If God exists, who created God? - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Sivad wrote:Well there's something metaphysically prior to everything until you get to a necessary something which has the reason for its existence within itself and couldn't not exist or be anything other than what it is. When you start contemplating what kind of thing might a necessary something be that's prior to all contingent things you wind up at the God of the philosophers.

I think Sivad's point here is about God being self caused (casua sui) takes things a step above the question of First cause in a linear causality. Because causality can only explain things up to a point and is why things end up at a brick wall where the infinite regress meets a point where it seems impossible.
So instead, something must somehow be it's own cause.
Hegel showed that causality is extremely limited in its explanatory capacity, because the invocation of causation leads to an infinite regress. Efficient causes are always of interest, but a phenomenon is only understood when it is grasped as a cause of itself (a causa sui), that is, the relevant process is seen to create and recreate the conditions for its own existence. But even then, explanation often takes the form of Reciprocity of cause and effect. Hegel (1831) grants that “to make the manners of the Spartans the cause of their constitution and their constitution conversely the cause of their manners, may no doubt be in a way correct,” but still explains nothing. But Reciprocity is as far as Causality can go. The understanding of a process as a cause sui means grasping it as a concept and usually incorporates an investigation of its origins and development.

To which some of the myths about the origins of the universe adopt a view in which there is no true beginning.
I call the "no-beginning" myths those without a single beginning of time. Within those, there are two possibilities: an eternal cosmos, without beginning and end; and a cyclic cosmos, where the cosmos is created and destroyed in cycles that repeat throughout eternity, with no moment of creation more important than any other one. The Jains of India espoused the eternal cosmos, while the Hindus espoused cycles of creation beautifully represented in the dance of Shiva.

Even in the cyclical process there is a kind of active intervention of some kind.
One could say that this text expresses archaic, premodern contents wrapped in the language of classic philosophy, science, and dialectical materialism. The indicator of this mythic content is, especially, the theme of heroic self-sacrifice and “global fire,” a familiar Promethean motif. When I sent this text to Boris Groys, he offered a much more radical reading of its paganism, calling “Cosmology” “a revival of the Aztec religion” of Quetzalcoatl, who “sets himself on fire to reverse the entropic process.”

It seems that whatever it is, it must be supernatural and beyond the physics and reason of our reality, it is beyond it somehow.
I guess those without a beginning are simply unsatisfying to the causal outlook with a necessary beginning.
B0ycey wrote:It is inherently true.

And no it isn't. Colour can be explained by light wave length and consciousness. Do you know Newton and Opticks?

You can't just saying something exists and that is its natural state. Or you can but then you have to explain why that is its natural state. Why? Because it is something. Or a best you have to explain what infinity is. Why? Because you say it has always existed. Either way there are questions you need to explain.

And if you haven't noticed your examples can be explained FYI which isn't helping your cause.

My examples are just for thought experiments. Yes colors can be explained, but you cannot explain what you perceive as Blue. This is the same with infinity, we can explain what it is but understanding can never be complete.
You say that nothing is the natural state, then you have to explain why it is the natural state. If nothing is the natural state then how can something come about, without an outside something. You should begin to see that nothing cannot be the essence. Even the Big Bang proponents agree that there was something before.
Wellsy wrote:So instead, something must somehow be it's own cause.

Ultimately this can only be the solution. Whether that is God or something else. We can only speculate on these things but forces are quantifiable and are by definition 'nothing' as they are an action. The unusual thing is they can be classed as energy and the speed of light, whatever that is, is part of the formula for matter. So I can see a path for matter to exist from nothing, have an idea how that is possible but cannot put that into a formula or an explaination that is can be debated.
There is more evidence for a definite beginning of the universe (i.e. the Big Bang theory) than there is for a universe that has always existed.

