code long ago) about what kind of power structure exists with nature versus technology. Apple programmers need to have a bunch of complex pre-requisites first before they make the big bucks don't they? Like access to exposure to computers for a long time, practice, based on reading code, reading comprehension for years, the correct teachers and educators and peers, the family staying stable and feeding, housing and clothing the programmer, learning the culture of their nation, their community and their world, and becoming more and more skilled. How many people of lower economic stations in life have stable families, and stable communities, and have access to decent educations? Decent diets? Decent medical services? Exposure to technological skills in equal measures as wealthier peers? Who can pay for their college educations? Who is responsible for their cultural capital? Who is sponsoring their economic capital? Who do they know? Their network of social and job contacts? How do they market themselves and who markets them well and who TAUGHT them all these things? Complicated isn't it BJ? Something simple gets complex. The Asian contract manufacturer gets squat because? The people he hires from the PRC's countryside did not get all those superstructural pre-requisites did they BJ? No. They grew up in poorly funded school systems and poor access to all the necessary environments that the high paid coders got. That the cloud six figure ones got. Hardly any "Hispanics"and "Blacks"get it either BJ. They usually get stuck with less than ideal circumstances. It could be because in their neighborhoods there are hardly any homeowners and the tax base is bad and the funding is bad and the teachers are not the experienced ones, and the kids don't speak English as a first language and the kids are not expected to perform well because hell....they are slated to be the contract manufacturers who don't make squat. Are they capable of becoming the cloud six figure ones? Could be. But we will never know it for sure because they never had the opportunities. They did not get the opportunities because the class system doesn't really TRUST the lower classes with the right tools to be that. It means they might have to give up exploitation to make it happen. And HELL can't have happen! because only a certain amount of homo sapiens should be allowed to develop their innate potentials. Having all of them do that fairly and having to spread the power and the wealth to larger and larger groups of humans....well that is just damn SCIENCE FICTION and not possible.

I am sure the slavers way down the line said that too...hell if there weren't any slaves doing the grunt work? This entire operation will go down in flames.....can't have that happen. Where would I BE? Share the potential, the exclusivity? The education? The possibilities? Hell no. They were born to be beasts of burden. Let them remain so. For all time. Lol. And the politicians better fall into our way of thinking. Send them some bribes. It is nature. Nature set up this system. It sure did Bj. Nature did that. I don't think so! ;)

The political left in the United States around the 1960s thought that they could create a knowledge economy in the US and export lower-skilled jobs to the third world. It turns out, it requires a high IQ to do high tech jobs. Marshaling people into classes doesn't work quite as well as central planners like to think. Some people don't make good warriors, and others don't make good scribes. People without a strong ability to deal with abstract concepts don't do well in post secondary education. Even when you look at my field of computer science, something remarkable happened as languages evolved: women, who used to be roughly half or more of the programming population, stopped participating in computer programming in large measure after the move to C/C++ and object-oriented systems. The old computer labs at banks used to be staffed with quite a few women. Today, it's hard to get women to want to do programming.

