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Sherlock Holmes wrote:This is a document drafted after the state of Israel was created and began its ethnic cleansing of non-Jews in 1948. The Palestinian constitution is a reaction to that, it expresses a reaction to that, no constitution should emphasize race or religion and if Palestine had not been undemocratically partitioned by the colonial powers we might have seen a single state of Palestine where Jew, Arab, Kurds, Armenians, Africans end Europeans could all live under the same laws, treated equally, given equal rights.

Arab nationalism was already a major force in 1948, indeed, the Constitutions of other Arab countries also define themselves as Arab states.

More justifications for double-standards.
wat0n wrote:Arab nationalism was already a major force in 1948, indeed, the Constitutions of other Arab countries also define themselves as Arab states.

More justifications for double-standards.

Why do you accuse me of double standards? I wrote "no constitution should emphasize race or religion".

As for nationalism, read some history, stuff you've never ever seen before:

British Intelligence 1944: (A radicalization schools, comparable to Hitler Youth - bottom of 1st page)


British Intelligence 1947: (A zionist terrorism school)


British Intelligence 1939: (Jewish terrorist organization, before WW2 even started)


Copy of the historic Jerusalem Agreement from 1940 showing Zionist collusion with Italy's Fascist government. Here you'll read how Italy will assist the Zionists in eliminating the Jewish diaspora in Italy and transfer those Jews into Palestine.

British Record from 1919 some 30 years before the founding of the state of Israel, discussing initial options for the ethnic cleansing of Palestine and forced displacement of "Arab Peasantry" and "preferential treatment in the matter of immigration, to the Jews."

You also see the sentence "It was pointed out that it was not impossible to move Arab peasantry from their lands as had been shown when the original Zionist colonies were established."

Last edited by Sherlock Holmes on 09 May 2024 19:23, edited 1 time in total.
Sherlock Holmes wrote:Why do you accuse me of double standards? I wrote "no constitution should emphasize race or religion".

Because you make a big fuss about Israel being a "Jewish State" and don't care about the other states in the region being "Arab states".

Sherlock Holmes wrote:As for nationalism, read some history, stuff you've never ever seen before:

British Intelligence 1944: (A radicalization schools, comparable to Hitler Youth - bottom of 1st page)


How is this any different from what was happening in the Arab sector since the 1920s and 1930s?

Sherlock Holmes wrote:British Intelligence 1947: (A zionist terrorism school)


You do realize Lehi was banned in Israel shortly after independence, do you?

Sherlock Holmes wrote:British Intelligence 1939: (Jewish terrorist organization, before WW2 even started)


Have you ever heard about the Arab revolt? Nobody disputes there was Jewish terrorism - conducted by Irgun and Lehi - in the 1930s.

Sherlock Holmes wrote:Copy of the historic Jerusalem Agreement from 1940 showing Zionist collusion with Italy's Fascist government.

And there is also no dispute Lehi was a fascist organization, which is also why most Jews in the Mandate shunned it.

Sherlock Holmes wrote:British Record from 1919 some 30 years before the founding of the state of Israel, discussing initial options for the ethnic cleansing of Palestine and forced displacement of "Arab Peasantry":


Nowhere it is mentioned any displacement would be "forced".
wat0n wrote:Nowhere it is mentioned any displacement would be "forced".

Spoken like a true Nazi, no surprise since these historic records reveal a great deal of Zionist admiration for German Nazism, Italian Fascism and Hitler Youth movements.

Besides even if it had said "forced" you'd redefine the word as is the Zionist custom. Lots of people are seeing these documents and your torturous twisting of reality to fit the now bankrupt Zionist victim narrative, I don't care what you, what Zionists thinks, my posts are for the open minded inquirer.
wat0n wrote:And there is also no dispute Lehi was a fascist organization, which is also why most Jews in the Mandate shunned it.

Of course, Israel itself always was and still is a fascist organization, terrorism is often the preferred method of getting what they want, this is taking place now in East Jerusalem, where armed "settlers" run rampant:

Sherlock Holmes wrote:Spoken like a true Nazi, no surprise since these historic records reveal a great deal of Zionist admiration for German Nazism, Italian Fascism and Hitler Youth movements.

