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By Sivad
quetzalcoatl wrote:I'm afraid of death as much as the next guy. My solution is to ignore the fact I have to die.

The problem is so many old people are so terrified of death that they'll destroy all of society just to prolong their lives for a few more months. This covid lockdown farce is the most epic coffin dodge in all of human history and it's all because a bunch of perpetual children have lived for 60, 70, 80 years and never learned how to think for themselves, never developed any real substance, and haven't even come to terms with their own mortality. They've totally failed as human being and their lives are shameful pathetic disgraces.
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By Drlee
Atheistic materialism is just a dumb person's idea of what a smart person thinks...

Love it. How about that.
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By Potemkin
quetzalcoatl wrote:I'm afraid of death as much as the next guy. My solution is to ignore the fact I have to die. It doesn't make me any wiser, but wisdom is as fleeting as life itself - so there's no permanent loss.

Ironically, knowing that it doesn't make you any wiser makes you wiser, just as knowing that he knew nothing meant that Socrates knew something. Lol.
By Sivad
Drlee wrote:
there is no professor.

ain't that the truth...
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By Crantag
I walk the streets carrying a scythe, so that if I see Death I can cut his throat, in equal combat. I do have a scythe. It is a very great scythe, like you have never seen before. It's the best scythe. I will best Death in a scythe fight.
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By Potemkin
Crantag wrote:I walk the streets carrying a scythe, so that if I see Death I can cut his throat, in equal combat. I do have a scythe. It is a very great scythe, like you have never seen before. It's the best scythe. I will best Death in a scythe fight.

By ness31
you guys should tune into one of Lex Friedman’s latest podcasts..he had a death expert on who from a very young age became terrified of mortality; like it was almost debilitating. From then on he made the field his passion.

Who knows, maybe we can shape what death is too a certain extent? :hmm:

My biggest worry is not being allowed to die.... “vietato morire”...
By Rich
Sivad wrote:I wouldn't count on it, that's just something atheists tell themselves to relieve their religious angst. Total annihilation sounds good to me too but somehow I doubt any of us will get off that easy. You should probably be prepared for a cosmic reckoning where you're laid bare before the universe and forced to confront the ugly truth about yourself in every excruciatingly pitiful detail. Every failure and weakness and all the bullshit and hypocrisy, it's all gonna catch up with you and be on full display before God and everyone.

Well thank God for the paedophiles then. I mean nothing I've done is remotely as embarrassing as paedophilia, why should I worry about having my secrets exposed? Do we get to see like videos of how people have lived their lives? A sort of God's eye view. Having all of my shit exposed for all to see, seems a small price to pay to get to watch all of that Girl on Girl action.

And whose everyone? Does it include the Neanderthals? Homo Errecti? Australopithecines, Chimps? Bonobos?

I figure it's what we all owe

Ok I was brought up to know the difference between good and evil. To obey Gods will. The Israelites were ordered by God to exterminate the inhabitants of Jericho. The men, the women, the children, the babies, "the unborn child"s. Even the animals. So imagine you were one on of those Israelites and imagine you had let some little Caananite boy escape. You would have to live with the shame of that act for the rest of your life. You have failed God. You have sinned. You owe God. You owe your neighbours, you owe your fellow Israelites. Most of all you owe your children and your grand children, because one day when that boy is a man, or when that boy's children or grandchildren are men they may come back and kill your Grandsons and rape your grand daughters.

Now I know, I know, a lot of you thinking how could anyone just disobey the will of God like that? How could anyone be so evil? But I'm telling you this is just the sort of thing some cosmopolitan, self indulgent, narcissistic, I know better than God, Liberal might do. So this evil-doer certainly owes a lot of people, but I have hard time seeing how he owes everyone. I have a hard time seeing how he owes the Caananite boy or that boys descendants that would never have got to exist without that man's sin.
Last edited by Rich on 02 Sep 2020 13:57, edited 1 time in total.
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By Potemkin
You know, @Rich, I don't often agree with you on anything, but sometimes your posts are pure gold. :) :up:
By Sivad
Potemkin wrote:You know, @Rich, I don't often agree with you on anything, but sometimes your posts are pure gold. :) :up:

That post was pure stupid. Rich is confusing religion with a well documented phenomenon and nothing he wrote has any relevance to anything I'm talking about. We have thousands and thousands of reported NDEs that all have life review as a common feature. What does that have to do with ancient Israelites or anything Rich is saying? Not a thing, Rich is just triggered and he's prating and prattling non sequiturs in a lame attempt to like preserve or defend his idiotic worldview. It's pretty standard behavior with internet atheists.
By Sivad
So we have these near death experiences and the majority of them involve a life review that many experiencers say were pretty unpleasant. The Science! cretins can't explain any of it, they just try wave it off as a hallucinatory spasm of a dying brain but that doesn't really fit the evidence at all. Meanwhile the veridicality of these experiences is well supported by multiple lines of evidence which of course all the Science! cretins completely ignore because they got nothing to rebut it with so they just go all obtuse and pretend they're too intellectually sophisticated to take any of it seriously. They're just fucking idiots and you can't have an intelligent discussion about it with any of them.
By ness31
I’ve never heard of it referred to as a life review. It also has an element of Groundhog Day.

Sometimes I’m tempted to try and change things around a bit, but I try to be quite disciplined. That be f’kin witchcraft :|
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By Godstud
@Sivad I can see why you have so much trouble whenever science is in question, since you can't differentiate between belief and science. Science deals with things that can be proven(evidence, repeatability, etc,). Belief does not.

The odds of there being nothing, or seeing Zeus, God, Allah, or Odin are the same. It all comes down to what you believe, since science cannot prove anything about what happens to some magical incorporeal part of our body, after we die, and doesn't try to. That doesn't make science any less valid. It just has limitations when it comes to "beliefs", that don't require evidence.
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By Godstud
Grow up, @Sivad. You can't even form a cogent argument. Your words are empty and twisted like an old woman.
By Sivad
ness31 wrote:I’ve never heard of it referred to as a life review.

Well here's the thing, even if it is just a hallucinatory spasm of a dying mind, people are having the experience of reliving their lives. So that's a thing regardless of what's producing the experience. And they don't just relive their lives from their perspective, they see their lives from the perspective of others as well as from an omniscient perspective where they can see and feel the effects of their actions on everyone and everything as the effects ripple out through time and space.

They say these experiences are extremely intense and what we can verify is that most of the people who undergo them exhibit profound psychological changes that lead them to radically reorient their entire lives. Some people have such negative experiences that they're left in a state of terror for the rest of their lives.

So this is something that you have to take on board if you're intellectually honest, you can't just dismiss it or try to explain it away. But most people don't want to reckon with reality as it presents, they have their little ideologies that they're desperate to fit the whole world into and any inconvenient or anomolous data is just ignored or dismissed.

“A procession of the damned: By the damned I mean the excluded. We shall have a procession of data that science has excluded. Battalions of the accursed, captained by pallid data that I have exhumed will march. You'll read them, or they'll march. Some of them livid and some of them fiery and some of them rotten. Some of them are corpses, skeletons, mummies, twitching, tottering, animated by companions that have been damned alive. There are giants that will walk by, though sound asleep. There are things that are theorems and things that are rags. They'll go by, like you could, arm-in-arm with the spirit of anarchy. Here and there will foot little harlots. Many are clowns, but many are of the highest respectability. Some are assassins. There are pale stenches and gaunt superstitions and mere shadows and lively malices, whims and amiabilities, the naive and the pedantic and the bizarre and the grotesque and the sincere and the insincere, the profound, and the puerile. A stab and a laugh and the patiently folded hands of hopeless propriety. The ultra-respectable! But the condemned, anyway.”
― Charles Fort, The Book of the Damned
By Sivad
Godstud wrote: empty and twisted like an old woman.

Why in your mind are old women empty and twisted? wtf? lol
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By jimjam

My biggest worry is not being allowed to die.... “vietato morire”...[/quote]

Mine too. Just a few weeks ago my nephew fell off a 40 foot cliff and was declared brain dead. The doctors informed my brother that they could keep him "alive" indefinitely with various machines or "pull the plug". IMO if your brain is "dead" YOU are dead. The plug was pulled and my poor brother watched his son "die" for one hour and 15 minutes.

What say you? If the brain is dead are YOU dead?
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By Stormsmith
By ness31
What say you? If the brain is dead are YOU dead?

I don’t know. Unfortunately, I suspect not. And I don’t think simply switching off support frees a trapped mind :hmm:

How many posts did it take to get to the idea of consciousness? :lol:

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