3 rockets fired into Israel from Gaza - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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By Nattering Nabob
laughing IDF Nazi-zealots

You are beyond the point of rational discourse...
By sploop!
“While Khaled and the three boys were beaten, one soldier ordered them to remove their clothing. They removed their shirts and trousers as they continued to be beaten. Another soldier then ordered them to remove their undergarments but Khaled refused because they were in the presence of women. The soldier once again ordered them to remove their undergarments, threatening to kill them if they did not comply. When they refused again, the soldier proceeded to fire gunshots on the ground all around their legs to further threaten and intimidate them. Khaled and the boys endured more beatings for at least another half hour and Khaled recalled hearing one of the soldiers say to another in Hebrew, ‘Let’s kill them all and be done with it.’ “...Mu’ath’s statement reveals that the soldiers subjected him to particularly harsh treatment when they learned he was Youssef’s son after he was asked to identify himself. The soldiers blindfolded Mu’ath, still stripped of his shirt and trousers, and forced him to go back inside the house as they searched its interior. One soldier grabbed him by the hair and pushed him forward into the house... “The soldiers ordered Khaled and Mu’ath to put their clothes back on, blindfolded them, and put them each in a separate jeep. The jeeps left first, taking Mu’ath and Khaled, then the helicopter, tanks and remaining soldiers began to withdraw. While inside the military jeep, Mu’ath recounts that the soldiers held him at gunpoint and tormented him. One soldier said to him while laughing, ‘Your father is dead. We killed him. He is over there (pointing) on the ground.’”

If Only Americans Knew

June 09, 2008

Wilful killing of baby by Israeli army in Gaza house raid

Name of victim: Amira A.
Date of incident: 4 March 2008
Age of victim: 20 days
Location: Abu al-Ageen, southern Gaza

On 4 March 2008, Israeli tanks under aerial helicopter coverage besieged the home of Youssef S., a wanted Palestinian combatant, near Khan Younis in southern Gaza1. For several hours, Israeli soldiers directed gunfire towards the house and its occupants, including 15 children, and subjected them to cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment. During the raid, Israeli soldiers fired upon unarmed civilians, including children, as they followed orders to exit the house. This unlawful act claimed the life of 20-day-old Amira, who was shot in the head while in her mother’s arms. DCI/PS strongly condemns the wilful killing of civilians, which constitutes a war crime under international humanitarian law.

Description of incident

In the early evening hours of 4 March 2008, Khaled A. and his wife Nadia arrived at the home of their friend, Youssef S., in Abu al-Ageen near Khan Younis in southern Gaza. They had come to visit Youssef’s mother, Alia’, who was suffering from renal failure and had recently been hospitalised. With them, were their two daughters Nadine (2), and Amira, just 20 days old.

Several members of Youssef’s family were also in his house that evening: his mother Alia’ (76), his wife Aziza (43), and their children, Mu’ath (17), Alia’ (16), Omar (15), Iman (13), Shayma’ (12), Mohammed (11), Neveen (7), and twins Hassan and Hussein (5). Youssef’s brother, Mahmoud, was also there with his children Bilal (15), Faten (14), Tariq (13), and Iyad (11). Altogether, there were 15 children inside the house that evening.

When Khaled and his family first arrived at Youssef’s house, the men, women and children sat together in the living room for approximately half an hour. It was past 6:00 pm when Khaled, Youssef, Mahmoud, and their sons moved to the diwan, a sitting area for men, for dinner. The diwan was located outdoors, approximately eight metres away from the house. The sun had set shortly before 6:00 pm and it was dark outside. When the siege began, the men and boys were eating dinner in the diwan while the women and girls were in the living room inside the house.

As they ate dinner inside, the women heard the sound of gunfire and an approaching helicopter. The sound was coming towards the western side of the house where the women and children were seated. The women immediately gathered the children and ran into the kitchen on the north side of the house for cover. Nadia was carrying baby Amira in her arms. Youssef’s mother remained alone in the living room because she could not walk or easily move due to her failing health.

