Bibi lives to fight another day.... (Third election) - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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Patrickov wrote:It is a mystery why a decent country like Israel has repeatedly elected this scum as prime minister.

Not after seeing this film on Netflix:

Institutionalized racism is common in that country so sadly the right wing leaning party and it's more zealous factions is likely to dominate(at least for now). Netanyahu is a master at playing the field. Even has the Christian Zionists in the west eating out of his hand.

Although I'm not saying @Zionist Nationalist (or apparent ex-pat @Ter) is one. He's genuinely voting for the Likud platform. Some Israeli's vote for Likud because of it's Republican style politics. Others vote for that party and further right-wing parties because they're racist and this is the party promising to crack down on "foreigners".

I'd vote Republican in the US elections on the basis of the Republican Party aiming for middle class voters and being more representative of my Australian Liberalism worldview, I'd vote Blue And White in those elections, or Labor if they had a chance (which they sadly don't). Since they're the middle class party in Israel.
Patrickov wrote:In some sense Likud and the Chinese Communist Party are of similar level in competence and morality.

Netanyahu is one of the few Western leaders whom I think better dead.

It is a mystery why a decent country like Israel has repeatedly elected this scum as prime minister.

We dont have any alternative for Netanyahu and the public wants to maintain a right wing leader there is no trust for the left wing and anybody who wants to cooperate with anti Israeli Arab parties just to get rid of Netanyahu and by that put the whole country in grave danger
BTW there have been 19 cases against Netanyahu 16 were proven false 3 remains and they are bullshit aswell based on some small gifts like campaign and cigarettes and the stories about taking bribes to promote certain decisions are made up and the unlike what Olmert did
The testimonies have lots of contradictions

funny thing is that the people who run against him are involved in same shit and even worse
colliric wrote:Not after seeing this film on Netflix:

Institutionalized racism is common in that country so sadly the right wing leaning party and it's more zealous factions is likely to dominate(at least for now). Netanyahu is a master at playing the field. Even has the Christian Zionists in the west eating out of his hand.

Although I'm not saying @Zionist Nationalist (or apparent ex-pat @Ter) is one. He's genuinely voting for the Likud platform. Some Israeli's vote for Likud because of it's Republican style politics. Others vote for that party and further right-wing parties because they're racist and this is the party promising to crack down on "foreigners".

I'd vote Republican in the US elections on the basis of the Republican Party aiming for middle class voters and being more representative of my Australian Liberalism worldview, I'd vote Blue And White in those elections, or Labor if they had a chance (which they sadly don't). Since they're the middle class party in Israel.

I really wish we could have a leader that could move things in a better way but he also kept the country relatively safe for 10 years under him there have been the least deaths from terrorists attacks and wars
the economy is prospering although now there will be a slow down like in the rest of the world due to the CV
there are no alternatives for netanyahu none has his charisma and the ability to build a strong government
the left wing have no power labor dull and uninspiring meretz are bunch of far left lunatics and kahol laval aka 2 parties of Lapid and Gantz that merged to kahol lavan (now no more) are also pathetic bunch of idiots. I dont trust those two and their intentions I perfer Netanyahu with all of his faults
Zionist Nationalist wrote:I really wish we could have a leader that could move things in a better way but he also kept the country relatively safe for 10 years under him there have been the least deaths from terrorists attacks and wars
the economy is prospering although now there will be a slow down like in the rest of the world due to the CV
there are no alternatives for netanyahu none has his charisma and the ability to build a strong government
the left wing have no power labor dull and uninspiring meretz are bunch of far left lunatics and kahol laval aka 2 parties of Lapid and Gantz that merged to kahol lavan (now no more) are also pathetic bunch of idiots. I dont trust those two and their intentions I perfer Netanyahu with all of his faults

He appears to be the best out of a bad bunch, the best out of those who have a winning chance anyway. I call him corrupt, but with politicians who hasn't lined their own pocket or helped out a friend or family member or political supporter? People can be so naive, or just hypocritical, about this.
@Zionist Nationalist

1. There is no leftwing option in "Israel".
2. Nethanyahu should've been imprisoned years ago for his multiple crimes, including war crimes.
3. Your notion that Nethanyahu is keeping the peace in Palestine while maintaining the racist occupation and bombing Palestinians to death in their thousands every few years is dumb AF. No justice, no peace, settler.
skinster wrote:@Zionist Nationalist

1. There is no leftwing option in "Israel".
2. Nethanyahu should've been imprisoned years ago for his multiple crimes, including war crimes.
3. Your notion that Nethanyahu is keeping the peace in Palestine while maintaining the racist occupation and bombing Palestinians to death in their thousands every few years is dumb AF. No justice, no peace, settler.

I dont care about opinions of your kind I vote whats best for me and my country
you live on the other side of the world you dont belong here its not your business
colliric wrote:

A Post-coronavirus election suddenly looks alot more inevitable.

