An 'internationalist' CANNOT be 'anti colonial' - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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Rich wrote:Marxism is about the extermination of the bourgoise. In the same way Cultural Marxism is about the extermination of the White Infidel Gentiles. This doesn't mean that when a Marxist pops into his local owner occupied hardware store, he's consciously thinking, "one day I'm going to kill you." In the nineteen thirties the Bolsheviks exterminated six million Kulaks, six million peasant farmers, not just in the Ukraine but thorughout the Soviet Union. When the Bolsheviks made their revolution they had the support of millions of people, most of the people that supported the Bolsheviks didn't intend to murder (sorry I mean sentence to death, from a Marxist point of view this was justice not murder) 6 million Kulaks, in fact at the time of the revolution most of them would have been horrified by such a prospect.

Similarly the vast majority of Cultural Marxist are not consciously intending to exterminate the White Infidel Gentiles, but that's the direction we are heading.

I think it's the formation of a classless society.

Communism has, ironically, the same utopian vision as free market capitalism, i.e., a technological utopia with such an abundance of resources and energy there will no more economic classes.

Finally, I think Cultural Marxism is appropriation of Marx and trying to being it back to something like Hegel's idealism, i.e., everyone's different and must accept that.
Tainari88 wrote:Yes that is obvious Paeng. The issue is if the working class in their nation is inclusive of all working class people or not? If it is not because they use the same stupid racist device that the corporate globalists use? Then how are they going to liberate the nation from the bourgeois?

Excessive nationalism dehumanizes groups of people. Once you do that? They become objects and you can kill them off or deny them human rights.

@FiveofSwords can not even back his claim that a white genocide is going on in the USA right now of his specific state or neighborhood.

It is not happening now. But the thought that the threat to his 'race' is imminent, justifies a lot of mierda theory.

He either believes all human beings are one race--the human race.

Or he does not believe it.

Many of these foolish white nationalists want color coded countries. The UK for the white skinned British people only. The Chinese for the Han Chinese only, and etc etc.

Fear of the OTHER.

They really do not understand that international capitalism has transformed borders FOREVER. The entire economy of the world can not go back to only consuming, and creating strictly local dependent modes of living. It has been farmed out all over the world. To stop that train means giving up on nation-states completely and just going back almost to feudal times.

The ones who tried anarchistic societies successfully in the 1920s and 1930s in Spain George Orwell visited long ago.

But you are surrounded by a modern society that does not agree with that structure. They will pull it down.

No, we are stuck with interacting with each other's societies until further notice.

White nationalists need to stop living in fear and confront the globalist elites who do have enormous power.

But instead they kill innocent people who either do not agree with their xenophobic nonsense, or who they feel do not support the idea that the OTHER is a threat to white life.

They are small and pitiful. And they will remain that way because they fail to understand international capitalism. Or why racism is a device to be used when it is useful, and when it is not useful? It is dissolved.

It is too much for them.

They want something neat and clean and packaged. Humanity is messy and it fucks with their limited thoughts. :lol:

The point I gave refers to internationalists. I think there are Marxists who are nationalists and thus anti-colonial, like Maoists.
FiveofSwords wrote:This simply fails on basic logical grounds that should be obvious to anyone if I just point it out.

The essential anti colonial position is that people have a right to self determination rather than to be subject to foreign rule. That is...people who perceive themselves to share a common legacy and a common destiny have a primae facie right to organize and determine their own destiny.

There is a word for that attitude: nationalism. Historically, nationalism arose in Europe in competition with christianity...that the legitimacy of a government comes from the will of the people and consent of the governed rather than decided by God or the church. A religion which seeks to actively convert the entire world would be intrinsically 'internationalist' and 'globalist'...obviously if you want to conquer the whole world and make them Christian you cannot have much respect for the right of a people to have self determination.

That brand of Christianity is basically extinct the most common 'new' version of internationalism is basically what people label as communism. Communists do seek to unite all the 'workers' of the world under a shared ideology...and they pretend that ethnic identity is some sort of trick that thr bourgeois play on people to 'divide' the workers and prevent a one world government where all the workers will be happy (in practice workers in communist countries are actually miserable, but this is besides the point).