At about the same time, the men heard a strange sound and Youssef asked his 11-year-old nephew Iyad to see what was happening. Iyad looked out the door of the diwan and yelled out that he saw tanks. Khaled ran to the door where he too saw tanks approaching the western side of the house. He quickly exited the diwan and with Iyad ran towards the house. Youssef fled in the opposite direction, away from the house. Khaled reports he had run a distance of about eight metres when heavy gunfire began. He dropped to the ground to avoid being hit by live fire and crawled the remaining distance to the house. When he entered the house, Khaled saw a tank through one of the windows; it was stopped at the western side of the house. Afraid that the soldiers might see him, he ran into the kitchen on the north side of the house where he found the women and children crouching on the floor in fear. When Khaled reached the kitchen, he noticed Iyad had been shot in the arm and was bleeding heavily. Khaled gripped Iyad’s arm to stop the bleeding and with his other hand held his daughter Nadine on his left.

Sustained and heavy gunfire from Israeli forces continued from all directions and bullets were flying both outside and inside the house. According to eyewitness statements gathered by DCI/PS, the soldiers neither ordered the occupants to exit the house and surrender nor gave prior warning before the gunfire began. Eyewitnesses provided further testimony asserting that occupants inside the house were unarmed and did not exchange fire with Israeli forces. They were unaware of any clashes taking place in the area at that time. To the best of DCI/PS’ knowledge based on the evidence gathered, there was no exchange of fire between Palestinian combatants and Israeli forces prior to or during the raid.

After several more minutes of heavy gunfire, a voice called through a megaphone in broken Arabic, “Everyone leave the house, young and old, leave the house.” The soldier repeated his order three times. From inside the kitchen, Nadia could see the front door of the house, which was open, and the soldiers standing outside. Youssef’s wife, Aziza, told Nadia, “You are carrying a baby so leave first as they may take sympathy on us.” Nadia stepped out of the kitchen first with baby Amira in her arms. Amira was wrapped in a white sheet, her head clearly visible. Directly behind Nadia was Aziza, who was carrying her daughter Neveen, and then Youssef’s 14-year-old niece Faten. Khaled and the rest of the children stood just behind them inside the kitchen. Before stepping out of the kitchen, the women called out together, “We are coming out. We are coming out” and the soldier answered through the megaphone, “Leave one by one.”

As Nadia stepped out of the kitchen and into the living room she saw the soldiers just beyond the entrance of the house. Some were lying on the ground on their stomachs while others were kneeling on one knee, all with their weapons directed at her. They were wearing helmets equipped with night vision binoculars. One of the soldiers pointed the red laser emanating from his weapon at baby Amira and slowly moved it along her body. The soldier with the megaphone asked, “What are you holding in your hands?” Faten, Youssef’s niece answered, “katen” meaning baby in Hebrew, repeating the word several times. Another soldier directed a bright spotlight at Nadia and her baby, switching it on and off several times. At the same time, Nadia cautiously proceeded to exit the kitchen into the living room. She was just one metre beyond the kitchen door when the soldiers, who were approximately eight metres away, opened fire without warning or provocation.

In the barrage of gunfire, Nadia was struck in her right upper arm. She immediately secured Amira in her left arm and scrambled back into the kitchen following the others. Khaled took Amira from his wife’s arms. He reports seeing at that moment that Amira’s head was covered in blood and that she appeared to be dead. He passed baby Amira to Faten so he could tie his wife’s arm to stem the bleeding from her wound. Fearful for her baby, Nadia asked about Amira but Faten told her not to worry, her daughter was fine. The scene in the kitchen was one of chaos and commotion. Women and children screaming in panic, crying in fear while gunfire continued to ring out both inside and outside of the house. Several minutes later, the gunfire ceased and the soldier once again commanded through the megaphone in broken Arabic, “Leave the house or we will bomb it.” Left with no other choice, the group made their way out of the kitchen with Nadia out in front once again. Faten followed directly behind her with Amira still in her arms.

After they exited the house, the soldiers ordered the women and children to sit on the ground. They handcuffed Khaled, Mu’ath (17), Bilal (15), and Omar (15), and sat them down on the ground with their backs facing the women and children. The soldiers then started to beat them, hitting them with their guns and kicking them, as the women and children looked on. Testimonies from two eyewitnesses indicate the soldiers beat the two younger boys, Bilal and Omar, more than the others. Khaled tried to reason with the soldiers in Hebrew, telling them that his wife had been injured and needed medical attention. They replied by insulting him and his wife. One soldier, who was kneeling on the ground next to Nadia, laughed and verbally insulted her honour as she cried in pain and fear. Nadia reported that every few minutes a soldier would walk by and shoot the ground around where the women and children were sitting then laugh and walk away.