The third world doesn't have the investment in education, and the total development commitment it needs to compete with the first world for productive people in high technology. Why? How would the first world do if you invested huge amounts of time and money into educating third world children and families? You would get the same result as the ones who come from Third World families but the First World was their new home and the kids of the Third Worlders had a new environment and the equation changed and voila! They also had success. It is not about genes and innately genius. It is about how many people are you giving the right tools to success for a specific industry or field of expertise? Is it about melanin content? No. Is it about every single individual of an ethnic group is going to be perfect for a specific job? No. It is about being fair and giving all the people all the tools necessary to explore their own innate and potential talents FAIRLY without hindrances caused by artificially keeping them back because damn....someone has to make squat and someone has to make bank. And it is not going to be those people like the ones with breasts and vaginas and or the ones with dark skin or the ones with English as a second language. Lol. BJ. My simple message is to be actively seeking to give as many opportunities to flourish to as many individuals of all the peoples of the world...not to cut each other's heads off in violent conflict and violent competition for a winner takes all hate filled battle for power....but to lift everyone up in cooperative models so that there are millions of human minds attacking thorny and difficult problems and issues with the creative adaptive abilities of a species capable of moving into every possible natural topography and becoming successful through trial and error, pain and sorrow, and heartache and pain, and failure and ultimately...success! For all. Not just a small elite group...trembling in fear of losing control of power. In the end? We all die. Like that old Plena and Bomba song from PR...."Tanta vanidad y tanta hipocresia, todo por acabar en una tumba fria". Äll that vanity and all that hypocrisy all to end up in a cold grave. Relationships BJ. Human relationships. What do we leave behind? Racism? Or Brotherhood and Sisterhood? It is up to us.
As you leftists have enjoyed calling me "racist", I have routinely taunted you in return to provide me with the resumes of computer programming qualified blacks and Hispanics, and I will get their resumes to hiring managers that can offer them six figure incomes. I have yet to receive a single resume from the lot of you. That's not to say that such people don't exist. I work with such people, but they are quite a bit more rare than you might think.

Well and you Rightists, enjoy patronizing minorities with if you had the goods you could do the job? Lol. Think about the history of the Civil Rights Rights Act of 1964? Before then it was legal to discriminate against someone who is black or "Hispanic" for a position. It was illegal to marry a black woman if you were a white man in the state of Virginia until the mid sixties. Loving vs the State of Virginia for example. Why? What is so scary about falling in love with a person of a different race or ethnicity and then having a family? Because it sent the message that we are all made of the same material? All of us are not a dead end genetically speaking like mules? No. We are all one. Homo Sapiens. We are rare in computer programming are we? I know a ton of Puerto Rican scientists, professors, computer programmers and a whole bunch of others. Here are some in NASA....they are not that rare. ... _inventors

I think you should write them a letter. Send me a PM BJ. I will forward it to Ramon Lopez Aleman. He is the head of the Physics curriculum at the university over there. He knows a lot of great young graduates. They speak English with an accent. But they speak other languages as well. Don't have the luxury of monolingualism. Do you? Hire them. They are not that rare. I think they produce about 1,500 a year. Out of 115 "Hispanic" scientists, programmers and engineers at NASA 70 are Puerto Ricans. The majority. Not because we are smarter no. But because long ago a bunch of socialists invested a lot of money into developing science and technology in the university system. We are not hard to reproduce all over the rest Latin America. But? It does take work. And not mockery about not being able to do it. It is all about the right conditions. And being exclusive and elitist doesn't work in education or in developing talent. It never does BJ.

They are just more working class people revolting against the establishment politicians--this time in France.
The Complicated Politics of the Gilets Jaunes Movement
The media liked pointing out how they are mostly white. In that respect, Europeans are getting a taste of what it is like to be called "racist" just like the way they used to take direction from their elites in deriding Americans in the same way they are now derided by their elites. The problem for the elites is that they have to do the dirty work of trying to shame a population into accepting a lower standard of living while they live high on the hog.

Any political thought that is about simplistic crap like white people=derision for whiteness by stupid. Lol. Liberals are all into guilting people into accepting globalist capitalistic production and derision of just plain working class folks. Lol. I think the power is in the many working class all over the world regardless of color, creed, national origin, race, language, and many other classifiers. The bottom line is that the working class should be the majority in any democracy and should be respected. Not to stomp on the non white or the non this or that....but to be in solidarity with what all lower class people experience. Which is a lack of economic opportunities and being told from the elite they need to take the financial hit in order to make life more comfortable for the elite. An elite that is often not a meritocracy BJ....but about privileges. Got to grow out of privileges and get on the bandwagon of cooperation and work towards not only surviving pollution and climate problems and fossil fuel...but ineffective social safety net programs that don't tackle the real problems of full human potential development and opportunities.

