Satire for August - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Political and non-political satire; all those terribly biased analogies live here.
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By Attila The Nun
It may not technically be political, but it's too funny to pass up.

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By Boondock Saint
Intersting ...


The following provides some support, imo, for the nationalization of major industry.


The following shows a great disdain for the French and provides the opinion that Hezbollah is a regional giant. Note the hairy legs which makes one think of barbarism.


Here we see the NIMBY American kicking himself in the ass ...


Here we see the further villinization of Mel Gibson, as if he walked into a synogogue and butchered Jewish families.


Here we see a cartoon from Syria ...

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By Ombrageux
The French are going back into Lebanon?

Unlikely, I can't see Chirac assuring his "legacy" by helping clean up the Americo-Israeli mess in the Middle East... no, no going back to Lebanon since French troops got car-bombed (with about 200 US marines) last time they went.
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By Boondock Saint
I agree DT

There will be alot of talk about an international force but when push comes to shove, no one will really want to provide boots for the force.

Perhaps Turkey will provide some troops but ... certainly not enough.

I can't see any European nations going there, certainly not for the sake of keeping Hezbollah under check.
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By p-brane
Distinguished Friend Boondock Saint wrote:Image

There is too much going on in this cartoon.
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By Rodion
Boondock Saint wrote:The following shows a great disdain for the French and provides the opinion that Hezbollah is a regional giant. Note the hairy legs which makes one think of barbarism.


I'm actually fine with Hizbullah being portraid as barbaric (shock, shock, surprise, surprise).

What bothers me, is the fact that the cartoon implies that the French military is willing, but somehow inadequate to handle Hizbullah. Relucant - maybe. Inadequate - definetly not.
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By Yeddi
What bothers me, is the fact that the cartoon implies that the French military is willing, but somehow inadequate to handle Hizbullah. Relucant - maybe. Inadequate - definetly not.

What you have to remember is that this is an American cartoon and that the Americans have a deepseeded hatred for the French. This is partially because both nations are incrediably arrogant and also because the Americans resent the French for not only supplying them with the very ideas that they based their revolution on but needing their aid to succeed in their revolution against the British.
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By The American Lion
We don't hate the French. We just pitty them. Since their lack of a good military record after WWII.
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By p-brane
TAL wrote:We just pitty them. Since their lack of a good military record after WWII.

What is a good military record?
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By Nets
We don't hate the French. We just pitty them. Since their lack of a good military record after WWII.

Since like Napoleon. They've lost how many wars to Germany betwwen then and now?
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By Ombrageux
The US hardly has a stirling post-WW2 record:
- Korea, stalemate
- Vietnam, disaster
- Iraq, so far, disaster
All of these have proven enormously expensive, and by the way, France's getting her ass kicked in Vietnam was, at least, paid for by the USA.

(though I won't try to defend France's war in Algeria, she's had a militarily respectable record everywhere else. Which has included actions in Chad, DR Congo, Central African Republic, Gulf War I among others)
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By The American Lion
Iraq, so far, disaster

The war ended three years ago. Its just growing pains of a new democracy. We cant say it's a disaster untill like 2013 or 2023. Then we will use history to decie.
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By Ombrageux
The war ended three years ago.

Then lord save us from this peace.
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By QatzelOk
About the ongoing slaughter of Iraqis instigated and maintained by America, TAL wrote:It's just growing pains of a new democracy.

I can't wait until Iraq is a teenager and tells child-beating grease-ball daddy and mommy (and their coalition) to go hegemony themselves.
Last edited by QatzelOk on 09 Aug 2006 05:00, edited 1 time in total.
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By Blondie
Americans resent the French for not only supplying them with the very ideas that they based their revolution on

Actually, it's the other way around bud.

Whose revolution came first?

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By Red_Army
Sorry buddy, which comes first alphabetically?

That's right, its France.
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By Nets
Actually, it's the other way around bud.

Whose revolution came first?


No only that...whose revolution wasn't characterized by mobs of angry peasants murdering rich people, under successively bloody dictatorships?
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By Yeddi
Whose revolution came first?

I'm well aware of who's revolution came first. They still supplied America with the ideas
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By The Immortal Goon
What you have to remember is that this is an American cartoon and that the Americans have a deepseeded hatred for the French. This is partially because both nations are incrediably arrogant and also because the Americans resent the French for not only supplying them with the very ideas that they based their revolution on but needing their aid to succeed in their revolution against the British.

This goes back to the beginning of the US. You always had your Americans who wanted to be more like the French (revolutionary France that is) and then those who wanted stability and wanted to be more like the British.

It's the same now, but the people who wanted to be more like the British are just way louder.

-TIG :rockon:
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