Capitalist oppression in Colombia - Politics | PoFo

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Today I had a Colombian history class and learned some curious things.

Well, at the beginning of the 20th century, there was a conservative hegemony in the Colombian government, and US imperialism started to set foot in Colombia.

The United Fruit Company helped build a very important railway, and the government payed them with lands. But all the lands were occcupied by peasants. So the lands had to be bought. If the peasants agreed to sell their lands, they'd be forced to either work for the United Fruit Company or else get the hell out of there. The ones who did not want to sell them were shot and their lands were taken forcefully by the army.

When the United Fruit Company was established in Colombia they started oppressing wrokers. They hired people to hire workers. These workers were paid almost nothing, had no medical care, no pension, no nothing. The whole towns were ruled by the company, the workers could not quit, because then the army (controlled by the company with the consent of the conservative government) would kill them. They were not paid with money, but with papers which could only be used to buy at stores of the United Fruit Company, which imported merchandise fro the USA to sell at those stores.

In 1928, the workers decided to go on strike at the central square of one of those towns and waited for the mayor to come by and hear them. They waited for days and nobody showed up. Then the army showed up, and gavethem 5 minutes to get out of the square. Nobody moved, and after 5 minutes, the army blocked all the ways out of the square and then they started firing at them. There was a high number of casualties, including women and children, but the government only reported 7 deaths. The rest of the bodies was moved by train to other regions of the country, and buried in common holes.

In the '40s, Jorge Eliecer Gaitan, a liberal congressman investigated and sent commissions to find out about it. They found the holes in which the bodies were buried, and in his presidential campaign, exposed the proof. He was against US imperialism and was about to win the elections. Gaitan was shot before the elections, and died. It is known that conservative factions conspired to kill him, and some share the theory that the CIA helped them in achieving that task.

What are your thoughts about this?
Last edited by Wilhelm on 05 Mar 2003 02:33, edited 1 time in total.
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By Adrien
It is quite difficult to be precise in english but..

It's disgusting that such companies (American, that's strange) dare to change a country's fate just in the name of profit and exploitation, especially with the gov. consent... with the army consent!

I never heard of this particuliar story before, but this one is especially revolting, especially revolting.
By Wilhelm
The United Fruit Company was in control of the army, as the high ranked officers in those regions were in the company's payroll.

Besides, the government had issued a decree that said companies had the right to defend profit and property, above the life of the workers, and this deprived them of their right to protest.

The 19th - beginning 20th century conservative faction is the cause of Colombia's problems.
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By Adrien
It is hard to believe that such things really happened... Poor Colombia...

Well, with the Americans, we should be used to. To stay in South America and imperialism abuses, the Chili case was very well explained in the "9/11" selection of short movies.
By Necro99
I feel that they (the people responsible for this) should be rounded up and shot. Then they would be buried in common graves like they did to innocent civillians.

I feel this forum will become a slaugterhouse and a furnace. So much napalm will be used...
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By Seamus Warren
That sort of behaviour is sickening. US policy and probably the policies of the "Developed World" in general have been lacking in morality. I don't know anything about Colombia but in the modern sense I do think all drugs should be decriminalised and drug addiction should be treated as a health problem and not turned into a legal issue. I think much corruption and crime throughout the world could be eliminated if drugs were no longer a legal issue.

I don't know much about Colombia but I have read a little about Iran and Indonesia.

Believe it or not, Britain and America toppled (on their second attempt) the democratically elected Iranian government of Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh. Yes, there was a fledgeling democracy in the Middle East (other than Israel) way back in 1953 but the Imperialists didn't like Mossadegh nationalising Iranian oil. I believe this illegal action by Britain and the US is the reason Iran became a dictatorship and the reason their was an Iran/Iraq war and the support from America for Saddam Hussein in that war.

More here:

Any Yanks here? I don't know if The New Rulers of The World was screened in the US because of its content.

"The great sweatshops and banks and luxury hotels in Indonesia were built on the mass murder of as many as 1 million people ..."

".. secretly backed by the United States and Britain and by western business leaders it brought to power General Suharto ... within a year of the blood bath Indonesia's economy was effectively redesigned in America, giving the West access to vast mineral wealth, markets and cheap labour, what President Nixon called the greatest prize in Asia."

Related links:
Last edited by Seamus Warren on 08 Mar 2003 22:30, edited 1 time in total.
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By Adrien
(US) Imperialism in all its glory.
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By Seamus Warren
Does that book describe the massacre of No Gun Ri during the Korean War and does it describe some of the events in Vietnam and Cambodia?
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By llegovski
Thank you heartily for this, comrades! Finally some solid evidence for my discussions of US imperialism. I wish somewhere there was a clear website with a list of all the countries affected by this and a detailed explenation for each one...
In the '40s, Jorge Eliecer Gaitan, a liberal congressman investigated and sent commissions to find out about it. They found the holes in which the bodies were buried, and in his presidential campaign, exposed the proof. He was against US imperialism and was about to win the elections. Gaitan was shot before the elections, and died. It is known that conservative factions conspired to kill him, and some share the theory that the CIA helped them in achieving that task.