When people who call themselves communist pretend to be anti colonial...there is always an obvious double standard. What they really mean is that they cannot tolerate white people having their own country...there is nothing universal about their values.

For example, they would never say: "Indians should have allowed the anglos to enter their country and seek a better life. India would be better off with more diversity and the anglos could help bring innovation and perform the jobs Indians didn't want to do. Only Indian supremacists would want to kick the anglos out of their country'. This is, of course, exactly the rhetoric these people use when they insist white countries become more brown...but using the exact same argument with the races switched is unthinkable. Thus it is not a universal standard.

People who self identify as communist will also always give away the reason they pretend to be anti colonial when they are actually just anti white. They are terrified of how powerful white people were in recent history. This is why they talk about history all the time and try to remind everyone about how mean the anglos once were to other races...even if it is totally irrelevant today and the uk has no colonies at all. Communists simply recognize the enormous potential white people have for acquiring power and anyone who wants world domination would be wise to first get rid of their most dangerous potential enemy: white people.

It is a totally cynical and calculated tactic...and it is exactly the same thing some extra terrestrial life form would do if they wanted to conquer earth.

It is worth mentioning, however, that once should be careful what they call 'communist. Mosern day China, for example, has significant government control over the economy. But the government also focuses on the Han national identity. That means modern day China is nationalist. They are socialistand nationalist. There is a term for that: national socialism. And unlike communism proper, a national socialist CAN be anti colonial because they recognize national identity as legitimate, and they can respect the right of self determination for a people. Likewise, what caused the ussr to collapse was not Ronald Reagan, it was nationalism. Specifically it started with estonian nationalism and spread quickly when thr ussr found itself unable to invoke enough fear in the Estonian nationalists to submit.

This is only half true. A global government, established with the consent of the governed, could not be described as "colonial" yet it would be consistent with both anti-colonialism and internationalism.

Note that this doesn't really depend on race (white, brown, black, whatever) and is also not necessarily a socialist construct.
wat0n wrote:This is only half true. A global government, established with the consent of the governed, could not be described as "colonial" yet it would be consistent with both anti-colonialism and internationalism.

Note that this doesn't really depend on race (white, brown, black, whatever) and is also not necessarily a socialist construct.

It is totally bonkers to believe that you could ever get a global government that everyone consents to.
paeng wrote:The point I gave refers to internationalists. I think there are Marxists who are nationalists and thus anti-colonial, like Maoists.

Actually no, there aren't. Not by any reasonable definition of communism. Communism by definition is opposed to nationalism.

Socialism that is nationalist is called...predictably...National socialist. Like the national socialist German workers party, for example.

Maoism was not was very internationalist...and it mainly differed from leninism by literally being more internationalist than leninism was...namely by incorporating the lumpenproletariat.

As I mentioned in the op, MODERN China does appear to be national socialist. But they still sortof claim to be inspired by maoism despite this radical contradiction. Naturally no country would enjoy being associated with national socialism considering the controversial historic associations. It is the most feared ideology on earth.
wat0n wrote:Maybe, although that's one big goal for internationalists.

I don't believe that. It is far more plausible that they are lying to conceal their pretending everyone would just love their ideas...than to believe that they are so crazy to actually think they could manage that.
I've been reflecting on nationalism, ethnic identity and their relationship with colonialism, for and against. The most obvious thing that strikes me is context is everything, and the dichotomy between the oppressed and their oppressors is never that simple. Let me give you an example from my own neck of the woods.

Swedish nationalism was born, supposedly, from the joined desire of being free from Danish rule. It's myths and ethos emerging in the late 15th - early 16th centuries, culminating in the crowning of our 'founding father' Gustav Vasa in 1523 of the modern day Kingdom of Sweden. Following this, Sweden spent the next two centuries at war with virtually all our neighbors. Founding an empire, commiting what can only be described in modern terms as war crimes and genocides. During the Second Northern War, the Swedish invasion of modern day Poland was given its own name; the Swedish Deluge (1655-1660). Between a third and half of all Poles were massacred and enormous amounts of wealth was stolen. To this day, its not Germany or Russia that is denounced in the Polish national anthem.

