Why I Left The Democratic Party - Page 6 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Traditional 'common sense' values and duty to the state.
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:lol: The funny thing is that Diamond is actually a self hating European racist Cultural Marxist. I've seen him in a video flat out state that he thinks that New Guinea hunter gatherers are more intelligent than Europeans. Don't forget Anthropology was the first of the University facilities to fall completely under Cultural Marxist domination.

Diamond is trying to explain the Africans, Amerindians and Australians failure to develop. And he actually does a pretty good job. The reason he uses the vague term Eurasia is because he's trying to skate over the question of why Christian Europe saved the world from hunger, sickness and superstition, not China, India or the Muslims. Trust me his heart is pure, and everything he does is done with the intention to minimise and where possible denigrate the achievements of European people.

Nietzsche may have pronounced God the Father dead, but Christ the son is very much alive. Like the devout Christian "The White man" is drenched in sin. Like the true imitator of Christ all attempts at redemption only lead him into further sinfulness. The nicer the colourless White man is to the people worthy of being identified with a colour the greater the danger. What is the greatest sin that a White man can commit. No its not slavery. Its not even genocide. No the greatest sin that a white man can commit is believing that he is not racist.

Oh hang on maybe there is an even greater sin. Yes an even greater sin than imagining that he is not racist. The White man should meditate night and day. The White man should pray constantly to understand what its like to be a person of Colour, but dare him not, dare him not for one instant to ever imagine he can know what its like to be one of the innocent victim races.

Yes we Europeans have achieved great things. And although Greece and Rome achieved great things as Pagan cultures, it is difficult to preclude that the tensions and suffering within Christianity aided our creativity. But I would ask us to question whether this constant meditation on our sinfulness and this constant desire to imitate the effective suicide and crucifixion of Christ is long term healthy for a culture.
Rich wrote:
:lol: The funny thing is that Diamond is actually a self hating European racist Cultural Marxist. I've seen him in a video flat out state that he thinks that New Guinea hunter gatherers are more intelligent than Europeans. Don't forget Anthropology was the first of the University facilities to fall completely under Cultural Marxist domination.

Diamond is trying to explain the Africans, Amerindians and Australians failure to develop. And he actually does a pretty good job. The reason he uses the vague term Eurasia is because he's trying to skate over the question of why Christian Europe saved the world from hunger, sickness and superstition, not China, India or the Muslims. Trust me his heart is pure, and everything he does is done with the intention to minimise and where possible denigrate the achievements of European people.

Nietzsche may have pronounced God the Father dead, but Christ the son is very much alive. Like the devout Christian "The White man" is drenched in sin. Like the true imitator of Christ all attempts at redemption only lead him into further sinfulness. The nicer the colourless White man is to the people worthy of being identified with a colour the greater the danger. What is the greatest sin that a White man can commit. No its not slavery. Its not even genocide. No the greatest sin that a white man can commit is believing that he is not racist.

Oh hang on maybe there is an even greater sin. Yes an even greater sin than imagining that he is not racist. The White man should meditate night and day. The White man should pray constantly to understand what its like to be a person of Colour, but dare him not, dare him not for one instant to ever imagine he can know what its like to be one of the innocent victim races.

Yes we Europeans have achieved great things. And although Greece and Rome achieved great things as Pagan cultures, it is difficult to preclude that the tensions and suffering within Christianity aided our creativity. But I would ask us to question whether this constant meditation on our sinfulness and this constant desire to imitate the effective suicide and crucifixion of Christ is long term healthy for a culture.

Rich wrote:
Christian Europe saved the world from hunger, sickness and superstition,


Overall this was one of those periods of history in which the clashes of values produced by rapid changes in society led to a flourishing of intellectual inquiry. There was not yet a single orthodox interpretation of Islam, and rival schools battled for people’s minds. The lower classes of the towns were attracted to the various Shia heresies—views which repeatedly led to attempted revolts against the empire.

Meanwhile poets, scholars and philosophers flocked to Baghdad from all parts of the empire, hoping to receive the patronage of some wealthy courtier, landowner or merchant. They translated into Arabic the works of Greek, Persian, Syriac (the language of ancient Syria) and Indian philosophy, medicine and mathematics. Philosophers such as al-Kindi, al-Farabi and Ibn Sina (usually known in the west as Avicenna) sought to provide a rational account of the world, building on the ideas of Plato and Aristotle. Mathematicians such as al-Khwarazmi, al-Buzjani and al-Biruni combined and developed the heritage of Greece and India. Astronomers constructed astrolabes and sextants and measured the circumference of the Earth.