Besides even if it had said "forced" you'd redefine the word as is the Zionist custom. Lots of people are seeing these documents and your torturous twisting of reality to fit the now bankrupt Zionist victim narrative, I don't care what you, what Zionists thinks, my posts are for the open minded inquirer.

Or maybe the proposal was to convince and aid peasants to move elsewhere where they would have jobs. Herzl and the other early Zionists were quite explicit that these schemes would be voluntary.

Sherlock Holmes wrote:Yes, otherwise known as the British betrayal.

Then you are aware that there was also terrorism back then.

How about the Hebron massacre of 1929, are you aware of that? Because that is how an actual expulsion looks like.

Sherlock Holmes wrote:Of course, Israel itself always was and still is a fascist organization, terrorism is often the preferred method of getting what they want, this is taking place now in East Jerusalem, where armed "settlers" run rampant:


So Israel itself is fascist... For banning fascist groups?

It seems you're now trying to change the topic given that you are out of arguments. Even worse, you said yourself the mainstream Zionism of the 1940s was OK.
No surprises here, the democrats (including MSNBC) are making a grave mistake and speaking to critics of the zionist regime like they were naive children who need Hillary and Joe to hold their hands and help guide them to the truth. The fact is Scarborough is an outspoken zionist and apartheid supporter as is Hillary.

Every morning on MSNBC "Joe" rants on and on about how anyone who is critical of Israel is nothing but a supporter of terrorism and so on. I've emailed MSNBC several times recently to proclaim that if Trump wins it will not be the fault of anti-zionist protesters refusing to vote democrat, but the fault of democrats and people like Scarborough, for alienating huge numbers of young Americans.

Support for Israel runs right through the Republican and Democrat parties and has for decades, when it comes to US geopolitics and militarism they are to all intents and purposes indistinguishable.

So tell us Joe, tell us Hillary, where should we go to get the real facts about all this? MSNBC Morning Joe (who has never interviewed a single student protester) ? What is propaganda here? The United Nations? Human Rights Watch? The ICC? the ICJ? UNHCR? The Guardian? New York Times? Amnesty International? The Israeli newspaper Haaretz? all of these are propaganda? liars? antisemites?

The democrats need to choose between getting reelected and supporting a clapped out, racist, apartheid throwback political regime that has nothing good to offer anyone neither Jew nor Palestinian.

Sherlock Holmes wrote:

Translation "I'm a neo-Zionist Jew and can therefore do whatever I want wherever I want whenever I want, and anyone who challenges me or prevents me in any way is an antisemite and he should lose his job."...

I followed this non-story. What an entitled twit.

"Why did the Zionist cross the road?

To pretend there were two sides to Israel's genocide of the locals."

wat0n wrote:If the pro-Palestine protests are so safe for Jews, why isn't the police letting him pass?

I have been stopped trying to cross parade routes many times by the police. It's not because I am not part of the parade, it's because police are also paid to allow the free movement of people during parades.

"Stop the Genocide" might not be a parade that you or that entitled asshole like, but you can always go to another type of parade, or just cross at the designated (for all) crossing points.

Or do you expect special powers over everyone else?
QatzelOk wrote:I have been stopped trying to cross parade routes many times by the police. It's not because I am not part of the parade, it's because police are also paid to allow the free movement of people during parades.

"Stop the Genocide" might not be a parade that you or that entitled asshole like, but you can always go to another type of parade, or just cross at the designated (for all) crossing points.

Or do you expect special powers over everyone else?

What special powers?

Everyone has a right to freedom of movement during parades... Except for him?

If he wasn't wearing a kippah, would have he been stopped at all?
Sherlock Holmes wrote:1. You're no doubt referring to an earlier version of the charter, the 2017 revised version has inflammatory language removed.

2. Israel is - according to international law (the UN) - illegally occupying territory that lies outside of the boundaries defined by the UN before 1967.

3. The UN charter makes it clear that occupation by a foreign power can be resisted, Palestinian resistance is no different to say French resistance to the German occupation in WW2.