Neither do I. However, in economic terms that is often how things materialize.

The material world is not just random Blackjack. Very little in human society in terms of economic is a random thing outside of a controlled economic strategy. Humans are not creatures where systems never apply to them. Especially in developed nations. People are not ignorant BJ. You know this is true. You think some welder doesn't know how much he makes an hour for his labor? And that he won't be actively hearing about another place where he heard he get a few bucks more for his same labor? Workers avoid being exploited if they can help it. No one says to themselves....gee, I love making less and being disrespected too. How fun!! Workers of all fields of work usually say to people (researchers), --I don't mind working for low wages but they have to respect me. The work I do and how I do it. And if I get more wages somewhere else? I will go. But if the new place doesn't respect me and the old place with a few bucks less does? I stay." It is both.

I will summarize BJ, you reply with a lot of length. And it is late for me. Lol. Anyway, summarizing it all, can't allow the natural and the politicians have fuck all to say about stand. No BJ, if you allow the private corporations to dictate how a democracy is to be run and not even the corporations are democracies and there are no democracies at is all top down and with no sense of equality and it is about elitism? It will crash Blackjack. One has to realize that again, if you don't develop all the real potential humanity has to offer the world of huge problems we will inherit in the future? And you limit humanity severely with discrimination because you think some are gonna make bank and others are gonna make squat. And that is the way it is for all time....forever, and ever...until the sun burns out in the sky and the planet goes nova? Then I think you did not see how the little fragile bipedal, big brain, slow and vulnerable tree dweller got to the state it is in now did you? You weren't paying attention. Our greatest asset is adaptability, but our nature is living in society. The ones who don't place society first? Never understood the value of what group power is about. ;)

Men cannot get pregnant. Women can get pregnant. That is an inequality that is imposed by nature and cannot be resolved by politics.

Men could not exist without some women pushing them into existence. :lol: You are placing the inequality in there when nature never intended the differences to be interpreted as inferior/superior. It was intended to be two halves of a perfect circle. The circle of life. Dependency on each other to cooperate for survival, food, shelter, comfort and the struggle for human existence. Politics resolved it. Women got the vote in 1929. They were called the 'suffragettes'. Try to tell women in the USA they are not equal now and to not vote because they are different than male brains and because of the difference the political scene is not possible for a resolution to their ínequality? See how well that goes over Senor Blackjack? Lol. Politics change according to the needs of the society it is involved with. It came a time in USA politics in which men in political office had to deal with these women pressuring them for the right to vote. So they had to cope. It is called adapting to pressure. Something politicians of many political leanings are quite familiar with Blackjack.

Why do you think it did hold water UNTIL the Brown v. Board of Education case? Brown simply imposed integrating schools. However, it did not resolve issues of race. Indulge me by taking 2 minutes of your time or less to watch this portion of an HBO Little Rock 50 years later documentary featuring Minnijean Brown, an important actor following the ruling.

You can keep telling yourself that this is all politics, and that it's racism, and that white people are to blame. Listen to the children. Listen to the black children. They are defending the way it is. See, I don't agree with you or Minnijean Brown. I see the same thing, but I do not arrive at the same conclusion. Minnijean Brown says, "we are sitting here maintaining ideology, process and practice." I disagree. People naturally self-segregate. That's not what the establishment wants to see, because their hope for a one-world government as they presently envision it is not attainable if I am correct.

