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Can population exchange still workable?

Yes - It should be forcefully (fascist/socialist option)
Yes - It should be voluntarily (liberal option)
No votes
Yes - It should be voluntraily, state shouldn't have a say on this. Leave it to people (conservative/ libertarian option)
No - I will explain my position in my post.
Other - I will explain my position in my post
By Istanbuller
I believe that Donald Trump's anti-immigration stance has become more meaningful these days as American diversity is falling apart. Africans and Hispanics are apparently unhappy in America. Maybe some kind of population exchange can be a solution. I would like to advice you to read about Population exchange between Greece and Turkey in 1923. It will give you insights about how it worked out.


US can send unwanted population back to where they came from and these countries can get financial aid from US in return. It can be examined in very different ways. It is up to your approach and imagination which can become reality in practice.
It doesn't matter what we think.
The fact is that if any nation in which all the rest great powers have interests with forcefully expels or genocides people. None will do anything meaningful about it.
Look at The Ottoman Genocides, in which dozens of millions of Armenians, kurds, assyrians and Greeks were either masacred either forced out of their homes. If you want a more modern example Look at what the Chinese do in Xinjiang, look At Burma, Look at Akhbazia and ossetia, look at southern Albania
Look at what happened at Kosovo. Look all of the Jugoslavija war.

Noone did something about those. Not only the world powers allowed and still allow these stuff to happen but moreover they don't even punish the criminals.
Everyone acts like they don't happen.
And now when it comes to some illegal migrants you all suddenly humanists and sensitive? :lol:
The hypocrisy is killing me :knife:

Now when it comes to American society.
America isn't one particular culture or type of people. America is Africans Hispanic and Europeans all toghether. All this racism thing is just a problem left by the past, America will get over it. Population exchange within America would be idiotic and it would only manage to divide America into divisions even more.
It's not the solution at all
Hellas me ponas wrote:It doesn't matter what we think.
The fact is that if any nation in which all the rest great powers have interests with forcefully expels or genocides people. None will do anything meaningful about it.
Look at The Ottoman Genocides, in which dozens of millions of Armenians, kurds, assyrians and Greeks were either masacred either forced out of their homes. If you want a more modern example Look at what the Chinese do in Xinjiang, look At Burma, Look at Akhbazia and ossetia, look at southern Albania
Look at what happened at Kosovo. Look all of the Jugoslavija war.

Noone did something about those. Not only the world powers allowed and still allow these stuff to happen but moreover they don't even punish the criminals.
Everyone acts like they don't happen.
And now when it comes to some illegal migrants you all suddenly humanists and sensitive? :lol:
The hypocrisy is killing me :knife:

Now when it comes to American society.
America isn't one particular culture or type of people. America is Africans Hispanic and Europeans all toghether. All this racism thing is just a problem left by the past, America will get over it. Population exchange within America would be idiotic and it would only manage to divide America into divisions even more.
It's not the solution at all

No, these were not genocides. You and Armenians tried to invade Turkey. Attacking Turkey was a stupid move. You failed because you were numerically inferior.

You had to pay price after being defeated. That is all.
Istanbuller wrote:No, these were not genocides. You and Armenians tried to invade Turkey. Attacking Turkey was a stupid move. You failed because you were numerically inferior.

You had to pay price after being defeated. That is all.

You cannot relate a states propaganda to history. No matter what you want to claim, history is there, go read it if you want to learn the truth.
We Greek also committed many atrocities against turks. Look at the many Turkish communities that existed in morea before the Greek war of independence. Also during the minor Asian campaign, there were reported incidents of Greek soldiers abusing locals (even their own comrades) sometimes even raping them or killing them for ridiculous reasons. Those are facts, and unfortunately we Greeks still haven't accepted them.
Same way, turkey commited ethnic and systematic cleansic and genocide against all the other people's that were living in the anatolian region alongside them were many millions of Greeks .
And noone invaded turkey, those lands were yours as much as ours and you know that really well we Greeks have many thousands of years of history ties with the anatolian lands and until you genocides and then expelled the rest remaining Greeks from anatolia we also had strong and huge population there. The Minor Asian disaster was a disaster for both Greeks and turks because we let the foreign powers establish both of us permanently as puppet states if you want my opinion but that's another matter and a huge topic, we can discuss it elsewhere if you want.

