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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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By Sayed Zakerya
for the Palestinian people, death has become an industry". This morality has been implemented by the Hamas in Cast Lead - where the life of 1000 civilians is a sacrifice worth making for the murder of a single Israeli.
You have to know your enemy prior to jumping to conclusions. What you are describing here is not Arabic moralities, genious. This is the Slogan of Moselm Brotherhood party. Did you hear about them! If not then, make a web search to identify thier principals. Hamas is considered part of them. I can not help you with the Arabic morlity features because simply I do not know them & moreover I do not believe moralities may have a nationality. To help you out of your confusion, I would introduce you a fact. Historically, since 1948, Israel severest losses were implemented by Secular resistance parties & states. Political Islam groups shared in the resistance but thier role was minimal. Your posts expose that your are quiet young. Read alot to understand. Lack of knowledge is the shortest route to Racism.
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By Sayed Zakerya
Gaza report addressed Israel’s judical system of investigation and prosecution. The report laid extriem doubts concerning its transperancy & neurality. In a Stunning paragraph, the report suggested employing Universal Jurisduition to investigate Israel War crimes, instead of relying on the doubtful Israeli judical system. While a state Judical system present one of the three independent foundations of any civilized state, the report bravely question the Israeli one in the following quote:-
1654. It is the view of the Mission that universal jurisdiction is a potentially efficient tool for enforcing international humanitarian law and international human rights law, preventing impunity and promoting international accountability. In the context of increasing unwillingness on the part of Israel to open criminal investigations that comply with international standards and establish judicial accountability over its military actions in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, and until such a time as clarity is achieved as to whether the International Criminal Court will exercise jurisdiction over alleged crimes committed in the Occupied Palestinian Territory,including in Gaza, the Mission supports the reliance on universal jurisdiction as an avenue for States to investigate violations of grave breach provisions of the Geneva Convention of 1949, prevent impunity and promote international accountability
By chaostrivia
I can not help you with the Arabic morlity features because simply I do not know them & moreover I do not believe moralities may have a nationality.

Lack of knowledge is the shortest route to Racism.

hmmmm.... :) I know of course about the moslem brothers. Mubarak's best friends :) And please tell the story of the Moslem Brotherhood to redcarpet, because he is convinced that the Hamas supports the "two-states" solution.....
I like the "racism" thing though...... strong argumentation my friend. really strong.
me? racist? wallak.... inta majnoon? I adore the arabic language (which I speak fluently) and culture. I do not adore the culture of death that has totally replaced the Arab culture with the Palestinians (to compare with the Israeli palestinians, who are loyal citizens of Israel and whose minds are NOT poissoned by their leadership like their brothers from the other side of the border). The emergence of the culture of death happened not too long ago, starting around 1996. Another sad thing that happened to the Palestinians is the Islamization: the Hamas. The Palestinians (or "arabs of palestine" which was their name until 1948) were NEVER fundamentalist muslims. The fundamental Islam arrived to Palestine only in the recent years, its base is now in Gaza. The sharia regime which Hamas has built in Gaza resembles the shiite Irani model. The Palestinian people are in great suffer from this even without Israel in the picture.

<<<< Watch This! Palestinian TV

Historically, since 1948, Israel severest losses were implemented by Secular resistance parties & states. Political Islam groups shared in the resistance but thier role was minimal.

Wrong. Israel's severest losses were inflicted due to road accidents.

But you are still missing the point, you just can't get it do you?
The morality that supports this operation is not the Arab one. We value life in a different way than the Hamas and you do. To let you understand better think of this: we consider every rocket that fell in our city as a 1 dead person. Because this was the goal of the rocket. If the Hamas had better rockets it would have used it without thinking twice. It uses its maximal fire power always - it is his ideaology. 8,600 rockets were fired from Gaza strip before cast lead. This is "morally equal" to 8,600 casualities. This is a bit twisted way to see it but its a good first lesson for a beginner in humane (to differentiate with arab = syrian, saudi, jordanian, egyptian, libyan, Hamas) moral.
You don't expect us to wait until we have 1,000 dead bodies before we act against the murderers, do you?
you starting to understand? for us, the life of 1 Israeli is worth more than 10,000 Palestinians. As is the case for all the western nations. For the Palestinians, the murder of 1 Israeli is worth the scarifice of 10,000 Palestinians. This is the sad truth. You don't hear it only from the Hamas prime minister. It was just an example, one of million. The Palestinian children hear it from kindergarden to high school:

let me help you out on this, westerns:
Children show host: "What is better, peace and full rights for the palestinian people or shahada (=death in a "holy war")?"
11 Year old child: "Shahada. I will achieve my rights after becoming a shahid (=a martyr, one who already died)"
Children show host (to the other child): "What about you, you agree with this?"
Another child: "of course. Shahada is a sweet thing."