Mr. Blackjack, do you think that from the 1960's to now. About fifty something years that one is going to undo a history of two hundred years with some liberal measures of hypocritical efforts at équality and all is well in the neighborhood? Please. The Black kids in the South like Little Rock, Arkansas were the descendants of the 40 acres and a mule and a lot more. Sure people segregate themselves. From people who are not comfortable because they are not of the same socioeconomic class, they come from a society in which slavery existed from the mid 17th century on....and in which African Americans before 1865 were considered properties. Like the lawn mower example. Where you had black women giving birth to babies and once they were walking and could work would be put to work without wages. And where the kid could be sold like a calf for a price and the mother had no say so. Where human beings were treated with a total lack of dignity and human rights and they had to ADAPT to that way of life for generations. Then comes 'liberation'times. And the South was sore it lost a civil war. They did not want Blacks in their churches, their stores, their businesses. Because they had been taught that the Blacks were PROPERTY. Not human. Not equals. And if you treated them as humans and equals? Then it meant you were no better than they were......and what were you as a white man or woman if you could not at least be better than a beast of burden or a lawn mower? Think about that. How long does that shitty and evil way of thinking take to get rid of in a community? You tell me? 100 years? About til 1965? Hmmm. Wasn't that when the civil rights movement happened? Four generations. Yep. That sounds about right. The homo sapiens adapted again in about four generations. A good span of time.

Even when you eliminate politically instituted segregation, that does not mean that people will completely ignore race. Ms. Brown argues that this started with the inception of the United States. I think she is wrong. She's intelligent and articulate. I'm not saying she's a moron. I just think she is wrong.

The problem with Minnijean Blackjack21 is that she was being treated like a pariah for wanting to go to a school that supposedly was supposed to be for white students only. And if you think about it? Which was the school that is held up to be the model and the standard for a great education for both communities there in Little Rock? The Black school? Were there students flocking to be let in to the black school? Why not? Because the white families themselves knew that the black schools had old ripped books, out of date materials, leaky bathrooms, overcrowded bathrooms and issues. They were not EQUAL. Materially speaking. So the whites were not interested in having their kids attend Black schools. But the Blacks? Saw the white schools and they knew...hell, they got a lot of great stuff over there. Why can't my little Susie attend? because she is not white. That isn't fair. Let me send her over there. Hell....humans are not stupid BJ. They know where the ádvantages are located. Or are you going to tell me you don't see a difference between a well kept home and dump?

Let's vacate the United Stats and travel to Central America in our minds. Do the Spanish integrate well with the native population of Central America? When I was touring Nicaragua, my tour guide was Spanish--fair skinned, jet black hair and blue eyes. He looked like he could have been one of my Irish cousins. The ticos and nicas look quite different from him. He could be right off the boat from Spain, but hundreds of years in country and it's no different than in the United States.

My patrilineal ancestors have been in North America since the late 1600s. Yet, I am still 99.8% European according to DNA test results. That 0.2% could be Native America, but it could also be Asian from East Germanic ancestry--the so-called Huns. I am simply not inclined to believe today's establishment politicos. I think they are wrong about many things. These things are too persistent to be able to chalk it up to ideology and people soaking up propaganda.

That is your ancestry. But it is not a lot of Americans ancestry BJ. Many have miscegenation everywhere. You got the line of Jefferson from his official wife and white children. And Sally Hemmings line of children who are mulattos. You had the servants of Thomas Jefferson who served those fine Virginia dinners in Monticello with Jefferson's features at the service....people doing double takes of the servants that had the master of the house's face. I think you believe in some kind of 'racial'purity BJ. IN reality? You got people if they live together generations and generations and they might be totally different races or ethnic groups. But if they are similar of class. Socioeconomic classes? They mix readily with each other. You then have upper class men having sex with lower class women reproducing galore. That happened a lot in the pre Civil War South.