4. You can disagree with the UN if you want, it doesn't matter, the facts are the facts.

5. Israel is founded on racial supremacy

6. The past is the past, what's done is done, what we should be seeing is impartiality from the United States and other nations, with a goal of correcting the huge imbalance in rights and privileges of all the people in Palestine. The two state solution has been undermined decade after decade and any attempt to create a single state where Palestinians, Jews and others are all equal citizens, is also off the table.

7. There are two directions we can go, first sit and watch as Israel continues its mass murder and destruction (including territorial expansion and settler theft of land and property) until we reach the stage where there is no longer any significant Palestinian resistance OR apply sanctions against Israel (including military support) with the clear stipulation that it must comply with the many UN resolutions that is is violating (Israel is in violation of more resolutions than the rest of the world combined).

Only the former is ever considered by the United States because Israel serves the geopolitical purpose of thwarting Arab and Palestinian self determination, this is total in keeping with US foreign policy, undermine democracy anywhere that it might conflict with US interests (as is the case in Latin America and Palestine).

1. Hamas are jihadist extremist terrorist scumbags and liars who slaughter/rape innocent civilians and hide in schools and hospitals like cowards and then cry victim. They can re-write whatever jibberish they want, their actions speak louder than words, including on Oct 7. Apologists for Hamas are either naive fools or monsters like they are.

2. Yes 100% agree.

3. The UN Charter doesn't allow a governing party (Hamas) or non-state actors to launch thousands of rockets targeting civilians over decades or commit mass slaughter specifically targeting men/women/children/babies/elderly. The French didn't mass murder and rape German civilians, and if any soldiers by any country during WWII did do that they are monsters to be condemned which led to things like the UN Charter and UDHR. If the Palestinians want to resist military occupation then attack military targets. The resistance tactics of the jihadist terrorists are inhuman savagery and all of their apologists/supporters are terrible human beings that should rot in hell where they belong.

4. Name a Muslim nation in the middle east that abides by international law, like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? Does the Hamas government? How many of them are non-authoritarian democracies? When Israel breaks international law I agree it's wrong and should be harshly condemned, but Palestinian and Arab/Persian leaders are the pot calling the kettle black. In fact, they'd murder ever Jew tomorrow if given the chance.

5. Israel is a Jewish nation-state. The Jewish people have a right to national self-determination. Arabs make up 20% of the Israeli population. In Israel, Muslim Arabs serve as MP's in the Knesset now and throughout its history and have all the same legal rights as Jews. Let me know when you can say the same for any Muslim majority country in the middle east and let me know how they treat their Jewish minorities, if they have any.

6. The Arabs have never wanted a 2-state solution, they want a 1-state solution controlled by Muslims and see the area as 100% the territory of Muslim Arabs and will never settle for less in any permanent political solution. A 1-state solution comprising Arabs, Jews, and Christians etc via power-sharing is a naive and ridiculous idea because the majority group is going to immediately politically dominate the minority groups, which will cause civil unrest and violence. This is the exact reason why the vast majority of civil wars occur both now and throughout history.

7. Israel has more UN resolutions against it than any other country because the UN General Assembly is made up of a majority of corrupt authoritarian countries that gang up on Israel while never holding themselves to account for all the terrible human rights abuses and UN legal violations they incur. But I agree that the US and other allies can put more pressure to keep Israel more accountable and e.g. remove the illegal settlements in the West Bank.
wat0n wrote:Arab nationalism was already a major force in 1948, indeed, the Constitutions of other Arab countries also define themselves as Arab states.

More justifications for double-standards.

Every single Muslim nation in the middle east is super racist, super misogynist, super homophobic, and Muslim supremacists, including the Palestinian territories. Any pro-Palestine supporter picking on Israel for racism is a daft naive fool with double-standards coming out the ying-yang. It's not perfect, but it's the only country resembling a healthy democracy with human rights in the entire middle east.

My Asian friend visited Qatar for work and the local restaurants wouldn't let him inside because of his race FFS. Meanwhile Palestinian LGBT flee to Israel as refugees.
Skynet wrote:@Unthinking Majority

Palestinians are the natives, and Israelis (mostly Euro-Jews) the colonizers.... Israel has lost due its overreaction the Media-war...

