Rishi Sunak conversing with homeless man in the UK - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Europe's nation states, the E.U. & Russia.

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Beren wrote:There's a stark difference, though, as to how Americans deal with Trump and his MAGA movement and how the British deal with Brexit (a.k.a. Make Britain Great Again) while making a political shit-show.Trump failed basically and can only drag down the GOP with himself perhaps while being thrown off, whereas Brexit (MBGA) succeeded and drags down the whole UK with itself.

However, just to make it absolutely clear to anyone, I actually (obviously?) meant to show the contrast between Obama (the real one) and Sunak (the miserable British copycat) and not to draw a parallel between them.

The jury is still out on Trump. Literally. He is being sidelined by the legal troubles, and his name if off the ballot in certain states due to his legal issues. But? He is the frontrunner for the Republican party. No doubt about that one. Nikki Hailey and many others like Rhamaswamy and others do not even come close. DeSantis neither. So who is the Republican party going to put? Could be Trump is there. Could be Trump wins again because the American Republican base is fanatical and hates the system. I know some people willing to vote Trump in even though he is crook, because they hate the liberal center and the liberals and the wishy washy shitty Democratic candidates and senators and congresspeople.

Both parties are horrible.

The problem is that the general corruption of paying off politicians has been effective on both sides. The Democrats and the Republicans often get donations for their campaigns from the same corporations, banks, and investment organizations. They cover both sides because in the end it is about the corporations getting priority over ordinary voters.

There is a malaise that is generalized now. And the only remedy is going to be very very angry and almost violent protesting and pressuring in the hundreds or thousands of millions for a long, long time. It will be another decade of constant blood spilled, attempted coups and people pissed on both the far Right and the far Left. And the middle people wringing their hands and talking shit about conciliation that is stupid. They corrupt ones need to be hit so hard in the ass that they lose their seats and the whole thing is burned to the ground. Replace them all and if the GOP implodes with their cult leader and the Biden types who talk shit and never get anything real accomplished are fearful of also imploding it is a good thing.

The US has to accept the reality of a nonwhite future. Of Latinos being the biggest minority group in the US. Larger than the African Americans and the Asians. By a lot. They got to accept that. That is all they have.

They got to accept that wages need to rise. Young people need relief from student loans. Universal health care has to happen. Expansion of social security needs to happen. Cutting violently the war and defense budgets. Pulling out of all those fucking control the world military installations. Stop interfering in democratic elections. Deal with realism with the PRC and the rest of the world, and start being real leaders of decent projects that HELP people instead of underhanded people with deep pockets trying to control the entire planet and all the governments in those nations. It is a ridiculous thing.

But, the USA might want to destroy itself before giving up on world dominion. Another Empire with overweening ambitions.

The world is moving in different directions. It is best and more efficient to distribute responsibilities to many nations who in smaller bits cooperate regionally and support each other regionally. Avoid slicing up the world in a pie and winner take all shit. It does not work well. Slice the pie into small slices and everyone gets to eat something. And be orderly, fair and just.

Avoid having to dominate the entire world. That is for crazies anyway.
@noemon what do you think about many people rethinking their lives in the UK because the economic opportunities are not there anymore?

What is interesting Noemon is you mentioned to me that the taxes are high and it is really bad for small businesses. It is also getting unaffordable to try to aspire to own a home in a city like Cambridge.

The people are feeling like the ability to just keep their heads above water are increasingly difficult.

Who is benefitting from Brexit? If no one really is benefitting from Brexit? Why can't they reverse that decision? Is it that politically it will doom whoever tries to backpedal on that situation?

There must be something that can be done to stabilize the UK and make a life that is hopeful for young people finishing university and trying to create some kind of career for themselves.

I hope they find at least a candidate with a viable plan. The plans I have seen from Rishi and others in the Tory party are ABYSMAL.
Tainari88 wrote:@noemon what do you think about many people rethinking their lives in the UK because the economic opportunities are not there anymore?

What is interesting Noemon is you mentioned to me that the taxes are high and it is really bad for small businesses. It is also getting unaffordable to try to aspire to own a home in a city like Cambridge.

The people are feeling like the ability to just keep their heads above water are increasingly difficult.

Who is benefitting from Brexit? If no one really is benefitting from Brexit? Why can't they reverse that decision? Is it that politically it will doom whoever tries to backpedal on that situation?

There must be something that can be done to stabilize the UK and make a life that is hopeful for young people finishing university and trying to create some kind of career for themselves.

I hope they find at least a candidate with a viable plan. The plans I have seen from Rishi and others in the Tory party are ABYSMAL.

The country is broken because governance is broken.

Britain has destroyed its living standards with 2 things, Brexit and nut-zero. Nut-zero as British policy is an extreme transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich that has very little to do or rather zero to do with actual net-zero emissions.

Both of these 2 issues are totally and irreversibly intractable.

So what is happening in the British economy is a cascade, of higher energy, higher inflation, higher prices, higher wages and round and round it goes with energy and food upending each other every month with no end.

I would say more but got to run, I will see you tomorrow or much later tonight.
Tainari88 wrote:What happened to Jeremy Corbyn Potemkin? Wasn't he trying to run and lost? Who else could be more of a decent leftist to challenge that Tory nightmare?

Jeremy Corbyn was really our last best chance, @Tainari88. So of course, the political Establishment nobbled him. :hmm:
Potemkin wrote:Jeremy Corbyn was really our last best chance, @Tainari88. So of course, the political Establishment nobbled him. :hmm:

Who are they Potemkin? Can you give me some names that are keeping the Tories in play in the UK? Specifics now. Names of people who you think are in the background there who are pulling the strings? And the reasons why they are pulling the strings and why so many working class people are in the UK voting for these total losers?
Rancid wrote:CAncel @Tainari88 !