A white working class person in London living next to a black working class person in London over time? Will most likely wind up intermarrying and having a family. Upper crust one? Not so much. Lol. But if the upper crust one hangs out with the upper crust of another race in another country? It just might happen. Lol. BJ, if you believe in class systems? That is your thing. For me? You are wasting a lot of possibilities for human progress. Because being hung up on what scientifically is the reality? You can mix with any race in the world and your genes will be passed on and if that child grows to puberty and has children? Then it is accepted as scientific fact that both of you are of the same SPECIES. The human species. That you artificially think you are better, or not equal or are equal or are socially this or gifted with that and that entitles you to privileges that the other human should not have....because it is 'natural'. No. It is not. It is socially and artificially constructed in your brain Senor. Not in nature. Nature cares about survival of the species. And how it does it? Varies all of the species for that purpose. It also means that survival is about that endless creative process of change and the possibilities of the endless combinations of human expression. The African one, the Nica one, the Indian one, the European one, etc etc. It is all one. It doesn't mean you are going to get along. It just means you are all from one tree...the one you have curled there...and in which you type. Same as me. Same as an African typing, same as an Asian typing.....the tree of life. The tree of your connection to them all.

Market forces enforce efficient allocation of resources. Globalism is about trying to make economics supersede the nation state and its borders, language and culture. There are very real limits and serious conflicts that can erupt in trying to abolish borders, languages and culture. That is a big part of why empires in the past collapsed, and why the current globalists are in a very precarious situation now.

For me what makes it all precarious is not nation states and variations in language and culture. It is using economics to override human relationships and human need for connection and loyalty to a community and a society. And again, capitalism wants to divide the world into haves and have nots. And there are a big group of have nots. And if the haves want to pillage and plunder the labor of all the have nots without mercy? And with impunity? The answer to the GLOBALIST exploiters is---you can go to hell! The only way you are welcome here is by respecting the rights of all workers all over the world. In all nations. Either abide by that human dignity and respect for a decent standard of living and being for all of us...or get NOTHING from any of us. A very hard thing to do BJ. Organizing the many for the benefit of the many. Very hard to do. But if you want an advanced society with a great model for the future it becomes absolutely necessary. Very necessary. Otherwise the supposed lower classes you constantly don't want to cope with Senor Blackjack21, won't stop the moving in actions to your country. Lol. They won't.

Instability will force what homo sapiens do so well. Survive and adapt. Look for conditions that function. That is inevitable. They will. You either accept humans will continue to seek survival even if it means violating borders, languages, cultures and all the rest. Or you don't. You got to realize. Capitalism needs to sell to all of them. And it is about numbers after all. The Europeans are in the minority in the world. Not the majority. Adapt to that reality. Live with that reality. If you are not a racist? It should not bother you. Because all humans are human. Whether white or not. The important thing is to be in a human society. Any society that makes life possible. That is the most important fact of all.

That is because high-IQ people can adapt to that degree of change, but low IQ people cannot. You cannot put an idiot through university and change that outcome, but the establishment thinks that you can. We've had 50 years of this now, and it accelerated dramatically when we admitted China into the WTO, and laid fiber to India. I distinctly remember telling my boss in 1999 that entire departments of major corporations would be outsourcing to places like India. He's a very wealthy man now, worth tens of millions. He looked at me and said, "That'll never happen." I had a lot of ideas then, and he was complaining once that I hadn't given him a million-dollar idea. He was right. I gave him a billion dollar idea, and he didn't believe it or know what to do with it, and I was too young and didn't have the educational pedigree at that point to get capital to prosecute those ideas. Since then, the level of commerce between those states has been in the trillions.

Here we are very different. For me humanity and its value is not about commercial math and profits and debits and assets columns BJ. It is about a bunch of people with brains true, but with lives to be lived. Either you let them develop their possibilities and don't let them languish in despair and with nothing to look forward to but being delegated to nothing because hey, they were born poor. And as such? Who gives a damn if they get an education or not? If they get what they need to become who they always wanted to become or not. Being callous about that? Is contributing to the problem. Not solving it BJ.
What I'm telling you now is that those tensions are going to make nations ungovernable, and the globalist system will collapse, because it depends on stable nation states and the globalists are undermining that system right now.

