What type of Marxist are you? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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By Falleen Prince Xizor
Why isn't "stalinist" there?
By Political Interest
There is no such thing as 'Stalinism', the very name is Bourgeois propaganada designed to identify the "evil" ideology of Stalin. 'Stalinism' can be referred to as Marxist-Leninism.
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By Falleen Prince Xizor
ok....is that not.... never mind...
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By Falleen Prince Xizor
i didn't think it was... :?:
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What is ceucescue and Hoxhaism
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Why isn't there a 'just marxist' option?
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By Falleen Prince Xizor
That'd make too much sense.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
This is very hard to pick because I don't think Im really any of them if anything more of a castroist..... hmmm i know im not a trotskyist as much but I believe in world socialism this one is tough..... I have to think this over.

There should be alot more like reform communist (Im not one but there should be more on there) Hmmmm i don't know which to click this incredibly hard to do.

I actually picked marxist leninist. Had to really think strongly about that one

[Der Freiheitsucher Edit: Please try not to post three times in a row but put all your thoughts on one single message. I compiled them all on this one.]
By Ixa
Jesse wrote:Polls aren't supposed to be biased, PI.

It is not biased, for "Stalinism" falls under the category of

And who voted Juche? I voted Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, though I could also
be described as a "Juche-ist" (except insofar as a reject its view on
historical materialism).
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By Maxim Litvinov
I think there should be Marxist.

There should also be 'non-Marxist Communist'.

Again, a poll that I don't think I can choose from any of the current choices.
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By Comrade Nicolae Ceausescu
I would say there is a such thing as a "Stalinist".Some who supports the actions of Stalin as Premier of the USSR.But those people are essentially Marxist-Leninists.Its the same for Ceausescu.He certainly does not have his own "ism",but I voted for him to be specific,because I am a Marxist-Leninist who supports the actions of President Ceausescu.Also,TROI,Hoxhaism is a very legit "ism".Hoxha believed,essentially,that the only true communists (in the broad sense) were Marx,Engels,Lenin and Stalin.The USSR under Lenin and Stalin,along with Albania with him as General Seceratary were the only truly socialist countries in his mind.He sided with Mao during the Sino-Soviet dispute,but after Mao's death he denounced Mao Tse Tung thought as ultra leftist-and said that there were no true communists in the Chinese government,and there never was.He also hated,I mean really hated Tito.I support him 100% domestically,but internationally,definitly not 100%.I hope this helps a bit.
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Isn't it essentiaally zealous Stalinism then?
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By Comrade Nicolae Ceausescu
Yeah he supported Stalin a lot,rightfully so,because if it hadn't been for Stalin Albania wouldn't have been a Socialist Republic.

TROI,talk to Jakko about it.He is a Hoxhaite.I would say TS,because he was an extreme Hoxhaite,but he left.
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By jaakko
I aswell find the options a little crude.

Comrade Nicolae Ceausescu wrote:TROI,talk to Jakko about it.He is a Hoxhaite.I would say TS,because he was an extreme Hoxhaite,but he left.

In my knowledge TS hasn't "left". He has pauses every now and then. Anyway, I voted 'Marxist-Leninist' not 'Hoxhaite' because the theoretical work of Enver Hoxha doesn't constitute a special ideology or a distinct stage in the development of scientific socialism. My support for the deceased PSR of Albania and the PLA (and thus consequently also Enver Hoxha) is just one aspect of my thought. It wasn't in my control that USSR and the People's Democracies abandoned the socialist road of development and began to degenerate in the opposite direction. This shouldn't be understood as I considered Hoxha or others as infallible or anything. But I nevertheless consider them real Marxist-Leninists and the PSR of Albania as a genuine socialist country.

All in all, this is just one position and one position doesn't necessarily constitute an ideology. Therefore, I categorise myself as a Marxist-Leninist orientated communist. You could call me a Marxist-Leninist who has a generally positive opinion on PSR of Albania and the Party of Labour of Albania if you for some reason see it as necessary to underline this aspect.
By Yevgraf
I put Marxist-Leninist

Instead of the option 'Hoxhaite' I would replace it with a broader 'anti-Revisionist Marxists-Leninist' option, as all Enver Hoxha-supporters are anti-Revisionist but not all anti-Revisionists are Hoxha-supporters.

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