Lieberman grilled for corruption - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

Moderator: PoFo Middle-East Mods

Forum rules: No one-line posts please. This is an international political discussion forum moderated in English, so please post in English only. Thank you.
By kraychik
Mass wrote:

it's unique because politicians keep being elected who are corrupt and need to step down,
while it pretends to be this beacon of democratic light

I assume you've made some quantifiable comparisons between Israel and.... other countries with regards to corruption (unlikely)? Otherwise how would you define it as unique without context? It is unique with regards to what other countries? Unique how?

Also, please explain when, where, and how Israel pretends to be a beacon of democratic light (and to whom?). Israel is a parliamentary democracy. It's not "pretending" to be anything other than what it is. Or was your statement just a usless and sarcastic anti-Israel comment that you thought sounded cool as you typed it out (more than likely...)?
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By clanko
Thanks for illustrating the double standard!

Well let's stick to the Palestinian situation as your inclusion of the Taliban, is a little bit lost. You know, wrong forum....maybe Islam the only unifying factor...and even then, they are ideologically dissimilar. Israel raped Gaza for nearly 4 decades...I wonder how vocal you were in your opposition to this? Yet, you want to compare Israeli society to Palestinian society a matter of years afterwards, given such circumstances?

Why don't you indulge danholo and I and explain exactly what you mean with this statement? Please explain what is unique about Israel's corruption (with respect to what other country or countries? how do you quantify corruption?), and why you believe that Israel has more corruption than other countries. I imagine you have some reason for making this statement, right? It isn't just some meaningless statement that you spouted out simply to denigrate Israel, I hope... If you choose not to elaborate, your statement will remain as it currently stands: meaningless anti-Israel rhetoric.

Well, there may not be a strong case for comparing Israel's corruption to say Somalia, the recent trend is rather striking. Successive Prime Ministers and high-ranking officials being caught up in scandals leading to resignations and shaming. Now, Lieberman? Perhaps we should quantify corruption on a global scale and see if they're are comparisons between Sub-Saharan Africa and Israel. I think we both know the answer to that. However, Israel is commonly referred to as the only democracy in the Middle East by the US, UK and the EU and indeed Israel itself:
[quote=]A Free People in Our Land: Israel - Democracy in the Middle East: For most of the 56 years since its establishment, the State of Israel has remained an oasis of democracy and pluralism in a region noted for its authoritarian regimes. Although some of these regimes offer varying degrees of rights to their citizens, none come close to the western democratic values and liberties which characterize Israeli society. Some states in the Middle East, such as Syria and Iran, are strict dictatorships notorious for both their suppression at home and their support for terrorism abroad.[/quote]

Perhaps the factors lead Israel to be compared to the West and in these terms, recent trends in Israeli corruption do stand out, undoubtedly. Do you think you could maybe calm down with all these 'anti-Israel' and 'anti-semitic' wolf-cries, they're starting to stain every word you say, as though you come from such a predisposition that you immediately lose any legitimacy...and I the patience to entertain them.
By kraychik
Well, there may not be a strong case for comparing Israel's corruption to say Somalia, the recent trend is rather striking. Successive Prime Ministers and high-ranking officials being caught up in scandals leading to resignations and shaming. Now, Lieberman? Perhaps we should quantify corruption on a global scale and see if they're are comparisons between Sub-Saharan Africa and Israel. I think we both know the answer to that.

