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Traditional 'common sense' values and duty to the state.
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By Sephardi
I'm probably a Moderate Conservative, but what do you think I am, based on the major issues? *I consider myself to be a real conservative and despise neo-cons btw*

2008 Elections: Voted for John McCain (even though neither of them deserve to be president). Wanted Rudy Guliani with all my soul.

Party: Independant Conservative. Between Republican and Democrat I would probably pick Republican.

Abortion: For first-trimester abortion. I feel that the government has no business regulating first-trimester abortion whatsoever.

Affirmative Action: No affirmative action. Equal rights for everybody.

Capital Punishment: Should be allowed in all of the American states and territories. Needs to be quicker and used more (Aka instead of signing all the paperwork shit and take like 40 years to kill somebody just take them out back and pop a bullet in their skull).

Censorship: Only for overally racist things and flag burning.

Cuba: Fuck communism. Fuck Cuba. Keep it like it is.

Education: Doesn't need more funding (America is behind major countries in knowledge but spends the most money for education). We need to make strict laws that will make sure kids go to school and give money for kids that are doing very well in school to help for their college.

Electoral College: None. Tests for voters to make sure they know basic politics.

Energy: We need a reliable, clean, and cheap source. We need to make the transition to another energy source, but while we are doing it, we need more oil % gas.

Flag Burning: Should be illegal.

Foreign Policy: Against the retarted and mentally unfit "EU". Think that Israel and America should straiten them out. War is necessary. Pro heavy involvement on war and strongest military in the world type of thing.
a) Iraq War: Slowly pull out and replace American soldiers with Iraqis.
b) Afganistan War: Needs more attention. We need to capture and kill Osama Bin Laden.

Free Trade: YES. YES. YES. The freer the market the freer the people.

Gay Rights: Gay adoption should be illegal and a law in the Constitution. Gay marriage can be regulated by states.

Global Warming: No regulations for businesses that can hurt us (AKA business looses a lot of money and decides to fire 8,000 people). Lower taxes for companies that do not harm our ecosystem.

Gun Control: License for small handguns and different license for Hunting Rifles/Shotguns.

Healthcare: I think the person who originally said this said it right: "Needs reform. There is no reason that a person should pay $120 for eyedrops that get rid of pink eye. (The bottle is less than an inch long)".

Illegal Immigration: The ones that commit crimes and are in our prisons get either deported or the Death Penalty (if a crime like murder and voilent rape has been done by that illegal immigrant). The ones that are already here have to file for citizenship. After this has happened, we secure our borders tightly, and put armed troops on the border.

Marijuana Legalization: Freedom for people to use in their own homes. Harsh punishments for people selling it illegally in the streets. Can only be sold for people who have licenses, which is usually smoke shops, that make cigars.

Minimum Wage: Hurts the economy A LOT but is a good way to combat poverty. States should decide minimum wage but it cannot exceed $7 and cannot be lower than $5.

School Prayer: The pledge has to be said.

Separation of Church and State: There should be no establishment of religion by congress, but there should be no disestablishment of religion by congress, which means congress has to stay neutral.

Social Security: Needs reform.

Stem Cell Research: Should be mildy funded.

Taxes: Should be low + flat tax rate or maybe rich people pay 5% higher than middle class and working people. (I believe under liberals, the rich will get taxed too high, and I believe that you deserve to keep the money you make).

Welfare: Only for a short amount of time until the person can find a job.

Patriot Act: Government needs to find, catch, and kill terrorists. I support the idea of the Patriot Act.

Corporate Welfare: Government cannot help out big business unless it will affect us. The people is what the government needs to worry about, so if these tax breaks and subsides will help out the people at the end, then do it. If it only benefits the big businesses then no.
Last edited by Sephardi on 29 Nov 2008 03:27, edited 4 times in total.
By liberty
Where do you stand on Monetary Policy, Iraq War, Afghanistan War, Patriot Act, and corporate welfare?
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By Sephardi
What do you think?
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By Roland
You're what's known as [...] a conservative of the nationalist American school. Welcome to the forums.

[enLight edit: Personal insults are not tolerated.]
By liberty
You’re a Garden Republican
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By Sephardi
And what the hell is a Garden Republican.
I'm maybe leaning Authoritarian but Moderate in Social area of Politics and I'm Right-Center in the Economic side - Politics Tests.
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By Infidelis
Gay Rights: Gay adoption should be illegal and a law in the Constitution.

Absolutely. Adopting gay kids can only lead to excessive amounts of money being spent on designer clothing and ballet lessons for boys and cut-off flannels and truck driving lessons for girls...fuck the gay kids.

Huh? Ohhhhhhhhhh....gay parents? So are you the "gonna turn the kids gay" type of homophob or "they're gonna touch their naughty parts" type of homophob?

Gun Control: License for small handguns and different license for Hunting Rifles/Shotguns.

What kind of conservative are you?! Gun licensing? Just to own one? :eh:

School Prayer: The pledge has to be said.

And lets toss in the Star Spangled Banner, the Constitution's Preamble and just forget about pre-lunch lessons.

Seriously, why?
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By Sephardi
And lets toss in the Star Spangled Banner, the Constitution's Preamble and just forget about pre-lunch lessons.

Seriously, why?

Did I say I was going to do that? I said just have the pledge of allegiance go on in school like it IS doing right now.

And the reason I dont want gays to adopt is because everybody will make fun of the kid for having gay parents.

CanadianCapitalist I'm tired of you. Learn what a neo-con is! I hate religious laws and that is what Neo-Conservatism is.
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By Infidelis
I'm not sure you have the authority to do that... :eh:

In an ideal world, the Pledge wouldn't be brought up until late elementary school, when the history and significance can be taught and understood. After a lesson, then I could see it done at assemblies and whatnot in junior high/middle school...I see no point in making it daily compulsory regurgitation...although, I doubt you're going in that direction.

I was the kid that was made fun of for having gay parents...from that stand point, your benevolence is apprectiated but the action is misguided. The problem isn't the parents for wanting to have and love a child or the child for simply existing, it is those whom mistreat the family. They need to be addressed by having tolerance toward sexual minorities taught in school and the workplace. That is a much more complex approach, I realize, but it is what has to be done being that is the only problem with same sex parental figures and their children.
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By Sephardi
Edited. Electoral College should be abolished. And tests for voters. That way the College wouldn't be needed.

And teaching the kids not to make fun of same-sex couples wont work. Hell, we teach every kid that goes to school English, but lots of them fail anyways.
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By Infidelis
They're given tolerence lessons for other groups of people and it works fine. An unwillingness to add homosexuals to the group can only be because one accepts and okays bullying toward that particular group.
By canadiancapitalist
"Learn what a neo-con is! I hate religious laws and that is what Neo-Conservatism is."

I think you are mistaking neo-conservatism with social-conservatism. Neo-Cons are basically big government liberals who preach "Hard Wilsonionism". They think they need to take over the world to make it safe for democracy. Project For A New American Century style stuff. Most of them are former Trotskiets, hence the appeal of permanent revolution.
here is a good video going into some detail on neoconservatism

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By Ombrageux
"Giuliani" =/= "I am not a neocon"
By jonas64
Having read the "brief" description ... you seem to be a neo-con more than anything else.
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By Rei Murasame
That post of his seems to be from about four years ago, I don't think that he still adheres to all of those things.

Sephardi, four years ago wrote:Free Trade: YES. YES. YES. The freer the market the freer the people.

I know he definitely doesn't believe that at the moment.

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