It’s Time for Conscious Uncoupling With China - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Rich wrote:There 's nothing strange about a gay man being attracted to Catholicism. Christianity was invented by a gay man, or at least the crucifixion. The crucifixion is a homosexual BDSM fantasy. There's no crucifixion is Buddhism, but Buddhist monasticism has still been rife with homosexual's seeking to "spiritualise" their homosexuality, spiritualise their lack of interest in women.

Well, Christianity expressly condemns male homosexuality. It's strangely silent on female homosexuality. I don't particularly want to go down the "Christ was gay" road with you. After all, the thread is about the West decoupling from China--principally, because it is ruled by a communist party, which should be on the ash heap of history by now. From an American perspective--and I'm not saying that's entirely monolithic--there's not a whole lot about homosexuality that is conservative. Reading Obergefell and a bunch of other shit, I understand (conceptually) that there are those who sympathise with the sort of romantic views of homosexuality. To me, law is a blunt instrument. As for "spiritualizing" things, I guess I can relate to that in the sense that some of my buddies and I studied art together in the late 1980s, and were fans of the late Sister Wendy Beckett, who expressed no desire to have sex or to have children.

My thread is more about this specifically:

Do you understand what I'm saying? China is not the future anymore. In some respects, it's toast. China isn't over, but it's future depends on small businesses now, and that is going to require a much less invasive state and an entrepreneurship that has its ears to the rails--to put it in the vernacular of the 19th Century American West. Spewing out shit tons of flat rolled steel is not going to work. I don't think the communists can evolve that quickly, because they necessarily have to let people think for themselves in order to avoid the crisis.

Let's discuss homosexuals and their spiritual beliefs elsewhere.
blackjack21 wrote:I think that's coming @Sivad. A cardiologist (friend of a friend) said that they have all the supplies they need, because of Trump's response. She's thinking of voting for him in November, and she's a hardcore Democrat.

It's not just the response though, it's that Trump has been hammering this point about China for a long time now, and there is simply no more ignoring it. New York City ignored it at their peril and the New York Metropolitan area has the most cases in the world right now, less the rest of the United States. Liberal central has a reckoning with Trump.

KLAVAN: The Unbearable Rightness Of Trump

Even Andrew Klavan is admitting as much after having played a video montage in the last presidential election cycle of how many times Trump mentioned China. It's frankly impossible to miss Trump's stance on China now.

In many respects, Trump is sort of like General Patton: he cuts right to the chase, gets right to the heart of the matter. Yet, the media hates him for his brashness. When Patton shot a few donkeys on a bridge blocking an American column to prevent the troops from getting strafed, the media pilloried him for it in spite of the fact that the owner of the donkeys was compensated. When he slapped a soldier for cowardice, the media outrage was so deafening he had to have his command suspended, while the Germans were shooting their deserters for cowardice. The liberals are soft to a fault, but when they start seeing the bitter harvest of their "open" everything, I think they are eventually going to be a bit more reflective too. The appeal of buying inexpensive shoes and smart phones made with near slave labor whilst acting smug and "woke" will have to wear off at some point as people reflect on the unnecessary horror of China trying to save "face" instead of acting sooner. Now it's not even particularly safe for foreigners in China as their government says all the new cases are coming from outside of China (yet another lie).

Isn't this reason enough to to join me in calling him the Trump of God without even considering Israel?
Ter wrote:It is humour, right ?

No its not, except in is as much as life is humorous. I've been on quite a few Buddhist retreats in my time, so I'm certainly not suggesting that every devout Christian or Buddhist is a homosexual. However sex is not some minor incidental part of life. It is central And for heterosexual men their interest in women, takes up a huge amount of time and energy. This conflict of time and energy between women and other thing is a key story element in the Odyssey.

In pre modern agrarian societies homosexuals, particularly receptive homosexuals or those that avoided marriage and having children, were subject to derision and insult, even if they didn't face the extreme homophobia of Deuteronomic Judaism. There was an enormous incentive therefore to find an excuse to avoid marriage and intercourse with women. Spiritual purity provided a powerful cover for this lack of interest in women. What had been seen as a perverse and corrupt character defect could be reinvented as a form of spiritual heroism.

One of the Buddhist organisations I've had involvement with is the Friends of the Western Buddhist Order, now calling themselves Triratna. It was founded by a homosexual and in the past used to openly encourage homosexual relations between order members and discouraged heterosexual relations. The problem as its founder Sangharakshita (Denis Lingwood) saw it was not the sex itself, but that relations with women tended to be emotionally messy time consuming affairs that took men away form the spiritual practice. His own sexual needs were short and sweet, at least sweet to him if not the often confused and vulnerable young men that he preyed upon.

What ever his faults Sangharakshita did have a point, heterosexual relations are incredibly time consuming, especially when they lead to kids. I believe because of this homosexuals in history have had a huge competitive advantage and have had outsize influence in the development of religion, spirituality and philosophy. :lol: I mean few people seem to have noticed the Irony that Plato's love was anything but Platonic. His love was no more platonic than Michael Jackson's, another guy selling his lack of interest in women as a form of spiritual innocence.
Hindsite wrote:Isn't this reason enough to to join me in calling him the Trump of God without even considering Israel?