No, we both DON'T know the answer to that. Are you really so unaware of the volume of scandal in American politics? Or Canadian politics? I don't follow European politics, but I imagine there is no shortage of corruption stories coming from that side of the ocean. Some examples that come to mind immediately: 1) Senator Ted Stevens from Alaska, 2) The Mayor of Detroit Kwame Kilpatrick, 2) Jack Abramoff scandals, 3) Senator Larry Craig, 4) Rod Blagojevich, 5) Mark Foley, 6) Congressman William Jefferson (the guy who had about ~$100K in cash in his freezer), 6) Tom Delay, 7) Gary Condit.... these examples are just off the top of my head. I mean, even my local mayor (Ottawa, Ontario) is currently being charges for bribery! And our ex-prime minister Brian Mulroney has been involved in the Airbus scandal for years (it was being discussed on our local talk radio station this afternoon!). As I am typing this message, I just remembered the big sponsorship scandal of the Canadian Liberal Party (the former governing party of Canada)! There is NO shortage of scandal and corruption in the public eye in Canada and America, as far as I can see. Or as far as any reasonable person can see, actually. Yet you perceive Israel's corruption as something unique? And Israe's corruption is greater than/more severe than.... what exactly? How are you quantifying it? Again you are caught with your pants down, only this time siding with an absurd position with no factual basis rather than defending a silly position of your own (i.e. your claim that Zionism uses fear-mongering to recruit Jewish emigrants to Israel from abroad). Rather than a few obscure references to recent Israeli political scandals, make a valid argument defending the baseless statement made by arthur_two_sheds_jackson. Go ahead and elaborate! Explain really how Israel's corruption is "unique" and what makes it oh-so-much worse than North American (or Western, or whatever.... a comparison was never even made! Context to the statement that you are now defending was never even provided!), You clearly like jumping on any bandwagon that attempts to disparage Israel, eh? Do you ever throw in a random pro-Israel comment just for the sake of screwing with your image?

However, Israel is commonly referred to as the only democracy in the Middle East by the US, UK and the EU and indeed Israel itself:
[quote=]A Free People in Our Land: Israel - Democracy in the Middle East: For most of the 56 years since its establishment, the State of Israel has remained an oasis of democracy and pluralism in a region noted for its authoritarian regimes. Although some of these regimes offer varying degrees of rights to their citizens, none come close to the western democratic values and liberties which characterize Israeli society. Some states in the Middle East, such as Syria and Iran, are strict dictatorships notorious for both their suppression at home and their support for terrorism abroad.

Ok, looks like there is an official government website purporting the political system of Israel as an example that nearby Arab/Muslim countries should take heed of. In all seriousness, is that really such a hard concept to swallow? Israel is indeed a pluralistic democracy. There is much greater political freedom within Israel than most (or all?) Middle Eastern countries. It is absolutely more diverse in terms of cultures, language, and heritages when compared to Arab/Muslim countries. I am of the opinion that this diversity is a strength, although this is my own personal opinion. Other arguments can be made for the benefits of uniformity, which is truer in Arab/Muslim countries (much less diversity in social and political spheres). I'm going off on a tangent, though. But I ask you, what is wrong with the observation that Israel is indeed much more in line with Western democratic and pluralistic values than other Middle Eastern countries. Do you dispute this? If you do, then you are clearly going even further into the deep end...

Perhaps the factors lead Israel to be compared to the West and in these terms, recent trends in Israeli corruption do stand out, undoubtedly. Do you think you could maybe calm down with all these 'anti-Israel' and 'anti-semitic' wolf-cries, they're starting to stain every word you say, as though you come from such a predisposition that you immediately lose any legitimacy...and I the patience to entertain them.

Actually, people like you with a chip on their shoulders with respect to Israel is who this corruption stands out to. You want to make it stand out so that you can undermine Israel. Why else would you hold a double standard if it wasn't rooted in a prejudice against the group you dislike (Israel/Zionists/Jews)? Clearly corruption in Israel IS NOT out of the ordinary with regards to other Western nations. You would be naive to not realize that politics has always been (and I think always will be) strongly connected with corruption. I subscribe to common knowledge with regards to these matters: politics (or as I call them, politricks) is a sleazy business. Sleaze isn't any more or less prevalent in Israel than any other comparable liberal democracy.
Last edited by kraychik on 12 May 2009 22:56, edited 1 time in total.
By kraychik
Again, thanks for continually illustrating the double standard that criticizes Israel excessively. Why don't you just admit it, you don't care about Israelis or Palestinians, you're not interested in honest exchange of ideas regarding issues of Israel/Palestine... you just want to be on your soapbox and espouse your nonsensical ramblings (so far, within a couple of days we've got you making up nonsense about Zionism harnessing anti-semitism as a fear mongering tactic to recruit Jewish emigrants to Israel AND support for another's poster's comment of equal nonsense suggesting that Israel is somehow a supremely corrupt country in the global context (or Western context? who knows?! no context was even given!). Why expect values from countries or groups that aren't Israel or Jews? Values, principles, standards and ESPECIALLY harsh judgement and criticism is reserved for Israel and Israel alone. Ridiculous.
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By clanko
Deep breaths Kraychik, deep breaths.