As for god, I am of the belief that she is creating herself and all the universe in an ongoing process.
Oxymoron wrote:You say that nothing is the natural state, then you have to explain why it is the natural state. If nothing is the natural state then how can something come about, without an outside something. You should begin to see that nothing cannot be the essence. Even the Big Bang proponents agree that there was something before.

Well I don't believe in the standard model. I think it has been put into a formula to try and explain a beginning that scientists hope is true but they are still like a split second from explaining the start so it is faulty.

But on your point that you think I believe nothing is the natural state, well I don't think it is. It is just that nothing doesn't need to be explained which was Sivads point. Nonetheless when it comes to these types of discussions people try to quantify it to something they can explain within their own reality when the explanation maybe something humans are not capable of perceiving. That is to say time maybe just an illusion for our consciousness. If there was no beginning of the universe there can be no end. Time may well exist in all its manifestations simultaneously. And matter maybe a consequence of whatever time is and the forces that enable it.
Pants-of-dog wrote:There is more evidence for a definite beginning of the universe (i.e. the Big Bang theory) than there is for a universe that has always existed.

As for god, I am of the belief that she is creating herself and all the universe in an ongoing process.

I feel like things aren’t so clear cut as time wouldn’t exist outside of the universe if it came from nothing.
So what is eternity meant to mean outside of it? I guess the point is we reach the limit of the big bang but perhaps time doesn’t exist exactly at the big bang as there is no clear limit if things arose from nothing.
The “no-boundary proposal,” which Hawking and his frequent collaborator, James Hartle, fully formulated in a 1983 paper, envisions the cosmos having the shape of a shuttlecock. Just as a shuttlecock has a diameter of zero at its bottommost point and gradually widens on the way up, the universe, according to the no-boundary proposal, smoothly expanded from a point of zero size. Hartle and Hawking derived a formula describing the whole shuttlecock — the so-called “wave function of the universe” that encompasses the entire past, present and future at once — making moot all contemplation of seeds of creation, a creator, or any transition from a time before.

“Asking what came before the Big Bang is meaningless, according to the no-boundary proposal, because there is no notion of time available to refer to,” Hawking said in another lecture at the Pontifical Academy in 2016, a year and a half before his death. “It would be like asking what lies south of the South Pole.”

Hartle and Hawking’s proposal radically reconceptualized time. Each moment in the universe becomes a cross-section of the shuttlecock; while we perceive the universe as expanding and evolving from one moment to the next, time really consists of correlations between the universe’s size in each cross-section and other properties — particularly its entropy, or disorder. Entropy increases from the cork to the feathers, aiming an emergent arrow of time. Near the shuttlecock’s rounded-off bottom, though, the correlations are less reliable; time ceases to exist and is replaced by pure space. As Hartle, now 79 and a professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, explained it by phone recently, “We didn’t have birds in the very early universe; we have birds later on. … We didn’t have time in the early universe, but we have time later on.”

There is a kind of sense of existence as always was even while it wasn’t always. Or this is yet another contradiction in which the limits aren’t clear and seem to negate one another like something coming from nothing but that seems to be what happens when try to talk sensibly about that which is simply beyond reality ie metaphysics.
Sivad wrote:That wouldn't solve the problem, it doesn't explain why there would be an infinitely looping universe in the first place? And even if it did there would still be the question of why this particular infinitely looping universe and not some other infinitely looping universe?

"Creation" refers to a starting point in time. If we're in an infinite loop of time, there is no starting point.
Pants-of-dog wrote:There is more evidence for a definite beginning of the universe (i.e. the Big Bang theory) than there is for a universe that has always existed.

We don't know what happened before the big bang. The universe could be expanding and contracting infinitely in endless cycles, so the big bang could have happened an infinite # of times before and will continue to happen an infinite # of times in the future.

As for god, I am of the belief that she is creating herself and all the universe in an ongoing process.

