Propaganda - Politics | PoFo

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Modern liberalism. Civil rights and liberties, State responsibility to the people (welfare).
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By bach
Well, since there is no real left "Propaganda" in the US these days I decided to find some good pictures against the the "propaganda" machine of the right.

Bush Mini Me


PG13 propaganda

old picures

1. A Beautiful mind =
2 Rumsfy and his old friends =
3 Bush's little green soldiers =
4 Uncle Sam =
5 Facing the issues =
6 I not with stupid =
7 Vietnam? sure I did =
8 Most wanted deck of cards = ... monds1.jpg
9 Most wanted deck of cards = ... Clubs1.jpg
Last edited by bach on 20 Oct 2003 02:33, edited 15 times in total.
lol...nice one bach... there are MANY anti-bush and anti-repbulican websites out there. such as
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By Demosthenes
No real "Left" propagada...boy are you self-deluded...or just blind. By the way that really isn't all that funny. I've seen better.
By bach
No real "Left" propagada...boy are you self-deluded...or just blind. By the way that really isn't all that funny. I've seen better.

Sure thats not real propaganda, thats why I put PG13 and "X", now if you are talking about hard propaganda like murdered people, I dont think this is the place for it.
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By Demosthenes
Sure thats not real propaganda, thats why I put PG13 and "X", now if you are talking about hard propaganda like murdered people, I dont think this is the place for it.
Look, whatever Bach...I don't think you understood a word I said.

I didn't say it wasn't real propaganda, it certainly is...My statement that you are claiming the left has no propaganda except you is a complete and utter lie. There's so much out there it's hard to fathom, but I guess wen you believe everything your media tells you to believe...what can I expect???
By bach
My statement that you are claiming the left has no propaganda except you is a complete and utter lie. but I guess wen you believe everything your media tells you to believe...what can I expect???

I never said I'm the only source of propaganda that exists in the US, if that was the case I would be making the pictures by myself, which I'm not, of course there is many other people out there who put out "left propaganda". My statement was rather a metaphor towards maintrem media like TV, which has no real left propaganda. Moreover, the media itself is meant to be a propaganda machine that protects the system, and those in power. As for the so called left on the media, thats just a joke!

but I guess wen you believe everything your media tells you to believe...what can I expect???

as for this, well I'm really sure that I dont believe what the media tells me, otherwise I would not beattacking the media itself, would I?

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By Demosthenes
I never said I'm the only source of propaganda that exists in the US, if that was the case I would be making the pictures by myself, which I'm not, of course there is many other people out there who put out "left propaganda". My statement was rather a metaphor towards maintrem media like TV, which has no real left propaganda. Moreover, the media itself is meant to be a propaganda machine that protects the system, and those in power. As for the so called left on the media, thats just a joke!

as for this, well I'm really sure that I dont believe what the media tells me, otherwise I would not beattacking the media itself, would I?
TV is so obviously full of left wing propaganda it makes me gag to watch anything except sports, and movies(which are still biased on the whole) Further have you bothered, in your incorrect assessment of the media's overall political stance, to check just where are the major tv, newspaper, and fm radio managers, owners, and coorporate boards affiliations are? Apparently not. Guess what, they're are roughly 86% liberal. Now you're trying to tell me 86% of the people who claim to be liberal actually are biased toward Bush and the consevatives? Wake up and smell the coffee me-boy-o. That doesn't add up.

Look at the hollywood stars. How many of them have come out as being against the war? How do you figure that means they're for Bush, conservatives, et. al.? I'm dying to hear this explanation. It sould be a real whopper.

I say again you are a victom of the media, you watch network news, hollywood movies, or even cable television, and come up with ideas that are liberal based. That makes you a (what is it evreyone likes to say?) brainwashed slave of the Democrats and liberals. And that is a shame... :eek:
Last edited by Demosthenes on 19 Aug 2003 22:54, edited 2 times in total.
By briansmith
Gee, we should arrange a giant leftist movement of all the Communists (and you know there are some vicious ones), the socialists, the technocrats, the liberals, and anybody else who wants in to go invade the Conservatism forum and piss on your parade on a daily basis.