No, we both DON'T know the answer to that.

The only reason I was speaking rhetorically is because we both know that we both hold the state of Israeli politics above that of Sub Saharan Africa...generally speaking.

Are you really so unaware of the volume of scandal in American politics? Or Canadian politics? I don't follow European politics, but I imagine there is no shortage of corruption stories coming from that side of the ocean. Some examples that come to mind immediately: 1) Senator Ted Stevens from Alaska, 2) The Mayor of Detroit Kwame Kilpatrick, 2) Jack Abramoff scandals, 3) Senator Larry Craig, 4) Rod Blagojevich, 5) Mark Foley, 6) Congressman William Jefferson (the guy who had about ~$100K in cash in his freezer), 6) Tom Delay, 7) Gary Condit.... these examples are just off the top of my head. I mean, even my local mayor (Ottawa, Ontario) is currently being charges for bribery! And our ex-prime minister Brian Mulroney has been involved in the Airbus scandal for years (it was being discussed on our local talk radio station this afternoon!). I just remembered the big sponsorship scandal of the Canadian Liberal Party (the former governing party of Canada)! There is NO shortage of scandal and corruption in the public eye in Canada and America, as far as I can see. Or as far as any reasonable person can see, actually. Yet you perceive Israel's corruption as something unique? And Israe's corruption is greater than/more severe than.... what exactly? How are you quantifying it? Again you are caught with your pants down, only this time siding with an absurd position with no factual basis rather than defending a silly position of your own (i.e. your claim that Zionism uses fear-mongering to recruit Jewish emigrants to Israel from abroad). Rather than a few obscure references to recent Israeli political scandals, make a valid argument defending the baseless statement made by arthur_two_sheds_jackson. Go ahead and elaborate! Explain really how Israel's corruption is "unique" and what makes it oh-so-much worse than North American (or Western, or whatever.... a comparison was never even made! Context to the statement that you are now defending was never even provided!), You clearly like jumping on any bandwagon that attempts to disparage Israel, eh? Do you ever throw in a random pro-Israel comment just for the sake of screwing with your image?

You can froth at the mouth all you want. It just makes you seem like a seething apologist who can't even accept small blatant truths about Israel. The recent trend in corruption in Israel is unprecedented by Israeli standards. There is a distinct lack of similar in examples, both in volume and their proximity in time in Europe and America. It's like Gerry Ford and Jimmy Carter being caught up between Nixon's and Reagan's. Maybe you could find some banana republic to validate your case.

You clearly like jumping on any bandwagon that attempts to disparage Israel, eh? Do you ever throw in a random pro-Israel comment just for the sake of screwing with your image?

Might be a niche, think you've cornered the market Krayfish, why don't you relax and take some air? You've come in guns ablazing...the internet Zionist warrior crying wolf at any sentence which contains the words 'Israel' or 'Jews' or 'Zionism'. Good stuff. I was trying to shake expectations.

Ok, looks like there is an official government website purporting the political system of Israel as an example that nearby Arab/Muslim countries should take heed of. In all seriousness, is that really such a hard concept to swallow? Israel is indeed a pluralistic democracy. There is much greater political freedom within Israel than most (or all?) Middle Eastern countries. It is absolutely more diverse in terms of cultures, language, and heritages when compared to Arab/Muslim countries. I am of the opinion that this diversity is a strength, although this is my own personal opinion. Other arguments can be made for the benefits of uniformity, which is truer in Arab/Muslim countries (much less diversity in social and political spheres). I'm going off on a tangent, though. But I ask you, what is wrong with the observation that Israel is indeed much more in line with Western democratic and pluralistic values than other Middle Eastern countries. Do you dispute this? If you do, then you are clearly going even further into the deep end...