Or can I as Slav demand Ukrainian territory because my ancestors lived there 1500 years ago?

What's the statute of limitations on being a colonizer or indigenous?

My oldest ancestors are from Africa after all.
Unthinking Majority wrote:Every single Muslim nation in the middle east is super racist, super misogynist, super homophobic, and Muslim supremacists, including the Palestinian territories. Any pro-Palestine supporter picking on Israel for racism is a daft naive fool with double-standards coming out the ying-yang. It's not perfect, but it's the only country resembling a healthy democracy with human rights in the entire middle east.

My Asian friend visited Qatar for work and the local restaurants wouldn't let him inside because of his race FFS. Meanwhile Palestinian LGBT flee to Israel as refugees.

Indeed, and you know what? Even that isn't a reason to somehow believe Palestinians shouldn't have a state. But it is unlikely it will be a Western liberal democracy and it doesn't have to be one even if one could advise them to embrace liberal democracy.

Sometimes it feels like this "let's impose a western-inspired single democratic state in Israel and Palestine" is the progressive equivalent of the neocon "let's topple Saddam Hussein and bring democracy to Iraq".
Sherlock Holmes wrote:Spoken like a true Nazi, no surprise since these historic records reveal a great deal of Zionist admiration for German Nazism, Italian Fascism and Hitler Youth movements.

Coming from the person making apologies for Hamas. :roll:

This isn't any secret, it was a small group of about 300 Jewish Nazi/Bolshevik nutjobs. You have to be pretty stupid to be a Jew wanting to ally with Hitler:

The group was banned by Israel as a terrorist organization in 1948 and 200 of them jailed the same year.
wat0n wrote:Indeed, and you know what? Even that isn't a reason to somehow believe Palestinians shouldn't have a state. But it is unlikely it will be a Western liberal democracy and it doesn't have to be one even if one could advise them to embrace liberal democracy.

Sometimes it feels like this "let's impose a western-inspired single democratic state in Israel and Palestine" is the progressive equivalent of the neocon "let's topple Saddam Hussein and bring democracy to Iraq".

A Palestinian state can have whatever form of government they want. If Israel gave them back the West Bank and also 90% of current Israeli territory and Palestinians formed their own state, they'd import arms and attack the 10% remaining Israeli territory. Their position has ALWAYS been that all of the territory belongs to Muslims and they'll never allow a 2-state solution on "Muslim land". They will never compromise.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Ignoring the racist and genocidal rhetoric of IDF and Israeli officials and simultaneously accusing leftists and protesters of being the Bad Guy is a clear example of exactly what I was referring to.

Indeed. And as we can see in this thread, the right wing/pro genocide crowd literally just resorts to "nuh uh, YOU ARE [insert thing that they're being accused of]" It's pretty sad.
wat0n wrote:What special powers?

You're right, wat0n. Wealthy Jewish people don't expect any special powers or rights at all.

The Holocaust in Gaza isn't happening either.

You have been correct all along. It just takes mortals like me a bit longer to understand the profound writings of the gods, I guess.

I never imagined the gods would "speak in spam."
QatzelOk wrote:You're right, wat0n. Wealthy Jewish people don't expect any special powers or rights at all.

The Holocaust in Gaza isn't happening either.

You have been correct all along. It just takes mortals like me a bit longer to understand the profound writings of the gods, I guess.

I never imagined the gods would "speak in spam."

So you can't point out any special rights and you also can't explain why would it be necessary to keep some guy wearing a kippah from just passing by the peaceful protesters.

KurtFF8 wrote:Indeed. And as we can see in this thread, the right wing/pro genocide crowd literally just resorts to "nuh uh, YOU ARE [insert thing that they're being accused of]" It's pretty sad.

Or maybe leftists could stop harassing other people, then they'd get more sympathy and it would not look like this is a bad excuse for justifying this type of behavior.
wat0n wrote:Or maybe leftists could stop harassing other people, then they'd get more sympathy and it would not look like this is a bad excuse for justifying this type of behavior.

The difference between your critique of what's going on in places like Universities and the Left's actions and analysis is that the Left is looking at reality and you're promoting a Fox News fantasy of what's going on.
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