I stated in another thread recalling that last year I said the only thing that could bring Trump down now is an economic crash. However, this economic downturn is directly caused by the Wuhan Coronavirus, lays bare the danger of dealing with the Chinese Communist Party and has exposed the major flaw of outsourcing to a single country and the strategic reasons to bring jobs home; and, the one politician who has been vociferously warning about China is Donald Trump, and he's running against Joe Biden who said as late as March that China wasn't a threat while trying to explain away how his son came away from China with $1.5B on a trip with daddy to China. For even looking into Biden's corruption, the Democrats thought it wise to try to impeach Trump.

I'm not as inclined to subscribe to divine intervention in politics, but if there is one person who seems to benefit from the grace of God in politics, it is surely Donald Trump.

Rich wrote:His love was no more platonic than Michael Jackson's, another guy selling his lack of interest in women as a form of spiritual innocence.

He he. That's a good one. Anyway, Andrew Sullivan is openly gay. He's not trying to hide it. Catholicism condemns homosexuality--one of the few mainstream Christian churches that still hold to it. Churches like the Episcopalians gave into accepting homosexuality only to see church attendance collapse.

Rich wrote:What ever his faults Sangharakshita did have a point, heterosexual relations are incredibly time consuming, especially when they lead to kids. I believe because of this homosexuals in history have had a huge competitive advantage and have had outsize influence in the development of religion, spirituality and philosophy.

And lifelong bachelors as well... I find women sexually attractive, but emotionally they can be exhausting.

Back to the subject at hand:

And, China is apparently being a bit more racist about the coronavirus too:

I'm guessing the "woke" in the American media and establishment will give China a pass for this.
Universal health insurance coverage for 1.3 billion people: What accounts for China's success

China successfully achieved universal health insurance coverage in 2011, representing the largest expansion of insurance coverage in human history. While the achievement is widely recognized, it is still largely unexplored why China was able to attain it within a short period. This study aims to fill the gap. Through a systematic political and socio-economic analysis, it identifies seven major drivers for China's success, including (1) the SARS outbreak as a wake-up call, (2) strong public support for government intervention in health care, (3) renewed political commitment from top leaders, (4) heavy government subsidies, (5) fiscal capacity backed by China's economic power, (6) financial and political responsibilities delegated to local governments and (7) programmatic implementation strategy. Three of the factors seem to be unique to China (i.e., the SARS outbreak, the delegation, and the programmatic strategy.) while the other factors are commonly found in other countries’ insurance expansion experiences. This study also discusses challenges and recommendations for China's health financing, such as reducing financial risk as an immediate task, equalizing benefit across insurance programs as a long-term goal, improving quality by tying provider payment to performance, and controlling costs through coordinated reform initiatives. Finally, it draws lessons for other developing countries. ... 1015001864
Donna wrote:
China is a global health leader

The unspeakable Chinese practice of harvesting prisoners of conscience for their organs

In the early 2000s doctors around the world began to notice large numbers of their patients flying to China for organ transplants. An organ was typically ready within a week. The availability and number of organs was baffling, until horrific stories began to leak out. It was rumoured that hospitals were harvesting live Falun Gong practitioners for their organs. Reports from the inside confirm China’s unimaginable harvesting of human-beings.
You'd think Sivad would learn the pattern by now - given how many countries his cuntry has attacked - that the demonisation of states via corporate media is made to manufacture consent for war(s). But he is as much of a cuck for this stuff as the people in his cuntry that he constantly rants about.
skinster wrote:You'd think Sivad would learn the pattern by now - given how many countries his cuntry has attacked - that the demonisation of states via corporate media is made to manufacture consent for war(s). But he is as much of a cuck for this stuff as the people in his cuntry that he constantly rants about.

Classcucks gonna classcuck.
In the long term, I see it as a good thing for manufacturers to move operations elsewhere, despite the fact logistics and the machinery itself is easier to operate and be replaced in China.

Zionist Nationalist wrote:Image

I saw those exact cartoons being shared on Chinese social media. They’re part of what amounts to a 50-page cartoon comic/pamphlet. It’s like a deranged comedy sketch on Groundhog Day where the scene repeats itself, alternating between a black or white foreigner. The guy gets dragged by a regular Chinese citizen, official guy in medical gear asks what his crime is, and the regular guy lists off a bunch of things being spread on social media at the time, like the lie about a Nigerian guy attacking a Chinese nurse (a Chinese guy did that), and other stuff. Hazmat guy usually condemns the foreigner as not human but as “trash” and then either water or some sort of chemicals are sprayed; that recycling setup of four cans is standard in much of China now as of last year, but they don’t spray liquid like that. The comic ends with a text wall condemning foreigners as bad people who should mostly be expelled from China.

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