I do not dispute that it is the best of a bad bunch. In fact...I believe my point was that it is precisely because this is a generally accepted fact that Israel is and should be held to certain standards. Are you skillfully missing the point?

Actually, people like you with a chip on their shoulders with respect to Israel is who this corruption stands out to. You want to make it stand out so that you can undermine Israel. Why else would you hold a double standard if it wasn't rooted in a prejudice against the group you dislike (Israel/Zionists/Jews)? Clearly corruption in Israel IS NOT out of the ordinary with regards to other Western nations. You would be naive to not realize that politics has always been (and I think always will be) strongly connected with corruption. I subscribe to common knowledge with regards to these matters: politics (or as I call them, politricks) is a sleazy business. Sleaze isn't any more or less prevalent in Israel than any other comparable liberal democracy.

I actually agree that people placed in positions of power will given the chance often seek to promote their own vested interests. But come on many in a row in such a short space of time? You know...something seems a little rotten in paradise.
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By clanko
Again, thanks for continually illustrating the double standard that criticizes Israel excessively. Why don't you just admit it, you don't care about Israelis or Palestinians, you're not interested in honest exchange of ideas regarding issues of Israel/Palestine... you just want to be on your soapbox and espouse your nonsensical ramblings (so far, within a couple of days we've got you making up nonsense about Zionism harnessing anti-semitism as a fear mongering tactic to recruit Jewish emigrants to Israel AND support for another's poster's comment of equal nonsense suggesting that Israel is somehow a supremely corrupt country in the global context (or Western context? who knows?! no context was even given!). Why expect values from countries or groups that aren't Israel or Jews? Values, principles, standards and ESPECIALLY harsh judgement and criticism is reserved for Israel and Israel alone. Ridiculous.

I've got an idea: instead of your ranting paranoid posts cutting into threads which I doubt you have read or particularly followed and then screening them for what you consider bias. Why don't you create a thread and set the ideas to be exchanged and points to be debated. Then and maybe then, you will be able to be taken seriously.

I admit it.....I don't care about Israelis and Palestinians...just white catholics who can prove a link to the fatherland.
By kraychik
Answer this question with a simple yes or no question: Are you implying that Israel is more corrupt (pound for pound) than Western liberal democracies such as the US and Canada? To me it is clear that this is what you are implying. Assuming you answer yes to this question, please explain how you've come to this conclusion. Please share your methodology for corruption measurement.
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By clanko
Kraychik Kraychik Kraychik, I believe my initial comment was concerned with your need to deflect criticism away from Israel, however difficult. I am not particularly interested in corruption and don't believe it has much bearing on the Middle East. I find policies which are stamped by the Knesset a lot more worrying than Israeli statesmen getting caught with their fingers in the till. But come on seriously, the recent corruption allegations and scandals are pretty out of the ordinary, by Israeli or other liberal democracies' standards. I mean, that is not to discuss actual levels of verified corruption....but high-ranking officials in such succession?

Israel is the 33rd least-corrupt country in the world, the only country in the Arab world higher than this is Qatar at 28.

The evidence would suggest that Israel is substantially more corrupt than the United Kingdom, the US and Canada,yes.

Furthermore, the Democratic Index considers Israel a flawed democracy, unlike the US, UK and Canada which are all full democracies.
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By Arthur2sheds_Jackson
Kraychik wrote after piss ignorantly assuming my politics:
Why don't you indulge danholo and I and explain exactly what you mean with this statement?

Why should I bother as you've already made your mind up about me?

