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Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Please introduce yourself here.
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By SaintButter
Hello everyone.

I've had a lot more free time lately, for reasons related and unrelated to COVID. I spent too much time arguing on online forums when I was younger, so now I'm here again.

Also, a lot of my co-workers still think Trump won the U.S. election and coronavirus is a conspiracy, and it's irritating to always pretend I don't have a strong opinion to avoid unnecessary conflict. I hope to channel a little bit of that frustration in this direction. In fact, I wanted to find a forum populated mostly by American conservatives, and I know a couple, but none of those have a format conducive to longer productive conversations. The ones that do either aren't public or would probably immediately ban me once I start arguing. Lol.

Anyways, I hope to have some fun conversations here.
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By fuser
Welcome aboard.

Few points :
There are no other forums except for
But above all, "Death to Umrikkaaaaaa" ;)
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By noemon
Hello there and welcome.

I'm sure you will find some hard-nosed conservatives to give you battle in here. :)
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By Godstud
Welcome aboard the Crazy Train!!


Fuck yer friend who are bonkers. Trump lost!! Tell it like it is! :D
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By Godstud
Ack!!! double post! delete!
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By Stormsmith

Welcome,..said the Liberal to the Conservative
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By Heisenberg
Welcome, @SaintButter.

Saeko wrote:what is your opinion of Comrade Stalin, the Gentle Father of Nations?

Comrade Stalin's kindness illuminates the future of our children. :rainbow:

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By SaintButter
Saeko wrote:@SaintButter, what is your opinion of Comrade Stalin, the Gentle Father of Nations?

A man of culture. Liked to cross-dress. Loved memes, especially Late Capitalism memes. Had great taste in cigars. Jorji from Papers Please reminds me of him.

noemon wrote:I'm sure you will find some hard-nosed conservatives to give you battle in here. :)

But the ones that would post on this board are probably laaaammmeeee. The ones I want to talk to are all hiding in echo chambers.
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By Goranhammer
I'm not a conservative, but I did vote for Trump (twice). Looking at the shitstorm of Biden in just two and a half months, I stand by my votes.

And while I don't go to the length of the election being "stolen", there are noticeable inconsistencies and a whole lot of shady behavior in this last election - not to mention that multiple states violated their own constitutions in the process.

If the worst thing a POTUS does is flap his yap way too much and insist on an ego stroke for everything he does, it's a much better alternative than watching some senile old fuck try to spend America into oblivion.

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