It's unhoused now, you cannot say homeless.

I literally got fired once for saying homeless instead of our guests or some such bullshit. People need to stop being politically correct about people who do not have a home. It is not something to be ashamed of. It could happen to anyone at all. You just need to lose your job and run out of even unemployment insurance benefits which is easy to do in the United States. It only usually lasts at most six months. Then you are on your own. Many people can't find well paid work if they have been laid off from a high-paying position that they had worked in for years. And near the end of the lifespan of that business, they are laid off due to cuts, or whatever.

That whole cancel culture is sheer shit @Potemkin and @Rancid. Firing people for vocabulary used when the job you do is working with HOMELESS people and you got to call them GUESTS is bullshit. I say that...what are you going to do about it eh Rancid? Are you gonna cancel me now? :lol: :lol: :D

Firing is also an easy way to get rid of employees.

I won that battle with that nonprofit that fired me. I was covering a Sunday shift for a worker who was at a conference in Washington DC and I was not supposed to be working that shift on a Sunday. They wanted me to drive some huge bus to some event. I did not feel comfortable driving a bus. I never felt comfortable driving huge vehicles. They wanted me to fill up the bus and drive it. I did not have a bus license. Or the gas card to fill up the bus. The previous employees had forgot it.

Then some homeless woman heard me say homeless on the phone when I answered a phone call that someone asked what kind of people we served? She got offended. I did not know she was offended. She said, she had to say guest, and she did not. Whatever.

Later it was revealed that a white lady who was a Republican and who did not want parents that were homeless to stay beyond 6am in a church basement of her church because they needed to learn discipline, and I told her, they are driving over half an hour to park their car in a church parking lot, sleep and shower in a church basement and their kids do not go in to school until 8am. They want an extra hour of sleeping in. Before they go to work. She denied them. They need to learn discipline. I told her, how that affected her or not? She was not the owner of the church basement.

She said, they are poor because they are lazy and do not follow schedules. I told her, look lady you got a university professor from Zimbabwe who's apartment building was sold, with a daughter who got hit by a car and she did not have sufficient health insurance coverage and the extra savings they had went to pay for her treatments and hospital bill. They did not have an extra $3600 in their savings account for a deposit and first and last month's rent. That is why they are homeless and not because of laziness. Both parents work. The mother at a grocery store and the husband as a professor. The pay for people is bad. That is a systemic problem. Rents are high. Another systemic problem. Daughter with medical bills. Universal health care does not exist for working people. That is a systemic problem. Not about poor people being lazy. That is some talking point of some people who do not work with the homeless.

She was pissed at the confrontation and probably talked to the supervisors to get me fired. They did not want to cope with that bitchy woman who was on a bunch of grant approval boards and choosing her over some employee sitting in for another employee on a conference that is out of town?

In the end they had to pay me thousands upon thousands of dollars and unemployment. The Department of Labor and Employment of Colorado had a judgement against them for a series of violations about wrongful termination with me.

I took a vacation and got another job. My other coworker gave me a good reference.

These politically correct assholes are hidden class conscious discriminators who are a bunch of idiots.

They cause these issues with crap. Call people alcoholic, drug addicts, homeless, domestic violence, etc. They are that in a moment in their lives. If the work involves these categories fighting over PC cancel shit is for liberal stupidity labeling politically correct asses who are just making people angry about freedom of expression and speech. Policing language is for dumb asses.
Tainari88 wrote:Why am I getting nauseous and headaches as you describe these politicians from the UK in power right now? Indigestion.

Imagine living here under them? :D

I ignore them for the most part.

Tainari88 wrote:I can't cope. Oh, Latin American Lefties, how I think you are a much better deal. Oh, Leftist Latinos, from many nations, the relief I feel from not having to deal with these type of politicians is a great feeling.

You're living in a part of the world that has suffered much imperialism and continues to, which likely explains the above.

As for Anez, yes I remember when she was arrested. :D She is where she belongs.
noemon wrote:The country is broken because governance is broken.

Britain has destroyed its living standards with 2 things, Brexit and nut-zero. Nut-zero as British policy is an extreme transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich that has very little to do or rather zero to do with actual net-zero emissions.

Both of these 2 issues are totally and irreversibly intractable.

So what is happening in the British economy is a cascade, of higher energy, higher inflation, higher prices, higher wages and round and round it goes with energy and food upending each other every month with no end.

I would say more but got to run, I will see you tomorrow or much later tonight.

How expensive are the energy bills in the UK?

And food prices.

For your family how much is the grocery bill?

Nut zero.

Rishi the Great says this about net zero Noemon:

They are gonna save thousands of pounds.



The government is on their side. There is a risk...set so far back.

You are out of touch...Hee hee.

Last edited by Tainari88 on 03 Nov 2023 21:41, edited 1 time in total.
As for Corbyn, I think he's basically been kicked out of the party again. I haven't been following closely because it's just retarded that he bothers to hang with that dogshit party when he was the only good thing about them and the rightwing within the party basically destroyed him.

He has been pushed to start a new party but he won't do that because he's an idiot. He'd rather try to get back into the party that has destroyed him.
skinster wrote:As for Corbyn, I think he's basically been kicked out of the party again. I haven't been following closely because it's just retarded that he bothers to hang with that dogshit party when he was the only good thing about them and the rightwing within the party basically destroyed him.

He has been pushed to start a new party but he won't do that because he's an idiot. He'd rather try to get back into the party that has destroyed him.

The Labour Party has been a lost cause since the time Neil Kinnock was its leader. The political opportunism of ‘New Labour’ began with him, back in the 1980s. Corbyn was made leader too late in the day to turn it around.

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