Why would the Annexation of the West Bank be a problem? I don't understand why Gantz would object to that.
Patrickov wrote:In some sense Likud and the Chinese Communist Party are of similar level

You seem surprised.

And just imagine if they partner up. Oh wait... they already are. Just think of all the high-tech, 5G, robotics, AI and so on. THAT is the future, and THEY have it in their hands. Designed (or stolen from the West through infiltration) by Zion, manufactured by China. Trump talks a big game about China, but he doesn't dare mention the China-Israel relationship. Why? We all know why.
Code Rood wrote:You seem surprised.

And just imagine if they partner up. Oh wait... they already are. Just think of all the high-tech, 5G, robotics, AI and so on. THAT is the future, and THEY have it in their hands. Designed (or stolen from the West through infiltration) by Zion, manufactured by China. Trump talks a big game about China, but he doesn't dare mention the China-Israel relationship. Why? We all know why.

The reason why Israel having relations with China are obvious and its just realpolitik
and its to show the US that if they drop Israel it can find new buddies
for Israel survival is top priority even if cooperation with the devil is required
Zionist Nationalist wrote:and its to show the US that if they drop Israel it can find new buddies

Unfortunately the USA is not really in the position to drop Israel as long as the American people are asleep and high positions are being filled and infiltrated by your ilk and pets. The political Zionists are calling the shots in this relationship, not pro-Western people. Everything goes your way.

Israel has become a regional power thanks to sucking the life out of the West. You've milked the US practically to death, that's why Bibi is looking east. You're trying to sell me this nonsense that Israel is just some little guy, while we all know that Israel is a creation by the Rothschilds and is now a technological juggernaut that is able (in Martin van Creveld's words) to wipe out several European capitals with the Samson Option.
Code Rood wrote:Unfortunately the USA is not really in the position to drop Israel as long as the American people are asleep and high positions are being filled and infiltrated by your ilk and pets. The political Zionists are calling the shots in this relationship, not pro-Western people. Everything goes your way.

Israel has become a regional power thanks to sucking the life out of the West. You've milked the US practically to death, that's why Bibi is looking east. You're trying to sell me this nonsense that Israel is just some little guy, while we all know that Israel is a creation by the Rothschilds and is now a technological juggernaut that is able (in Martin van Creveld's words) to wipe out several European capitals with the Samson Option.

its not really the case
the west is not supporting Israel the US is. Europe is not our friend.
the US supporting Israel for economic and technological reasons
Israel is not receiving any real money from the US just a voucher to acquire US only military equipment its a relationship which both sides have benefits
I hate the fact that Israel is being held down because of "western morals" let Israel deal with the Arabs in its own way. you (the west) have slaughtered the Jews not so long ago you dont have any rights to preach anything about morals
Zionist Nationalist wrote:the west is not supporting Israel the US is. Europe is not our friend.

I'm pretty sure the EU supports Israel and (secular) Zionism, ZN. Maybe not as active as the US, but nobody does it as active as the US. :lol:

Zionist Nationalist wrote:the US supporting Israel for economic and technological reasons

Yes, Zionist infiltrated USA is supporting Israel for economic and technological reasons. But that's not all. They even recognize the Golan Heights as Israeli territory. :lol:

And you know what's weird? The US basically had no enemies in the mid-east before Israel came into existence.

Zionist Nationalist wrote:I hate the fact that Israel is being held down because of "western morals" let Israel deal with the Arabs in its own way.

Israel is being held down? :lol:

Zionist Nationalist wrote:you (the west) have slaughtered the Jews not so long ago you dont have any rights to preach anything about morals

Jewish bolsheviks and their pets did also do a lot of slaughtering. So bringing up the holocaust isn't going to work on me.
Zionist Nationalist wrote:I hate the fact that Israel is being held down because of "western morals" let Israel deal with the Arabs in its own way. you (the west) have slaughtered the Jews not so long ago you dont have any rights to preach anything about morals

Western Morality has been dominated by the morality system Moses wrote down in that famous set of books for nearly two thousand years(since Jesus let the Romans start reading it). Sans his love of the death penalty and support of divorce.

Western Morality is traditionally the "Judeo-Christian morality system" which you Jews(or most accurate the Israelites) first invented.

Western Morality IS Jewish Morality.

Logically Israel is being held back by the traditional interpretation of the (Written and original) Torah, which explicitly states it is a sin to kill(not "murder" but Kill).

It was Nazi Germany that did the holocaust, and a bunch of racist non-Jews that did the Pogroms. Not the entire west.

The Talmud's own extreme anti-goyim(/gentile) racism and major religious bigotry(concerning Jesus directly as a Jewish Rabbi) gives anti-Semites plenty of fuel for the fire unfortunately.
colliric wrote:Logically Israel is being held back by the traditional interpretation of the (Written and original) Torah, which explicitly states it is a sin to kill(not "murder" but Kill).