The ones collapsing it are global capitalists. They have to have access to every nation state. They need to get in there. And if they have to eliminate the old paradigms of nation-states, nationalism, loyalty to English or this or that purist cultural scene to keep pushing the sacred tenets of global capitalism? They will. But you can't have your cake and eat it too BJ. You cant be a lover of global profit capitalism and then turn around and close ranks on not sharing your money, your socioeconomic class and so on? With the others who never did get any opportunities. You either believe that you became a have because it is NATURAL. Or you don't. Bj you can't just not see how it all ties together, and not think it is systemic, but also tied to a system of inequality, that insists on destroying your nationalism. Period. Got to choose senor. I don't give a damn about nationalism. I believe in all human beings need to be pulling for cooperation and to hell with privileged and exclusive systems where only the rich and wealthy and supposedly superior due to 'that is just the way it is'mentality is the way to go. Nope.

Not for me. Too much beauty in all that difference BJ. Lol. Too many reasons why all of us get bored reading the same books, eating the same type of food, and being in the same rut. We enjoy variety in our lives. And we enjoy stimulation of all sorts. From many different sources. It is all human. It depends on all people. All nations to get things to work. I don't like exploitation. Never have. And I think the vast majority of people from all nations don't like being exploited either. IF the globalists want change to continue with the exploitation and the prisons of lack of development and the divisions of lack of respect for what we all are? They will collapse the whole thing. And out of the destruction the Phoenix arises again. This time maybe without thinking that capitalism is the end all of humanity. ;)

That is where the danger arises. First, in many cases they don't speak the language, don't have the same customs, and have a dubious legal status. Yet, greater peril is on the horizon in that automation may soon put them out of work again.

You are making a good case and argument BJ for investing in education, training and development of the many. Not letting the unemployed and without development decide it is time to destroy the society who is shutting them out of a life worth living.

Syria is not a capitalist country by a long shot. Syria is a multicultural society with many ethnicities and religious sects. They are a prime example of why that kind of "diversity" is very dangerous.

Don't they use currency? Don't they sell and buy things? Don't they use the profit motive? Is your argument that a multicultural society with multiple languages and ethnicities participating in economic activity while speaking languages other than English? Eating food other than the iconic dishes of the mainstream? And having people who are not the dominant religion are not really capitalist nations? Then you are in Los Angeles BJ. Run! It is not capitalist!! Lol. Oh wow, you got a problem. The world is not color coded for a long time. In the New World it has been half a millenium or more since that is over. Got Spaniards and French, and English and Dutch etc, and Indian tribes and Indian civvies like the Mayan, and the Aztec and the Inca, etc. got the African like the Lucumi, and the Bantu, and the Yoruba, and etc. and the Chinese, and the etc etc. all here....mixing and opening this and that and doing this or that....all working and building Monticello and the White House and Railroads and so on....and they were not the same. They sweated the same, died the same, and worked sometimes side by side and they were all here....passing through this life. Doing their contributions. Most civvies had a lot of diverse people. It is a myth that all human civilizations are these neat packages of monolithic races, languages and people living together with only one culture and one language and one religion and one this or that. The Greeks were Polytheists, the Jews were not. You got all kinds of people interacting all the time in these big cities and these nations. No one was this white supremacist dream of only one group by itself in pristine segregation. Never happens. it is that pesky adaptation stuff of the human species. They move, travel, run around looking for stuff. Land. Food, sex, fire, fishing, trade, negotiations, chasing animals, chasing each other, chasing the land...not staying static in some cookie cutter box of segregated crap. Never happens that way. Goes against our survival to do so.

I work in open source software. The software is free. However, the skilled workers that support it are still overwhelmingly white or Asian and male. There is no more intent to discriminate in my line of work than the kids in Little Rock Central High are deliberately segregating the class room and cafeteria. It's quite natural.

Old malls? Perhaps it cost $20M to build a mall originally. Maybe $100M today. It costs tens of billions to build empty cities, but China does it as a national scale accounting gimmick to say that there economy is like that of the US or Europe. It's not going to end well.