Harman, _People's History of the World_, pp. 130-131


(CNN)One evening, Robin DiAngelo became a nice racist.

DiAngelo, author of "White Fragility," remembers the precise moment it happened. A friend invited her to join a few friends of hers for dinner. When DiAngelo arrived at the restaurant, she was excited to see that the couple waiting for them at the table was Black.

DiAngelo was a college student who had no Black friends and had rarely spent any time around Black people. But she saw herself as a proud progressive and a feminist. She proceeded to tell the Black couple how racist her family was and spent the entire evening recounting every uncensored racist joke, story, and comment she could remember them making, despite her dinner companions' growing discomfort.

She didn't know it at the time, but DiAngelo was doing something she now calls "credentialing" -- a conversational tactic White progressives sometimes use to show Black people they are not racist. Well-meaning White liberals do this by casually dropping into conversations such comments as, "My grandchildren are biracial," or "I don't see color," or "My best friend is Black."

https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/26/health/r ... index.html
Rich wrote:
1) The funny thing is that Diamond is actually a self hating European racist Cultural Marxist. I've seen him in a video flat out state that he thinks that New Guinea hunter gatherers are more intelligent than Europeans. Don't forget Anthropology was the first of the University facilities to fall completely under Cultural Marxist domination.

2) Diamond is trying to explain the Africans, Amerindians and Australians failure to develop. And he actually does a pretty good job. The reason he uses the vague term Eurasia is because he's trying to skate over the question of why Christian Europe saved the world from hunger, sickness and superstition, not China, India or the Muslims. Trust me his heart is pure, and everything he does is done with the intention to minimise and where possible denigrate the achievements of European people.

3) Nietzsche may have pronounced God the Father dead, but Christ the son is very much alive. Like the devout Christian "The White man" is drenched in sin. Like the true imitator of Christ all attempts at redemption only lead him into further sinfulness. The nicer the colourless White man is to the people worthy of being identified with a colour the greater the danger. What is the greatest sin that a White man can commit. No its not slavery. Its not even genocide. No the greatest sin that a white man can commit is believing that he is not racist.

1) You don't understand what he said, which is to be expected. Earlier generations had to rely more on memory. So they worked at it.

2) IOW, you haven't read the book.

3) Science doesn't use the idea of sin much. We're in the middle of a historic wave of racism and bigotry, even the FBI sees it, and they aren't exactly the sharpest pencil on the desk.

If you're an Excuse Junkie addicted to excuses, any excuse will do. Doesn't matter if it's brain dead.

"The book attempts to explain why Eurasian and North African civilizations have survived and conquered others, while arguing against the idea that Eurasian hegemony is due to any form of Eurasian intellectual, moral, or inherent genetic superiority. Diamond argues that the gaps in power and technology between human societies originate primarily in environmental differences, which are amplified by various positive feedback loops. When cultural or genetic differences have favored Eurasians (for example, written language or the development among Eurasians of resistance to endemic diseases), he asserts that these advantages occurred because of the influence of geography on societies and cultures (for example, by facilitating commerce and trade between different cultures) and were not inherent in the Eurasian genomes. "

Now you know why Rich was whining.
ArthurTandy1 wrote:I went to work for a gun manufacturer in 1985 and quickly learned much about firearms. Then, the Democrats began their gun control campaign. It was obvious that they knew very little about guns and they did alot of lying about them to con people into supporting their gun bans.

The worst of the liars in the Senate was Joe Biden. Bill Clinton was second worst. The Dems claimed that banning semiauto rifles would reduce crime. That is nonsense. Most criminals use pistols to do their work. Then they said their assault weapons were automatic weapons, another lie. They are all semiautomatic.

Nowadays I see the Dems lying about most everything. I'm glad I left.

Now that you see Democrats sexualizing children in schools and filling their minds with racist CRT hate, are you doubly glad you left?
GreatAmerican wrote:
Now that you see Democrats sexualizing children in schools and filling their minds with racist CRT hate, are you doubly glad you left?

Party politics? Culture wars? Viral-meme talking points, from the right-wing minions?
Red_Army wrote:I also think guns are cool and don't like the democratic party. What confuses me is why you want to vote for Republicans. Are you the CEO of a massive corporation? If not, the republicans are doing their best to fuck you viciously.

Yes. True Leftists don't believe in gun control, but in the right of the people to revolt against tyrannical and illegitimate rulers.
ckaihatsu wrote:Sounds like PTSD just from learning the *history* of the Vietnam War....

I was referring to Augusto Pinochet. Salvador Allende was another fascinating character. Thanks for playing.
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