Columbia faculty members walk out after pro-Palestinian protesters arrested - Page 21 - Politics | PoFo

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wat0n wrote:I will also note that UCLA's policed as the student who was blocked from accessing UCLA's facilities was then chased. Why? Because UCLA had ordered them to refrain from intervening.

Can you rewrite this so that it is clear and makes some sort of sense?

Speaking of fake antisemitism (aka "fantisemitism" in the UK), this is a recent story from London, where this happened. The faker schemed and tried to garner sympathy by creating a fuss, the officer saw this was fake and gave it to the zionist trouble causer straight:


Read the full article here, its definitely worth reading.

Here's the video of the encounter as released by the faker.

Here's the longer that show reality:

Translation "I'm a neo-Zionist Jew and can therefore do whatever I want wherever I want whenever I want, and anyone who challenges me or prevents me in any way is an antisemite and he should lose his job."

I used to live in London and had several Jewish friends and coworkers, it is one of the safest places in the world for Jewish people, they've been an integral part of London life for centuries and enjoy a wonderful relationship with the non-Jewish community. Fakers like this cause harm, they create needless division and tension and ill feeling just as they do unabated in Israel.
Last edited by Sherlock Holmes on 08 May 2024 20:43, edited 2 times in total.
Pants-of-dog wrote:A Google search finds no case of anyone at UCLA being chased recently.

Why bother with a Google search? Just search this thread.

Sherlock Holmes wrote:Speaking of fake antisemitism, this is a recent story from London, where this happened. The faker schemed and tried to garner sympathy by creating a fuss, the officer saw this was fake and gave it to the zionist trouble causer straight:


Read the full article here, its definitely worth reading.

Here's the video of the encounter as released by the faker.

Here's the longer that show reality:

Translation "I'm a neo-Zionist Jew and can therefore do whatever I want wherever I want whenever I want, and anyone who challenges me or prevents me in any way is an antisemite and he should lose his job."

He's still right and proving his point.

If the pro-Palestine protests are so safe for Jews, why isn't the police letting him pass?

Typical leftist entitlement, of course leftists can harass people, assault them, limit freedom of speech and movement, trespass and vandalize property as they see fit. If anything, we haven't even seen how far can the entitlement go as we haven't seen them literally taking over a neighborhood like they did in Seattle back in 2020... For now.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Jihad Watch, the far right Islamophobic blog, claimed a Zionist was chased at UCLA. No footage or supporting evidence was shown.

I provided the footage earlier ITT.

You could actually read the thread for once.

Also, it's a logical fallacy to disregard evidence solely because of the messenger.

Sherlock Holmes wrote:Of course he's right, he's a neo-Zionist Jew and so by definition always right and anyone who begs to differ is always wrong.

Who cares?

Can he walk safely in a Palestinian demonstration, yes or no?

Sherlock Holmes wrote:Everyone is a "leftist" to a Zionist except another Zionist, you can't get any further to the right!

There are also right-wing anti-Zionists. But the ones harassing students and vandalizing campuses are clearly leftist.

Sherlock Holmes wrote:Here's another example of an entitled right wing zionist:

This is WHY students are protesting, the entitled superiority complex and the effect it has had on non-Jews in Palestine.

Oh you mean the guy who was arrested and charged for harassment? I had forgotten about him.

ABC News wrote:Former Obama official charged with harassment, stalking of halal cart vendor
Stuart Seldowitz allegedly called the vendor a "terrorist."

ByNadine El-Bawab
November 24, 2023, 8:48 AM ET

This actually does debunk the idea that Zionists can harass anyone they want without consequences. And he has not been defended as exercising free speech but widely condemned even in Jewish and Zionist circles, unlike entitled leftists who do the same things on campus and cry when the rules apply to them.

Thank you for providing this excellent example.
wat0n wrote:I provided the footage earlier ITT.

You could actually read the thread for once.

Also, it's a logical fallacy to disregard evidence solely because of the messenger.

Who cares?

Can he walk safely in a Palestinian demonstration, yes or no?

There are also right-wing anti-Zionists. But the ones harassing students and vandalizing campuses are clearly leftist.

Oh you mean the guy who was arrested and charged for harassment? I had forgotten about him.

This actually does debunk the idea that Zionists can harass anyone they want without consequences. And he has not been defended as exercising free speech but widely condemned even in Jewish and Zionist circles, unlike entitled leftists who do the same things on campus and cry when the rules apply to them.

Thank you for providing this excellent example.

If that faker had been allowed to enter the stream of protesters in London he would likely have acted as that provocative entitled New Yorker did and invite trouble even violence, so no the officer is not going to give him that opportunity, he's a faker a trouble causer and sought nothing more than to further the fake claims of antisemitism in London, all bogus hogwash, all part of the regular zionist toolkit.

It is offensive to the people of London to act that way, Londoners played an integral part in the fight against the Third Reich, the City was heavily bombed and they were instrumental in bringing the Holocaust to an end, this is no way to express gratitude for that and the Jews at the time never acted in this way and the people of London would not tolerate antisemtism, they'd step in right away, they know their history but fakers should not take advantage of that.