This was broadcast on the most viewed channel of the Palestinian authority, in 2006. a CHILDREN SHOW.
Please sayed, give us another zabotinsky quote from 1910's as a counterexample. know what? why not a quote from king solomon of 2000BC? or maybe julius ceasar?

Are all these videos just "slogans of the moslem brotherhood"? No. These is reality. The translations are exact. And tell me again the i'm stupid one who actually don't understand what he sees.

Then you go and argue that the same children who later shoot the rockets and really care if the Israeli retaliation will cost the lives of many civilians? why would they care? on the contrary, they are happy! Shahada is sweet, no?
Tell us how we do not understand the real values of these people. We are the criminal and stupid ones. And they are the pure and good ones. Tell us again and again and again.

Unfortunately, you will not manage to convince us. We know the reality. Too bad I can't post you guys stuff from the Arab newspapers that were published during cast lead. It is beyond human perception to believe that such things were written... unfortunately I can't find anything in English .. of course... The Palestinians speak nice words in English. And words of Death in Arabic.

We all know which side worships the life of its citizens (+science+technology+art+....), and which side worships death (+death+death+death+....). It all starts with the children. In Israel, it is not allowed that children will be exposed to hardcore politics stuff before the age of 16. The Palestinian society educate only one value from the age of 3 : "death for palestine and/or for Allah!". It is the culture of death in its glory.

Feel free to leave the worship of death and join the party !

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By Sayed Zakerya
chaostrivia, didn`t my latest post ring any bells? Do not you realize how shamefull Israel reputation become. When a state judical system is questioned wrt transperancy & neutrality, then a situation identical to the International confronation against former white S. Africa may result.
You should respect Israel status as a bi-national state. Israeli Arabs are more than 20% of the total population. They should not be addressed with a similar language to yours where insults & accustions are directed to thier ethnic group collectively.
Nothing is more racist & disgusting than your statement of
the life of 1 Israeli is worth more than 10,000 Palestinians
This fasciest statement exposes your ideology & political practise. A life of 1 man worth punishing the assasinators only. Collective punishment is against the International laws & Human principals. Study Gaza report thoroughly. For people like you, Gaza report show them how the civilized world rate thier beliefs & doings.
By chaostrivia
No more excuses? slogans of the "moslem brotherhood", quotes of Herzl? you give up just like that? the palestinians ARE a society that worships death? good. now we can move forward.

Before you will be able to understand the value of life as we Israeli see it, you will have to value the life of your own children. I am waiting that the Palestinians will make this first step.

compare with:

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By War Angel
This fasciest statement exposes your ideology & political practise.

What the hell does Fascism have to do with this? You're just throwing shit slogans around, hoping something will stick.. cut it out.

Nevermind it's true, and accepted by both Jews and Arabs. Also, it's something subjective - I place my own loved ones higher than anyone else's, and I absolutely will not apologise for it.
By sebbysteiny

Thanks for the link.

Okay, so now we have one side.

Israel and a number of others have raised criticisms about the report. It is worth seeing if they are right.

Infact, this article, given in the economist (which is one of the best newspapers for analysis in the world, though it is still written by a journalist and therefore not by an expert), gives a good description of the core problems with the report. http://www.economist.com/opinion/displa ... d=14455609

But before we get to that, there is one thing I want you to explain Sayad.

This I think is the most important phrase of the whole report.

The Mission fully appreciates the importance of the presumption of
innocence: the findings in the report do not subvert the operation of that principle. The findings
do not attempt to identify the individuals responsible for the commission of offences nor do they
pretend to reach the standard of proof applicable in criminal trials.

Paragraph 25.