I honestly don't know precisely what I want to say to this. The desire of breaking ethnic or tribal loyalties in favour of creating something else is a task easier said than done. The claim of anti-imperalism from German national socialists or Japanese imperialists was never the dismantling of colonialism, mearly replacing it with their own.
MadMonk wrote:To this day, it's not Germany or Russia that is denounced in the Polish national anthem.

It's calling on God the 'rebellious Scots to crush' (verse 6) in the English anthem, and Scotland is an integral part of the UK if you believe them.

It's no wonder the Scots want out.

FiveofSwords wrote:Actually no, there aren't. Not by any reasonable definition of communism. Communism by definition is opposed to nationalism.

Socialism that is nationalist is called...predictably...National socialist. Like the national socialist German workers party, for example.

Cuba is socialist.

Cuba is nationalist in many ways.

Cuba is not run by Nazis. Ergo, the facts show that a country can be socialist, nationalist, and not National Socialist.

If they were, they would definitely not be anti-white.
FiveofSwords wrote:I don't believe that. It is far more plausible that they are lying to conceal their pretending everyone would just love their ideas...than to believe that they are so crazy to actually think they could manage that.

There may indeed be some liars. But no, not everyone is.

Isn't the UN, after all, an institution designed with this idealized goal in mind?
MadMonk wrote:I've been reflecting on nationalism, ethnic identity and their relationship with colonialism, for and against. The most obvious thing that strikes me is context is everything, and the dichotomy between the oppressed and their oppressors is never that simple. Let me give you an example from my own neck of the woods.

Swedish nationalism was born, supposedly, from the joined desire of being free from Danish rule. It's myths and ethos emerging in the late 15th - early 16th centuries, culminating in the crowning of our 'founding father' Gustav Vasa in 1523 of the modern day Kingdom of Sweden. Following this, Sweden spent the next two centuries at war with virtually all our neighbors. Founding an empire, commiting what can only be described in modern terms as war crimes and genocides. During the Second Northern War, the Swedish invasion of modern day Poland was given its own name; the Swedish Deluge (1655-1660). Between a third and half of all Poles were massacred and enormous amounts of wealth was stolen. To this day, its not Germany or Russia that is denounced in the Polish national anthem.

I honestly don't know precisely what I want to say to this. The desire of breaking ethnic or tribal loyalties in favour of creating something else is a task easier said than done. The claim of anti-imperalism from German national socialists or Japanese imperialists was never the dismantling of colonialism, mearly replacing it with their own.

Precisely MadMonk. Great post.

The reality is nationalism is a myth. How much in common does the average citizen who is unknown walking down the street in NYC with some other person who they never lived with or talked to or know? Yet both of them are mythical people. New Yorkers or Americans. And the state says they have to go to war to defend the interests of the state.

During tribal times you had people who ate together, hunted together, roamed the land together, did everything together. None were strangers. If some enemy came in to threaten your group? You had no difficulty identifying who the enemy was and who your tribe was. You fought for the survival and rights to eat and drink water and roam freely and hunt etc for your tribe.

The Nation State that is about millions upon millions has to use myths about having common interests and obligations. Mainly because the state is far more expansive, economically powerful and so on. So the myth is about rights and responsibilities to the state.

That is what nation states are about. Borders, security, immigration laws and regulations, and everything else that is about citizen rights and responsibilities and obligations. Like paying state and federal taxes, voting rights and so on. It still is MYTH though. Who decides what is truly part of your family or tribe? For most humans it is a fairly reduced amount of humans. Blood family, neighbors, friends, known people whom you see every day. Most people recognize about 25 to 150 faces at a time. Beyond that it is difficult.

So going to war to defend some generic unknown strangers is kind of myth based only. You got to convince that there is a sense of commonly shared history, land, and there are interests worth defending.

But if you are truly objective? All human beings are related to you. Otherwise you could not understand them. Not through translators or interpreters, or through their human needs like eating, sleeping, drinking or doing their bodily functions. To say they are somehow not the problem. To say they are so different as to warrant dehumanizing them in order for some socially constructed power play to play out favoring one socioeconomic group over another is where lies and manipulations come into play.

