BBC Bias on Middle East - Politics | PoFo

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By Moshe
THe BBC Bias on the Middle Easzt is well known & Notorious.
The BBC Mid East editor, Jeremy Bowen is an associate of Lebanese terror group Hizbolla & known for his cronyism with dictators Ahmajinidad & Assad. He is even better known for his hostility to Israel
Richard Dimbleby was a great man who did groundbreaking reporting from the newly liberated death camps at the end of WWII
Sadly his younger son, Jonathan, for his vitriolic of the Jewish State & his recollections of history- including WWII- have never included even a reference to the Holocaust
Tsipi Livni on "Today". Clearly neither Bowen or Dimbleby- or Humphreys- had anythin g to do with it
By Moshe
In 2009 a BBC internal inquiry upheld complaints of anti-Israel bias by Jeremy Bowen in his BBC Reporting.
Bowen has also been acused by anti-Gadaffi rebels of conivance with the regime against opposition
When rebel forces liberated Gadaffi's compound, they found Bowens' notebooks including information on opponents there
Bad Gossip and innuendo. Dont like the message discredit the messager, Blacken their name, screen terrorist loudly and often.

BBC is not immune to political pressure. Your posts are not accurate.

Because the BBC does not tow the Israeli line fully , you and others dont like it. It's not perfect, but it's still a quality news organization.
By Moshe
I view the BBC very favourably overall. I think the service they provide is incomparable, & we would be very much poorer without them.
However, I do believe they fall short on their news reporting
IMO, they usually show a defenite bias against Israel.
Also, the Today Prog on Radio 4 had a vendetta against former PM Tony Blair. Honcho at the Today Prog, the usually excelent John Humphries, boasted that his prog were the "opposition" to new Labour in view of the lack of an effective (Tory) opposition at the time.
The Today programm also actively campaigned against the Iraq war. Whatever the rights or wrongs of that war, it is not the job of BBC News to lead campaigns of take positions on controversial issues
but your bias is in favor of Israel, neutral reporting will sound like it has anti bias to your ears. Of course new organization should cover controversial issues. The west went to war on the basis of lies, the news organizations manifestly failed to report accurately about the issues. Sure Saddam regime was a very bad Regime with a extremely bad human rights record. But the Bush and Blair mislead their populations badly in the lead up to the war, (well in my opinion, they could have just been really stupid)
By Moshe
Yes, I am indeed biased in favor of Israel, but I can tell the difference between unbiased & biased reporting
Some reports I have seen from Al Jazeera I would consider less anti-Israel than Jeremy Bowens' reporting on the BBC
"THe BBC Bias on the Middle Easzt is well known & Notorious.
The BBC Mid East editor, Jeremy Bowen is an associate of Lebanese terror group Hizbolla & known for his cronyism with dictators Ahmajinidad & Assad"

These are the comments of one who fundamentally has no grip on reality. Bowden is a crony of Ahmajimdad and Assad? Really? You really believe this? Really?
By Moshe
Did you hear any of Jeremy Bowens commentaries on events in Syria? While the Syrian army was shooting its own citizens he was maintaining that all was well & the Syrian government was just dealing with some law & order problems. Eventually he was forced to admit things had gone awry
By Moshe
A report on the BBC censure of Jeremy Boen ... ments.html

Bowen a\serted that the conflict stemmed from the 1967. But prior to the war Israel faced Arab terror attacks & Egyptian dictatoe Abdul Nasser had been calling for the "Jews to pushed into the sea"
Abdul Nasser, who asumed a leadership role of the Arab world prior to the 67 world called on all Arab countries to "do your share" in eliminating Jews from the region: "We have almost completed (the removal of Jews) from Egypt. We, with our Arab brothers, will march on to the next step of pushing all Jews into the sea"
Moshe wrote:Bowen a\serted that the conflict stemmed from the 1967.

Which is correct. The I/P conflict begins there, as an international issue. Because Arab East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza were captured by Israel in the course of the June 1967 war. They have been allocated for a future Palestinian state. And since it is inadmissible for a state to acquire territory, or military control outside its borders, by war; Israel is obliged to fully withdraw to the June 1967 internationally recognised borders of Israel.

There's no controversy or dispute on that issue
In my opinion the BBC is one of the most objective media there is. Undoubtedly they're not 100% unbiased on everything but they do a much better job than most other media and Moshe's conspiracy theories won't change my opinion in that regard.
Moshe wrote:A report on the BBC censure of Jeremy Boen ... ments.html

Bowen a\serted that the conflict stemmed from the 1967. But prior to the war Israel faced Arab terror attacks & Egyptian dictatoe Abdul Nasser had been calling for the "Jews to pushed into the sea"
Abdul Nasser, who asumed a leadership role of the Arab world prior to the 67 world called on all Arab countries to "do your share" in eliminating Jews from the region: "We have almost completed (the removal of Jews) from Egypt. We, with our Arab brothers, will march on to the next step of pushing all Jews into the sea"

Because he didn't want to get drawn into someone's subjective opinion that the conflict really started 10, 20, 50, 100 or 3000 years before that. He went with 1967 because that's the year the border of Palestinian territories as they now exist took shape and that's the year the UN uses. This is why he's a lot more unbiased than you are.
By Rickey
Great Britain in general seems to be biased against Israel and in favor of the Arab world.

Interestingly, the UK is seeing increases in immigration from Muslim countries especially Pakistan, and are a growing minority community there. France is also seeing demographic shifts toward Islamic culture at even higher rates than the UK. Then once there, the typical family size is 2 to sometimes 3 times as large a traditional European Family which suggests it could be just a matter of time before Western Europe looks more like the Mid East than it does today. Not that that's anything to be alarmed over, migration and cultural shiftings have gone on for centuries. South Africa for example is a lot more like Europe in way than other parts of Africa. South Florida is as much Latin America culturally as it is American. Pockets of East Africa have high Indian/Pakistani populations.

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