So according to Goldstone, he does not actually have sufficient proof to back up his alligations. He doesn't even pretend to have such proof.

Now am I the only one to think it was highly irresponsible of Goldstone to throw around accusations when even he acknowledges that lacks the necessary proof?
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By Sayed Zakerya
Here is a recent proof of IDF respect of life.


The Gaza report verifies IDF respect of the civilian lives in the following paragraph
1684. The timing of the first Israeli attack, at 11:30 am on a week day, when children were returning from school and the streets of Gaza were crowded with people going about their daily business, appears to have been calculated to create the greatest disruption and widespread panicamong the civilian population. The treatment of many civilians detained or even killed while trying to surrender is one manifestation of the way in which the effective rules of engagement, standard operating procedures and instructions to the troops on the ground appear to have been framed in order to create an environment in which due regard for civilian lives and basic human dignity was replaced with the disregard for basic international humanitarian law and human rights norms.

I know it is difficult to address somethng related with Human dignity to a young fasciest who keeps shouting that (1 israeli life worth----) . Yet, I recommend you to read this paragraph to learn something from your enemies.
, 1695. The Mission was struck by the resilience and dignity shown by people in the face of dire circumstances. UNRWA Director of Operations John Ging relayed to the Mission the answer of a Gaza teacher during a discussion after the end of the Israeli military operations about strengthening human rights education in schools. Rather than expressing scepticism at the relevance of teaching human rights in a context of renewed denial of rights, the teacher unhesitantly supported the resumption of human rights education: “This is a war of values, and we are not going to lose it”.

By the way the quoted report paragraphs are characterized by thier respective typical statemnets numbers as shown.
Your neglection of the report quoted paragraphs expresses your arrogance & staburnace. Your attitude fits a Zionist dogmatic but not a civilized human.
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By Sayed Zakerya
So according to Goldstone, he does not actually have sufficient proof to back up his alligations. He doesn't even pretend to have such proof.
Now am I the only one to think it was highly irresponsible of Goldstone to throw around accusations when even he acknowledges that lacks the necessary proof?
You are welcome, sebbysteiny. Goldstone a high ranked judge. His mission staff are well reputated justice & legal expirts. The report is more than 570 Pages. You have just got it. Finish its reading to judge its transperancy & profesionalism . I shall be waiting for your comments.
By chaostrivia

1 guy with a T-shirt is your "proof" about the whole IDF?
and dozens of speeches, TV programs, etc' who educate children to worship death is not a "proof" of the death culture?

Let me guess that you also believe in god and in its messengers. Its obvious.

The threshold needed to convince you in the validity of stuff is very low, and very irrespective of the facts. and this is obvious also in your political opinions - based only on irrational thinking motivated by emotions and selective choice of facts you want to adopt and other you want to forget about.

Goldstone a high ranked judge.

As if u've heard his name before the affair ......... high ranked according to which system of assessment? the sayed-zakeria Israel-haters scale?
I am 100% sure that if he would have found Israel to be just and moral on this conflict then you would have said: "hey... he is a jew. what can you expect? the Palestinian martyrs were sold by the UN as sacrifice to the zionists"
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By Sayed Zakerya
guy with a T-shirt is your "proof" about the whole IDF?
Can`t you read. After you finish watching the photo try to read the following paragraphs. Can`t you slow down a bit to prepare a reasonabe response, at least.
Let me guess that you also believe in god and in its messengers. Its obvious.
Do you need a confession! grow up.
your political opinions - based only on irrational thinking motivated by emotions and selective choice of facts you want to adopt an
Which political opinions! or selective choice !. Are you sure that you are commenting on my previous posts! I derived you 6 to 7 paragraphs from Gaza report to justify/criticize , but you chose to paste Youtube clips showing irrelative speeches & playing kids.
and other you want to forget.
Help me with these that I want to forget about! Explain them briefly but try to be specific & don`t employ youtube.
I am 100% sure that if he would have found Israel to be just and moral on this conflict then you would have said: "hey... he is a jew. what can you expect? the Palestinian martyrs were sold by the UN as sacrifice to the zionists"
Are you serious. Did you expect that any investigating authority would appreciate Israel for its morality & human life respect during Gaza War. Were you that young during the war??
By sebbysteiny
Goldstone was also a leading member of Human Rights Watch, and they have a reputation for acting irresponsibily and rushing to judgment.

