CNN is a piece of trash - an Obama Mouthpiece - Politics | PoFo

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Compare this faked poll: ... hpt=hp_bn3

CNN Poll: Most see pathway to citizenship

to this authentic one: ... 30979.html

Majority of U.S. citizens say illegal immigrants should be deported


How can I say with such assurance and certainty that the CNN poll is fake? In my life, of all the hundreds, if not thousands, of people I speak to on a monthly basis for my work, NOT ONE has ever come out and suggested that anything but outright deportation is acceptable. I live in a major city with a lot of immigrants, many of whom are my clients who have arrived in the US on visas such as E1, L1, etc., so it is not as if I am living in white bread / red-neck territory.

It is clear to all rational adults that the fake obama regime with its corporate allies is trying to bury the US middle class and turn the US into a 3rd-world welfare state - and many major "news" outlets like CNN, the despicable NY Times, etc., are cheerleading in both their so-called news sections as well as their editorials how this amnesty for criminals - euphemistically called "immigration reform" - is "good for America." Such total fucking garbage - but will anyone in this country have the courage to stand up and stop this outrage? Or will the feds, to protect their oligopoly, send in the FBI and others to bury any such protests in their infancy?
But the U.S. has been a welfare state for up to four decades, thanks to a drop in U.S. oil production, the Nixon shock, and reliance on the petrodollar during the '70s, followed by heavy borrowing and spending across the board from the early '80s onward.
I'm still pretty new to this forum, so if you are trolling, I'm sorry for assuming you're an anti-Obama conspiracy theorist.

rmadison wrote:Compare this faked poll: ... hpt=hp_bn3

CNN Poll: Most see pathway to citizenship

to this authentic one: ... 30979.html

Majority of U.S. citizens say illegal immigrants should be deported

Two things: when you see two polls, and one confirms your existing bias, you assume the other poll is a fake produced by a pro-immigration conspiracy? You don't think that's paranoid?

Second: you do realize multiple polls show different results based on sampling size, people sampled, and so forth?

rmadison wrote:In my life, of all the hundreds, if not thousands, of people I speak to on a monthly basis for my work, NOT ONE has ever come out and suggested that anything but outright deportation is acceptable. I live in a major city with a lot of immigrants,

So every human being you come into contact with over the course of your entire life agrees with your opinion on immigration? Which universe do you hail from?

rmadison wrote:It is clear to all rational adults that the fake obama regime

Can you elaborate on how it's fake? Does it have to do with FEMA concentration camps, Marxism, communism, socialism, Kenyan-birth, Islam, taking away our jobs, raising taxes, hating Christianity, hating America, rigging the national vote, murdering senior citizens, being black, confiscating our guns, removing the Second Amendment from the Constitution, discarding the Constitution, or is it some other imaginary accusation I've not heard about yet?
I think his point is that deporting illegal immigrants is the popular perspective, which the democrats I know tend towards as well. CNN is a liberal mouthpeice, and it's not hard to concieve that their audience would bias towards the stations opinions, the same as you'd expect Fox polls to indicate gay marriage is worse than murder. There is motivation for polls to manipulate their sample groups, though, since the results can provide moral justification for a policy: "The majority of people [in a study of our choosing] support this policy, so it's democracy." In reality, the population at large is generally against it, but it enlarges the reserve pool of labor therby shifting wage costs down so it's more profitable to special interests to ignore it.
Figlio di Moros wrote:I think his point is that deporting illegal immigrants is the popular perspective, which the democrats I know tend towards as well. CNN is a liberal mouthpeice, and it's not hard to concieve that their audience would bias towards the stations opinions, the same as you'd expect Fox polls to indicate gay marriage is worse than murder. There is motivation for polls to manipulate their sample groups, though, since the results can provide moral justification for a policy: "The majority of people [in a study of our choosing] support this policy, so it's democracy." In reality, the population at large is generally against it, but it enlarges the reserve pool of labor therby shifting wage costs down so it's more profitable to special interests to ignore it.

This is a bit of tangent but watching Fox News and CNN on occasion is part of the reason I am really opposed to direct democracy in America. Can you imagine the horror of so many ignorant, uniformed, stupid people getting direct voting rights on a regular basis if they so choose? I am frightened by this.
The problem isn't so much ignorant people as a middle class that wants (and gets) tax cuts and easy credit, thus voting for government that offers the first and that supports corporations that guarantee the second, all part of a consumer spending economy that uses the world's reserve currency.

With that, collapse is inevitable.
Evidently a poll result will depend on how a question is asked. The "path to citizenship" question is truly biased, downright pathetic. I see a lot of garbage being put out by the USA media ref this topic.

As a legal immigrant who later became a USA citizen, and ex multinational manager who had to help our employees apply for work visas, I'm familiar with the current system. And nothing in the law says or has to say these illegals have to have a path to citizenship. Thus the pro-illegal forces are taking this way beyond the boundary.

I pity the illegals, understand their problems, but they are illegal. Amnesty would be a huge mistake. There are more qualified individuals and families waiting to immigrate legally, so the question isn't about limiting immigration, it's about not allowing people to break the law and get away with it.

To those who oppose this amnesty bullshit I say stand firm. The key is not to be drawn into the trap they set to paint you as racists and nuts. Just say its ok to allow immigrants but they have to be qualified. Speaking English is a reasonable requirement, as is being healthy, having a trade or profession the country needs, and not having a criminal record or a psychological profile which may lead to a criminal problem later. There are plenty of people to pick from anyway. And there's no reason to tie a visa to a "path to citizenship". Becoming a us citizen should be hard, giving the vote is no light matter. And I assure you, when I was an immigrant I could be drafted and sent to fight, and I had no problem with it. So it's not a question of having freeloaders around who can't put on a helmet and go fight for the country. They can go, and if they refuse then they can go back to where they came from.

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