The reality is that humans get to adulthood in good health and able to reproduce not because of wars and hatred, but because most human societies have to cooperate with each other and help educate, feed, clothe, and nurture the people within their immediate families. Cooperation and sharing are actually the foundation of human survival as a species. Not war and destruction, genocide and fear and hatred.

Many people who fear not being in a nation run by some notion of MYTHOLOGICAL superiority keep themselves awake at night because instead of seeing their own humanity in the many? They only can accept it in the most limited way possible. Limited thinking is a serious defect of racism. It is a defect of a class-run society where the top elite hold on to power with violence only as a backup because they do not want to share and commit to cooperation in society. The only security they know is myopic small and ego-driven. People of less expansive consciousness. Also a defect in their way of thinking.

I liked your explanations MadMonk.
ingliz wrote:It's calling on God the 'rebellious Scots to crush' (verse 6) in the English anthem, and Scotland is an integral part of the UK if you believe them.

It's no wonder the Scots want out.


Teke up the issue with @Potemkin. He needs to be reminded why Scotland has such a controversial vote for remaining in the UK union or going their own way. Like the Southern Irish. hee hee.
Tainari88 wrote:Teke up the issue with @Potemkin. He needs to be reminded why Scotland has such a controversial vote for remaining in the UK union or going their own way. Like the Southern Irish. hee hee.

The Scots were ruled by that evil woman

But many lowland Scots did indeed want to go their own way and break Rome's chains, so they attempted to bring her son up as a good Protestant. So good that he was chosen to be England's King after Elizabeth I, died. Trouble was her Grandson and Great Grandson, insisted on marrying evil Papist women.

Anyway the long and the short of it was that England, Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland chose to go our own way while the rest of Ireland remained enslaved to Rome.
Rich wrote:The Scots were ruled by that evil woman

I’m guessing you’re not referring to Margaret Thatcher. Lol. ;)

But many lowland Scots did indeed want to go their own way and break Rome's chains, so they attempted to bring her son up as a good Protestant. So good that he was chosen to be England's King after Elizabeth I, died. Trouble was her Grandson and Great Grandson, insisted on marrying evil Papist women.

Anyway the long and the short of it was that England, Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland chose to go our own way while the rest of Ireland remained enslaved to Rome.

The History of Britain According to Rich, volume 3. :lol:
Pants-of-dog wrote:Cuba is socialist.

Cuba is nationalist in many ways.

Cuba is not run by Nazis. Ergo, the facts show that a country can be socialist, nationalist, and not National Socialist.

If they were, they would definitely not be anti-white.

The nsdap was a subset of national socialism in general. I don't see why there should be an issue with calling a country that is both nationalist and socialist 'national socialist'. The nsdap is just taboo and controversial because of the war and subsequent denazification.

If it were not for that history I don't think modern day China would mind admitting that they have been influenced by national socialist philosophy (Carl Schmitt is in fact a major political influence there today). They just claim to be communist so that they are more acceptable optically to the elite of the former 'allied' countries.
wat0n wrote:There may indeed be some liars. But no, not everyone is.

Isn't the UN, after all, an institution designed with this idealized goal in mind?

The un is self aware of how unpopular it would be if they were perceived to be depriving countries of their sovereignty. Critics of the United tend to say exactly that. The un would prefer to act as though they are inspired by something like the Geneva convention

Cuba disproves the claim that nationalism and socialism can both exist in one country without nationalist socialism (like Nazism) being an issue.

This implies that nationalist movements can be reconciled with internationalist movements like communism.

This, of course, can be seen in the history of capitalism. Capitalism is an internationalist movement. And it has been championed by nationalist movements.
Pants-of-dog wrote:@FiveofSwords

Cuba disproves the claim that nationalism and socialism can both exist in one country without nationalist socialism (like Nazism) being an issue.

This implies that nationalist movements can be reconciled with internationalist movements like communism.

This, of course, can be seen in the history of capitalism. Capitalism is an internationalist movement. And it has been championed by nationalist movements.

Eh? What nationalist movement has championed capitalism?
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