Goldstone was saying "I don't have enough evidence to know this for sure, but I reckon x may have happened." This is typical of the sort of things that HRW does, except that HRW don't usually admit they lack the evidence to make the conclusions they have made.

I would like you to address the fact that Goldstone himself conceded he lacked the evidence for his accusations please. Because I like opinions supported by evidence. I don't see the purpose of looking at the evidence in the long report when Goldstone in his summary admitted he lacked the evidence to prove the alligations he makes.

What's your response?
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By clanko
Goldstone was also a leading member of Human Rights Watch, and they have a reputation for acting irresponsibily and rushing to judgment.

Goldstone was saying "I don't have enough evidence to know this for sure, but I reckon x may have happened." This is typical of the sort of things that HRW does, except that HRW don't usually admit they lack the evidence to make the conclusions they have made.

Could you please source and fully explain (in context) the 'quote' or any sense which you are attributing to Goldstone here.

I would like you to address the fact that Goldstone himself conceded he lacked the evidence for his accusations please. Because I like opinions supported by evidence. I don't see the purpose of looking at the evidence in the long report when Goldstone in his summary admitted he lacked the evidence to prove the alligations he makes.

Could you show me how you reached this conclusion, in reference to the Gaza inquiry.

What's your response?

Now - as in the JihadWatch link you provided to discredit the Egyptian Judge and in turn, the ICJ's 2004 ruling (if we accept that Israel submitted its report and refused to participate)...you are now somehow attempting to (without any reference to the UN report itself) smear the inquiry based solely upon Goldstone's involvement with HRW?
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By danholo
Zeev Jabotinsky who declared that Arabs are 500 years beyond his people.

To tell you the truth, I think he was being generous. Some might even be millennia behind.

Could you please source and fully explain (in context) the 'quote' or any sense which you are attributing to Goldstone here.

What sebby said pretty much defines the report from its wording to substance; "We don't know, but we've got to write something." How can you even be on the "defending" side of such a vaguely written text?
By chaostrivia
No, I haven't read the report, except for Sayed's quotes. If Sayed want to tell me that he read these 576 pages, I will not believe him. And I won't read the report for EXACTLY the same reasons that I won't read any kind of bible, but prefer a history book or a scientific article.

I really hate to play your game clanko and sayed but yea.. why not. It was clear to me without going too deep into detail that this report has a place only in the trash bin of History. Reason: I was a soldier myself. I know my countrymen and after 6 years of service, I know the IDF VERY WELL. But ok, for the sake of hypothetical discussion, maybe the report exposes severe crimes. But then, before I go to read it, I need to know how much I can trust this report to have any kind of credibility. For this, I put my skills as a scientist and made my own small online research (no more than 20 minutes, would have been nice - and very surprising - if you would have done the same, dear Sayed and clanko).

In my research I am treating just one issue, and this is not the Israeli actions in Gaza. The Issue is "Is the report worth readind? Is it trustworthy? can I trust anything written there to be an accurate representation of the truth?". ONLY that. This is the topic of the thread.

Here are my findings:

1) I found the resolution who started the whole Goldstone affair on the website of UNHCR - The UN Refugee Agency.
The "Human Rights Council" called in its original January 12 resolution for an investigation of "Israel's human rights violations" - and only Israel's. Wikipedia quotes the resolution better than me with my lousy english:
On January 12, 2009, the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHCR) adopted Resolution S-9/1, calling to "dispatch an urgent, independent international fact-finding mission, to investigate all violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law by the occupying Power, Israel, against the Palestinian people, particularly in the occupied Gaza Strip ( :?: chaostrivia) , due to the current aggression, and calls upon Israel not to obstruct the process of investigation and to fully cooperate with the mission."[3]wikipedia

This is the title of the resolution:
S-9/1 The grave violations of human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, particularly due to the recent Israeli military attacks against the occupied Gaza Strip.
(sounds pretty much like a book title, or a final verdict, no?, what about the words "alleged", "suspicions", "possible"?)
In the voting in favor or against the resolution these were the results:
In favour: Angola, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Chile, China, Cuba, Djibouti, Egypt, Gabon, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, South Africa, Uruguay, Zambia.
Against: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cameroon, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Republic of Korea, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Abstaining: Canada
So, point (1) demonstrates how in favour of the resolution we have all of the world counties which stand in the front line fighting for human rights, esp' of their own citizens!, and against the resolution we have a list of the world's biggest consciousless criminal countries known for their everyday violations of human rights, and this is why they rejected this kind of fair and unbiased resolution!!, just to protect another criminal friend ....;)