If you are going to be trained as a nurse, doctor, lawyer, computer programmer or scientist, it's worthwhile. If you are going to get a degree in women's studies, you are wasting time, and saddling yourself with debt for a degree that isn't worth the paper it is printed on. Regrettably, a lot of colleges and universities offer degrees that are essentially worthless. Even the humanities are so rife with leftist bunk that they aren't worth much either.

This is my essential point. The term "racist" has little to do with race. If you want to fight for human rights in Afghanistan, have at it. I just don't want you doing it on my dime. Apathy doesn't make you racist per se. The United States, like the British Empire before it, has shared all kinds of knowledge and know how with the rest of the world. Some societies adopted and evolved. Japan, for example, is a first rate nation by any measure, but they were medieval right up to the 19th Century. Other countries fought change the entire way--Iran for example.

I am not a Marxist, so I do not have to arrive at those conclusions. People are different and may exploit their talents leading to further differences. You seem to see things only in a hierarchical manner. Mathematics does not require > < if !=. Marxists think that it does.

As I move on to 5G and telco, I look back on my years in mass storage. I like that I participated in supporting the large hadron supercollider at CERN. I've supported a lot of healthcare projects too. I'm richer for supporting banks and stock exchanges. I am not blind to other realities though. Spy agencies and militaries also use our technology. In the consumer market, it can be innocuous like people uploading pictures of their cat. It can be clandestine, like people pirating music and movies. It can also be seedy, like streaming pornography. Cooperation and competition are two sides of the same coin.


They weren't really after comparative advantage, because the absolute advantage was so huge. As that dries up, they pick up and move elsewhere. Japan was a cheap manufacturing shop following WWII as well. Not anymore.

Immigrants are learning what colonizers in already populated countries found out: you can bring in a smallish number of talented people and trade for comparative advantage. You cannot bring in a huge population, displace a large local population and arrive at nirvana. How well have Germany and France assimilated immigrant populations from Africa and the Middle East? It's been 60 years since the collapse of empire. How are the European populations doing in South Africa or Kenya? How did the dark-skinned Indian populations fare among the dark-skinned Africans in Tanzania? How did the Tutsis and Hutus get along in Rwanda? The white/black narrative is compelling for the Marxists and their media acolytes, but it is hardly a measure of all conflict.

Perhaps they do, but China has never lead the world. China had an ocean going navy in the distant past, but they scuttled it themselves. No Europeans did that to them. Asians are an insular people. That doesn't make them bad, but that is a persistent characteristic. Watch some of SerpentZA's videos. He will point out that the Chinese will refer to anyone who isn't Chinese as "foreigner" in China. The interesting thing is that they will do the same thing in San Francisco, where they are the minority. Maybe they haven't been forced to read Martin Luther King speeches and cry at their exclusive nature and swear to be more open-minded and inviting in the future, and all they need is a little prodding and political correctness. I am not betting on that being successful.

Well, then I guess the Gilet Jaunes do too--or maybe it's the elite that has got something to learn... like we're not buying their bullshit anymore.

BJ, didn't you learn what being human is all about by now? The Chinese spread all over the globe. They came to the USA. The laws here excluded them in the 19th century from owning property and becoming citizens. They died building the railroads. Chinese history is long and complex. But diverse. They had Han Chinese, but they have a lot of minorities. They have diversity. Nothing single culture about China. Nope. They fight, they squabble they have fascists, they have Imperial Chinese, they got the Commies, they got the upper crust, they got peasants and they got everybody and his momma and Confucius. They adopted a religion from India. Siddartha that later became known as the Buddha. He wasn't a classical Han Chinese man. He was an Indian Prince. Diversity again.

Nippon. Etc. Nothing monolithic. They are supposed to open the borders and let everyone in? Hmm. I think the British decided they wanted to trade with China but did not have much to offer in exchange for silk, porcelain, tea and so maybe some drugs and drug dealing might work to open up some Chinese markets. The Opium wars might work?. :lol: Foreigners coming in. Like the hatred of the Japanese invaders. The Chinese are not some isolated island of only one culture, one language and one religion. Everything changes BJ. Diversity is innate to our species. In every way. What makes us strong is being able to see our own selves in the most different expression there is.