Besides which:
I hate to break it to you, but the posts I've read of yours in this forum do not lead me to believe that you are a complex individual. You're not difficult to figure out or size up.

So why are you asking like a troll?

You've shared your feelings many times publicly in this forum for all to see, you don't need to communicate them to me personallly.

Excellent no further communication between us is necessary (or disarable - just like before you joined) :)

However I'm worried that you seem concerned about my alleged one liners (can you produce any?) after a mere 24 posts......................................

Are you sure you don't use this forum under another ID?

You'd be Donald Ducked if you are.......................................
By kraychik
clanko wrote:

Kraychik Kraychik Kraychik, I believe my initial comment was concerned with your need to deflect criticism away from Israel, however difficult. I am not particularly interested in corruption and don't believe it has much bearing on the Middle East. I find policies which are stamped by the Knesset a lot more worrying than Israeli statesmen getting caught with their fingers in the till. But come on seriously, the recent corruption allegations and scandals are pretty out of the ordinary, by Israeli or other liberal democracies' standards. I mean, that is not to discuss actual levels of verified corruption....but high-ranking officials in such succession?

You should be more careful with your language when you say "verified levels of corruption". Show a little humility with this statement, as corruption is clearly a difficult thing to geta measurement of. As far as your perception goes of Israel having a "unique" degree of corruption due to recent publicized scandals, it is unfortunate that I have to mention of how little use that is when quantifying corruption. It's just something subjective you've come up with based on anecdote, and as I said earlier there are countless scandals in Canada and the US (I can probably list close to twenty from recent years off the top of my head! And I am talking about high-ranking officials, such as the American VP, Canadian PM, Amerircan Governors, mayors, and congressmen...) to serve up a large volume of anecdotes for comparison.
Israel is the 33rd least-corrupt country in the world, the only country in the Arab world higher than this is Qatar at 28.

The evidence would suggest that Israel is substantially more corrupt than the United Kingdom, the US and Canada,yes.

Furthermore, the Democratic Index considers Israel a flawed democracy, unlike the US, UK and Canada which are all full democracies.

That's actually an interesting list, I stand somewhat corrected. After reading the methodologies (specifically the long one, as the short one is too simple to really undertand), it seems like as good a list as could be compiled given the information that's available towards constructing such a corruption-perception index. That doesn't change the inherent shortcomings of data collection used towards it construction, though. Much of the index you've listed is shared (thanks for sharing it, btw) on subjective polls done of business/country experts and laypersons. Of course this information isn't entirely useless, but clearly it has its limitations. Remember that this is a list measuring the perception of corruption, which is inherently a difficult thing to measure! I must concede that as far as I can tell, this list was compiled as well as it possible could have been, given the difficult nature of the project. More important than the ranking of a country on the list is a score (with higher numbers being correlated with higher levels of confidence in government with respect to corruption): with Israel scoring 6.0, the United States scoring 7.3, the United Kingdom scoring 7.7, and Canada scoring 8.7. Remember that these scored or compiled with a lot of subjective information (as well as objective, though). This paints a different picture than simply stating that Israel is number 33 on the list, behind Qatar! Clearly you intend to cherrypick information to denigrate Israel, as citing Israel's ranking as opposed to its score when compared to other countries makes it look much worse in terms of corruption.

Let me ask you, what is your interest in Israel's corruption? Do you have the same interested in the corruption of other countries? I would imagine that the people who have a genuine interest in Israel's corruption are stakeholders who are actually affected by it, rather than Israel-haters who like to look for things to criticize while ignoring anything positive. Considering that this is a forum dedicated to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, why are we even talking about corruption in Israel? If I was to start a thread focusing on a list that reflected Israel in a positive light with respect to something important (i.e aggressive GDP growth since its creation, per capita presence of high-ranked universities, etc), how relevant would that be to this forum and the Israeli/Palestinian discussion? Thread such as this (generally) are the equivalent of ad-hominem attacks against a country. The same is true for a similar thread with respect to Palestinian territories or political organizations. If someone is on trial for something (the parallel being Israel "on trial' by some for its security/military polcies), do we conduct dishonest character assasination in order to denigrate he/she who we are trying to convict? Clearly very few people in here give a you-know-what about Israel's corruption levels, but hey, if they can disparage Israel it may strengthen their argument against Israeli security/military policies! Let's be real, here.