What are your thoughts about this?[/quote]

-Wasn´t this event which led to a civil war, and eventually, to the
-creation of FARC? How do you see the current events in Colombia?
-Is it true that FARC became only a band of drug dealers withouth
-any perspective for a true socialist revolution?
By Wilhelm
I don't really know when FARC was created, but it was not because of that event. However, M19, another guerrilla group was created because of the assassination of Gaitan. In the 80s (I think) M19 disarmed, the government gave them an amnesty, and they became a political group which still exists. There is a very prominent congressman who is the former leader of M19.

FARC is now a band of terrorists. Peasants in tthe countryside are in a very difficult situation right now because FARC makes them plant coca. So the US planes come down and fumigate the crops. The chemical used is harmful to the skin, and you don't want to see what happens with the skin of these poor people. If they stop cultivating coca, they will be killed by FARC.

Right now, I think they are far from socailism, as they have betrayed every concept that comes with a socialist revolution.

There is another group which also started with socialist ideologies, and is called the ELN. They are enemies with FARC and fight over land. There is another group called the AUC, which is the union of the 'autodefensas', paramilitary groups set up by landlordds to defend their land an cattle from the guerrillas.

The ELN kidnapped my grandmother once, and the AUC are the reason for my uncle to be living in the USA, and my cousin living in Canada, because of threats.
By Gothmog
FARC is now a band of terrorists. Peasants in tthe countryside are in a very difficult situation right now because FARC makes them plant coca. So the US planes come down and fumigate the crops. The chemical used is harmful to the skin, and you don't want to see what happens with the skin of these poor people. If they stop cultivating coca, they will be killed by FARC.
Right now, I think they are far from socailism, as they have betrayed every concept that comes with a socialist revolution.

-It´s sad to see this degree of degeneration from the oldest guerilla
-group in Latin America....on the other hand, isn´t true that peasants
-earn a lot more by planting coca than with other crops? In this
-case FARC coercion would be only one of the reasons that make
-them plant Coca, right?
By Wilhelm
I think the peasants would rather have a healthy life than more money. Besides, most of them don't want to do it, and that is the reason why Bogota has such a shocking quantity of refugees living in the streets.
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By Der Freiheitsucher
Wilhelm wrote:I don't really know when FARC was created, but it was not because of that event. However, M19, another guerrilla group was created because of the assassination of Gaitan. In the 80s (I think) M19 disarmed, the government gave them an amnesty, and they became a political group which still exists. There is a very prominent congressman who is the former leader of M19.

The FARC was created after a general by the last name of Matayana decided to invade the "outlaws" farm and kill their "piggies and chickens". Manual Marulanda even made a reference to this in one of his lateast speeched. As for the M19, it was originated after the assassination, yes, but it was oficially formed after the robbery of Bolivar's sword, the 10th of April. It was roundabout 1989 when the M19 gave up, and the political group which you refer to was recently assassinated to. My best guess is that you are referring to Antonio Navarro Wolf, which I might add is a a mighty good politician.

FARC is now a band of terrorists. Peasants in tthe countryside are in a very difficult situation right now because FARC makes them plant coca. So the US planes come down and fumigate the crops. The chemical used is harmful to the skin, and you don't want to see what happens with the skin of these poor people. If they stop cultivating coca, they will be killed by FARC.

Actually, the biggest problem is that they force the peasants to crop their fields in a chess pattern. Take the black squares as wheat and the and white squares as cocaine. Now, if the government comes and fumigates the crops, they would be also killing the food supply, probably for an entire village!

Right now, I think they are far from socailism, as they have betrayed every concept that comes with a socialist revolution.

The door swings both ways. It is true, that they have violated one of the main principles in the communist manifesto which is the protection of the civilian life, but its also true that they specifically use Che's "Manual of Revolution", which can be argued to be a communist action.

There is another group which also started with socialist ideologies, and is called the ELN. They are enemies with FARC and fight over land. There is another group called the AUC, which is the union of the 'autodefensas', paramilitary groups set up by landlordds to defend their land an cattle from the guerrillas.

Actually, the paramilitar group AUC was formed by Carlos Castaño after his whole family was shot before his sight, he sworn vengance (even tho sounds like Rambo 4, its true) and the AUC was born. His brother, who at the time was a successful art dealer died later in combat, so much for their peace.

By Wilhelm
Hey Bukharov, you seem to know a lot about Colmbia's history and current situation..hmmm...that's strange.

Oh right! You are Sebastian Machado from my school! Hah! You didn't want to tell me your nick, so I made my research. I think your email address gave you away.

I got you!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Shame on you for not telling me your nickname! :moron:

Ok, getting to business: He is absolutely right except on one thing:

The door swings both ways. It is true, that they have violated one of the main principles in the communist manifesto which is the protection of the civilian life, but its also true that they specifically use Che's "Manual of Revolution", which can be argued to be a communist action.

I'll have to check that out comrade Machado. Have you got a spare copy of that manual for me?

Anyway, even though they use some manual, their ideologies are defined by actions not theories.

That is why I agree on the fact that communism kills dissidents (Cuba actually puts them in jail, but take Stalin's USSR or Cambodia as an example) Communists then say: "The manifesto never said that", but their ideology is defined by their actions. In the same way we see FARC act. Maybe they are communists, still I despise them. Anyway I despise the POlitical system of communism. The economics are alright, I would go a little bit to the right from full-blown communism economies (abolition of private property, etc).

Maybe FARC will try to attain true communist goals. But when they do, they will be staned by their killings,kidnappings and totures; and counter-revolutionares will have more grounds to say "communism kills"
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