While Khaled and the three boys were beaten, one soldier ordered them to remove their clothing. They removed their shirts and trousers as they continued to be beaten. Another soldier then ordered them to remove their undergarments but Khaled refused because they were in the presence of women. The soldier once again ordered them to remove their undergarments, threatening to kill them if they did not comply. When they refused again, the soldier proceeded to fire gunshots on the ground all around their legs to further threaten and intimidate them. Khaled and the boys endured more beatings for at least another half hour and Khaled recalled hearing one of the soldiers say to another in Hebrew, “Let’s kill them all and be done with it.”

At the same time, other soldiers continued to shoot in and around Youssef’s home. Nadia and Youssef’s wife, Aziza, called out to them repeatedly, telling them there was an elderly woman who cannot walk still inside the house. One soldier answered, “Tell her to come out”. Nadia repeated, “She cannot walk.” The gunfire ceased for a moment and Nadia and Aziza called out to Alia’, telling her to come out of the house. After several minutes, Alia’ appeared at the door, dragging herself along the ground. The soldiers sat her on the ground with the women and children. Nadia reported that Alia’ was panicked and terrified.

Mu’ath’s statement reveals that the soldiers subjected him to particularly harsh treatment when they learned he was Youssef’s son after he was asked to identify himself. The soldiers blindfolded Mu’ath, still stripped of his shirt and trousers, and forced him to go back inside the house as they searched its interior. One soldier grabbed him by the hair and pushed him forward into the house. Once inside, Mu’ath could hear the sound of several soldiers searching through the house. A soldier asked him, “Where are the weapons?” and pressed the barrel of his rifle against his neck. When Mu’ath replied that there were no weapons in the house, the soldiers beat him, kicking him in the abdomen. After their search, the soldiers brought him back outside to where Omar, Bilal, and Khaled were being held.

The siege lasted for at least another half hour before Israeli military jeeps arrived at the scene. The soldiers ordered Khaled and Mu’ath to put their clothes back on, blindfolded them, and put them each in a separate jeep. The jeeps left first, taking Mu’ath and Khaled, then the helicopter, tanks and remaining soldiers began to withdraw. While inside the military jeep, Mu’ath recounts that the soldiers held him at gunpoint and tormented him. One soldier said to him while laughing, “Your father is dead. We killed him. He is over there (pointing) on the ground.”

After waiting several more minutes to make sure the soldiers did not return, Nadia gathered the children then began walking to find help. Youssef’s wife remained behind with his mother Alia’. Faten walked beside Nadia, with Amira still in her arms. In her statement to DCI/PS, Faten says she realised Amira was dead as she held her during the siege. She reported that Amira’s body was lifeless and she could feel the blood from the baby’s gunshot wound seeping onto her shirt. Faten however chose not to tell Nadia that her daughter had died.

Nadia and the children walked for approximately 15 minutes before they arrived at a house where they could summon medical help. An ambulance arrived shortly after and immediately transferred the injured to Shuhuda al-Aqsa Hospital where Amira was pronounced dead on arrival. This is when Nadia learned her baby had been killed. That same night, Nadia underwent surgery on her right arm and was released from the hospital after several days.

According to the medical report obtained by DCI/PS, Nadia was still undergoing medical treatment several weeks following the incident. At the time eyewitness statements were first taken just days after the attack, 11-year-old Iyad, still recovering in the hospital from the gunshot wound to his arm, was suffering from severe post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and was unable to recall events or even speak about them. His 14-year-old sister Faten was also showing clear symptoms of PTSD after carrying Amira’s lifeless body for most of the siege. The DCI/PS fieldworker who investigated this case was only able to collect statements from Iyad and Faten on his third visit to the area in early June. DCI/PS also learned that Youssef’s 76-year-old mother, Alia’, died several days after the siege. The emotional and physical stress of the ordeal undoubtedly impacted her already failing health. Following the raid, the surviving members of Youssef’s family moved into the nearby home of a relative since their house suffered damage from the heavy gunfire. DCI/PS later learned that several days after the raid, Israeli forces demolished the nearby home of another one of Youssef’s relatives. Youssef’s family has since returned to their home although exterior damage remains.