God is probably genderless and sexless since God probably wouldn't need to breed to survive since God would never die or be born.
Unthinking Majority wrote:We don't know what happened before the big bang. The universe could be expanding and contracting infinitely in endless cycles, so the big bang could have happened an infinite # of times before and will continue to happen an infinite # of times in the future.

If it can be shown that time cannot exist without space, there would be no “before” before the big bang.

God is probably genderless and sexless since God probably wouldn't need to breed to survive since God would never die or be born.

I prefer to think of it as god encompassing all genders and sexes and constantly being born.
Pants-of-dog wrote:I prefer to think of it as god encompassing all genders and sexes and constantly being born.

Yes, similarly I like to think of it where if male and female are Ying and Yang, then god would be like the complete circle of ying/yang together, and male and female are attracted to each other in order to come together in order to become God, as they do when they create life (babies).
Unthinking Majority wrote:Let's say God exists, and God created the universe because the universe had to be created by something or someone.

Well then who created God? How did God come to be? Did a hyper-intelligent all-powerful being just appear out of nowhere? If so, how?

God exists and it is you, me, your cat.
There is no god by the biblical mean of it.
It's just the universe trying to expand towards every dimension by simply creating new ones.
Before life there were three dimensions, then suddenly you got a pile of carbon chemistry chains suddenly existing in more than 4 dimensions.
We all are the same entity trying to expand infinite.

Sorry it sure is very confusing for you to read I am just trying to say the core of this subject in very few words so you don't get tired reading an essay.

So my humble answer to your question is, you are part of God, a mini god , God is all of what exists around you toghether and much more you can't see or perceive because your human mind has a specific structure that doesn't allow you to perceive it, you're just a small wheel of a gigantic never ending engine.
And as for who made it all, it's simple it always existed.
Now that last part "it always existed", because I know you're a smart dude, I'll advise you not to immidiately accept or reject it like most people do, but instead try to perceive the idea of infinite, flirt with it in your mind and try to embrace the infinity.
It's all about realising and embracing infinity.

So yeah in my opinion no god exists like the biblical or mythological way of it. But still exists, just in a different form than you think.
I'll try to give you more so it will be more clear.

Universe (being literally everything from a human to an asteroid to a pile of horseshit in a farm ) it flows and expands in every way possible, not only outwards but also inwards.

Life is the inwards expansion of the universe .

Living beings are 5 dimensional (at least).
3 dimensions being geometrical dimensions 1 being time and 5th and above are what distinguishes an ant from a rock.
I'll take humans for example because we are humans so we can understand ourselves better than we could understand a chimp for example.

Humans are a balance between dimensions. Ying yang, chemistry balancing with spirit.
We are a creature made out of the balance of dimensions created by universal expansion to infinity..

So you have to flow with it. You need to balance yourself according to life. Its about understanding when to upset or preserve balances, emotionally, mentally, physically. Its not just about our spirit , its about everything around you.
You need to be as adaptable as the shape of water yet as balanced and stable as a rock.
Unthinking Majority wrote:Let's say God exists, and God created the universe because the universe had to be created by something or someone.

Well then who created God? How did God come to be? Did a hyper-intelligent all-powerful being just appear out of nowhere? If so, how?

Saint Thomas Aquinas asked the same question in the 13th century.
http://web.mnstate.edu/gracyk/courses/w ... alysis.htm

Kurt Gödel tried to prove God existed. He was incredibly smart.
If there really was a God and he wanted you to believe in him, completely, then it's within his power to make it completely evident that He exists. That evidence of a God who wants people to worship him is lacking, sort of makes you think, doesn't it?
Godstud wrote:If there really was a God and he wanted you to believe in him, completely, then it's within his power to make it completely evident that He exists. That evidence of a God who wants people to worship him is lacking, sort of makes you think, doesn't it?

If God wants me to believe in something without evidence then he wants me to be naive and stupid. No thanks.
Unthinking Majority wrote:No offense but this is the dumbest stuff i've ever read in my life.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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