2) Given this one-sided mandate, many were mystified when Goldstone agreed to head up the probe. Lets not forget that in 1980 Goldstone accepted the racist South African government's offer of a Transvaal Supreme Court judgeship (the juristic arm of the apartheid). He later claimed that it was "the most difficult decision of his career". When South Africa was on transit to a democracy he was offered a place in the Constitutional Court in South Africa. But errrrr oops, the human rights warrior declined the offer, and preferred instead to start working for the War Crimes Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. Also for the latter case, in an interview I found with the "The Human Rights Brief" he said, quote: "It was a difficult decision". Allow to me guess that in one not too distant day, judge Goldstone will say that accepting the job of leading this disgraceful mission was "a difficult decision" :lol: :p :lol: (source1, source2, source3)

so now that we saw who are the real protectors of human rights in the world...let examine another one
3) Before Goldstone, former UN high commissioner for human rights Mary Robinson was offered by the UN to head this mission. She declined the job, describing the council as "guided not by human rights, but by politics" and specifically citing the resolution's exclusive focus on Israel (source1 source2)

4) Israel boycotted the Goldstone mission. Israelis officials and soldiers were not allowed to cooperate with it. This is only due to its one-sided nature. Israel have co-operated with previous such UN inquiries, where the Truth and not political advantage were the real goals of the missions. This include for example the "jenin massacre" mission, which declared black on white that the Palestinian allegation of a deliberate massacre are One Thousand and One Nights.
Therefore, all of the content of the report of this "fact finding mission" is just the writing down of Palestinian allegations on paper without any interaction with the other side. The members of the committee were not present in Gaza during or before the fightings, and didn't get to hear the other side. I simply DO NOT UNDERSTAND how could they possibly for each specific event tell truth from fiction?.......?

5) The UN mandate for the Goldstone mission was required to file its report by the end of September. But hmmm...the report was already finished two weeks before that and released just 3 days ahead of the UN general assembly. Coincidence? depends on who you ask :?:

Goldstone just did the job for those who paid his salary, delivering them what they expected him to deliver.

Side comment for point (4):
I think that despite all of the above, Israel should not have boycotted the "facts finding" mission. Israel's lack of cooperation was interpreted as admittance of guilt. It was a stupid, untypical mistake. This time we should have behaved against any principle of self-respect, humiliate ourself and co-operated with the tainted committee.
Unlike the arabs, our goal is to survive, and not just have foolish pride, and to achieve this hard goal of maintaining the existence of our democratic liberal oasis in this desert of backwardness called the ME, we have to continue to outsmart them, and not to think like them.
Instead of boycotting the committee, Israel should have bombarded Goldstone with the overwhelming amount of evidence gathered during the operation, proving that it was first of all the Hamas who committed crimes against the Palestinian population, and not Israel. I heard stories from 1st sources: my friends who took part in the operation. Too bad I couldn't.
Here is a drop in the ocean:

(look at the magic of the UAVs, Israeli-made, I took part in the development of some of these incredible machines)
It takes no more than two brain cells to understand that without abusing the civilian population and hiding behind it, the Hamas wouldn't stand a chance against the IDF and in particularly not require 21 days of battle! The fire powers are so unmatched!! David vs. Goliath. If Israel and Hamas were fighting in a "civilian-free" region, as Israel called Hamas to do (just for the protocol....), Israel would have crushed even 10,000 Hamas warriors in 10 minutes. You don't have to have a fancy military education to understand this kind of ABC! If the Israeli Airplanes/Tanks/Soldier don't have to think twice before they hit the trigger ("is this one from the good or bad guys?") the game is over in 10 minutes!