Of course, because you are such a major bigot, Nattering Nabob, you will claim that there is no evidence any of this ever happened. You will claim that just because these people say it has happened, doesn't mean it did happen, and it doesn't mean it continues to happen. That's because you are blinded by your bigotry. I'm beyond the point of rational discourse with you, simply because it is not possible to have a rational conversation with a bigot who only ever sees one half of the story. But that's fine by me. The last thing I need is a bigot telling me how his bigoted point of view is correct whilst everyone who disputes the authorised bigot version of reality is wrong.
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By Strikeman
War Angel, I just wanna know your opinions as to why Israel doesn't lift the economic blockade over Gaza and try to help Gaza develop or let Gaza develop? Maybe if Israel pretended to help Gaza, maybe things could be different? Now of course the argument could be "Well, if we lift that up, they will develop weapons" - but in that case, Israel most certainly has the means, resources and support to build whatever gets damaged - in other words, Israel can afford to take in some punches, whereas Gaza can't do that since they don't have the same means as Israel does. I'm just curious to know what you think of it as an Israeli.

sploop!, there's no point in talking about politics if all you do is keep looking at different casualties and victims of war. Just because you read countless stories about Palestinian victims of war doesn't mean it doesn't happen in any other parts of the world, at least it gets reported here. On another note, a complete dissolution of Israel is not gonna happen, that's too unrealistic - at least now.
Last edited by Strikeman on 01 Feb 2009 14:25, edited 1 time in total.
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By War Angel
oh noes! three rockets?

Now, see, saying something like that, totally takes away any legitimacy your argument may have had. What causes you to have such disrespect for Jewish lives? Why is it okay to launch rockets at them?
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By danholo
Not this week, anyway. It isn't what is said as much as what is done. Israel has gone out of its way to prevent the people of Palestine from living the lives they are entitled to by employing a policy of harassment and blockade backed up with threats and bombs. This is a war on the people of Palestine that Israel wants to hide from the world. Very much like the war the Nazis launched against the Jews. What Israel is doing to Palestine is Israel's grubby little racist secret.

I see no parallels between the "Nazi war against the Jews" and Israel's conflict with its neighbors. You must not be that well educated to come to such a ridiculous conclusion?

And there was me thinking you didn't understand. That's exactly what I see.

Where? In the suburbs of some English town and in the media?

They are resisting you, danholo. They are resisting you.

Why? Why do they need to resist? Shouldn't they start building first and stop calling for my annihilation? I never called for the annihilation of Palestinians, and nor do most Israelis.
By Maas
Why? Why do they need to resist?

they resist your countries ethnic cleansing and settlement policies since your people started the purge
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By War Angel
War Angel, I just wanna know your opinions as to why Israel doesn't lift the economic blockade over Gaza and try to help Gaza develop or let Gaza develop?

1) They don't want to develop - they want power to fight us, and I'm not going to give them that.
2) Any aid given to them is used to buy\manufacture arms.
3) I honestly don't give a shit. If they want to make it, they can do it on their own.

Maybe if Israel pretended to help Gaza, maybe things could be different? Now of course the argument could be "Well, if we lift that up, they will develop weapons" - but in that case, Israel most certainly has the means, resources and support to build whatever gets damaged - in other words, Israel can afford to take in some punches, whereas Gaza can't do that since they don't have the same means as Israel does.

That's already where we're at. We gave them everything - we're their life-blood. They live, thanks to us. We tried the 'good' way for over a decade, and it did not work. They've only taken advantage of it.
By Maas
That's already where we're at. We gave them everything - we're their life-blood. They live, thanks to us. We tried the 'good' way for over a decade, and it did not work. They've only taken advantage of it.

you people gave them nothing. The aid is foreign. And if you lot wouldn't bomb their electricity plants, than you wouldn't even need to supply them that.
The only thing you people gave to them was ethnic cleansing, the start of the entire conflict of Jews vs Palestinians.
Something you go never minding every time.
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By War Angel
you people gave them nothing. The aid is foreign. And if you lot wouldn't bomb their electricity plants, than you wouldn't even need to supply them that.

Simply incorrect.
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By danholo
they resist your countries ethnic cleansing and settlement policies since your people started the purge

What ethnic cleansing was being resisted when Arabs called for the annihilation and purge of Jews from their homes in Palestine? They were resisting themselves? I don't get it.

