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Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Please introduce yourself here.

I'm so mad, I'm going to cut my penis off all over again.



Anyway, I was just screwin' with ya.

I'm not a transgender islamic feminist. :lol:

I'm a red-blooded american and Christian who hates the government interfering with his ability to run his own business, amass a personal armory of firearms, and homeschool his own growing brood of children.

Everything on my profile is accurate, feel free to ask questions if you'd like.

Glad, to have you aboard!!

God Speed.
Thank you Victoribus Spolia.

Self administered surgery seems inadvisable in view of the fees for re-attachment of the snipped organ, besides it might hurt.

It did occur to me that you were on a wind-up. However, after looking at your extremely busy profile I feel dizzy. I need a drink.
Littaleng_Lander wrote:I feel dizzy. I need a drink.

Being the subject of the profile, I think you can understand my borderline alcoholism. :lol:

The short of it is this; i'm a 29 year old designer, amateur farmer/butcher, as well as a doctoral student in the philosophy of religion who is married with 5 kids and whose wife is pregnant with a sixth.

I am an Anarcho-Capitalist politically, and religiously I am a sort of Lutheran whose doctrinal and moral views would be considered Neanderthalic to most casual observers.

Where do you lie in the spectrum good sir? You seem to a bit conservative, For God and Empire I presume? Or merely, "don't spend my all of my money and destroy whats left of my once glorious culture?"
The only "Little Englander" I know about was the one with that series in which an Englishman traveled the world for laughs that Gervais series, entitled: An Idiot Abroad.

What I could gather from that was the provincialism of a guy who was not worldly wise?

So I am assuming you voted for Brexit then?

Welcome. I look forward to reading your opinions. :)
Victoribus Spolia wrote:Being the subject of the profile, I think you can understand my borderline alcoholism. :lol:

The short of it is this; i'm a 29 year old designer, amateur farmer/butcher, as well as a doctoral student in the philosophy of religion who is married with 5 kids and whose wife is pregnant with a sixth.

I am an Anarcho-Capitalist politically, and religiously I am a sort of Lutheran whose doctrinal and moral views would be considered Neanderthalic to most casual observers.

Where do you lie in the spectrum good sir? You seem to a bit conservative, For God and Empire I presume? Or merely, "don't spend my all of my money and destroy whats left of my once glorious culture?"
It's a difficult one.

I am a traditionalist. In these times it's difficult to decide what posted declarations would breach the forum's policies, or indeed modern political hate laws.

We are not allowed to publicly disagree with many modern political dogmas. SJWs are never off the case. Personally a don't give a shit. However, I recognise, fora do have to be careful.
Tainari88 wrote:The only "Little Englander" I know about was the one with that series in which an Englishman traveled the world for laughs that Gervais series, entitled: An Idiot Abroad.

What I could gather from that was the provincialism of a guy who was not worldly wise?

So I am assuming you voted for Brexit then?

Welcome. I look forward to reading your opinions. :)
Thank you for the welcome, Tainari88

Little Englander originally meant someone who was against the expansion of the British Empire. Now it is a pejorative term meant to imply a small minded person who thinks nowhere else is of any worth other than England, and Little Englanders conflate England with Great Britain and the UK.

I voted for Brexit because I love Europe, loathe the EU. Also I wanted the UK to regain sovereignty.
I am sure you will participate in all the Brexit threads of discussion then.

I am not part of the EU so I let the ones most affected by that put in their opinions.
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By Drlee
Welcome. You are officially appointed a member of the geezer patrol. We need to stick together to be unreasonably dogmatic with the young whippersnappers.

I look forward to your posts.
Drlee wrote:Welcome. You are officially appointed a member of the geezer patrol. We need to stick together to be unreasonably dogmatic with the young whippersnappers.

I look forward to your posts.
Thank you for your welcome, Drlee, and the appointment to the geezer patrol.

Forty years younger and one might apply for the squeezer patrol.

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