The fakery is wearing thin, more and more people are aware of the reality of zionist extremism and you'll find that people have less and less patience for these antics.
wat0n wrote:This actually does debunk the idea that Zionists can harass anyone they want without consequences. And he has not been defended as exercising free speech but widely condemned even in Jewish and Zionist circles, unlike entitled leftists who do the same things on campus and cry when the rules apply to them.

Thank you for providing this excellent example.

You're joking surely. That behavior goes on all the time in Israel and no arrests are made. Palestinians face this every day of their lives and that guy has likely been to Israel many times and acted like that.

Many wish that getting verbally abused is all they endure but it isn't, their homes get demolished, settlers evict them and burn down their olive trees, children get shot, pregnant women get stopped at checkpoints attempting to go to hospital and so so much more day and day out.

Lets see you condemn any of this, zionists never do because they secretly approve of it.
Here's perhaps the definitive study of modern Israel and the plight of Palestinians. Made in 2002 by the late John Pilger a compassionate investigative journalist hugely admired around the world. In this documentary made with the assistance of Jews and Palestinians within Israel, the veil is lifted, the true brutal nature of life in Israel is exposed.

I wonder how many zionists here will publicly denounce the policies and practices depicted in this film...
Sherlock Holmes wrote:If that faker had been allowed to enter the stream of protesters in London he would likely have acted as that provocative entitled New Yorker did and invite trouble even violence, so no the officer is not going to give him that opportunity, he's a faker a trouble causer and sought nothing more than to further the fake claims of antisemitism in London, all bogus hogwash, all part of the regular zionist toolkit.

It is offensive to the people of London to act that way, Londoners played an integral part in the fight against the Third Reich, the City was heavily bombed and they were instrumental in bringing the Holocaust to an end, this is no way to express gratitude for that and the Jews at the time never acted in this way and the people of London would not tolerate antisemtism, they'd step in right away, they know their history but fakers should not take advantage of that.

The fakery is wearing thin, more and more people are aware of the reality of zionist extremism and you'll find that people have less and less patience for these antics.

If he had entered the demonstration, he'd have been harassed if not lynched because his "provocation" was wearing a kippah. Even the cop knows that, which is why he stopped him.

Sherlock Holmes wrote:You're joking surely. That behavior goes on all the time in Israel and no arrests are made. Palestinians face this every day of their lives and that guy has likely been to Israel many times and acted like that.

Many wish that getting verbally abused is all they endure but it isn't, their homes get demolished, settlers evict them and burn down their olive trees, children get shot, pregnant women get stopped at checkpoints attempting to go to hospital and so so much more day and day out.

Lets see you condemn any of this, zionists never do because they secretly approve of it.

Weird, I thought we were talking about the US.

And I am sure that behavior can and does lead to arrests in Israel too.
Pants-of-dog wrote:That seems vague and does not necessarily denote killing all the Jews, ir even destroying Israel.

And a few out of context quotes does not disprove the effects of settler colonialism.

You either of have severe reading comprehension issues or you're playing dumb in bad faith and acting as an apologist for Hamas and their jihadist terrorism and beliefs. You won't even denounce the massacre on Oct 7.

Out of context quotes? It's in the Hamas charter. :eh: How is this vague?:

"Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it".

The Hamas Charter makes it very clear that they believe all the land "from the river to the sea" is Muslim Palestinian land and Israel needs to be vanquished through violent jihad. Oct 7 was an example, as are the rockets they launch constantly at Israeli civilians.

Nobody can take any of your points seriously because they so are often often filled with lies, deception, manipulation gaslighting, and arguments of bad faith. You could argue 2+2 = 5, and when someone pointed out that 2+2=4 you would call it vague and dismiss it. If at some point you decide to not be a manipulative gaslighting liar and want to actually have an honest debate please let me know.

Well, if you think people are lying and secretly hateful, then you should not bother interacting with them, seeing as how you will not interact with what they are explicitly saying,

Good advice, after this post I will no longer respond to your dishonest and jihad-apologist posts in this thread.

There is an occupation right now.

People in occupied lands will want to fight for their freedom.

So logically, this can easily be a call for freedom. The claim that it must mean genocide is an inference.

I'm sure there are some peace-loving pro-Palestine supporters who want a 2-state solution and want more justice in the West Bank and a ceasefire in Gaza etc. If they chant an anti-Zionist chant of ethnic cleansing then they're either naive and uneducated sheep who have no idea what they're saying or they're liars and anti-Zionists themselves. Either way, the onus is on them to not chant Hamas chants if they don't support those views.

The "call for freedom" is to eliminate Israel. It is to end Zionism and ethnically cleanse Jews from the region and give all control of the land "from the river to the sea" back to the Muslim settler colonialists who conquered Israel in 637 AD where it was later renamed "Palestine" (a historical fact)

Gaza was not occupied on Oct 6. Six months ago Palestinian jihadists invaded Israel and slaughtered every Jewish civilian, man/woman/child/elderly they could find until the IDF showed up to stop them. They brought ammo and food to last much longer. This was an act of genocide. If they had the power they would slaughter every Jew tomorrow. Israel has committed some atrocities and human rights abuses over the many decades including recently but they have had the power to murder every Muslim in Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank over the last 80 years and haven't. Arab nations have attacked Israel on more than 1 occasion in order to rid the region of them. The only reason Jews haven't been genocided by the Jew-hating Muslim fascists that surround them is the support of the US and western allies that help arm them for their defense.
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