Looking through this forum there is painfully LITTLE discussion (actually, I don't think I've seen any!) about how to move forward. Virtually nobody is discussing future ideas, but rather many are denigrating one side (mostly Israel) or the other. It's literally a battle of the insults. Who can make the other side look worse in one way or another?

I'll end my rant, there. But thanks fo the link, I found it very interesting. As I said, I stand somewhat corrected! I guess when arthur_two_sheds_jackson comes in and shares his meaningless one-liners, you come in as his valiant savior to provide some basis (via a link to the CPI, not to be mistaken with the more popular CPI!) to his silly statement. He's the mouthpiece and you're the brains, is that it?
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By clanko
You should be more careful with your language when you say "verified levels of corruption". Show a little humility with this statement, as corruption is clearly a difficult thing to geta measurement of. As far as your perception goes of Israel having a "unique" degree of corruption due to recent publicized scandals, it is unfortunate that I have to mention of how little use that is when quantifying corruption. It's just something subjective you've come up with based on anecdote, and as I said earlier there are countless scandals in Canada and the US (I can probably list close to twenty from recent years off the top of my head! And I am talking about high-ranking officials, such as the American VP, Canadian PM, Amerircan Governors, mayors, and congressmen...) to serve up a large volume of anecdotes for comparison.

Of course corruption is particularly difficult to gain a full cohesive picture of, due its inherent practice. However, I believe there are efficient studies on proven levels of corruption. The best we have, you know?

It's just something subjective you've come up with based on anecdote, and as I said earlier there are countless scandals in Canada and the US (I can probably list close to twenty from recent years off the top of my head! And I am talking about high-ranking officials, such as the American VP, Canadian PM, Amerircan Governors, mayors, and congressmen...) to serve up a large volume of anecdotes for comparison.

I am very aware of that fact Kraychik. However, could you provide some examples of large scandals hitting successive governments in high positions like has been happening in Israel? Howeber, perhaps we could discuss the reasons behind this, instead of bickering over comparisons.

That's actually an interesting list, I stand somewhat corrected. After reading the methodologies (specifically the long one, as the short one is too simple to really undertand), it seems like as good a list as could be compiled given the information that's available towards constructing such a corruption-perception index. That doesn't change the inherent shortcomings of data collection used towards it construction, though. Much of the index you've listed is shared (thanks for sharing it, btw) on subjective polls done of business/country experts and laypersons. Of course this information isn't entirely useless, but clearly it has its limitations. Remember that this is a list measuring the perception of corruption, which is inherently a difficult thing to measure! I must concede that as far as I can tell, this list was compiled as well as it possible could have been, given the difficult nature of the project. More important than the ranking of a country on the list is a score (with higher numbers being correlated with higher levels of confidence in government with respect to corruption): with Israel scoring 6.0, the United States scoring 7.3, the United Kingdom scoring 7.7, and Canada scoring 8.7. Remember that these scored or compiled with a lot of subjective information (as well as objective, though).

Could you provide a study which you accept more fully?

This paints a different picture than simply stating that Israel is number 33 on the list, behind Qatar! Clearly you intend to cherrypick information to denigrate Israel, as citing Israel's ranking as opposed to its score when compared to other countries makes it look much worse in terms of corruption.

No, I think it was more in response to your assertions about Israel's place in the Middle East, that was the reason I mentioned it. I would have stuck to the US, UK and Canada but you commented on the former as well.