That comes from an incorrect translation. The sin is "murder", because it is clearly permissible to kill certain animals for food and to kill in certain wars from the Torah.
It is also permissible to kill to protect one's own life.
Hallelu Yah
Hindsite wrote:That comes from an incorrect translation. The sin is "murder", because it is clearly permissible to kill certain animals for food and to kill in certain wars from the Torah.
It is also permissible to kill to protect one's own life.
Hallelu Yah

It's not incorrect. Retzach means Kill and Murder. Can be interpreted/translated both ways. Same way Shalom can be translated as both "Hail/Hello/Greetings" and "Peace be with you"(or even just "Peace"). Chadasha means all three of "New", "Renewed" and "fresh".

Just because something is permitted, doesn't mean it's not a sin.
colliric wrote:It's not incorrect. Retzach means Kill and Murder. Can be interpreted/translated both ways. Same way Shalom can be translated as both "Hail/Hello/Greetings" and "Peace be with you"(or even just "Peace"). Chadasha means all three of "New", "Renewed" and "fresh".

Just because something is permitted, doesn't mean it's not a sin.

All you have to do is use common sense to know that it means "murder" in the ten commandments. Here is an article on it for hard heads:

Question: "Why is 'You shall not murder' in the Ten Commandments?"

Answer: Simply stated, the sixth of the Ten Commandments forbids the unjustified taking of a human life. However, the commandment itself has a couple of interesting elements that bear mentioning. First and foremost, different Bible translations give the appearance of different meanings, and there is potential for misunderstanding the actual meaning of the verse. Second, man was never created for the act of murdering another, and there needs to be an explanation for such a violent and final act towards another human being. Third, because of the translational challenge, we need to understand the difference between “murder” and “killing.” And last but not least, how does God view murder? To God, murder is not just physical in nature but also the condition of one’s heart towards another.

There are two different Hebrew words (ratsakh, mut) and two Greek words (phoneuo, apokteino) for “murder” and “killing.” One means “to put to death,” and the other means “to murder.” The latter one is the one prohibited by the Ten Commandments, not the former. In fact, ratsakh has a broader definition than the English word “murder.” Ratsakh also covers deaths due to carelessness or neglect but is never used when describing killing during wartime. That is why most modern translations render the sixth commandment “You shall not murder” rather than “You shall not kill.” However, a very large issue can arise depending on which translation one studies. The ever-popular King James Version renders the verse as “Thou shalt not kill,” therefore opening the door to misinterpreting the verse altogether. If the intended meaning of “Thou shalt not kill” was just that—no killing—it would render all of the God-endorsed bloodletting done by the nation of Israel a violation of God’s own commandment (Deuteronomy 20). But God does not break His own commandments, so, clearly, the verse does not call for a complete moratorium on the taking of another human life.

Why does man murder? We know that we were created in God’s image (Genesis 1:27) and we were made to live in harmony with God and with our fellow man. This harmony became impossible once sin entered into the picture (Genesis 3). With sin came the propensity for acting violently against one another. Anger, jealousy, pride and hatred can fuel man’s evil bent towards life-ending aggression. The first recorded act of murder was when Cain killed his brother Abel (Genesis 4:8). From that moment on, taking the life of another has been commonplace and, in some circles of society, acceptable. However, to God every life is important, and since God knew that man was sinful and evil and had become “lawless,” He enacted guidelines that would seek to modify man’s behavior (1 John 3:4).

So, is there a difference between murder and killing? First, it is important to note that not all killing is wrong. For instance, the apostle Paul talks about the right of the state to take the lives of evildoers (Romans 13:1-7). This relates to what is commonly referred to as capital punishment. Most countries have consequences for murder. In some cases this requires the life of the perpetrator and a suitable means of putting one to death is chosen and administered (Matthew 5:21; Exodus 21:14). Another instance of acceptable “killing” is that which is done during times of war and at the command of superiors. There were quite a few instances in Scripture where God endorsed and allowed the taking of other lives (1 Samuel 11; Judges 6–7). And finally, although far from acceptable, manslaughter is yet another form of killing someone. This unintentional act apparently happened so often in biblical times that cities of refuge were designated for the manslayer to seek refuge in (Exodus 21:13; Joshua 20). Again, it was never God’s intent to have to use such a drastic measure as taking one’s life to rectify a situation. So, God does make exceptions for the taking of another’s life as long as it lines up with His will. However, premeditated murder of an individual is never God’s will.

What is murder in God’s eyes? From the human perspective, murder is the physical act of taking another’s life. However, we also must consider that God defines murder as any thought or feeling of deep-seated hatred or malice against another person. In other words, it is more than just a physical act that constitutes murder to God, who tells us that “everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him” (1 John 3:15 ESV). When we harbor hatred in our hearts for another, we have committed the sin of murder in God’s eyes. The disdain towards another person never has to be demonstrated outwardly because God looks upon the heart for the truth (1 Samuel 16:7; Matthew 15:19). As Christians and as human beings, we know that unjustified killing is wrong. God’s Word is very clear on this point: “You shall not murder.” And what God says we must obey, or we face the consequences on judgment day.

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