Now let's back to discussing about those Americans and their problems
Istanbuller wrote:No, these were not genocides. You and Armenians tried to invade Turkey. Attacking Turkey was a stupid move. You failed because you were numerically inferior.

You had to pay price after being defeated. That is all.

And yet, your own link quotes an Ottoman ally:

The indications are that the Turks plan to eliminate the Greek element as enemies of the state, as they did earlier with the Armenians. The strategy implemented by the Turks is of displacing people to the interior without taking measures for their survival by exposing them to death, hunger, and illness. The abandoned homes are then looted and burnt or destroyed. Whatever was done to the Armenians is being repeated with the Greeks.

— Chancellor of Germany in 1917, Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg, The Killing Trap: Genocide in the Twentieth Century

As far as your attempt to liken the present-day American situation to the genocide and forced migration of 100 years ago, what a failure. African Americans, whose ancestors were forcibly moved to the USA and then held in slavery for generations, don't like the way they are discriminated against by the police. "They came" from the USA, and their families mostly arrived there long before other immigrants such as the Trump family, who only arrived in the 20th century. I think the Trump family is closer to an "unwanted population", but sadly no one is suggested he is deported to Germany or Scotland - or Slovakia for his 3 elder children.

This idea that people should move to different continents and a bit of money thrown at them will make everything OK is imbecilic. How about using a bit of money to train American police to not be bigoted thugs? Then everyone gets to stay in their homes, continue their productive lives in the countries of which they're citizens, and people don't discriminate on the basis of skin colour. Win-win all round. Even the cops would get to be decent human beings.
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By Tainari88
Prosthetic Conscience wrote:And yet, your own link quotes an Ottoman ally:

As far as your attempt to liken the present-day American situation to the genocide and forced migration of 100 years ago, what a failure. African Americans, whose ancestors were forcibly moved to the USA and then held in slavery for generations, don't like the way they are discriminated against by the police. "They came" from the USA, and their families mostly arrived there long before other immigrants such as the Trump family, who only arrived in the 20th century. I think the Trump family is closer to an "unwanted population", but sadly no one is suggested he is deported to Germany or Scotland - or Slovakia for his 3 elder children.

This idea that people should move to different continents and a bit of money thrown at them will make everything OK is imbecilic. How about using a bit of money to train American police to not be bigoted thugs? Then everyone gets to stay in their homes, continue their productive lives in the countries of which they're citizens, and people don't discriminate on the basis of skin colour. Win-win all round. Even the cops would get to be decent human beings.

But, PC, I am afraid the USA government and the police have always not applied the law fairly when it comes to African Americans. Not in its criminal justice system and not in bringing to justice crimes against African American communities.

Some racists say Blacks are naturally violent. The reality is that if one starts measuring violence the USA government is very very violent and most of the history of the USA government was run completely by white males who spoke English. No one talks about the truth. Power relationships in nations are about the people holding on to power through intimidation tactics. Police, army, law enforcement, criminal justice system, who has money for good lawyers and who doesn't.

Plus now the prisons are privately owned. They need criminals to do hard jail time or prison time to make money. There has been a rash of school-to-prison pipelines for Black males in the USA. Some of the stats are talking about one-third of the entire male Black population of the USA will see the inside of prison within their lifetimes. IN fact, more white males will too. And women. it is a means of making money now for the prison system owned by shareholders or investors.

There are some fine documentaries on that reality in Netflix and online. The 13th Floor
. Let me see if I can get that link of the trailer for you PC?

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