Attend the Fight for Socialism Today! - Politics | PoFo

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Talking about and organise marches, demonstrations, writing to your local Member of Parliament etc.

Moderator: PoFo Political Circus Mods

In Los Angeles, Ann Arbor, and New York in April of 2011.

"Workers and young people enter the second decade of the 21st Century confronting a social catastrophe, growing attacks on democratic rights, and the expansion of war. In its extreme instability, global tensions, mass unemployment and inequality, the world today resembles in many ways the Great Depression of the 1930s. A tiny financial elite has looted the public treasury and is now amassing record profits, even as the politicians and mass media call for "sacrifice" from the working class.

Everywhere around the world the conditions are the same. Workers face mass unemployment and an unrelenting attack on jobs and wages, while young people graduate from school drowning in debt, with no prospects for a job or a future.

How can these conditions be changed? Two years of the Obama administration have demonstrated that there will be no change within the existing political establishment—the Democrats and the Republicans. Defying popular sentiment, Obama has continued all the right-wing policies of his predecessor. The 2010 elections are being seized on to shift even further to the right. The extension of Bush tax cuts will be followed by brutal cuts in social programs.

A new perspective is required. The reorganization of economic life on the basis of equality, to meet social need and not private profit."

I went to a similar one last year, it was a very educational experience. Even if you don't agree with their perspective or understand it, it helps to go and learn. There is also a FaceBook page, I'm sure this conference will be as informative as the last one I attended, if not then even moreso.
By Sniperwolfe
I'll actually be in NYC that day, not sure if I'm going to go though.

Mind telling me/us a bit more about it?
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By JimmiBaez
Basically it is a public conference open to anybody (worker, student, unemployed, homeless, etc) interested in attending. There would be an analysis of international events, I'm sure the revolution in Egypt would be mentioned, the recession, housing crisis, the problems with the Obama administration and the current political/economic system itself and then would offer an alternative to all this. In Egypt, for example, the revolt is awesome and all but what will happen when the political vacuum is widened to its fullest leaving room to the likes of the military and the Muslim Brotherhood? The masses of working people in Egypt lack proper revolutionary leadership. This is one of the issues the conference will attempt to solve or at least bring attention to - the question of organization in a time of mass social upheaval.

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