Read history. The Jews came here, and only started arming themselves when they realized that the Arabs won't say yes to a Jewish state. Why do you distort history to suit you own argument? Why do you ignore the fact that WITHOUT Arab belligerence there would've been no war, where Jews would not have had to force people out of their homes in order to create defensible borders?
By Maas
What ethnic cleansing was being resisted when Arabs called for the annihilation and purge of Jews from their homes in Palestine? They were resisting themselves? I don't get it.

your blatantly are swithcing what OTHER Arabs said and did and what the Palestinians said and did.
Palestinian civilians didn't pose a threat at all. Probably the first pre emptive ethnic cleansing ever.

Read history. The Jews came here, and only started arming themselves when they realized that the Arabs won't say yes to a Jewish state. Why do you distort history to suit you own argument? Why do you ignore the fact that WITHOUT Arab belligerence there would've been no war, where Jews would not have had to force people out of their homes in order to create defensible borders?

The Jews were already armed. They didn't even wait for the UN to make up their minds eventhough they were about to and than immediately starting the cleansing to be able to establish a homeland for Jews. That'is the history.
Simply incorrect.

UN's longest lasting aid agency would say differently.
By sploop!
sploop!, there's no point in talking about politics if all you do is keep looking at different casualties and victims of war

Granted - but the purpose of my post was to illustrate the point that my comment about 'laughing IDF Nazi-zealots', the line that Nattering Nabob apparently objected to, is not 'beyond rational'. I am fully aware it was off-topic.


I see no parallels between the "Nazi war against the Jews" and Israel's conflict with its neighbors. You must not be that well educated to come to such a ridiculous conclusion?

I explained the parallel I was making. The Nazis staged a secret war against the civilian Jewish population because of their racist agenda. Israel stages a secret war against the civilian Palestinian population because of their racist agenda. The only real difference is that the Nazis did a better job of keeping the secret.

Where? In the suburbs of some English town and in the media?

If only half of what I am seeing is true, then Israel is one of the most potent of the forces for evil on the planet today. Unfortunately, I suspect what I am seeing is only half of what is there. Things are much, much worse than they seem. I'd like to go to Palestine and see for myself. Unfortunately the IDF storm-troopers don't allow visitors to the ghetto.

Why? Why do they need to resist? Shouldn't they start building first and stop calling for my annihilation? I never called for the annihilation of Palestinians, and nor do most Israelis.

Again, I have already answered this. They resist Israel's efforts to destroy them and steal their land. It is impossible to build when your country is under blockade and every effort made to improve the situation is only met with more land-theft and bullets and bombs. You don't need to call for the annihilation of the Palestinians, because Israel is already working on it. The best you can call for is a speeding up of the process. The lies of Israel are completely undercut by its actions.

Why do you distort history to suit you own argument?

Because your version of history is a lie. The Jews came to Palestine with the express intention of creating an ethnically-pure state. That was the whole aim of the zionist project. And the Jews carried it out with a program of ethnic cleansing and massacre, leading to resistance from the people being purged. That's the real history.
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By seamen
The Jews came to Palestine with the express intention of creating an ethnically-pure state.

I would say that they came with the express intention of creating a country for themselves, but generally you were close to the truth.

And the Jews carried it out with a program of ethnic cleansing and massacre, leading to resistance from the people being purged

No, no. You see, this is where you ignore hostory (or twist it to suit you), Jews got permission from the UN to make a country and they did, guess what happend later. Your beloved Palestinians declared war on Israel and attacked the Jews, shocking isnt it?
If they wanted peace peace they could have it, instead they attacked and now face the consequences
That's the real history
By Maas
No, no. You see, this is where you ignore hostory (or twist it to suit you), Jews got permission from the UN to make a country and they did, guess what happend later. Your beloved Palestinians declared war on Israel and attacked the Jews, shocking isnt it? If they wanted peace peace they could have it, instead they attacked and now face the consequences

to be precise... the Jews took permission that the UN was about to give.
And the permission of the UN never included ethnic cleansing, ....like if... :lol:
And the Palestinians declaring war? With what army? :roll:
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By seamen
the Jews took permission that the UN was about to give

You realy need to stop telling lies on this forum

On 29 November 1947 the United Nations General Assembly approved a plan, UN General Assembly Resolution 181, to resolve the Arab-Jewish conflict by partitioning Palestine into two states, one Jewish and one Arab.

