Lawrence O'Donnell is a genius - Politics | PoFo

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A man from That Channel Nobody Watches, on his dream of making everyone a Senator:


The stupid. It burns.
This man is a genius. All Obama has to do is expand the government bureaucracy, and he will have solved the unemployment problem overnight. Why didn't I think of this?! Maybe it's because I'm not a genius like this guy.
Exactly, this dude is totally brilliant. He's the only guy not evidently stoned who gets it - politicians have jobs, man, so like, if goverment made us all them, we'd all have a job. We should make him Grand Commissar of Job Creation, we'd have no more unemployment. Ever.

Okay, I shouldn't try to talk like a stoner. At least they have the excuse of being high, he's just outrageously stupid, or was just for some unfathomable reason spouting completely nonsensical things that day. Good lord. Seriously, my reaction upon watching it was: :eh:
I think what he was trying to do, in that pea-brain of his, was to point out the obvious hypocrisy of government employees lecturing people that "the government cannot create jobs", but he doesn't seem to have thought it through properly or expressed it clearly. I doubt that it's clear even in his own mind. Inhabiting his mind must be like stumbling around in a thick fog. In other words, like being a stoner but without the fun of actually being stoned. :lol:
The OP is completely disengenuous. All he is saying is people who commit themselves to public service and have spent their entire careers suckling from the government's teet are not in a strong position to condemn government only when it services other people.
I think what he was trying to do, in that pea-brain of his, was to point out the obvious hypocrisy of government employees lecturing people that "the government cannot create jobs", but he doesn't seem to have thought it through properly or expressed it clearly. I doubt that it's clear even in his own mind. Inhabiting his mind must be like stumbling around in a thick fog. In other words, like being a stoner but without the fun of actually being stoned.

Of course. Stoners are usually fine after a few hours, if they give themselves enough time away from the bud. He probably walks around all day like that. Like The Magical Mystery Tour without the purty colors, or a Kevin Smith movie without the random Star Wars intervals.

Kman wrote:I think poor Lawrence caught the stupid from Alvin Greene, I am not sure it can be cured.

Uhhh, everything sucks because Jim DeMint started the recession, with, um, cutting... education, welfare. Ack, I think I've caught the stupid too. Jim DeMint started the recession.

The OP is completely disengenuous. All he is saying is people who commit themselves to public service and have spent their entire careers suckling from the government's teet are not in a strong position to condemn government only when it services other people.

It's called a joke, mocking what was an outrageously moronic statement on his part. "Government created your job!" Which totally means it can create so many other jobs and is such a useful tool for doing so, right? In effect, his means of combating that perceived hypocritical stance is comparing holding public office with expansion of government departments and services. It's an asinine comparison.
Uneployment benefits the economic giants though. More competition in the labour market. Salaries & wages cost money too.

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