I could write a lot more. But it is late and I have to go to bed. But I have to tell you I enjoyed your explanations. A lot. I did not agree with some of them. Others I did. That is what being human is about.

Are you a racist? I would say you only know that. For being that is about limiting your humanness. And I certainly hope you don't ever do that.

Buenas noches. :)
Verv wrote:Why is Pres. Trump explicitly racist? We hear a lot about that, but it is never substantiated. It is always inferred.

... And that is why we believe your position is fundamentally absurd: it takes an extremely broad, all encompassing view of what is "racist," one that is clearly designed to paint all of your enemies and opponents as racists, and then demands that everyone respects it as a legitimate definition of what makes racism.

No dice.

Oh, and I am not sure why you are throwing around Capitalism in the second half of your post. Very juicy. I nearly bit. But I will pass and let us just focus on the issue at hand.

Why is Trump explicitly racist? I will put in some comedy Verv because you are in a fighting mood. Lol. It can all boil down to his actual words Verv. All you need to do is have an Obama impersonator say the same inane crazy offensive stuff Trump actually says in real life and ask yourself if Trump were black would be able to become president saying all that total crap? Here:

Can a person talk that way? Being Black and being President. Be truthful Verv if a Black main candidate of a major party such as that Herman Cain or that other guy said, "Pussy"', Shithole, etc. and over and over again less than 'presidential'rap. He gets away with it Verv. WHY?? Because people are tired of political correctness. So it is ok to let a man with issues with disciplining his tongue in public.

He is innocent of racism. Do you want me highlight his words in his books where he talks about superior genes. And how he feels about this or that issue related to race? Do you want me to do that for you Verv? Or is that going to be dismissed?

As? Not enough evidence. That is foolish. Would you have thought of voting for a black liberal president that said things like 'got to grab her by the pussy', 'son of a bitch', this and that. Lol. I find this suspicious.
Verv wrote:Why is Pres. Trump explicitly racist? We hear a lot about that, but it is never substantiated. It is always inferred.

... And that is why we believe your position is fundamentally absurd: it takes an extremely broad, all encompassing view of what is "racist," one that is clearly designed to paint all of your enemies and opponents as racists, and then demands that everyone respects it as a legitimate definition of what makes racism.

No dice.

Oh, and I am not sure why you are throwing around Capitalism in the second half of your post. Very juicy. I nearly bit. But I will pass and let us just focus on the issue at hand.

No dice about what? You can't do this for yourself?

You can't think about any connections between capitalism and racism. Why not? One system is economic and it is the primary system of economics in the world and the other is about this Merriam Webster definition:

Number two b.2 b. of the three definitions. A political or social system founded on racism. THERE IT IS VERV. the connection you don't want to make. In front of your face. Definition number three. If you need slaves to work some indigo fields, cotton fields, cane fields, rice fields, etc etc and indentured servants with 7 year contracts and they are free aint good enough to make some profit off of? Bring on the African slaves.

Got to get some people to work the fields. If I am in a feudal slave system got to pay once for the slave and get the most labor out of him or her for my money. Period. How long did the USA use this racist system? Do I have to look up the time periods for you? And say....millions of Africans working for free for x amount of years building up the wealth of a nation state that has capitalism as a system of economics today in 2018.

But none of that is relevant to having people think it is ok to have one standard for a white president and not for a Black one....could be we are not interpreting that well. Because as we all know. The USA never had a history that affected race relations in any way in any state. For many generations.

It is all made up shit. By crazy liberals who won't let me not be politically incorrect and use politically incorrect language.

Verv, the absurd lack of historical context on the RIGHT with the racist language crap from their foolish con man in chief is what is absurd!!
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