This reports brings the UN back to its dark ages. It is not better than the UN resolution equating Israel and Racism. My god. It is also not much better than the denouncement of the Israeli attack on the Iraqi nuclear reactor built by Saddam Hussein, aka biggest murderer of muslims in human history. Because of the Israeli bombing of the Iraqi reactor a country called "Kuwait" still exists today (oh.. and they didn't bother to thank us, instead they continue educate for jew-hatred like the rest of the Arab world. Naturally, they also denounced the bombing...). The Goldstone report is a shame for "international law" or whatever is left of this meaningless term and worse of all: this report is a legitimization of terror, effectively meaning that terrorizing civilians with 8,600 rockets can bring political rewards!

I know that Sayed would find my reasoning above not sufficient, and keep presenting the Goldstone report as his new bible. His quotings from the Goldstone report remind me pretty much of the Muslims and Christians having "verse fights" in another forum about religions where I am also active. I imagine his state of mind when he quotes Goldstone : "eh...jew...gottacha... now this is the ultimate proof!, school this!" :hmm: ...... The Goldstone report was written by people like Sayed, for people like Sayed.

All I say clanko is that if you want to convince us that Cast Lead was part of "a long-term military, economic, and geographical practice whose political aim is nothing less than the liquidation of the Palestinian nation" you just have to bring something better than this report whose mandate is ill to start with and due to the above has no chance to be able to tell truth from fiction.

So you can either make the Goldstone report your 2nd bible like Sayed, and by thus make every other good argument you make against Israel have a strong scent of bias, or you could just dump the Goldstone report into the trash bin of history, where it belongs. Its up to you. Please let me know if my time was worth it, for next time.
By sebbysteiny

Re where I got the quote from. Certainly. Please see my post dated Fri 15 May 2009 where I fully explained this giving, in my opinion, the full context.

Please do read the report and the context and if you think I have missed anything out that may change this analysis, please do let me know as I do not pretend to have read the whole report.

Now - as in the JihadWatch link you provided to discredit the Egyptian Judge and in turn, the ICJ's 2004 ruling (if we accept that Israel submitted its report and refused to participate)...you are now somehow attempting to (without any reference to the UN report itself) smear the inquiry based solely upon Goldstone's involvement with HRW?

Correct Clanko.

If a former director of the Nazi party, a political organisation that seeks to annihilate jews, gave a UN report on antisemitism, it is a credible reason to doubt the impartiality of the report. Similarly, if a former director of HRW, a political organisation that seeks to advance the cause of pacifism by pushing the most restrictive / anti - military / pacifist interpretation of international law possible upon the world, it is a credible reason to doubt the impartiality of a report that involves international law of war.
By Swinger7714
Wow that’s a big ass report. I can make it shorter:

"Both sides are guilty, but Israel is more since its more powerful … Israel is evil and kills innocent civilians without a reason. Israel this… Israel that… Oh and by the way, some Palestinians fired a bunch of rockets… bla bla bla…"

The usual politically correct bullshit…
By sebbysteiny
Check out Goldstone's statements to the UNRHC

"Now is the time for action," Goldstone told the Human Rights Council. "A culture of impunity in the region has existed for too long."

http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite? ... 2FShowFull

What's to note is that he appears to have prejudged issues outside of the war in Gaza, which he has not actually investigated. He then uses these issues that he has no business raising to push for hasher sanctions over the matter he did apparently "investigate" (without cooperation from Israel).

This proves to me that Goldstone had adopted his HRW deceptions by mixing politics with law, which in my view destroys any legal credibility the report might have had.
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By clanko
This proves to me that Goldstone had adopted his HRW deceptions by mixing politics with law, which in my view destroys any legal credibility the report might have had.

Sebby, I think it has long been obvious that anything which criticises Israel destroys its credibility...in your view.
By sebbysteiny

Anything that mixes law and politics destroys credibility in my view. Sadly, I have not yet found a single legal opinion against Israel that does not mix law and politics and whose impartiality has not been corrupted beyond repair.

So from your prospective, I can see how this must appear as if I'm against anything against Israel. But if you could find me a report that does not have any of those problems, ie it is 1) impartial and fair and has the appearance of being impartial and fair; 2) does not mix law and politics; 3) is made by a reasonably qualified lawyer; and 4) has heard all sides of the arguments including Israels then I will support that report.

You may think this is a tough standard, but no toughter than what would be required in every court of law in all respected legal systems.

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