And the permission of the UN never included ethnic cleansing

Damn, so why did the Arabs started riots against Jews? Or was that permited by the UN?
The Arab Higher Committee declared a three-day strike and public protest to begin on 2 December 1947, in protest at the vote. Arabs marching to Zion Square on December 2 were stopped by the British, and the Arabs instead turned towards the commercial center of the City at Mamilla and Jaffa Road, burning many buildings and shops. Violence continued for two more days, with a number of Jewish neighborhoods being attacked.

A consequence of the violence was the decision by the Haganah Jewish paramilitary organization to use force to "stop future attacks on Jews".[1] The Irgun responded with armed attacks on nearby Arab villages and a bombing campaign against Arab civilians. On December 12, an Irgun bomb at the Damascus Gate killed 20 passersby

And the Palestinians declaring war?

Not publicaly declaring but rather going on war, skipping the declaration

In Jerusalem, Arab riots broke out on November 30 and December 1 1947. Palestinian irregulars cut off the supply of food, water and fuel to Jerusalem during a long siege that began in late 1947. Fighting and violence broke out immediately throughout the country, including ambushes of transportation, the Jerusalem blockade, riots such as the Haifa refinery riots, and massacres that took place at Gush Etzion (by Palestinians) and in Deir Yassin (by Jews). Arab Palestinians began leaving their towns and villages to escape the fighting. Notably, most of the Arab population of Haifa left in March and April of 1948, despite pleas by both Jewish and British officials to stay.

http://www.mideastweb.org/briefhistory. ... %20History
I suggest you read some of this before you debate if you want to be serious (not biased source by what ive seen, although I didnt read enough to judge it)

With what army?

Armed forces (same as what Israel had at the time, you dont realy need an army to go on war) that got help from Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and I think there were more Arab nations sending some aid
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By Oxymoron
Has Hamas ordered these attacks,? Or are they the acts signifying a division in Hamas between the Leaders in Syria and Gaza?
By sploop!
seamen - before you go shooting your mouth off about history, maybe you should do some background reading too. The UN never had the power to do anything other than suggest courses of action. Resolution 181 was never binding, nor was it meant to be. The UN does not have this power.
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By seamen
The UN never had the power to do anything other than suggest courses of action

Huh? UN had the power to give legitimacy to any country to exist, the UN decided that Israel has the right to establish a country , they decided its borders. The UN decision made it clear that the Jews have the right to make a country in Israel

Resolution 181 was never binding, nor was it meant to be. The UN does not have this power

Although you dont have a source, I wont argue as I dont see how is that related to the discussion

Your comment is a waste of virtual space. It has no point, no source, no relevance to the subjuct, and still, you didnt contradicted my arguments. :hmm:
By Maas
You realy need to stop telling lies on this forum

it didn't even pass the United Nations Security Council.
In other words... they were still busy with it.
Who are you trying to kid
Damn, so why did the Arabs started riots against Jews? Or was that permited by the UN?

they started the riots? Where is the proof about that one?
That 2 december 1947 riot,... that's a full year after the bombing of the King David Hotel.
You just skipped to the part where it looks like you're right.
Armed forces (same as what Israel had at the time, you dont realy need an army to go on war) that got help from Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and I think there were more Arab nations sending some aid

The Palestinians didn't even have a government to recognice by other states... let alone some army.
And those countries you mentioned didn't send aid, they send a part of their army.
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By Tailz
Seamen wrote: Huh? UN had the power to give legitimacy to any country to exist, the UN decided that Israel has the right to establish a country , they decided its borders. The UN decision made it clear that the Jews have the right to make a country in Israel

The United Nations by itself does not have the power to grant legitimacy to any country, but it acts as a body through which other countries can pass their recognition of new countries – and it is that recognition by those individual countries that grants legitimacy to another political entity to be recognised, traded with, or have diplomatic ties, as an independent state.

The UN didn’t independently decide that Israel should exist. The United Nations hosted a vote of member states to ratify a plan for the creation of the state of Israel. The plan was accepted, but negotiations to accept the plan and turn it into a United Nations action order were stalling – thus the Zionists founded the state of Israel independently, which was slowly followed by individual states giving statements of recognition to Israel after this.

The United Nations is not an independent body, if it was, the USA could not veto anything the UN independently decides to do. But because the UN is the sum of its member states, the Security Council members can veto what they chose. Regardless of what the UN wants to do.

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