Lenin's Jewish roots - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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By vage
Lenin had a Jewish grandfather, Alexander Dmitrievich Blank, on his mother's side. Russian author Dmitri Volkogonov's 1994 biography of Lenin notes that

LENIN - Jewish roots of a revolutionary By Zev BEN-SHLOMO [Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (= Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov) < Maria Aleksandrovna Ulyanova (= Maria Aleksandrovna Blanka) < Aleksandr Dmitrievich Blank (= Israel/Srul Moishevich Blank, born in Zhitomir, Volynia, Ukaine) < Moishe Itskovich Blank] [Wladimir Iljitsch Lenin (= Wladimir Iljitsch Uljanow) < Maria Aleksandrowna Uljanowa (Maria Aleksandrowna Blanka) < Aleksandr Dmitriewitsch Blank (= Israel/Srul Mojschewitsch Blank, in Shitomir/Schitomir, Wolynien, Ukraine geboren) < Mojsche Izkowitsch Blank] (Added 2003.11.20)


Dmitri Volkoganov on Lenin and Trotsky

Volkoganov was Director of the Institute For Military History in the USSR in its latest years. After the fall of the USSR he gained access to the previously-secret archives on Lenin.

In his biography Lenin, he writes of Lenin's Jewish self-identity: Lenin's sister Anna confirmed it in a letter to Stalin.

"{p. 8} In her letter to Stalin, Anna wrote, 'It's probably no secret for you that the research on our grandfather shows that he came from a poor Jewish family ...

"{p. 9} ' ... she also asserted ... that Lenin's Jewish origins 'are further confirmation of the exceptional abilities of the Semitic tribe, [confirmation] always shared by Ilyich [Lenin] ... Ilyich always valued the Jews highly'. ... Anna's claim explains, for instance, why Lenin frequently recommended giving foreigners, especially Jews, intellectually demanding tasks, and leaving the elementary work to the 'Russian fools'..

"But a little over a year later, Anna approached Stalin again, asserting that 'in the Lenin Institute, as well as in the Institute of the Brain ... they have long recognized the great gifts of this nation and the extremely beneficial effects of its blood on the progeny of mixed marriages. Ilyich himself rated their revolutionary qualities highly, contrasting it with the more sluggish and unstable character of the Russians. He often pointed out that the great [attributes of] organization and the strength of the revolutionary bodies in the south and west [of Russia] arose precisely from the fact that 50 per cent of their members were of that nationality.' But Stalin, the Russified Georgian, could not allow it to be known that Lenin had Jewish roots, and his strict prohibition remained firmly in place."

"{p.xxxvii} He {Lenin} went on: 'Hand out the work to Russian idiots: send the cuttings here, but not occasional issues (as these idiots have been doing until now).'

"{p. 112} He {Lenin} might have been thinking of Parvus (or perhaps himself?) when he said to Gorky: 'the clever Russian is almost always a Jew or has Jewish blood in him.'"

Researcher Wayne McGuire of Harvard University writes: "Lenin was a Jew by the standards of Israel's Law of Return: he possessed a Jewish grandparent. It would seem that not only was Lenin a Jew, but that he was a Jewish racist and chauvinist, although he kept his ideas on this volatile subject far in the background, probably because they were in radical conflict with the supposed universalism of Marxism. ...Lenin was a Jewish racist who deliberately gave Jews especially, the most 'intellectually demanding tasks.' He admitted that 50% of the communist terrorist vanguard in the south and west of Russia was comprised of Jews."


Last edited by vage on 17 Jul 2005 06:27, edited 1 time in total.
By The Duke
Well, that brings the total number of Jewish leaders of the Bolshevik revolution to five (out of six), which is a pretty amazing fact. Especially when one takes into account the percentage of Jews in Russia at that time.
By Crazy Brown Guy
Who cares, fact that he was a Jew didn't determine anything he did, unless, you want to think this is a conspiracy by Jews to take over the world. :eh:
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By Ombrageux
No cares, or alternatively, no one should care.
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By MB.
Was he also an athiest, a pladgirist, a gay, and a catholic muslim lesbian black women?
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By Maxim Litvinov
What's the point of this, if not to cater to racist conspiracy theorists?

Lenin's grandfather on his mother's side converted to the Orthodox faith and renounced all connections to the Jewish faith and culture. The fact that he had been Jewish was not actually discovered by Anna, Lenin's sister, until 1897 when she discovered abroad that basically all the Blanks were Jewish and traced their families routes. Needless to say, culturally, religiously and ideologically, Lenin was not Jewish.

I'll quote from Robert Service (Lenin, p. 17-18) on Moishe Blank:
"Moshko Blank was not a pracitisng Jew. His parents had not brought him up to observe the Jewish faith, and he had not sent his own children to the local Jewish school... When Moshko's wife died, he broke the remaining connections with the faith of his ancestors. He approached the local priest and was baptised as an Orthodox Christian... few apostates behaved quite as aggressively to their former coreligionists as Moshkov Blank, who wrote to the Ministry of the Interior suggesting additional constraints upon Jews. He proposed to ban the Jews from selling non-Kosher food (which they could not eat themselves) and from employing Christians on the Jewish sabbath (when Jews could perform no work). He particularly urged that the Hasidim, the fervent and mystical Jewish sect, should be prohibited from holding meetings. Moshko's militancy was extraordinary. He called upon the Ministry of the Interior to prevent Jews in general from praying for the coming of the Messiah and to oblige them to pray for the health of the Emperor and his family. In short, Moshko Blank was an anti-semite."
By Ixa
Dixie, what do you think of the above ? and the Duke ?
By Ixa
What do you think of Maxim Litvinov's post above ?

It debunks your original thesis, so I should like very much to know your thoughts on it.

By Einherjar
Why should there be a point? Simply, it is interesting that many leaders of the communist revolution were of jewish origins.
By 1917
Why ARE we suprised?, the Jews were a repressed minority in Russia, victims of Pogroms (which Nicholas II, being a staunch and racist Christian was very keen on) and were for many centuries forced to live only in certain areas of Russia.

Many of the leaders of the revolution as such were of course Jews, I can't see why we are suprised?, most of the rich were against the revolution you know! *shock* *horror* who ever would know? :P

The nations conquered and "Russianised" by the Imperialists were also very keen revolutionaries.

Mind you as has already been highlighted Lenin was in no way Jewish himself, my Greeat Great Grandfather was a finnish inuit, does'nt mean I can gut fish and sail like a pro. :P

Sorry, i'm in a sarcastic mood tonight!, but this topic does highlight a very interesting point, the oppression of the Jews in Russia, we are all so keen and so quick to remember what happened in Germany, but for many years that was a sanctuary for Jews fleeing from Czarist persecution.

And it was also debunked.

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