Let me ask you, what is your interest in Israel's corruption? Do you have the same interested in the corruption of other countries? I would imagine that the people who have a genuine interest in Israel's corruption are stakeholders who are actually affected by it, rather than Israel-haters who like to look for things to criticize while ignoring anything positive. Considering that this is a forum dedicated to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, why are we even talking about corruption in Israel? If I was to start a thread focusing on a list that reflected Israel in a positive light with respect to something important (i.e aggressive GDP growth since its creation, per capita presence of high-ranked universities, etc), how relevant would that be to this forum and the Israeli/Palestinian discussion? Thread such as this (generally) are the equivalent of ad-hominem attacks against a country. The same is true for a similar thread with respect to Palestinian territories or political organizations. If someone is on trial for something (the parallel being Israel "on trial' by some for its security/military polcies), do we conduct dishonest character assasination in order to denigrate he/she who we are trying to convict? Clearly very few people in here give a you-know-what about Israel's corruption levels, but hey, if they can disparage Israel it may strengthen their argument against Israeli security/military policies! Let's be real, here.

Well, I believe the initial post was a simple news article, provided to be discussed as forum members saw fit. As I have already stated, I have no particular interest in Israeli corruption and agree with your position on corruption as an offshoot of most power systems. However, I was simply answering some of your questions. What's more, there is no shortage of evidence to support an argument against Israel's security and military policies. Should you be willing, perhaps we could create another thread which in your eyes, stuck strictly to those.

It's literally a battle of the insults


I guess when arthur_two_sheds_jackson comes in and shares his meaningless one-liners, you come in as his valiant savior to provide some basis (via a link to the CPI, not to be mistaken with the more popular CPI!) to his silly statement. He's the mouthpiece and you're the brains, is that it?

I see.
Last edited by clanko on 14 May 2009 00:22, edited 1 time in total.
By kraychik
Actually, you're right. I was the one who mentioned Israel's corruption with respect to the US, Canada and the UK. My bad. Still, the analysis you linked doesn't leame me thinking that Israel is more corrupt than what I'm used to. I'm sure I'll find out, eventually, if I ever move there.
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By Arthur2sheds_Jackson
Wet behind the ears newbie wrote:
Looking through this forum there is painfully LITTLE discussion (actually, I don't think I've seen any!) about how to move forward.

You don't look very hard do you?

On page 2 of this 2 page sub-forum

On this page of this forum there is this thread where I attempt to debate Lehman regarding the future

Perhaps you'd like to browse them before you declare this forum barren of discussion and attempt any more ignorant personal attacks :hmm:

This sub-forum has only been going for 3 months, before that all Israel/Palestine threads were in the Middle East forum. There are numerous threads in there proposing solutions.

Help yourself
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By Arthur2sheds_Jackson
This could be viewed as retro-posting though I'#d say this adds to this thread

Former Israeli PM Olmert charged
The former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has been indicted in three corruption cases, the attorney general's office says.

Mr Olmert has been embroiled in a number of corruption scandals but denies any wrongdoing in all the cases.

The former head of the Kadima party was replaced as prime minister by Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu following general elections in February.

The series of probes was a key factor in Mr Olmert's resignation last year.

The charges relate to the periods when Mr Olmert was mayor of Jerusalem and a cabinet minister, but before he became prime minister in 2006.

On Sunday he issued a statement through a spokesman that said: "Olmert is convinced that in the court he will be able to prove his innocence once and for all."

Talansky case

The office of Attorney General Menahem Mazuz confirmed in a statement he had decided to press charges and that the charge sheet had been presented on Sunday in Jerusalem district court.

The 61-page charge sheet lays out accusations of "fraud, breach of trust, registering false corporate documents and concealing fraudulent earnings".

Mr Olmert is the first former prime minister in Israeli history to face criminal charges, the office said. ... 229521.stm

That would tend to back up what I've said in this thread.

By Swinger7714
God damn I hate my government. There are more felons in the Knesset then in jail. People who go to politics in Israel these days have no dignity. If anything is going to bring down this country it's not the Palestinians, not Hezbollah, not Iran, but its own greedy self centered politicians.
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By clanko
Welcome Swinger
By Swinger7714
Welcome Swinger

thanks :)

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