Who cares? It was a stupid picture of a stupid, stupid man trying to look out some binoculars with the lens covers on. Delightful. We already knew he was as dumb as a brick, and it has nothing to do with propaganda except that he's made out to be a war hero now but refuses to answer they question "Hey, where were you in '72?"

So President AWOL doesn't know how to use binoculars. That's alright, he doesn't have to. He has no use for sight anyway.
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By Demosthenes
Looks over Conservative forum...hmmm...I don't see many non-sensical posts in there, stuff like..."Clinton was just a big goof-off" or "Liberals, and cartoons portraying their stupidity" Nope nothing like that. Just a good ole' bunch of issues-based material, that are, for the most part well thought out and insightful. A liberal may disagree with the content of said posts but no one can say they reach this low level of base disrespect.

But by all means come on over Tsaler. Post what you like. Per Foxy, no forum is owned by any given idealogy and so is fair game by anyone.

We already knew he was as dumb as a brick, and it has nothing to do with propaganda except that he's made out to be a war hero now but refuses to answer they question "Hey, where were you in '72?"

Show me anywhere in the conservative forum where we have stooped to name calling and petty bickering in refuating specific liberals or liberal ideaology Tsaler. Show me! You want to know why I took issue here? It was more about the obvious fallacy in claiming the media is not liberally biased when the facts are there to show otherwise. You may not have noticed but I wasn't trying to spam or flame the Liberal forum like your implying but honestly trying to prove a point. If you can't handle it then don't jump in.
By bach
Propaganda is what makes this world function, specially politics, capitalim, democracy,advertisement, cosumer abits, almost everything. I dont see how it is not important

Now for you to say it is
non-sensical posts
well, I wish you get elected without using propaganda, or for that matter I wish you can make a lot of money in a capitalist system like the one in which you deeply believe, without using advertisement.

As for non
well thought out and insightful
most real propaganda is so well done that people do not even notice it.

Now I know, my propaganda isnt that good but what can I do, I dont work for FOX
By briansmith
Oh Demosthenes, I was kidding around with you. :p

I actually prefer to stay away from the Conservatism forum because I really don't like huge arguments and massive debates on forums. They give people an opportunity to be complete asses, I think, and get away with it because they have unlimited time to make the post and unlimited attitude since they're not in person. ;)

I think it's just fun to discuss sometimes, so I tend to stay inside my own interests and beliefs.
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By Demosthenes
All right fair enough, my mistake then, and my apologies... And I wasn't trying to spam! I swear it by Allah!
By briansmith
Nope. Too late. You have been sentenced to a public beheading. The great Mullah Clinton has declared it such. Sorry.


Come to think of it, a Mullah Clinton would be pretty cool, even if I'm not really a fan of conservative/centrist Democrats (or anybody for that matter) who likes to engage in marital infidelity.
god tsaler! youre cracking me up!
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By Demosthenes
Very well carry on then...with my blessing you sons of mountain goats and such!... But please, if your going to do cartooons at least do funny ones...
By Catria
Speaking of propaganda:

U.S. deploys 'ZSA ZSA SADDAM

TIKRIT, Iraq -- He has been portrayed as a monster, a murderer, and a genocidal dictator.

Now U.S. troops are giving us a whole new vision of Saddam Hussein -- a blonde-haired movie goddess with rouged lips and a low-cut blouse.

"Zsa Zsa Saddam" is one of a series spoof images of the ousted Iraqi dictator that are due to be posted on walls and billboards around his former stronghold of Tikrit by troops of the 4th Infantry Division's 1st Battalion 22nd Armoured Regiment.

The idea is both to boost the morale of U.S. soldiers, ridicule the deposed leader and, also, help identify those who are still loyal to Saddam.

"The bad guys are going to be upset," Lieutenant-Colonel Steve Russell told Reuters. "Which will just make it easier for us to know who they are."

Monday, August 18

How subtle....
By bach
I think it is a great idea, I wonder if the people behind this are the same behind the cards, probably. Although this startegy might not be usefull to capture saddam it certainly is usefull to capture those against the American presence. If they get rid of this people then they are going to be able to pump out oil easier without having to spend troops guarding the infrastructure as they do now, yet I dont think they would ever be able to stop attacks against the oil infrastructure.

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